
Chapter 586: Dragon Born

In the sky, a golden door slowly opened, a melodious chant sounded, and countless spiritual feathers fell from the sky. Then, a vague figure appeared in the light door.

"Long time no see." St. Peter said calmly: "Stop, Bai Samu."

"Are you ordering me?" Bai Samu said equally calmly, "Are you sure?"

"This king is just negotiating with you. What are the conditions for letting him go?"

Bai Samu smiled slightly: "The Grand Duke cannot be insulted, but a mere Marquis dares to play tricks on me."

"There are no conditions, he must die."

"Bai Samu..." Saint Peter took a deep breath: "This man is of great use to me. I don't want to go to war with Islam."

Bai Samu sneered: "So, how dare you send people to set fire to the holy city? Do you think that the king is dead?"

"Bai Samu..." St. Peter said softly: "If you kill him, I'm afraid it will trigger a war."

Bai Samu's voice finally paused.

"What war?"

"The Tirasong family will also participate in the war between the European and American spiritual circles in the Middle East." St. Peter took a step forward with a cold face: "If you dare to touch him, Catholicism and Islam will cause a bloody storm. Think about it carefully, Bai Sa Mu, the sect monks cultivate the power of faith. We know better than anyone how many people will die in a holy war."


After a long while, Bai Samu smiled slightly: "I can promise you this."

Before St. Peter could breathe a sigh of relief, he almost screamed in surprise the next second.

"If he can survive this attack."

Before he finished speaking, the golden barrier suddenly surged! Wherever it passes, not a blade of grass grows!

"Swish, swish, swish!" The sandstorm, like a shock wave, sprayed in all directions, 15,000 meters... The power limit of the prince level was fully activated by Bai Samu! Below him, a shallow dent measuring fifteen thousand meters appeared!

"Brush..." The night wind sent the birds home, and St. Peter's chest rose and fell sharply. Did he want to save Xu Yangyi? No, he definitely didn't want to, let alone have an enemy with a prince because of this, even though he had been at odds with him for hundreds of years. However, Xu Yangyi carried the secret of the Tower of Babel, which forced him to travel thousands of miles from the Vatican.

"Buzz!" "Buzz!" The spiritual consciousness of the two people spread out in an instant, and every detail of the 30,000 meters surrounding the seal was revealed, including every plant, tree, flower, and fruit.

But... still nothing.

"Good luck little mouse." Bai Samu said calmly: "When the prince speaks, there is no joke. Spare your life and get out."

His voice was not loud, but it was like rolling thunder, resounding over tens of thousands of meters, and even the black clouds in the sky were blown away.

"If you dare to enter Jerusalem again, you will be killed."

No one knew that just twenty meters away from the boundary of Bai Samu's power, Zhao Ziqi's barrier tightly enveloped Xu Yangyi's body, blocking all his breathing and even stopping his heartbeat. Xu Yangyi's face turned ashen, like a dead person. He clenched his fist tightly and maintained a trace of clarity.

Only twenty meters...

Just one more point and he would have turned into ashes!

At the same time, infinite desire surged in his heart.

Strength, strength! And strength!

The golden elixir is just around the corner, but... it's not enough!

When he truly saw the power of the Nascent Soul, it was as if the sky had opened up, and his ambitions expanded rapidly.

"I'm still very young." He closed his eyes, his body trembling, not in fear, but in anticipation: "I have only been practicing for less than a hundred years, and I have reached the threshold of the golden elixir more than three times faster than other monks. Nascent Soul... is not impossible. possible!"

In mid-air, two gods-like consciousnesses finally recovered after monitoring for eight minutes.

Saint Peter breathed a sigh of relief, and Bai Samu frowned slightly, becoming suspicious for the first time.


Really gone?

In just a few minutes, where could he run?

Did you make a mistake in your judgment?

However, no matter how hard he searched with his spiritual consciousness, he could not see that Zhao Ziqi's barrier did not seal the spiritual energy, but transferred the human spiritual energy to another world. He did not have a pupil, so he could not see clearly what was happening in the other world. matter.

"Are you satisfied?" St. Peter snorted coldly and walked away, and the golden door closed in the sky.

Bai Samu didn't leave, and Zhao Ziqi below was already covered in cold sweat. There was one thing he didn't say to Xu Yangyi, and that was... he couldn't stay in his barrier for too long! Tongyoutong was born with a different body and will be fine no matter how long he stays there, but other people cannot come into contact with that world at all. His limit is ten minutes, even for Jindan and Nascent Soul!

And's already nine minutes and forty seconds!

He could feel that Xu Yangyi's consciousness of life was gradually blurring. However, he did not dare to speak at all. Once he spoke now, all his previous efforts would be wasted.

Silence, three minutes... four minutes... five minutes later, Bai Samu finally stood up and turned into golden sand, drifting away in the wind.

Zhao Ziqi immediately wanted to untie the barrier, but a struggling voice immediately came from his mind: "No... okay..."

Zhao Ziqi's eyes were red. His brother, who was so stubborn and powerful in the past, could now feel the weakness of life.

"He...hasn't left yet..."

Zhao Ziqi was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood, how could the other party be willing to leave like this? The dignified prince was escaped by the marquis. No matter whether he told it or not, even he himself could not get over this hurdle in his heart.

