
Chapter 594: The gap between reality and illusion - Eye of the Sahara (

Three days later, St. John's Cathedral was closed again.

Ten teleportation arrays gathered together, and a total of twelve figures gathered at St. John's Cathedral. Different from the last time, this time, there were many real people coming with them.

Most of the monks who have practiced cultivation are no more than a hundred years old, but almost all of them are above the middle stage of marquis. There are even one or two who have reached the late Marquis stage.

These are the ten major families and the real elite of the Vatican.

The purpose of their coming here is obvious - clues from the Tower of Babel are gathered, and some lost secrets are hidden in the tombs that are thousands of years old, such as... the long-lost alchemy? Or a holy elixir formula? Or...some spiritual practice that leads directly to the Grand Duke?

Everyone wants to get the first piece of the pie, especially since this tomb has existed for at least three thousand years. There cannot be any big danger inside. It is a huge treasure that exists in records but not in the world. It is also an excellent opportunity to train your descendants.

However, there were more than a hundred people who had no seats at all in the main seat of St. John's Cathedral. Instead, they were all half-kneeling on the ground from the beginning to now. Because just in front of them, fifty meters away, thirteen tall figures were sitting there. Among them, only three are real people, and the rest are all clones.

No one dared to speak wantonly, not even a single person coughed. The sunlight coming in from St. John's Cathedral casts colorful light and shadow through the stained glass, and the second Ecumenical Round Table Conference in nearly 500 years rendered the place solemn.

"Sha..." From the Tagule family camp, a thin man with a pale face and a black suit wrote a line of words on the ground. The woman next to him glanced at him, then glared at him.

What he wrote was: All the people here are Grand Dukes, how can there be a Marquis?

The woman immediately wrote: You have been practicing for too long and haven’t come out yet. This is the new great spiritual master X. Of course he is qualified to sit with the Grand Duke.

And all the Grand Dukes had extremely solemn expressions on their faces. Li Sen and Lawrence sat in the first seat. As Lawrence stood up, even the sound of the Grand Duke's conversation was extinguished.

"We finally waited for today..." He took a deep breath and trembled: "Praise..."

"Shut up!" Four or five Grand Dukes immediately snorted: "Stop your compliments and get to the point quickly. I can't wait now!"

"This is the Tower of Babel..." Scoris was not in the mood to care about Xu Yangyi at this moment, and his eyes were filled with red: "Don't waste time for other things, now, immediately! Otherwise... I can't promise not to Will awaken the dead underground."

Lawrence's face turned red and white.

Is this just his habit?

Li Sengan coughed dryly and stood up: "We don't know how many secrets are buried in the Tower of Babel. But we are sure that there must be a huge treasure house inside! A treasure house that lasts for thousands of years!"

"From now on, one year later, all families are prohibited from fighting. It is forbidden to make enemies. Prepare with all your strength for the Tower of Babel. Each major family brings five people in and takes what they gain. This is the basic rule set by the Pope. Do you have any questions? doubt?"

"Since it is His Majesty Saint Peter who speaks, I think it is very reasonable." "There is no objection." "This is a once-in-a-thousand-year event. At this time, we must put aside our prejudices and work together with all our strength."

Lawrence glanced at it and nodded: "Okay, now...please take out our keys..."

"A thousand-year secret will be revealed here. Today is destined to be a day that will go down in history." His voice was hoarse due to excessive excitement, and his body was trembling slightly: "And everyone here will definitely be famous in history." ! It will be praised forever by future generations and future generations of practitioners!”

No objection whatsoever.

Even the Grand Duke, and everyone present now, could not help but have their hearts beating wildly, and they took out an ancient stone disc with great caution.

Like a divided pizza, no one put it on the table, but firmly held the corners. All twelve people stood up, their eyes solemn and extremely hot.

Machu Picchu’s solar disk only lacks Pisces.

"Quick." Scholes's clone pursed his lips and stared at Xu Yangyi: "Do I still want you to be invited by me?"

Xu Yangyi finally stood up and glanced at the other party lightly. Finally took out the Pisces stone plate.

The twelve hands come together at one point, just when the Pisces stone disk is a few centimeters closer to the sun disk. Suddenly, thirteen low exclamations rang out, the sun disk emitted a hazy white light, and an irresistible force suddenly hit everyone's hands. With a shock, all the twelve constellations of the zodiac floated into the sky!

"Buzz..." An obscure ripple with a heavy historical atmosphere gently appeared from the sun disk, and a strange resonance caused the twelve fragments to close together. The "swipe" was filled with white light, and even the Grand Duke couldn't help but close his eyes.

"Boom!!" An invisible ripple swept across New York instantly. All the scenery seemed to be blurred at this moment, and every mortal thought that he had seen it wrong.

