
Chapter 585: The Prince Takes Action (Part 2)

"What a fucking monster!" Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth. Every grain of sand was like a bullet. Now he was surrounded by gunfire and rain of bullets. His body was torn apart by pain, but he dared not relax a bit.

"We must rush out of here before it completely collapses!" He took a deep breath, quickly formed seals with his hands, felt the crazy loss of spiritual energy in his body, and took out a handful of pills without hesitation and put them in his mouth.

Any magic weapon has its way of fully opening. It's just... it depends on whether the cultivator can bear it. Otherwise, it will burn the life of the magic weapon.

In this case, he is about to drown in the sea of ​​sand. Can he still care about the life of the magic weapon?

The spiritual energy in the body was pumped out like a water pump. On Arudov's blessing, the light was bright and the sound of Kaka quickly weakened. At the same time, the dragon star group behind him shone with a silver-white color, and his body suddenly accelerated.

"Boom boom boom!" The body was like a meteor impact, and the layers of sand barriers were broken, bringing a violent impact that was about to break the bones. As he got faster and faster, blood gushed out of his body.

"Brother..." Zhao Ziqi shouted worriedly.

Xu Yangyi didn't speak. He was holding his breath in his heart. If he let go, he would be crushed into pieces by this coffin of crazy sand.

Closer... Closer... He could vaguely see the blurred scene behind the sand wall that was several hundred meters thick. The shadows were blurry, but it was not that the scene was not clear, but that his vision was blurred due to excessive blood loss.

The pain had disappeared. At the critical moment of life and death, he could not feel anything except the desire to live.

Fifty meters... Ten meters!

"Puff!" When he rushed out of this unknown thick sand wall, he felt like a drowned person suddenly coming out of the water. Just as he was about to open his mouth to take a deep breath, a mouthful of blood almost poured into his throat. Only then did he realize that he had become a bloody man. As he flew, blood was scattered all over the road.

The severe pain in his limbs and bones was finally released from the suppression and transmitted madly to his nerve center. However, he had no time to feel the pain, let alone lick his wounds. Now he had only one thought.

Faster... Faster! No matter what, he had to escape the hunting range of the God of Death behind him!

"Brother!!" At this moment, Zhao Ziqi exclaimed. After a moment of distraction, Xu Yangyi regained consciousness immediately, and then... the elf eye reflected a desperate picture in his mind.

The thousands of meters of yellow sand wall behind him surged like a tide. Just as he broke through the hundreds of meters of crazy sand coffin, a hundreds of meters of sand hand condensed in it at an unimaginable speed.

And, he bent a finger.

Index finger.

Facing Xu Yangyi.

No wind, no sound.

Everything around him condensed at this moment. Xu Yangyi, whose mind paused for a second, had a finger thousands of times bigger in front of him, reaching through the sky and the earth. Time seemed to stop.

"Run!!!" When his mind returned to the voice that was cold because of extreme fear, he roared, and the dragon star group was fully deployed. Even a giant dragon phantom appeared and turned around and ran.

"Sha..." At this moment, it was as if an atomic bomb exploded behind him. A violent shock wave that had never been felt before came, silent and silent, like the sickle of the god of death, but wherever it swept, countless black cracks were torn in the sky.

Yuanying pointed!

One finger... thousands of meters.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi took out all the prince-level magic weapons without hesitation, and all of them burst out their potential!

With a muffled "pop", ten rays of light flashed violently in the sky, as if ten suns rose. All the prince-level treasures were actually shot by this finger and lost their spirituality, temporarily becoming ordinary things!

"An instrument is an instrument after all."

"And I have already touched the threshold of the next realm."

"God understands innocence, but will not forgive innocence."

"Boom!!!!" A muffled sound shook the earth, and Xu Yangyi groaned, and then, like a bullet shot out of a gun, he was instantly bounced out of the sky.

"Sand..." A violent rain of sand and dust slowly fell, and the sandstorm of tens of thousands of meters was wiped out. In the air, a white figure walked out of it, unstained and calm as before.

He frowned slightly, and at this moment, the other party's spiritual consciousness completely disappeared.

Is he dead?

It makes sense... But he is not completely relieved.

He gently stretched out his hand and patted the white robe - there was not a grain of sand on it, then looked at the direction where Xu Yangyi was hit, slowly raised his feet, and disappeared in an instant.

In the sky, only a series of loud "dong dong" noises were left, and circles of golden ripples visible to the naked eye spread out in the air, transformed into gorgeous talismans, and then turned into yellow sand and disappeared. It was like a giant running in the wilderness of yellow sand, stepping on the dust all over the ground.