"Brother..." Zhao Ziqi gritted his teeth: "But, but my barrier is to send you to another world... You can't stay there for long! I, I once felt that there was an indescribable aura in it. No, it's not a matter of realm, but... it's the same as the rules..."

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and shook his head.

Now, he can't come out anyway!

"Brother, how long can you hold on?" Zhao Ziqi asked gritted his teeth as he watched the other party's face getting paler and paler.

Xu Yangyi's lips trembled slightly, and he blinked his eyes with all his strength.

It's not a question of how long he can hold on...

Zhao Ziqi didn't know that now, Xu Yangyi could hardly hear his words at all. His world had turned into a blurry and shaking black and white color, and even... there were countless figures swaying in it.

He didn't know why this was. Could this be the revolving lantern image before a person died? The body felt no pain at all, only an instinct to cross this black barrier and walk to the world on the other side.

In this anxious mood, I don't know how long it took, and suddenly a slight sigh came from the sky.


Then, there was a light snapping sound from all directions, and it seemed that something was broken within a radius of ten thousand meters.

That was the ban.

Bai Samu was still there!

In the sky, there was a slight cold snort, Zhao Ziqi gritted his teeth and trembled, not daring to leak a trace of spiritual energy. After three minutes, he gritted his teeth and immediately revoked the ban.

"Heh..." Xu Yangyi suddenly opened his eyes, his whole body was covered with cold sweat, and he breathed desperately, as if a fish had returned to the water.

His eyes blurred for a while, and he spoke hoarsely: "Are you safe?"

"Safe! We should be safe!" Zhao Ziqi almost cried: "Brother, how are you! Blame me! It's all my fault! I didn't explain it clearly. My barrier can indeed send people to the other side, but, but you can't stay there for too long... I, I never dare to go there to take a closer look... I can feel that there is a monster over there..."

Xu Yangyi bit his lip and shook his head. His body was cold. He didn't know whether it was because of excessive blood loss or because he had just returned from another world. He had no strength in his body, but he finally stretched out and lay flat under the quicksand.

It was too thrilling...

Only 20 meters away, they died without a complete body, and this time, they finally escaped from this monster!

"Brother, let's go up! You are seriously injured."

"No..." Xu Yangyi's throat seemed to be on fire, and he forced a smile: "Wait..."

Zhao Ziqi nodded. He was too anxious, and he must not fail now.

One hour, two hours... Eight hours passed, and in the vast yellow sand, with a "plop", Xu Yangyi finally dragged his exhausted body out from under the sand.

"Cough... cough cough..." As soon as he crawled out of the desert, he immediately coughed, and black blood sprinkled on the desert with his cough, and every part of his limbs was stinging. However, he didn't care about these at all, but fell on his back on the sand with a plop, and then, looking at the starry sky, he actually laughed.

Zhao Ziqi didn't understand at first, but after thinking about it, he actually laughed too.

The laughter of the two was very small, and then slowly grew louder, and finally, it turned into a smile of surviving a disaster, hanging on the lips, and it didn't fade away for a long time.

"One day, we will become very strong..." Xu Yangyi looked at the starry sky with an extremely firm look, and added affirmatively, but lightly: "Very strong."

"So strong... that even the Nascent Soul can't dominate us."

Zhao Ziqi's eyes were bright, and he nodded vigorously.

This time, they were touched too much.

A prince-level magic weapon, careful deployment, and various coincidences, in the end, when you meet the real Yuanying, everything is false.

Only when you are strong yourself, you are truly strong. External things are never reliable.

"Back then..." Xu Yangyi seemed to be telling a story, and said with a smile: "If Nanzhou, I can be stronger... stronger than now, no one will dare to hide us in the dark..."

He stretched his waist and wanted to stand up, but he felt a sharp pain all over his body. He gritted his teeth and sat up, saying with emotion: "Come to this world, enter this world, understand this world... I want to change this world."

"You can do it." Zhao Ziqi pursed his lips and said: "Half-step Jindan in fifty or sixty years, I wonder if Huaxia will slap himself in the face if he knows, haha."

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, he still felt very tired, the most important thing is that the black and white world in front of him did not completely disappear, but just faded a lot. The shadow of reality can be vaguely seen.


He didn't care about this, the most important thing is that he didn't want Zhao Ziqi to feel guilty. Just now, that was their last move, and the other party was completely right.

He touched the storage ring, and a stone disc that looked like a pizza fell into his hand. He took a deep breath and stroked the stone disc passionately.

The Sun Disc of Machu Picchu.

The war between the two worlds a thousand years ago, the light keeper, his own life experience...the death of the Jie faction...the Quetzalcoatl...Xiaoqing's life experience...the front line of all the cultivators on Earth...

Sword Master...Jiang Ziya...the Three Xuanyuan Demons...the Xuanyuan Sword Master...the Great Jin Dynasty...the Star Destroyer...

Everything is on this sun disc.

The Tower of Babel between reality and illusion, Constantine’s donation of land, Che Fengchao… all of them… all the answers are in this tower…

It is the trace of the holy war thousands of years ago.

It is the great holy mark of all the monks on earth who jointly resisted the enemies from outer space. It is the untold history of the earth.

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