
Chapter 587: The Middle East Death God Xiliban (I)

"I...finally got it..." He closed his eyes. After wasting so much time, now, it seemed as if he had found an outlet to vent his emotions.

He suppressed the indescribable excitement in his heart, and brushed his hand across the sun disk. His palm felt a slight sting. The edge of the sun disk cut his skin with blood marks, but he was unaware of it. He held the fragment of the last key with emotion.

The faint traces of blood stained the surface of the sun disk, and strangely flowed towards the Pisces symbol in the center.

"Let's go!" Half an hour later, he finally stood up, gritted his teeth, and dragged his body with some broken meridians: "Rest for a month, and then... return to New York."

"Let's... take a look at this glory a thousand years ago... the beginning of the Dharma Ending Age!"

"See... where on earth it was created. Also see... how strong our predecessors were, and how fierce that battle was!"

"Okay!" Zhao Ziqi was also driven by his emotions, laughed, and got into his spiritual consciousness.

Just when he was about to put the Pisces into the storage ring, suddenly, a bright light burst out from the fragment in his hand.

Two fish in opposite directions unexpectedly gathered into a gossip shape and swam slowly on the sun disk. As if alive!

"Swish..." A circle of invisible ripples instantly swept across a hundred meters around them, and the yellow sand on the ground shook together, and then...

A hundred-meter-long Pisces figure was formed on the sand, and Xu Yangyi and Zhao Ziqi were just at the head of each fish!

"This is..." Xu Yangyi was stunned by the sudden change, and then immediately picked up the sun disk and looked at it. Above... The shape of the two Pisces had been stained red by his blood at some point, and the two Pisces were slowly turning!

As they turned, the strange Pisces pattern on the ground also began to turn. Just after the first turn, Xu Yangyi groaned, hugged his head suddenly, and half-knelt on the ground with a pounce.

"Brother?!" Zhao Ziqi was startled, and his spirit immediately touched Xu Yangyi's body, only to find that his body was getting colder and colder, just like when he entered his barrier before!

"What's going on? Hasn't my barrier been put away? No, how can there be such a strong sequelae in ten minutes?" Zhao Ziqi remembered being in a hurry, biting his lips and shouting in Xu Yangyi's ear: "Brother, are you okay?"

Suddenly, Xu Yangyi opened his eyes, Zhao Ziqi gasped in fear, and his spirit retreated several meters like a needle.

In Xu Yangyi's eyes, one was black and the other was white, and the two fish were reflected in his eyes and slowly turned.

"Ziqi..." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and said through his teeth with all his strength: "Stay away from... me..."

It became clear again...

In front of him, the black and white world that had begun to blur slowly because he had left Zhao Ziqi's barrier actually began to become clear little by little with the repeated rotation and resonance of Pisces.

"Ka Ka Ka!" All around, there was a sudden sound of space condensation, and then Zhao Ziqi clearly felt that this place was separated.

There is something... nearby... it... has no spiritual energy, but it "peels off" the area within a hundred meters from the entire world!

"What kind of monster is this?!"

Zhao Ziqi was anxious, and he suddenly found that wisps of transparent spiritual energy were slowly rising from Xu Yangyi's seven orifices!

"Is this... going to 'that world?' Soul out of the body?!" Zhao Ziqi exclaimed in disbelief: "How is it possible... My barrier can only allow people to stay temporarily for ten minutes... It is impossible for people to completely enter that world, even I can't do it myself!"

In his mind, he quickly thought about the meaning of Pisces.

Pisces, symbolizing the twilight of life, sees through all kinds of life. Two fish swimming in opposite directions represent death and the afterlife, an end and a beginning.

No one noticed that in the sky, Pisces was bright at this moment, bursting with a dazzling light.

At the same time, in an illusory place, it is neither real nor fake, walking in the cracks of time and space.

Around it, countless monsters are screaming, clamoring, flying around a giant pillar that is so big that it is impossible to know how big it is, but they dare not get close to it.

The giant pillar is mottled and bloody. At this moment, two planet-like lights flickered faintly on the top of the giant pillar.

"The twelve pillars... God's spokesperson... appeared..."

"Is anyone looking for this place..." The unknown voice is full of the vicissitudes and heaviness of history, and also reveals the majesty that cannot be challenged. When it opened, the whole space was shaking, and all the demons around stopped screaming and trembled.

"Lightkeeper, Pisces, the beginning, and the end... Come on... You have got the key, come to me..."