No worries.

No doubts.

Being hit by his finger, even with so many magic weapons protecting the body, it would be a dead end for a mere foundation building.

However, he wanted to personally capture this pagan who brought shame to Jerusalem.

Even if it was just a corpse.

"Swish..." Five minutes later, this almost illusory figure suddenly stopped.

At this moment, he had left Jerusalem for an unknown distance and approached the border area of ​​Israel.

The wind blew up his robe, making a rustling sound. The old man under the moon outlined the appearance of death and loneliness, looked around quietly for a moment, and suddenly laughed softly.


"Since I became a prince, no one has been able to escape from my sight. A mere marquis can actually do this."

"How amazing..."

He was fooled.

With his speed, it was impossible for him not to see the other party's body in five minutes. There was only one explanation...

The other party hid when he was knocked away.

"Swish!" If he was calm when he was chasing before, now, he was shrouded in a cold murderous intent.

"Boom boom..." As his figure flew back, all the ground was dug three feet deep wherever he passed! Except for the national highway, the surrounding desert sank more than ten meters, and countless wild sand formed a surging wave behind him.

It was like... a tsunami in the desert!

Not too far...

The other party was within a radius of 10,000 meters.

Three minutes later, he reached the top, his spiritual awareness was like a tide, covering tens of thousands of meters around. At this moment, even the movement of an ant could not escape his eyes.

"The crime of blaspheming Jerusalem is not too serious now." He said calmly: "But you can't bear the responsibility of angering this king."

"This king will give you a chance, stand up, don't let me find you inch by inch. This king can give you a quick death."

He waited patiently for a minute.

No answer.

"Then, now, the way you die will be handed over to the almighty Allah." He slowly raised one hand, and in the blurred figure, he made an unchanging sound, as if nothing could arouse his interest. He said lightly: "Get up."

"Boom boom boom..." Ten thousand meters around, suddenly, gravity disappeared.

Countless sand, debris, plants, animals hiding under the sand, with his simple word, all floated in the air! Even the convoy within ten thousand meters, strangely lifted off the ground!

The realm of the gods!

One minute, three minutes, five minutes.

Within ten thousand meters, the ground sank twenty meters. However, his eyes flickered lightly, and there was no trace of that person!

Not here.

However, he was sure that the other party was hiding on this road!

He could even guess the other party's mentality. At this moment, the other party must be like a poor groundhog, curled up underground. He didn't dare to move. The prince-level spiritual consciousness covered 10,000 meters. He would be discovered as soon as he moved.

He didn't know that just 10,000 spirits and 5,020 meters away, Xu Yangyi held back all his spiritual energy and gritted his teeth to hide in the desert underground more than ten meters.

Just now, the earth-shaking shock made him know that the other party had reacted.

However, he couldn't move, and couldn't move!

This desert, half a meter around him, was stained red with blood. That finger was too terrible. Not only did it shatter all his magic weapons, but it also seriously injured him.

He didn't dare to use spiritual power to repair the wound. His five internal organs must have been seriously injured. Now he opened his mouth with blood. He only hoped that this terrifying monster could leave immediately, the farther the better!

"Brother..." Zhao Ziqi said in a trembling voice, wanting to say something, but couldn't say it.

Xu Yangyi did not answer. He did not dare to faint. He took out a dagger from the storage ring and stabbed it in unimportant places little by little.

"Boom boom..." However, even if he was underground, he could feel the whole ground rumbling. The sound of despair was getting closer and closer to them, no longer more than a thousand meters away!

It seemed very big, but for a prince-level monster, it was just a matter of a finger.

"Boom..." Just as they were talking, the scenery in the sky had completely changed. Bai Samu sat in the air, with him as the center, a golden circular barrier that only monks could see slowly spread to the periphery.

This little monk was very interesting.

He could make this barrier reach the maximum distance of 15,000 meters in an instant, and all the spiritual things in it would be instantly shattered. But he did not.

If possible, he planned to force the other party out, instead of letting the other party die painlessly in an instant.

Not being able to feel your own death is a kind of mercy. And mercy is a luxury for sinners.

"Hua la la..." The barrier spread, and all objects were screened by the Eye of God. Xu Yangyi had already sensed it... it was very close to him... very close...

Without saying anything more, he sighed, took a deep breath, and put his hand on the storage ring.

However... at this moment, the vibration of the entire surface suddenly stopped.

Xu Yangyi raised his head silently, and his eyes suddenly burst into a strong desire to survive.

Bai Samu also raised his head slightly, staring in one direction, and suddenly sneered: "Saint Peter of Light... long time no see."

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