
Chapter 583: Wrath of the Holy Land (Part 3)

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Within ten minutes, visions flashed over the Vatican, and even mortals could feel them.

Pieces of bright electric light and streaks of holy golden light lingered in the air. Countless believers bowed their heads and chanted, kneeling in worship. Singing in praise of the majesty of the Lord or Allah.

That... was the vision of the collision between the Archduke and the Archduke.

If it weren't for the impregnable Vatican's National Defense Formation, a disgraceful formation like the one in New York would have been shattered long ago.

One shot...

Xu Yangyi was extremely anxious, and his eyes turned red.

Holy Sword, there is only one last shot left!

The Archduke in the air launched several attacks in succession, but he could only use the holy sword to resist. But this is not the most terrifying thing, the most terrifying thing is...

In the distance, six spiritual energies, as towering as mountains and as majestic as the sea, are approaching rapidly!

In less than three seconds, I'm afraid we will be close to here!

And he is still more than ten kilometers away from the city gate!

Moreover, he could feel that his speed... was slowing down!

Any national defense formation is not just defense, it is pure defense. Unless it can withstand the destruction of the earth, it will definitely not be of high quality. A national defense formation comes with a lot of power, and apparently someone has started to activate the Jerusalem national defense formation controlled by the Koran, the legendary holy relic of Islam.

Hundreds of monks, the Eight Grand Dukes, the hidden prince, the Koran spinning in the sky, the forbidden formation that closed Jerusalem...

There is no escape from the dragnet.

"Heresy..." A thunderous voice sounded in the sky: "You are worthy of praise for being able to survive under the hands of this Grand Duke for so long. Convert to my religion, otherwise, Jerusalem will be your burial place!"

Xu Yangyi said nothing.

Nine kilometers...

Once you get there, you will definitely be able to rush out with your backhand!

And within the city, there is another invisible benefit.

He felt that the opponent was in the late stage of the Archduke. However, he could not be defeated by several moves, and he even still had some strength left. This was impossible. The only explanation is that the other party is worried about hurting innocent people.

In the Holy City, the Grand Duke of Islam killed believers. Even if mortals didn't know it, it was a huge blow to their piety, Taoism, and reputation.

"Cunning heretic." In the sky, a veiled woman pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised her hand, and a stream of light shot straight into the sky.

"Wow..." The light exploded in the sky, forming words that everyone could see.

It is an ancient rune, but when translated to this day, it only has two words: take punishment.

"Wow!" With the appearance of this rune, the two holiest mosques in Jerusalem are also among the top ten mosques in the world, second only to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock in Mecca, the first holiest site in Islam. In the middle, two iron doors that had never been opened suddenly opened.

They are in the most difficult-to-find corner. The interior is rusty and leads directly to the ground. It is a forbidden area for the two major mosques. Now, without anyone touching it, the iron gate fell to the ground, and then the sound of countless war horses neighed.

"Xilulu!" As a group of red war horses jumped out from the iron gate, a total of three hundred cavalrymen raised dust on the ground and stood on the road behind Xu Yangyi.

Everyone was wearing white robes and hoods, and their faces could not be seen clearly. Every part of their bodies was wrapped in cloth, and their faces were covered with a black mask. A sword studded with precious stones was slung across his waist.

"This is..." People on the roadside were completely stunned, and some history fans shouted out in surprise: "Zong... Zong, Zong, the Inquisition?!"

"Shouldn't they be dead for hundreds of years?! How can they still be there!!"

In mid-air, the woman bowed to them respectfully: "It is really presumptuous to disturb the senior heroes. The heretics are extremely cunning and are rushing into the inner city of Jerusalem. Please take action to rectify the name of God."

Before he finished speaking, all the war horses lined up in ten rows, with ten people in each row. Neatly as if calibrated.

"Swish, swish, swish!!" In the sky, streaks of golden light shot into their bodies, and suddenly... all the knights, their cloaks flying, a hundred people as if they were one person, their horses raised their front hooves, and rushed towards Xu Yangyi's back!

"Rumble..." The war horses trampled the ground, like a sea wave, and like a drum hammering into people's hearts. The whole ground was shaking. Xu Yangyi was already covered with sweat in front of him, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn!!"

This is not a living person...

He could feel that under the opponent's cloak, there was a spirit like Zhao Ziqi, but... extremely powerful!

One hundred spiritual bodies of the late Marquis! And it’s still getting stronger!

"Crack!" Just within 500 meters of Xu Yangyi, all the cavalry suddenly accelerated, their horses' hooves filling the sky with flames. It’s not a description, but a real flame, making the road feel like a path of holy fire! And... golden light flashed in everyone's hands, and a blood-stained spear suddenly appeared. It was grabbed by these cavalrymen, dragged to the ground, and golden sparks were dragged out in the sea of ​​​​fire.

And they are like the avengers of Allah who have descended into the world.

