
Chapter 593: Door (IV)

"Ancestors..." He looked at the endless passage: "What on earth did you hide in there?"

"Demons, sects, Quetzalcoatl... So many legends are related to it. It... I'm afraid it's not just a 'frontline', right?"

"Only I can find the place designated by the master." Cerberus' eyes flickered: "Canine monsters have a sense of smell thousands of times that of ordinary dogs. As long as the key and the door are in place, the Tower of Babel will be truly opened and pulled out of the eternal void. If one is missing, it won't work."

Xu Yangyi pondered.

I thought the key would point to the location of the Tower of Babel before, but it seems that I thought too simply. If this mythical thing is so easy to find, it is impossible for it to disappear for thousands of years.

The key is divided into twelve pieces, and even if all the keys are collected, the site thousands of years ago cannot be found. The door is controlled by the only demon king who died in modern times, went to the Tower of Babel in person, and even participated in the earth-shaking battle. After that battle, the world changed drastically, high-level monks could no longer appear, and the gods retreated. No one could threaten the status of the great demon king like Jie.

Also due to the drastic changes in the world, the key was handed over to the twelve families by the descendants of the twelve apostles. After the war, the peace was settled and the interests were divided. The short-lived peace was broken. Thousands of years after the war, the twelve families fought on their own. In addition, some people deliberately covered up the fragments of the Machu Picchu sun disk, and there was no time to gather again.

"It's just one thing after another." He looked up and sighed: "There must be something in the Tower of Babel, something that is vital to the Earth and even the Zhenwu Realm. The monks at that time didn't want any descendants to find him and tried their best to hide him. Those predecessors had anticipated all the consequences that would follow the war between the two realms. I am now doubting whether the Jie faction really stole the 'location of the gate'?"

"Or... someone wants to separate all the clues. Deliberately let him take it away?"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. At that time, Jiang Taigong, Zhang Daoling and other old monsters at the level of Taoist ancestors, Moses and Hercules in the West, the first generation of saints, were still there, and the Jie faction? Even Baal, the king of the East Hell who ranked first in the Solomon Code and commanded the 66th Legion of Hell Evil Spirits, couldn't do it!

However, it didn't matter. What mattered was that he solved the last question.

That is the second meaning of the Jie faction drawing this map. Why wasn't he afraid of others seeing it? So he could find the Tower of Babel? Discover the forbidden secrets on Earth and destroy his connection with the Zhenwu Realm?

Because he knew the location of the "door". Only when the key and the door are together can the real Tower of Babel be seen. The map was left for Cerberus. But now, by mistake, the key and the door were all in his hands. The inequality of information, the suspicion of the Jie faction, and the inability to trust others, made his back-up Cerberus not know that the master was dead, and he was still planning to enter the holy war to find the master.

"Brother..." Zhao Ziqi hesitated in his mind, and finally coughed: "Are you making up your mind?"

"... This is called reasoning... and emotion."

"Isn't this different?

Xu Yangyi decided to give up arguing about this issue and looked at Cerberus: "You can pin it on something and let me take it away."

He was already impatient to enter the Tower of Babel.

The lightkeeper, his own life experience, the upcoming war, everything, there is an answer there.

Cerberus was about to speak, Xu Yangyi said lightly: "Except the box. "

"Humph! "Cerberus snorted coldly, and his huge body began to shrink slowly. Finally, it turned into a black crystal, suspended in the air.

"Take it... Don't forget to try to imprison my body. This thing is called the Demon Heart. As long as it senses that your aura is hostile to me, it will immediately explode. Power... Fufufu... In addition, don't think of harming me. The master said that only I can find the position of the eyes. "

Xu Yangyi did not speak, let alone make any promises. He put the crystal into the storage ring and immediately rushed out of the passage.

I don't know how long it took, when the footsteps stepped on the yellow sand again, the fresh air rushed into the lungs, and he and Zhao Ziqi couldn't help but take several deep breaths.

"Brother, aren't you afraid that he will cheat?"

"He must have concealed something, and his purpose of going to the Tower of Babel is not simple. Don't worry, Ziqi, I have never looked down on any opponent. Even if it is the Jie faction that has been dead for hundreds of years, at least he was the Sixteen Pillar Demon King when he was alive. "Xu Yangyi thought and said: "However, we need it now, and we can't turn against it. At least let it lead us to the Tower of Babel. "

After resting, the first thing he did was to call Chu Zhaonan. Now was not the time to meet. Jerusalem was too dangerous.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a plane flew directly from Israel to New York. Xu Yangyi really didn't want to fly by himself. The trip to Jerusalem seemed to be only three days, but the tension and the sense of life and death made him just want to have a good rest now.

On the plane, Zhao Ziqi blinked his eyes and watched Xu Yangyi and a foreign child having fun. Suddenly he asked: "Brother, if you don't practice, what are you going to do?"

