
Chapter 589: The Middle East Death God Xiliban (Part 3)

"Promise me, I will send you away immediately!" Xiliban closed his eyes: "If you answer NO, you will never have to go out."

His eyes looked slightly towards the sky. In his eyes, there was a slight fluctuation in the sky.

Someone broke in...

He suppressed the impatience in his heart, lowered his head, and said with a smile: "I will sign an agreement with you in the name of the Middle Eastern God of Death, Xiliban. Xiliban will never harm the signer, and Xiliban will also give Some unexpected benefits for you.”

He looked directly into Xu Yang's eyes: "For example, life span."

no answer.

For some reason, Xu Yangyi always felt that... this God of Death was a little too eager.

Less than thirty minutes after meeting, there was no sign or more proof, and we had to sign an agreement with myself. In fact, is this contract necessary?

If he is really on the side with the absolute advantage and is the legendary god, does he still need a contract?

"Are you...really the God of Death?" He took a step back and stood ready. He felt that this speculation was a bit ridiculous. In this kind of place, this kind of battle, hundreds of millions of dead people from all directions entered the volcano at the opponent's feet. Who else could it be if it wasn't the God of Death?

"Of course!" Xiliban narrowed his eyes: "Do you have any doubts?"

Of course, Xu Yangyi felt otherwise!

He has seen Xiao Qing, a real high-level monk, and the Nanhua Butterfly Mother's palm that shocked the world and made ghosts cry. This person... does not have that kind of domineering bearing.

"Brother! Don't promise him!!!" At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came to mind in the sky: "He is not the God of Death!! There is no God of Death here! He is a liar! He is lying to you!!"

Xiliban's blood-red eyes suddenly spurted out two blazing flames, and the war horse under his feet burst into flames!

"Brush!" In the sky, a white thread hit Xu Yangyi's vest with the force of thunder and lightning, and then quickly pulled him out and disappeared in this space in an instant.

"Psychic medium!!!" Xiliban roared: "There is actually a psychic medium here!"

He stared at the sky, and the voice he spoke made the space vibrate, and... it seemed to be the overlapping of three voices.

Men, women, old people.

"You ruined my big job... But, do you really think you can escape?!" He jerked his war horse, and the horse stood up. Then, the European-style ancient lamp in his hand suddenly flew out, bringing with it a red flame that filled the sky. Chased out.

"Ha..." Outside, Xu Yangyi shuddered and opened his eyes.

"Zi Qi." He wiped his head, his head covered in cold sweat. It was like a nightmare just now. He looked at his hands, gasped and asked, "Just...what happened?"

"Brother!" Zhao Ziqi hugged him and said with a smile: "It was too dangerous just now. That guy is not the God of Death! Absolutely not! I just figured it out!"

"This is the territory of Islam, and gods cannot cross national boundaries. So, there is only one god here, and that is Allah! Others are not gods! Because Islam is a 'monotheistic' sect! It is absolutely impossible A second god appears!" Zhao Ziqi pointed at the Koran thousands of meters away excitedly: "If a false god appears, it will be much more serious than a heresy. The Koran is a sacred weapon of Islam and will kill the opponent immediately! Where to hide!"

Xu Yangyi touched his head and muttered: "Then what happened just now was..."

"Devil!!" Zhao Ziqi said with certainty: "Only in this way can they have the ability to control hell. Brother, do you know this place?"

Zhao Ziqi drew a circle around him, his eyes shining: "The Valley of Hinnom! This is the Valley of Hinnom! When we were avoiding the prince, we hid in the Valley of Hinnom without knowing it!"

"Xinnen Valley?" Xu Yangyi was somewhat familiar with this term, but couldn't remember where it came from: "What does it mean?"

Zhao Ziqi organized the language: "This is a valley next to Jerusalem. It seems ordinary now, but hundreds of years ago, it was Judaism that occupied this place. They believed that if a person sins seriously, he is not worthy of resurrection, so the Jews They believe that those who do not repent are not worthy of being buried in the cemetery, and can only be thrown into this valley to rot naturally or be burned. Therefore, this place is regarded as a place to punish sinners. I heard that in ancient times, corpses piled up here every day. and a place to clean.”

"Under this layer of yellow sand, there are countless corpses buried. It is the place with the heaviest yin energy in the Middle East, and legend has it... that one of the seventy-two pillar demon kings resides here."

He suppressed his smile and looked extremely solemn: "Bune, Bune...the Death Demon...the Valley of Hinnom is his lair."

Xu Yangyi stood up and looked around with emotion: "You mean... we ran to the Demon King's lair unknowingly? And this Demon King... was sealed in the Valley of Hinnom? That's why it was eager for me to take him. come out?"

"It's just my speculation, but the person just now is most likely Bunie, or at least one of his generals. But it's okay, we are out, it can't catch up...Brother, brother!" Zhao Ziqi hasn't finished speaking yet. After saying that, he immediately jumped up and stared at Xu Yangyi's chest in shock.