"This tomb that is more than 1,400 years old... It's time to open it again..."

At the same time, in the desert, Zhao Ziqi was already sweating, and the spiritual energy in Xu Yangyi's seven orifices had formed a human body. He tried calling several times, but got no response.

"Is it a sequelae? Or is it the key to the Tower of Babel... that allows people to see another world? Or... this is the only key that can do it? No... it should really be the only key, otherwise those people would definitely tell my brother!"

Xu Yangyi didn't know what the outside world was like. He only knew that everything he saw now was too weird.

Even a Jindan cultivator might not be able to see the scene of "this side" when he was alive. However, in the previous Tongyou pupil, he saw a blurry black and white, and when the Pisces rotated, he... passed through black and white!

"Swish!" Like a thin film, his spirit body quickly dispersed and condensed. When his consciousness returned to his body, he suddenly found that he had arrived in another place.

In front of him was a vast desert.

In the desert... countless people were dragging an old and broken warship, which was a hundred meters long and dozens of meters high, walking barefoot.

But this world was wrong.

It was very vague, a... quite ominous breath, rising from every inch of land. The sky was the white of death, and the spiritual energy was the black of death. They gathered together to form a swaying and blurred picture of hell. Like a corrupted paradise.

The people walking were lifeless, chained, and stiff like corpses. They had no consciousness and no purpose. They just pulled for the sake of pulling, pulling the boat, walking in the vast desert. Without saying a word. The black and white sunlight diffused from the sky, reflecting the coldness of the chains.

And... it was not just them.

They were just in a queue. There were countless people in front and behind the queue, with their heads down, lifeless, walking in the desert like zombies. They would not fall, nor would they stop. There was no beginning and no end.

Xu Yangyi stood up.

It was very strange. He could see his body, but he could not touch it. He was a blue light body at the moment, looking around in amazement.

Until... he turned his head and saw the scene behind him.

"Heh..." He took a breath of cold air. At the end of his sight, there was a mountain that reached the sky.

I don't know how high it is. There is no way such a huge volcano can exist on the earth. It seems to reach the sky directly. Only between the lines of the sky can you see the top.

Flames filled with sulfur erupted from the volcano, with billowing black smoke and flags of death.

It overlooked the surrounding tens of thousands of kilometers, all of which were sand. From time to time, corpse-like people crawled out of the sand with extremely stiff bodies and joined the queue entering the volcano.

Everyone... the countless zombies around were all heading towards the crater.

He looked carefully, and suddenly his eyes flashed.


There was only one person on the crater, he was so unique that people could not forget him after seeing him once.

It was a man.

He had long golden hair, a handsome face like Apollo, and wore golden armor. It was covered with patterns, holding a whip in his left hand and a lantern in his right hand. Under his crotch, there was a group of black majestic war horses with bloodshot eyes. But his eyes were extremely lonely and cold, as if a king was looking around the country, looking around boredly.

For some reason, when he sensed this face, an instinctive fear rose from the depths of his heart.

That was the fear of the disappearance of life.

At the same time, the knight paused and looked at him in surprise. Xu Yangyi almost wanted to move his eyes away without hesitation, but he couldn't move at all, and looked into the other person's eyes.

At the same time, the thoughts in his mind were overwhelmed, and a wave of thoughts was set off! Countless words and pictures were all broken and reorganized in his mind. Finally, a name with a strong aura of death was formed.


"Interesting." The handsome man turned his horse's head and looked at Xu Yangyi like a god: "A person who is not dead actually came to my country?"

"Ka... Ka..." Every word he said caused countless cracks around Xu Yangyi. He felt... This person, no, this unknown thing, is probably... very strong!

Not the kind of strength that can be described by realm, but... In his country, his words are holy metaphors, which are a kind of law, even beyond the realm!

"Ka Ka Ka Ka..." As the cracks in the space around Xu Yangyi's body became more and more dense - as if he was put in a glass cabinet and now shattered, the handsome man was stunned: "This is... the Candle Dragon Eye of China? There are descendants now?"

"I understand, the Chinese pantheon is not accepted by the Middle East, and you were illuminated by the Candle Dragon Eye when you were dying, no wonder..."

He smiled and raised the whip, and whipped it hard on the ground: "But, in my territory, the Chinese pantheon is useless."

"Since you are here, stay with me for a while..." His golden eyes showed a trace of loneliness: "I haven't seen a living person for thousands of years..."

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