
Chapter 591: Door (II)

"Brother!" Zhao Ziqi exclaimed. He couldn't intervene in the battle of the Void.

"Nothing." Xu Yangyi looked at the white bone forest rising up below with a thoughtful look. He was frustrated by Bai Samu's pursuit before, and had new and old hatreds for Cerberus' deception. He decided from the beginning that if the other party didn't chase him out, it would be fine. Once he did, he would make him understand that there was a huge gap between the Void.

"The Dragon Steps on the Mountain!"

"Boom!" The aura of the whole body burst out, and the leg whip swung out the phantom of the Azure Dragon. Unlike the phantom of the Azure Dragon three years ago, this time, the phantom of the Azure Dragon condensed and did not disperse. There was a long dragon roar in the air, and then a blue arc of aura fell like moonlight, dyeing the entire passage into a blue haze.

"Ka Ka Ka!" It collapsed at the slightest touch! The bone forest was destroyed under the blue moonlight, accompanied by Cerberus' furious roar. In less than three seconds, countless bone fragments flew in the air. In the fourth second, "Crack!" With a crisp sound, Xu Yangyi hit Cerberus' spine like a falling meteor!

"Roar!!!" A roar of extreme pain came from Cerberus' mouth, and golden liquid flame blood flowed from the three dog heads. However, it seemed unaware that at the moment Xu Yangyi landed, all the hair on its back turned into wailing wronged souls, baring its fangs and claws, covering the sky and the earth, turning into a prison of black shadows, forming a black spirit ball with a radius of dozens of meters on its back, trapping Xu Yangyi firmly in it.

"How dare a mere mortal to fight a supernatural being?!" Cerberus suddenly raised his three heads and roared in ecstasy: "Fufufu! I give you face, but you don't want it! Let me corrode you bit by bit! Become a parasite on my body!"

"Beelzebub's stomach!!"

In an instant, the black spirit ball emitted a sky-high black light, and then it turned from virtual to real. In less than five seconds, a huge tumor grew on Cerberus's back, with blood-red meridians all over it, and disgusting yellow saliva flowing. The yellow, purple and blue tumors squirmed desperately, and even a vague figure could be seen inside.

"Challenge me?!" The three heads shouted frantically: "When I was serving Hades, the god of death, your grandfather was not even born yet!!"

Before it finished speaking, thousands of purple lights burst out from the tumor, and a surging purple light illuminated the tumor almost transparently. Ten fire dragons can be seen wildly dancing in the stomach with the naked eye.

"Ten Directions Purgatory."

"Boom!!!" The scorching fire waves danced with the broken meat, and the intense heat instantly charred Cerberus' back. Its arrogant roar suddenly turned into a scream. As the tumor collapsed, Xu Yangyi was already half-crouching on his back, with a thick black gas between his hands.

Apocalypse, flesh-eating!

"Ka Ka Ka!" In an instant, Cerberus' body began to shrink rapidly at an alarming speed! It screamed in pain, but it couldn't get rid of the devil's hand on its back.

"Bastard!" It roared suddenly, and the scales on its body clattered. Then, from under the scales, countless venomous snakes emerged and bit Xu Yangyi.

At the same time, its whole body was shaking, and then three heads that were a circle smaller emerged from three mouths. Tearing skin, muscles, and bones, it broke free with a roar.

Almost at the same time, its originally huge body became only ten meters in size, skinny, shrunken, and was caught in Xu Yangyi's hands.

In the passage, a man and a dog confronted each other again, and this time Cerberus was completely different from before.

This time, it was a pure black dog.

However, its head was thin and long, not like a dog, but more like a wolf, with a mouth split to the ear. There was a bright red membrane connecting the three heads, and the tongue in the mouth and the tail behind were all thick venomous snakes.

"Is this your true body?" Xu Yangyi looked at it with interest and asked.

"Few people who see me in this form can go back alive." Cerberus' eyes were already blazing: "Let me... tear you apart bit by bit and taste the taste of your flesh and blood..."

The spine in the back was still aching...

This person... is very strong! It has only been a few minutes since the fight, and it can already fully feel that the other party has the strength to kill it! It depends on whether the other party can afford the price of killing it. After all, not killing the devil in hell is equal to immortality. And the other party will also be seriously injured!

In exchange for its temporary elimination with its own injury, this is its bargaining chip. As long as he is a smart person, he will not do such a stupid thing. It roughly understood Xu Yangyi's idea. The other party did not want to kill him, but just wanted to take the initiative in the negotiation.

"Mortal... I ask again, are you sure you want to fight with my perfect form?" It is now only ten meters in size, staring at Xu Yangyi pacing grimly: "Stop it, otherwise, I will tell your information to some living demons in the world. I promise that the way they visit you will be fresh in your memory."