Xu Yangyi was also slightly absent-minded. His chest was filled with infinite black light, and then, a simple lantern rushed out from his heart.

There is no blood, with long chains and clattering noises. The lantern was surrounded by a huge green fire, and a twisted face appeared in it. It brought out the cries of countless innocent souls. It was as if a big hole had opened in Xu Yangyi's chest, becoming the exit from hell.

"Do you remember me, little guy?" The four glass surfaces of the lantern reflected three hideous inhuman faces: "You are so daring to disturb my Lord's coming!"

"Now... you are in my territory, and you still want to leave?!"

"Get back here!"

"Swish!" The chains made a chaotic sound, and Xu Yangyi's body was covered with black air. Then, with a "boom"! The space around him was strangely distorted, and he was pulled into the lantern!

"Swish swish swish" black and white intersected in front of his eyes, and he rushed into a tunnel full of wronged souls like lightning. However, at this moment, a white silk behind him tightly held him.

"Don't let go!" Zhao Ziqi's voice came along the silk thread, extremely anxious: "Once he is pulled into hell, all the spiritual energy is isolated, and we have no way to defeat it!"

"At least... force him to come here! This is the intersection of reality and falsehood, which is the legendary place where yin and yang are separated! Here, whether it is you, brother, or it, you can only use half of your strength!"

Xu Yangyi did not hesitate and grabbed the silk thread.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..." The tough silk thread immediately cut his hand full of blood. He gritted his teeth and refused to let go. The chain lantern wrapped around his other hand was also tightened with all his strength!

"Give it to me..." Xu Yangyi grabbed the chain with one hand and roared: "Get out!!"


Yes... He was too familiar with those three faces. When he killed Savideen VII, his memory was extremely clear, but he didn't take it to heart. Now, everything is clear.

There is the entrance to hell.

So, the one guarding there is the "watchdog" - Cerberus!

Seven-eyed black wolf!

Under the volcano is the real hell!

"No wonder you keep saying 'Xi Li Ban won't do anything to you,' the devil's contract is really unbelievable."

"Roar!!!" Three violent roars came from the huge passage, overwhelming the wailing of all the wronged souls, pulling the chain at the other end tightly, and the canine laughter was extremely piercing: "Hand over the box you got, we won't owe each other anything, how about it?"

"Hehe..." Xu Yangyi's arm muscles bulged, and the chain was stretched straight: "If you didn't say it, I would have almost forgotten about this thing."

"But if you mention it, don't even think about taking it back!"

"Then, you will die here!!" With this roar, the dark virtual and real passage was suddenly illuminated by three rays of light. Flames, poison, and ice, three types of breath, came from the other end!

"Green line!"

"Boom!" Three balls of sky-high light burst out from the wall of thorns, and the not-so-solid barrier was broken with one blast. The three dragon breaths rolling in set off three-color shock waves, illuminating the black passage of hundreds of meters with colorful lights.

Before the thorn wall was shattered, Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and the golden hoop flew out of his ear without hesitation. With a "bang", a bloody mouth with disgusting saliva had already bitten Xu Yangyi in the mouth. Regardless of the fact that the thorn wall had not been completely broken, seven eyes stared at Xu Yangyi.

The dog head was more than ten meters long, and the huge body was like a small hill. Here, Cerberus showed its complete form, with bone spurs and scales all over his body, and long mane waving like tentacles. The other two heads roared: "Maggots of the River of Fire! You finally came to my territory today! Hand over the box, and I will give you a decent death!"

"Otherwise, you will wait for the wrath of the master to come!!"

"Now, kneel down, hold the box in both hands, and crawl to me! To make up for your sin of ruining my plan!"

Its wild roar shocked the entire passage. It was not afraid... not afraid at all! This is the home court of hell! During the holy war, its own strength was completely unable to be exerted. A mere late marquis, he could crush to death with a flip of his hand! Even if it was no good, it could still call the master's name. Crush him to death, like a maggot.

"Really?" Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy burst out, and the tide of spiritual energy shook open the bloody mouth, covering the entire passage.

The spiritual power that was infinitely close to the virtual grand duke made the surrounding air stagnant. Cerberus's mouth full of saliva was like being hit by a hammer. The wild roar had not yet ended, and he was knocked dozens of meters away in an instant.

"Roar!" It turned over and climbed up, just as it was about to speak, suddenly, its seven eyes froze.

"This is..." It looked around in astonishment for a few seconds, then looked at Xu Yangyi almost sluggishly: "You... Half-step Grand Duke?!"

"No... it has to be higher than... this, is this a virtual position?!"

The realm of the virtual Grand Duke is not surprising, it is a virtual Grand Duke, but...

This is a virtual Grand Duke for three years! !

Three years ago, this person fought to the death with the Half-step Grand Duke Savideen VI, and at that time he was only in the late Grand Duke stage, or even just promoted to the late Grand Duke stage.

Three years later, telling himself... he is a virtual Grand Duke?

What a joke!

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