"Kill!!!!" The roar was shocking. Three hundred meters closer, all the cavalrymen raised their spears, pointing directly at Xu Yangyi's heart!

The horse moves very fast, and the bow is as frightening as a thunderbolt.

"Fuck..." Xu Yangyi glanced at the city wall regretfully, did he need that trick?

Once he leaves Jerusalem, if there is a prince, then he will never stand idle. This is a provocation to the Holy Land of the Three Religions. The farther away he is, the safer he will be.

And he was only five kilometers away from the door!

"Secret treasure..." He took a deep breath, and his hand finally touched the storage ring. The last few thousand meters were no longer within his strength.

"Heaven's Horn!"

The things at the bottom of the box can no longer be kept!

This is not a battlefield for him, a marquis, to achieve great perfection.

"Woo..." Between heaven and earth, a desolate horn sounded, and an old horn appeared in his hand. As the sound fell, on the road ahead of the Inquisition, suddenly, a door to heaven opened.

"Shua La La..." A golden wing flew, white light flashed, and behind him, dozens of shining figures, holding large shields and spears, collided with the wave of cavalry!

In the sky, everyone was stunned.

"Vatican..." Ghalib gritted his teeth, Xu Yangyi had already approached the outside of the city, and at this moment, there were few people. He flipped his hand and hit it without hesitation!

"Boom!" In the sky, the black clouds opened up, and a golden giant hand came over like a thunderbolt, vowing to beat this heretic to ashes.

Anything beyond the realm is difficult to sustain. He didn't believe that the opponent had used that move so many times, how many more times?

"Aludov's blessing!"

Xu Yangyi didn't pause at all. When that move fell on him, he left the last move of the holy sword and used Aludov's blessing instead.

He didn't want to use prince-level things in the city. Because... once there is really a prince in the city, if there is a battle between the grand dukes, he doesn't want to intervene. A prince-level item, and a heretic item, is bound to completely anger the other party.

"Boom!" The giant hand slapped outside Xu Yangyi and stopped. There, the stars shone, and actually blocked this attack!

"This is..." All the princes were stunned. They didn't hit the opponent before, but now, they hit it, and they really hit it head-on, but... they couldn't get in!

"Is this... a magic weapon of the prince level?" Alay, who was far away, took a look and took a breath of cold air: "How could he have such a thing?"

In an instant, Xu Yangyi rushed out a thousand meters!

And... a pair of dragon wings grew on his back! He flew off the ground!

The speed was so fast that it was like a meteor!

"How is this possible?!" Ghalib exclaimed: "In the holy city, non-believers cannot fly! And... these are the wings of the dragon clan!"

Secret treasure... Dragon Star Cluster!

"Swish!" The wings spread out, raising the starlight in the sky. Xu Yangyi's speed instantly left the field of vision of the grand dukes and arrived at the city gate in an instant!

Finally arrived...

Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief, but before he finished his breath, he saw an old man with white hair looking at him in astonishment where he landed.

No time to talk nonsense with mortals, he picked up the phone without saying a word: "Start."

However, in an instant, the space around him seemed to solidify.

"I'm surprised..." The old man was blown by the wind and turned into sand and disappeared.

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, then he took a breath and turned his head suddenly.

Those sands flew behind him, and behind him... a place more than ten kilometers away... a terrifying aura that surpassed everything, now... except Xiaoqing, he had never felt it, spreading across the sky like a god!

"Swish..." At this moment, the night suddenly dissipated, replaced by the sun all over the sky.

"WHAT?!" The tourists who were shocked by everything in front of them were speechless at this moment.

"What is this?!" "OHFUCK! I must be crazy!" "MYGOD... Is this the coming of God?"

Night turned to day!

In the blink of an eye, it returned to night again, making people think that they were just dazzled just now. Many people also asked the people around them if they had seen it wrong.

But... Xu Yangyi knew that no one had seen it wrong.

Because, at the same time, in the sky, all the Grand Dukes half-knelt down, all the Marquises prostrated themselves in front of the sky, and every Muslim on the ground sang madly to the sky.

This is... the Prince...

The Nascent Soul Real Body!

"Start! Start!!" He shouted at the phone fiercely.

However, he stopped immediately.

An extremely old hand had already grasped his phone, and with a light squeeze, the phone turned into ashes.

His heart was beating wildly.

He felt that person... In an instant, he shrunk into an inch, and came to him from more than ten kilometers away without blinking his eyes. And he didn't feel it at all, and he approached him.

Sure enough... there is a Prince!

"God bless you." The old voice sounded from behind: "I am the Mullah here."

"Others also call me Caliph."

At this moment, Xu Yangyi's body disappeared.

Replaced by another person.

Savidian Covenas VI!

God's alibi is activated!

Within a kilometer, you can switch at will!

He is not alone... but one of the ten great families in Europe and America, facing a genuine Islamic prince together!

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