Xu Yangyi looked at it indifferently, and suddenly smiled: "You think that you will reshape your body in hell after death, and I will be seriously injured if I kill you. I won't do such a loss-making business, right?"

"Sand" Cerberus' eyes darkened. He guessed his bargaining chip? So he wants?

"You are wrong." Xu Yangyi's hand flashed, and the fish intestines shone out: "I will not kill you."

Before Cerberus could breathe a sigh of relief, it immediately remembered something and stared at Xu Yangyi like a cannibal.

"That's right." Xu Yangyi sneered: "I will imprison you day and night, neither dead nor alive."

"You are looking for death!!!"

"Roar!!!" Three dog heads and four tongues erupted with a monstrous black light at the same time, spreading out from Cerberus in a ring shape. Wherever they passed, the space was cut into countless traces, and then pieces collapsed and turned into nothingness.

However, at the same moment the light flashed, with a cry of surprise, it immediately retreated.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." The whole passage trembled, and the wailing souls stopped shouting in an instant. A spiritual energy that frightened Cerberus rose from Xu Yangyi.

"Ka Ka Ka!" All the black light shattered with a bang 20 meters in front of Xu Yangyi.

"There is more! Sure enough, there is more!" Cerberus stared at Xu Yangyi like a cannibal. This was the killer move that defeated its clone at the beginning. The opponent really has more!

Before, when Bai Samu was chasing him, Xu Yangyi had kept this active move, and now it came in handy.

"Lucky bastard... Even I don't have a move that can cross a large realm... He actually has it! How many geniuses can only cross a small realm to kill, but he can cross a large realm! This kid... This bastard... is too scary! Let him practice, he may not be the next Hercules!"

It didn't move, and didn't dare to move rashly.

In the passage, there was a moment of silence, only a piece of Grand Duke's spiritual power was boiling.

A man and a dog, with murderous eyes confronting each other, but no one took the first shot.

"You say, can this blow beat you half to death?" Xu Yangyi gently rubbed his fingertips: "Perhaps it would be a better choice to drag you out and put you at the gate of Jerusalem?"

Cerberus's eyes were stern, this kid... is even more vicious than it!


Not fight?

Two thoughts wandered wildly in his mind, and his heart was in a mess.

He didn't know how this kid could have a Grand Duke-level killer move, but the fact was that the other party did have it. Moreover, he could still use it now.

After he failed, he thought about whether this move was time-limited? Was it stage-limited? But, it was neither.

If it was, it was.

"Boy..." Three seconds later, it suddenly raised its head, with a fierce light flashing in its eyes, as if it had made a decision: "You forced me to do it!"

"Go to hell!!"

"In the name of Cerberus, call on the name of my Lord! The Devil King Jie, please come here!!"

"Boom!!!" As soon as the voice fell, its body burst into thousands of black lights, and an extremely ancient and majestic name appeared on its body like a tattoo. This name revealed a bloody light that pierced the sky and merged into the Greek word Jie Pai in mid-air. Then... all the words turned into runes and began to build a portal tens of meters in size.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..." The heart-throbbing sound of space tearing resounded throughout the passage, and a pressure that made people submit and even worship rose from the vortex-like portal.

"Bastard... worship! Crawl! Tremble like a maggot!" Cerberus was extremely excited. Although it cost too much to summon its master, the intense pleasure made it ignore the cost compared to letting the bastard in front of it die without a complete body.

However, unexpectedly, Xu Yangyi was not afraid at all, but made a gesture of invitation. He even put his hands in his pockets and watched its performance leisurely.

Do you think he is playing a monkey?

Cerberus almost laughed up to the sky, ignorant fool, he probably doesn't know who the Jie faction is... That is the last demon king closest to the current timeline, completely different from the servants and demons wandering outside, with noble blood of hell flowing in his veins.

"Ask me if I am convinced?"

It laughed wildly at Xu Yangyi, and its three heads opened bloody mouths: "I will tell you now! No! Never!!"

"Kneel down to me and beg me! Ignorant mortal!!"

"The moment the master descends is the moment you perish!!"

"Brother." Zhao Ziqi shouted in his mind, his voice was not anxious... but a little anxious.

"It doesn't matter." Xu Yangyi smiled and said, "I am looking forward to its next performance."

At the same time, he was also speculating in his heart, and a vaguely visible dark line had been unearthed by him.

He has always had a doubt. The Jie faction dared to collude with the Zhenwu world in the face of the world's taboos. Is there really no back-up?

This doesn't make sense.

It was not until Cerberus called the name of the Jie faction that he had some enlightenment. At the same time, it can also explain why Cerberus lurked in Savideen VI.

"This should be a conspiracy it had planned long ago. It even knew the true identity of the holy artifact, so it planned to seize the body of Savideen VI more than a hundred years ago. Its goal should be the same as mine. We both want to find the location of the tower. In this way, everything makes sense..."

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