
Chapter 584: The Prince Takes Action (I)

"OH...FUCK!! FUCK!" Savidian VI cursed loudly the moment he appeared, and then he immediately felt something. He knelt down with cold sweat all over his body, not daring to say a word.

He... faced the gods.

He could only see the other side's bare feet on the ground, covered with wrinkles.

He didn't dare to look up.

Silence, three seconds later, an old voice sighed: "Very good."

In the fourth second, the whole Jerusalem trembled.

"Swish swish swish..." All the sand and dust in Jerusalem on the edge of the semi-desert rose into the air, and in an instant, formed a sandstorm of more than 10,000 meters, and chased out quickly!

"Swoosh!" A huge sandstorm swept through Jerusalem in an instant, and all mortals were stunned. They stared at the distant sand and dust with their eyes wide open.

It was as majestic as the sea and as vast as smoke, comparable to the most violent sand and dust in the Sahara Desert. However, no one in the city had a grain of sand on their body.

"FUCK..." A white man knelt down on the spot with a plop: "I... didn't believe in God..."

"Oh my god..." "What on earth is this..." "Is this God's mercy or God's punishment..."

Savidean VI only felt a pair of bare feet passing by. He was extremely old, but he was like a prehistoric beast, so he didn't dare to move at all. He... had white hair all over his face, and almost showed his true form.

Ten minutes later, when he could no longer feel the terrifying spiritual pressure, he stood up.

However, in front of him, eight pairs of eyes made him almost want to rush up and tear that bastard to pieces!

"Savidean VI..." Alay said coldly: "Jerusalem has nothing to do with Europe and the United States. Can you tell me why you are here?"

Savidean VI gritted his teeth and couldn't say a word.

What to say?

He already knew why this was... Liu Sheng... Liu Sheng, this stupid pig, was actually dead! And the summoning array was also taken by that little beast. What secret treasures the European and American tribes have, they simply cannot tell each other, which leads to the fact that only Xu Yangyi knows. Savidian VI himself had no idea which family's shitty secret treasure this was!

At that critical moment, the other party summoned him, of course he would come, to be able to personally avenge the murder of his son, is what he has always dreamed of. He never expected that the other party would use that damn secret treasure to forcibly change his position, and he was still being summoned, and was actually replaced in front of a prince!

Now, after calming down, he realized that this was actually Jerusalem!

"Bastard... Bastard!!"

Xu Yangyi didn't want to know what would happen to Savidian VI. Now he only knew to escape, escape, and escape.

Chu Zhaonan, Liu Sheng was behind him. Chu Zhaonan was about to greet Xu Yangyi who was shooting away like a meteor in the sky, but before he could move, suddenly, Liu Sheng Danma beside him softened his legs and knelt down with a plop. Trembling all over, he kowtowed desperately in the opposite direction of him.

"You..." Chu Zhaonan was stunned, turned his head in surprise, and saw a scene that he would never forget in his life.


It was extremely terrifying, and the huge sandstorm was the kind that could only be seen in documentaries, and it was beyond people's imagination. It swept up from the entire Jerusalem, but it was not a tornado, but a mist of sand, covering the sky and the ground. Yellow clouds were everywhere, and wherever it passed, the sand on the ground seemed to be ordered and flew into the air. Let this sand storm get bigger and bigger!

Now... it has been several thousand meters, and they have come out in full force. There is no shadow of Jerusalem behind the mad sand.

"This is..." He was stunned in place, and the mad sand came in an instant. At this moment, he felt like he was trapped in hell.

I don't know how long it took, the sandstorm flew over, and he was still intact. Yagyu Danma beside him trembled and sweated all over, as if he had died once.

"Nascent Soul?" Chu Zhaonan spoke in an extremely hoarse voice.

Liu Sheng Danma's tears flowed down physiologically. He wanted to say yes, but he couldn't make a sound. As long as he was a cultivator, he could feel the terrifying spiritual power inside that was beyond everything, even the golden elixir couldn't reach. He could only nod gently and silently.

Chu Zhaonan was silent. He had no spiritual power now and couldn't feel this kind of horror, but he was worried about that person.

The pursuit of the Yuanying cultivator... Thinking of what he asked him to do, he couldn't help but worry.

Then he jumped into the car.

"What are you going to do." Liu Sheng Danma's voice was hoarse, and he was finally able to speak. In the past few minutes, he seemed to have aged a few years: "Going there is to seek death."

"Yuanying Zhenjun personally took action. He has already made the sky angry and the people resentful in Jerusalem... You... want to die too?"

The answer to him was the sound of the jeep leaving.

Xu Yangyi ran forward with all his strength.

The dragon star group on his back exerted 100% of its effect, turning into a stream of light in the sky, and desperately rushed to the top of the world map.

Syria, Turkey, as long as they can escape Istanbul, an important city at the junction of the Middle East and Europe, there is a vital buffer zone between Italy and the Middle East.

