
Chapter 595: The gap between reality and illusion - Eye of the Sahara

The eyes of all the princes turned around. Now, having no idea what to do with the key, they suppressed their anxiety and watched the good show in front of them.

"Do you want to stop him?" Lawrence said to Li Senge in his spiritual consciousness.

"Oh, why?" Li Senge sneered at the scene in front of him. The so-called benevolent people showed no mercy at this moment: "He was the one who gave the name of the Terror Grand Duke. Now he is obviously going to kill people. Do you want to be with a person for X?" The Grand Duke rebelled?"

Lawrence was silent for a moment, but still hesitated: "He is the main member who opened the Tower of Babel, and it's thanks to him that he was able to get out of Jerusalem..."

"I think there is something wrong with your loyalty." Before he could finish speaking, Li Senge said coldly: "Our first priority is to consider how to dedicate ourselves to the Lord. He is not a believer, and he who is carnal is still trying to get the Lord's blessings. Glory? Or do you think this fragment should be controlled by him?"

"The key must be in our hands." He put his old hand in his sleeve and squeezed it hard: "No matter what!"

There was silence at the scene.

Every avatar of the Grand Duke has an unabashed look that has nothing to do with him. He even looked at the scene in front of him with a lot of naked banter.

The Great Spiritualist wants to give you face, but this face is vastly different from the Tower of Babel.

"Is this how you treat the hero who found the last fragment?" Xu Yangyi also sat down and even took out a cigarette and lit it. His arrogant attitude made everyone look at him with suspicion.

"Is he crazy?!" Someone in the Marquis below had already whispered: "This is the Lord of Terror, my God! Is he looking for death?!"

"Even if he is a great spiritualist, and there is no one from the Holy White Cross present now, this..." "FUCK... Your Excellency X is looking for death, right?" "The Dreadful Archduke has nothing to ask of him! He, he This attitude..."

Scoris was stunned for a moment, then looked up to the sky and smiled.

The third time.

This is the third time I've made myself so disgusted.

There are only three things to do. He felt that some things should be resolved.

Apparently, the last time I reminded him to control his bitch, it had no effect.

"Hero?" He lowered his head and sneered: "I prefer to be called a martyr."

"Boom!" As soon as he finished speaking, a thick breath of death rushed towards his face. In an instant, within a radius of a thousand meters, the trees withered instantly, and a strange black circle filled the air from under St. John's Cathedral, as if it was opened. The gate of Hades. One after another, the animals and birds shook their bodies and immediately fell to the ground.

He was really angry.


Xu Yangyi also looked over with a smile, with obvious contempt in his eyes, but his attitude was impeccable: "No, I need it."

Li Sen's smile turned cold.

"I don't know what's good or bad." He snorted softly: "The only way out is if you don't want it, then go to hell with your heart to save face. Idiot!"

At the moment when Scoris' spiritual energy expanded to its peak, Xu Yangyi finally spoke: "Are you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure." Scoris's clothes were all squeaking, and infinite black energy came out: "You will die here."

"Okay then." Xu Yangyi took a step back, pulled open his suit, and gestured to his heart: "I'm also going to tell you how to open this door."

There was a moment of silence.

The princes, who had nothing to do with themselves, suddenly raised their heads and directed more than a dozen eyes at Xu Yangyi. It was as if the heat was melting him.

Scoris's face was as pale as a dead man, and a red color called embarrassment and embarrassment instantly filled the air.

He knows how to open doors! ?

This is impossible! His information was informed by the top ten families! None of the ten major families knew it, but he actually knew it! Did someone in Jerusalem tell him? Go to hell! He was lucky not to be burned at the stake in Jerusalem!

However, he had no time to think about this. He now felt a long-lost insult. An invisible slap slapped his face in front of everyone, making his whole face swell.

I just said I wanted to kill him, now, can I still kill him? Can you still take it?

"Boy..." He gritted his teeth, and the infinite undead spirit wrapped into a ball and blasted out: "You are looking for death!!!!"

Provoking the majesty of the Grand Duke.

Kill without mercy! !

However, the ball of the undead screamed loudly, and just as the resentful spirit flew one meter away, six or seven voices suddenly rang out.