"Shu La La!!" The unspeakable resonance made the clothes of everyone present rattle. Li Sen and Lawrence were holding on to the edge of the table, not caring about their clothes waving like sails in the storm. No one was willing to miss a single bit of what was in front of them.

A round stone plate emitted white light and slowly rotated in the air. It is ordinary, does not look special at all, and its body is full of traces of time. However, it is not ordinary. The kind that spans thousands of years is not a coercion, but a power that makes people's hearts tremble, leaving everyone here speechless.

"Push...push..." The Marquis below was already sweating profusely, trembling all over and touching his forehead to the ground. There was obviously no pressure, but it was as if an invisible god was scanning the whole place.

"This is..." Lawrence's hands were shaking like a stroke, and he reached out to grab the disc: "Thousands of years of legend...the key to the Tower of Gods?"

But, he didn't catch it.

His hand passed directly through the Machu Picchu sun disk and was actually caught in the air.

Everyone was stunned, and then the incarnation of Sky Roar muttered: "Between virtuality and reality..."

Can be seen, but cannot be grasped.

In this opportunity that was enough to go down in history, no one noticed Xu Yangyi who looked as usual.

"Fufufu... Stupid humans, the key to the Tower of Babel is restricted by the door, how can they possibly catch it?"

Xu Yangyi whispered: "I want to catch him, what should I do?"

"Why?" Cerberus expressed confusion: "Human beings are the most despicable and capricious creatures. If you get the key, they will kill you when you enter the tower. Because no one knows what else the key is in the tower. Use. And what if the tower will be closed when you enter it? What if you need a key to open it next time?”

"Whoever holds the key will take the initiative in Europe and the United States. Even if he is not in Europe and the United States, all the cultivating families in Europe and the United States will remember him. Fufufu, there are substantial benefits, and the subsequent intangible benefits are as big as the sea. Do you think, Especially an organization like the Vatican, will it allow you to hold the key in your hand? Not only that, but you also have the door in your hand. If you don't hand over these two things... Fufufu... today is yours. Death date.”

The corners of Xu Yangyi's mouth curled up slightly.

Death date?

not necessarily!

If he dares to come, he will certainly not fail to consider these things. But because of this, he seemed to be a rare commodity. His idea was exactly the opposite. With the door in his hand, these people would not and would not dare to touch him until the Tower of Babel was over.

Cerberus was right when he said that people are indeed capricious. However, it doesn’t know enough about people.

Human beings have almost unlimited tolerance.

Just step on that tightrope.

"With such a huge invisible advantage, how can I let you hold it in your hands?" He suppressed his smile and looked at the dozen or so Grand Dukes whose eyes were equally anxious but already tinged with a hint of impatience, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone "

"Shut up!" Scoris was extremely anxious. The opportunity for a thousand-year secret was right in front of him, but he could only meet it but could not seek it. This feeling of seeing a mirage in the desert made him feel like a cat was scratching his head. Xu Yangyi's words finally allowed him to find a point to vent his anger.

"Do you still have the right to speak here?" A sneer finally appeared on his face. This little bastard was unpleasant to look at from the beginning. How dare you talk back to yourself?

Scoris, the Great Duke of Terror, is a name that can stop babies from crying at night in the European and American spiritual circles. When he was a Marquis, he killed countless people. It would be no exaggeration to say that his hands were stained with blood. The Black Witch family immediately announced that he was expelled. He founded what is now the Ice Palace of Death on Mount McKinley in North America, which became a gathering place for necromancers. Just when everyone thought he was being hunted to death by the spiritual community, on top of Mount McKinley, he broke through the Grand Duke.

His status as one of the world's supreme beings makes him even more unscrupulous. The area around Mount McKinley is already a dead city. The animals are all dead. Being hunted all year round made his mentality extremely distorted, and he exploded after being promoted to Grand Duke. One of them is…

As long as you stand on a different stand and dare to refute him, unless you are an archduke, you must die!

For hundreds of years, no one dared to talk back to him. Last time, Xu Yangyi did it. This time...he actually bothered him again when he was so desperate and irritable!

"Who do you think you are?" He turned his head, and the irritability in his heart made him not want to restrain his violence. There were countless marquises present for him to kill, but there was a backstage. What did this mere X have? Is the holy medicine of any use to my half-dead body?

"Let you come here, let you sit, let you listen and accept, and no one will ask you what you think. Or do you think that you went to Jerusalem once and escaped like a wild dog after being beaten, so you are qualified to serve in this Grand Duke's office? Pointing in front of me?”

"All the princes are ants." His pale eyes looked at Xu Yangyi with deep ridicule: "Now, get out."

"You are no longer needed here! Useless garbage."

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