Xu Yangyi seemed to be stunned and didn't answer. After a long time, he said: "It's impossible not to practice."

"Why?" Zhao Ziqi said in astonishment: "It's so tiring and so dangerous, why do you want to practice?"

"It's very simple, because I don't want anyone to dominate my life anymore." Xu Yangyi returned the child to the other person's parents, closed his eyes, and said calmly but extremely firmly: "I'm different from you... I went through it during my Qi refining period. I have experienced too many dangers that may only be encountered in the Golden Core stage. At that time, I knew that if I want to survive in this world of cultivation and live better, only my own fists are the most reliable. "

Zhao Ziqi hesitated for a moment, then said: "Nanzhou?"

"It is an explosion, but everything before is telling me this." Xu Yangyi opened his eyes slightly and looked at the white clouds outside the window: "You know, some people are greedy for pleasure, glory and wealth, because they have not encountered these things that make them transform. The truth of the spiritual world has been told to us since the very beginning.”

He gently clenched his fist: "Whether it is a cultivating civilization or not, or in the ancient cultivating era, the fist is king. Now, it is just a fig leaf. I think any aspiring cultivator, in the real world Whenever he encounters something that transforms him, he will catch up like me. ”

"Reluctance to be mediocre is something in everyone's bones. In the world of spiritual practice, it is infinitely magnified."

He closed his eyes again and rested.

After a long time, Zhao Ziqi said softly: "Brother, if...if you break through that supreme barrier..."

"Zi Qi." Xu Yangyi said firmly: "It's not if."

"But I will definitely break through this barrier."

Zhao Ziqi nodded: "At that time, you were really on an equal footing with the provincial governor and ministers, and even a head above them... You have been away from the mortal world all year round, and you don't even know how awesome Jin Dan is. In a word. , the entire cultivation world will study it. I don’t know how many sects are willing to go through fire and water for you. A request that the head of state will take extremely seriously.”

Xu Yangyi curled his lips: "Of course I know."

Master Jin Dan, even if he meets the provincial governor, he must act small.

Not a creature on the same level.

Because he arrived in the Kaiyun Realm before establishing the foundation, he was unable to understand this at all, and he had been separated from the civilized world of cultivation for too long. Otherwise, he should be in charge of a city now, just like Qianren did back then, sitting in a leisurely office, and once he speaks, thousands of people will follow him. Instead of running around on a plane.

However, he has no regrets.

Without the experience of the foundation building period, how could we get to where we are now? I'm afraid Huaxia didn't expect that a monk who was thought to be dead would return to China and become the Supreme Golden Elixir. The promise that seemed so far back then is now so close.

Just a final touch.

"The Tower of Babel is my foot!"

The plane flew very quickly and arrived in New York a few hours later.

He didn't notify anyone, not the first thing he did was to report it. Instead, he rented a small hotel about ten kilometers away from New York, backed by a small lake, and rested for a full week before heading back to New York.

Next, there will be no time to rest.

He must be in the best condition to face the storm that follows.

When he came to St. John's Cathedral, he was worshiping. He followed the worshipers into the chapel.

He covered up his spiritual energy, and there were particularly many people today. And many of them were whispering to each other with excitement on their faces.

"I heard that Lord Lawrence will stay at St. John's Cathedral for a month." "Yes, I came here specially. I heard that he could have been promoted to Cardinal in the Vatican, but he did not take over." "How can you get such a chance? I am truly blessed by the apostle’s blessing.”


Xu Yangyi saw the other person in the crowd at a glance, and he could completely understand the other person's anxious mood, waiting sleeplessly at St. John's Cathedral. The expected three days have passed several times earlier, and I haven't replied to the other party yet. I'm afraid the other party has already gone crazy.

Fortunately, the old magician now has an expression of "If you love the Holy Father, I will love you." This kind of Qi-nurturing skill cannot be learned by him who is at least "younger and energetic" than the monk.

Lawrence, in white robes, stands out among a group of priests in black. The priestly robes outlined with gold lines appropriately highlight his extraordinary status. Xu Yangyi gently released a trace of spiritual energy, and immediately, several priests around Lawrence looked over.

Then came Lawrence. His old and kind face was stunned for a moment, and then a look of ecstasy appeared in his eyes, and a sincere smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth. After eagerly sending away the believers in front of him, his white robe was like the wind and he came to Xu Yangyi as quickly as possible. Then, she took his hand and left.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Inside St. John's Cathedral, doors closed as he passed by, and the clergy immediately left knowingly. A few minutes later, Lawrence and Xu Yangyi stood under the crucifix. Lawrence pressed his wrinkled hands on his chest, took several deep breaths, and then asked in a trembling voice: "How is it?"

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life." Xu Yangyi cupped his hands, and a sudden excitement filled his body in an instant.

He knows, says this. It's like unsheathing a sword.

Europe and the United States, the ten major families, will soon follow him to rush towards this thousands-year-old tomb.

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