
Chapter 588: The Middle East Death God Xiliban (Part 2)

"Brother! Brother!" At the same time, Zhao Ziqi desperately shouted his name in his mind, almost crying.

Half an hour... He didn't dare to come out, and just ten minutes ago, when his barrier was about to collapse, suddenly, an indescribable force rushed out of Xu Yangyi's body, and actually extended his barrier infinitely.

He was very nervous. If the barrier was broken and the old monster hadn't left... they would never be able to leave alive. But if the barrier didn't break, what would happen to his brother?

Should he kill him himself?

Too stupid! He wanted to slap himself with his spirit, but it was futile. The spirit couldn't touch anything. He actually hated his body. From childhood to adulthood, although the family cultivated him as a seed, did he ever have a real childhood?

He only slept, slept, and upgraded while sleeping. After waking up, he saw that they were all grown-up people. He wanted to speak, but he was greeted by the other party's eyes looking at monsters in awe.

But this person didn't.

In the other person, he tasted the long-lost family affection, not the kind of family affection that was respectful but strict, polite but distant. Although the other person didn't talk much, and they didn't have much time to really contact each other, he could feel that the other person really cared about him. The feeling of accompanying him on adventures and chatting with him.

When he thought that he might have killed this person, he felt mixed emotions.

However, Zhao Ziqi didn't feel relieved at all. He knew that his brother was right this time. The other person did not leave, but the price was that his brother didn't have any life breath at all!

It has been three hours since he entered "that country". How could he be alive?

"No... No!" Zhao Ziqi gritted his teeth: "My brother said that he can't help me forever. I... I have to be like a monk..."

In silence, he seemed to have made up his mind. After a few seconds, he made an extremely strange gesture with his hands. As this gesture was made, a black and white Tai Chi appeared behind him. As it slowly turned, the black and white air actually rose and fell with the Pisces on the ground. Zhao Ziqi was so focused that he didn't notice that the two fish on the ground and the black and white Tai Chi behind him were completely synchronized!

"The fish lantern leads the soul to the underworld..." He slowly closed his eyes, and as soon as he finished speaking, two huge ancient lanterns appeared around him, not beside him, but hovering over the heads of the two fish. The moment the ancient lanterns appeared, a breath that frightened other monks rose around Zhao Ziqi.

Visible winds surrounded him, or rather... not winds, but ghosts. In all the winds, if you look closely, you can see illusory human figures. Waving long sleeves, dancing, enjoying the few joys of coming and going in the human world.

"Night after night, crystal light shines into the dark and dark doors." He clasped his hands together, and a circle of black and white light emanated from the place where his hands joined, and a clear shout was heard: "Close!!"

"Ka Ka Ka..." With this sound, the black and white Tai Chi behind him exuded a deathly aura that spread across a hundred meters, and then... a door engraved with talismans and covered with countless yellow papers slowly appeared at the crack of the black and white Tai Chi.

The howling wind blew Zhao Ziqi's somewhat long hair, but there was no hesitation on his face, and he gritted his teeth and did not take a step back.

In front of the door, two figures stood. One had a bull's head and the other had a horse's face. They were wearing ancient armor, one holding a chain and the other holding a soul-binding hook. They stared at Zhao Ziqi's pale face without any emotion: "Who is coming?"

"Zhao Ziqi, the heir of the Zhao family with Tongyoutong." Zhao Ziqi answered with a bow.

"Swish..." Countless numbers flashed in front of the Bull-Headed and Horse-Faced, which was dozens of meters wide. The Bull-Headed looked at it for a long time: "The only remaining psychic family... admission, old rules."

"Yes." Zhao Ziqi took a deep breath and touched the storage ring. A stack of paper money with a golden bottom and red patterns appeared.

"Not enough." The Horse-Faced looked at it indifferently: "This is not the territory of the Chinese God System. What you have is only enough to enter the underworld. But not the "River of Fire" in the Middle East. "

"River of Fire?" Zhao Ziqi was stunned: "Isn't this... the underworld?"

"There are hells in the East and the West, but this hell is not that hell. As a descendant of a psychic, don't you understand this?" The Horse-Faced sneered: "The God System cannot cross borders. The bottom is still hell, but it is not the hell of the East. Although the hell, that is, the underworld planes are connected to each other. However, the major areas are different. You want to enter the Western Hell, you can, but this little "living money paper" is not enough to open this door."

Zhao Ziqi gritted his teeth.

No... No!

Even if my brother was pulled into that world because he stayed in his enchantment for too long... However, from the interpretation point of view, there is hell in the underworld, but hell is not equal to the underworld. Just like the cities and counties in China. The underworld is equal to "that world," and hell is just one of the places in "that world."

So, why did my brother go directly to hell?