Balkan Peninsula.

And above it, there is a city called Greece. There, there is the second divine family in Europe and America!

"As long as we cross Istanbul... we will be safe!"

Now, nothing can be kept. He touched the storage ring and a drop of bright red blood appeared.

Holy Blood of the Ancestor!

A drop of nearly dried blood from the ancestor of Tagule, it can allow him to be transported along a fixed track for a thousand kilometers!

However, at the moment when the ancestor's holy blood was taken out, he suddenly felt that the surrounding spiritual energy was all cut off.

Not completely, there is still a trace, so... it takes a lot of time to start. And now, every second is life.

"Eye of the Elf!" He touched the storage ring again, and a blue crystal appeared. Suddenly, the scene behind him immediately appeared in his mind.

"Heh..." After just one look, he wished that the Dragon Star Group would be several times faster.

That... sandstorm that seemed like an atomic bomb explosion chased him at a faster speed than him!

"This old monster..." He gritted his teeth: "Definitely more than the early stage of the Nascent Soul!"

Suddenly, in the rolling sandstorm, countless sand and dust were pieced together and combined. In a moment, a huge human face that was thousands of meters long, all made of sand, appeared behind him.

It was an old man with wrinkles all over his face, like a corpse about to be buried. He slowly opened his mouth and actually made a human voice.


"Buzz..." Suddenly, the surrounding space began to become substantial at a speed visible to the naked eye, forming a looming prison, which quickly imprisoned him.

"Words come true?!" In his mind, Zhao Ziqi took a breath: "Is this the power of the Nascent Soul?"

"It's just the beginning!" Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and said: "Otherwise, if he says stop, I can only stop!"

"But... even if it's the beginning, it's scary enough!"

Yes... the opponent can't catch up with the Dragon Star Group for the time being, but at most half an hour, he will definitely be caught up, and judging from the opponent's posture, he has no intention of stopping at all. And half an hour... is definitely not enough for him to rush from Israel to Istanbul!

"My name is Abdullah, the White Sam of the Sand." Behind him, the huge face that almost reached the sky and the earth spoke calmly, and his voice was like a bomber flying by his ear: "I have been sitting in Jerusalem for 782 years."

"For more than 700 years, no one has dared to cause trouble in Jerusalem."

"Mortal affairs should be solved by mortals. Monks, as long as Islam is in power, no one dares to cross the border of Jerusalem. Not even Pope Peter of Light."

"However, today, you, a tiny pagan, did it."

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips, and the hair on his back rose layer by layer. The dragon star group waved the brilliance of the stars, desperately infusing spiritual energy into the holy blood of the ancestor.

"You entered Jerusalem, and God had already hinted at you. I didn't want to show up, but you actually brought dirty pagan magic tools and dared to connect with Christians. God sees everything, you...there is no way to escape from heaven and earth."

Escape, escape, escape, escape...As his last word fell, his voice echoed in the sky in all directions. Then... Israel, which is close to the Nefud Desert, in front of Xu Yangyi, all the sand waves stood up like waves, forming a huge wall of quicksand.

I don't know how long it is, I don't know how high it is, I just feel that it is through the sky and the earth, and it is all yellow in all directions.

Xu Yangyi felt a desire in his heart. Magical weapons are magical weapons after all, and they are completely passive. Spiritual treasures can be encountered but not sought. One's own realm is everything, and everything else is external.

When encountering a real Yuanying, others can play with it however they want. Living things can eventually find the flaws of dead things.

And Baisamu of the Sand is already doing this.

"Brother?" Zhao Ziqi said nervously.

"Go!" Xu Yangyi did not hesitate and did not use the holy sword. The holy sword had no effect on the attack of Yuanying Zhenjun.

Staying where you are is a dead end! Knowing that the front is the magical power of Yuanying Zhenjun, you must rush over!

Heaven and hell are just a thought away.

"Boom!!" The figure rushed directly into the wall of sand like a meteor. In the sandstorm tens of thousands of meters behind him, infinite sand condensed, and a yellow sand hand was looming in it.

"Quicksand Burial."

"Ka Ka Ka..." All the soft sand condensed in an instant. Xu Yangyi was in it and could clearly feel that he was like a mortal being sealed in a cement wall.

"Too strong..." He gritted his teeth and opened all of Arudov's blessings. Even so, he felt that his body was terribly oppressed. This prince's magic weapon is known as absolute defense, and now it has finally reached its limit.

The harsh crackling sound kept ringing around, and pieces of golden light were wiped out, reborn, and then... rapidly weakened.

A demon-like spiritual energy crazily invaded his body. Even with the protection of Arudov's blessing, he felt his skin cracking inch by inch. In less than three seconds, large pieces of blood gushed out of his skin. That was the result of muscles and bones being unable to withstand such violent spiritual power, resulting in cracks.

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