
Chapter 590: Door (I)

The violent factor in Cerberus's body was like being poured down by a basin of cold water, and he calmed down completely.

It had never thought of this possibility. The virtual Grand Duke... could be on par with it in terms of realm alone, not to mention that the other party had the ability to kill the Half-Step Grand Duke three years ago. The virtual position also possesses a trace of the power of the Grand Duke. With the sudden change in the power of his magical power, can he really kill him?

It will never forget that amazing sword strike back then.

"What? Didn't you ask me to kneel down?" Xu Yangyi walked towards the stunned Cerberus in the rolling spiritual tide, stretched out his hand and waved: "I don't like to look at people's faces."


"If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time!"

Cerberus came back to his senses, and then gritted his teeth: "This is it possible! In more than three years, he advanced to the virtual position! This simply...unbelievable..."

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but raised his hand gently. Suddenly, ten fire dragons roared out. Each one was forty to fifty meters long and five to six meters thick. Purple flames passed by, dyeing the entire passage of hell into a bright light. of Zixia.

"Clatter..." There was a slight sound of chains, and Cerberus, who was as huge as a hill, actually took a step back.

The power is more than ten times greater than before!

This is the transformation of the power of the golden elixir! The principles of heaven and earth are mixed into it. The magical power is no longer caused by the monks activating the heaven and earth, but activating and communicating the heaven and earth. This trace of the power of the heaven and earth, the wind borrows the power of the fire, and the fire assists the power of the wind. It is different from the later period of that day.

"Roar!!!" The three-color dragon's breath spurted out, intertwining with the ten directions of purgatory to form a terrifying fire net. Cerberus' dagger-like teeth interlocked and he took another step back calmly.

A real empty position... It has no luck in its heart.

"How is this possible..." When the fire light dissipated, Cerberus stared into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "How could you possibly hit the void in just three years?"

Xu Yangyi smiled contemptuously and raised his right hand. At this moment, Cerberus suddenly said: "Stop!"

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi finally smiled and raised his thick eyebrows slightly: "Are you ready to change your mind?"

"I was asked to crawl over on my knees before, but now I just change it as I am told. Don't you think it's too easy?"

Even a demon like Cerberus felt deeply insulted.

It's normal to go back on one's word, but being slapped in front of someone's face is never a good feeling. This is not a matter of conscience, but of pride as a familiar.

More importantly, he couldn't slap him back.

"Fufufu... Do you know that as long as the devil is not killed in hell, he will never die." It gritted its teeth for a long time, then suppressed the anger in its heart and piled up a tough The smile floated between the teeth: "We have no hatred at first. You have killed me once, and that box is of no use to you. If you promise to return it to me, I will give you a small one's gift."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows.

I'm scared.

Cerberus actually gave up?

The three-headed dog from hell, with the violence hidden in its blood, gave in?

"Roar!!" Xu Yangyi's unabashedly teasing gaze deeply hurt Cerberus' self-esteem - if it had such a thing. With an angry roar, it grinded its teeth and said, "Mortal, don't think nonsense. I just don't want to cause unnecessary conflicts."

It opened its mouth, and an irregular crystal burning with flames flew out of his mouth: "Hell Flame Spirit, mortal, you are not yet the Grand Duke, and you don't know the Grand Duke's desire for magic weapons. If...the Count is practicing himself "The Marquis is pure spiritual energy, and the Grand Duke teaches monks how to use spiritual energy skillfully, and the magic weapon is the first step to use it, the channel to communicate with the 'external world'."

"The Hell Flame Essence can no longer be counted as its level. Because it is only produced in hell... Mortals, you may not know that SSS level treasures are only entry-level treasures of the Grand Duke level. Between the Three Ss Above, there are also Alpha-level treasures that the archdukes really value. If SSS-level treasures have a chance of producing spiritual treasures, treasures made from Alpha-level treasures have an even greater chance. "

Cerberus paused deliberately, but Xu Yangyi was indifferent. He could only snort: "Beyond the SSS level, and only produces hell, fire magic weapons..."

Xu Yangyi looked at the gem calmly and suddenly said: "Are you giving in?"

"What?!" Cerberus almost burst out on the spot.

However, it suppressed this anger.

"Mortal." It changed the subject: "You are not far away from the Grand Duke, why don't you think about it in the future?"

Xu Yangyi took a deep look at it and said calmly: "What I mean is that from the earl to now, almost no magic weapon has been used. The matter of the Grand Duke is still far away..."

"Not far away." Cerberus shook his huge head and said quickly: "Mortal, your qualifications... Even I am amazed by it. Your cultivation time will not exceed fifty or sixty years, and you can actually reach this level. At this step, the Grand Duke has at least 50% hope!”

Xu Yangyi and Zhao Ziqi looked at each other calmly.

Everyone can see it. Cerberus really doesn’t want to fight this battle.