He didn't die, so he could only go directly to the underworld. No one can sentence a living person. How can he go directly to hell without being sentenced? What happened?

"Are you going or not?" The horse-faced man said in a muffled voice, a little impatient.

Zhao Ziqi gritted his teeth, bit his finger, and a drop of blood fell. Then, three paper people and a paper horse appeared. It was completely different from the casually made paper carriages and horses in modern times. The craftsmanship was extremely delicate, and complicated runes overlapped every corner.

The bull-headed horse-faced man finally showed a trace of emotion in his eyes. The bull-headed man said, "Half an hour."

"This place is not under the control of the Yins. If you can't come out in half an hour, you will never have the chance to come out."

After saying this, Ma Mian raised his hand, and the bronze door dozens of meters high behind him suddenly opened. There was no view inside, and everything was pitch black.

"Whoosh!" Zhao Ziqi's figure immediately rushed into it. He quickly formed seals with his hands, and a cyan butterfly kite flew out from between his eyebrows, carrying an endless blue spiritual line straight into the depths of endless darkness.

From all directions, there were screams and screams, accompanied by flames that reached the sky. From the moment he entered, he immediately burned and screamed. A simple octagonal copper bell floated above Zhao Ziqi's head, creating blue ripples and protecting him tightly.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly, the kite vibrated slightly, then suddenly accelerated and rushed towards a place. The butterfly's head spit out a white thread and immediately rushed into the vast darkness.

"Buzz..." The thread suddenly tightened, Zhao Ziqi looked solemn, and flicked it lightly. The silk thread was like a sharp blade, cutting a line of blood. He put it in his mouth for a moment and frowned even more.

"Is there something... inside? It's him who imprisoned my brother's soul."

"It must not be that thing..." He was anxious: "Such an ancient... long-lasting aura... there can only be one possibility..."

grim Reaper.

"It's impossible... This is something that shouldn't exist. I'm not qualified to touch the depths of the world of death now. I can see that the bull's head and horse's face are all after the foundation was established... But, if it's not the God of Death... then what is it? This kind of unknown The breath, the strong smell of death... no... I must have missed something..."

Almost at the same time, in front of the volcano, Xiliban raised his head: "It seems that you have a very good relationship with this heir."

Xu Yangyi's mood was extremely peaceful. There was not even a little bit of anger or anxiety here. There was only a call from the crater that kept him walking there.

Xiliban's voice, like Huang Zhong Dalu, filled his mind. Kind and peaceful.

However, he didn't move.

There was always a voice in his mind reminding him that he couldn't go. If he went, he would never come back.

"The mediums who open the door to hell and communicate with this world can only use it once in their lifetime. Usually when they are about to die, they enter in advance and prepare for reincarnation. If he uses it now, he will never be reincarnated again. opportunity. Do you feel that you owe someone a favor?" Xiliban looked at Xu Yangyi with a smile, and then shook his head: "I forgot, you can't hear anything here, and you can't say anything."

He gently patted the black horse's butt, followed by a long whistle. The whistle was still in the crater. The other person had already arrived in front of Xu Yangyi, and raised the other person's chin with a riding crop: "Do you want to leave?"

Just when his riding whip touched Xu Yangyi, a glimmer of clarity finally appeared in Xu Yangyi's eyes. His consciousness returned to his mind and he immediately saw the situation in front of him clearly.

"Bah!" He subconsciously slapped the riding crop away, and the man shrank back with a smile. Later, when he immediately activated his spiritual power, he discovered...

Completely devoid of spiritual power!

"This is..." He looked around in astonishment and said, "Senior, who is he?"

"You can call me Xiliban." The man smiled gracefully: "Or Azrael, or Izrael."

As he spoke, he transformed into an old man wearing a black dress, a young man holding a lantern and a cloak, and a few seconds later, he transformed into a handsome knight.

Not a trace of spiritual power leaked out...

Xu Yangyi took half a step back warily. The opponent's appearance changes at will, and he cannot feel any fluctuations in spiritual power. If it is not because there is no spiritual power here, it is because the other party's control of spiritual power has reached an incredible level, and is even further above him.

"Thinking about how to leave?" Xiliban ignored his vigilance: "Don't be nervous, I never thought of keeping you here."

"As long as you promise me one thing." Ma lowered his head, he leaned down and stared at Xu Yangyi with gray-white pupils: "I will let you go immediately."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "Please tell me."

"Take it." He raised his hand and sent the lantern to Xu Yangyi: "My soul will be in it. Take me out."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered: "You...can't go out by yourself?"

"Of course not!" Xiliban's voice finally had a slight ups and downs. I don't know if it was excitement, but there was a slight tremor: "I swear with the dignity of the god of death, I will never harm you in the slightest."

grim Reaper!

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