It's afraid.

Although it looks tough on the surface, every move it makes is trying its best to avoid a war with Xu Yangyi.

However, Xu Yangyi is definitely not someone who will beat you if you give in.

You gave in, you can stop fighting, but you have to take out something you really want, otherwise...

I'll fight harder!

Cultivation is like this, it never changes.

"I think it's very far away." Xu Yangyi sighed slightly: "I don't know how many people are stuck at the door of the Grand Duke. How can I be so virtuous and capable as to be able to peek into the secrets of the world's supreme..."

"Fufufufu, mortal, you underestimate yourself too much. Even if you can't do it within 20 years, you still have hundreds of years, and the supreme position is almost within reach. Believe me, I rarely tell the truth. The Hellfire Essence greatly improves your Grand Duke's natal magic weapon. Even if it is not a fire magic weapon, it can ensure that there will be no mistakes in the forging of the magic weapon. You..."

Cerberus was about to continue speaking, but suddenly reacted, and a stream of sulfur-smelling fire came out of his six nostrils. It burst out from the inside, roaring fiercely: "Are you kidding me!?"

The roar was earth-shattering, but Xu Yangyi was unmoved, just looking at it coldly: "I am just playing with you, do you have any objections?"

"Mortal!!!" "Boom!" Cerberus's huge head stared at Xu Yangyi, but... he still didn't do it, but his voice became more and more dangerous: "Are you sure you want to fight me?!"

"Do you really think that the gatekeeper of hell can't kill you?!"

"I, the Seven-Eyed Black Wolf, have been famous for centuries, and no mortal has ever dared to be so arrogant in front of me!!"

Xu Yangyi restrained his smile. There are not many people in China who have reached the realm of Void Dan, and he is definitely qualified to be the master of the world and compete for the Central Plains. At this moment, the full-scale explosion even formed a hazy vortex behind him: "Have you forgotten my question? I mean..."

"Are you giving in?"

"Ka Ka Ka..." The violent spiritual power clanged on the scales of Cerberus, as if it was hit by countless darts. It stood still, and its seven eyes stared at Xu Yangyi.

The rage just now was suppressed in his heart, and he didn't say a word.

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly: "Didn't you understand?"

"Boom!!" He didn't hold back any spiritual power in his body! In an instant, the demon patterns on his body shone together, and a hazy green light outlined a huge plant behind him.

"Heh..." In his mind, Zhao Ziqi took a breath of cold air. He couldn't see it under Bai Samu's pursuit at first. Now, he saw Xu Yangyi exert his full strength for the first time. The terrifying spiritual pressure made him almost unable to breathe.

"I'll ask you again." Xu Yangyi took a step forward, his whole body surrounded by green spiritual energy, and asked like a god descending from heaven: "Do you accept it?"

Accept it or not, accept it or not... The sound shock channel was reflected from all directions, and Cerberus' seven eyes turned red in an instant.

This mortal...

This mere mortal!

He actually dared to ask him this!

Only its previous masters asked this!

At this moment, it felt extremely humiliated! However, it retained the last bit of spiritual wisdom and suppressed the violent factor in its body from erupting.

Reason reminded him that this person was very strong, so strong that it was terrifying!

"Maybe, we can make a deal?" It finally said: "I have a very important message here, you will be interested."

"Answer this seat." Xu Yangyi was calm and cold, and simply ignored it: "Accept it or not."


In front of power, there is no deal, only obedience.

"Don't think you are also in the realm of Void, your Void..." He stretched out a finger and shook it: "No."

"Then! You go to hell!!" Cerberus's patience finally reached its limit. He refused to listen to any persuasion. The tyrannical talent in his blood finally broke out!

Enough... He was completely fed up! This arrogant attitude! He didn't take his own three-headed hellhound seriously! Who gave him the courage!

His body swelled rapidly, and then all his hair stood up, and the whole space was buzzing with his steps.

"Swish!" All the black light formed a light curtain that connected the sky and the earth, rushing straight over with a breath of destruction. Xu Yangyi sneered, and the spiritual energy in his body suddenly burst out. The sky was suddenly covered with countless white claw marks, and the sky was split.

"Do you think your outdated moves can still work on me?!" The previous forbearance and murderous intent completely broke out at this moment. Cerberus wanted to tear the ungrateful, rotten, and striped man in front of him into pieces. With this roar, it rushed over like a tank, and the air was slashed on its body, but it didn't have any effect.

In a flash, Xu Yangyi had floated up, and flytraps kept rising from the passages on both sides. He stepped on the flowers and went straight up. Under his feet, Cerberus had already rushed out a river of fire with the flames of hell.

"Clang, clang, clang!" Countless bone spurs appeared on its back, as if Xu Yangyi was under a hell of sharp knives. The white bones carried hot flames, making it look like a blooming red spider lily.

"Dance of Dragon Bones!!"

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