"No!!" "Scolis, are you crazy!!" "Stop it!!" "Who allowed you to kill the respected great spiritualist?" "Where did you put the European and American invisible treaties?!"

Immediately afterwards, the one-meter-sized ball of death was burned first. This was the black witch family. The raging flames caused the temperature to rise suddenly.

Next, they were frozen together with the flames, that was the Siren family.

Then, five or six equally majestic spiritual energy hit the ball of death at a lightning speed. It flew less than ten centimeters and shattered into pieces.

Scoris's face burned with pain.

This... is forcing other princes to slap him in the face!

He even saw Li Sen taking action! This capricious villain!

Just now, each of them had nothing to do with them. Now, because of the other party's words, a group of people who just had nothing to do with them suddenly turned their backs and became heartless! He couldn't accept the irony of joining forces to destroy his own magic!

Especially with so many juniors at the scene!

"Whoever wants to stop me is my enemy!" Veins popped out on his pale face, and he looked at everyone with gritted teeth: "What do you mean?! You actually attacked me, a Grand Duke?!"

"Just because of this bastard?!"

"Scoris." The dwarf with a beard made into a work of art sneered: "This is St. John's Cathedral, not a place for you to run wild. Or... do you want to be an enemy of the entire Ironforge?"

How righteous.

Li Senge cursed inwardly. This damn dwarf actually trapped him with one sentence. He had to force a smile and said: "Yes, the Tower of Babel is the most important thing now. Let's talk about other things later?"

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi's voice broke in: "Your Majesty Li Senge didn't seem to say that just now?"

Silence again.

Two invisible slaps, slapping the faces of the two Grand Dukes at once, made Li Senge unable to continue with this sentence.

"I like this kid." Antonio smiled and said, "It's stupid to provoke the Grand Duke. But if he can still live well after provoking, that's extraordinary wisdom."

No one spoke.

The atmosphere was very strange. Everyone could see that Xu Yangyi didn't give them any face at all. He even withdrew the steps. But the two of them couldn't get angry.

Scoris and Li Senge's murderous eyes immediately shot over. Antonio added fuel to the fire in their extremely embarrassing pot!

"Okay." Lawrence sighed and stood up: "I think it's most important to listen to what Mr. X says now, isn't it?"

No one refused.

All the Grand Dukes sat down again, suppressing the volcanic anger in their hearts. Scoris looked at Xu Yangyi with a murderous look, and his thin white fingers kept rubbing. Li Senge's face was gloomy and he didn't say a word.

Xu Yangyi stood up, leaving every marquis stunned.

Normally... the master who was like a god in front of him, the pillar of the family, was actually despised by others, and he endured it?

How did this marquis do it?

"It's unbelievable..."

This sentence permeated everyone's heart, and no one dared to say it. Not to mention whether he could do it.

They are not X.

Xu Yangyi said leisurely: "Before that, I want to explain that due to some special circumstances, I know where the door is. And the key must be combined with the door to work."

"And the door is on me." His eyes turned cold, and the hidden sword was finally pulled out: "When I die, the door will be annihilated."

Before, the ten major families used him. The moment he took out the key, his biggest worry was: the other party would not play with him.

How can a casual cultivator with no background not play? Why should he be allowed to share a share of such an important matter as the Tower of Babel?

But now, no!

It is precisely because he has a trump card that he dares to do this. The bigger reason is that he is confident that he can break through the Grand Duke in this line.

Lawrence knew it well, and coughed awkwardly: "Please Mr. X..."

"Of course I will tell you." Xu Yangyi had already learned the correct way to open it from Cerberus. At this moment, he interrupted Lawrence and sneered: "But, after the key is taken out, I am afraid someone will have murderous intentions?"

"Of course not." "We elves guarantee that this will not happen." "We guarantee it."

Xu Yangyi sneered and stopped talking nonsense. If they think there is only one door, then he doesn't mind slapping some people with ulterior motives.

He believes in the other party's IQ.

A black light flew out of his storage ring, and the rolling black gas instantly filled the whole place.

"This is..." Li Sen took a breath and almost exclaimed, and then a murderous intent suddenly surged in his eyes: "Devil's Breath..."

"He is in collusion with the scum of hell!"

Then... a weird scene appeared.

At the moment when the black light hit the sun disk, it was like a drop of ink in water. In an instant, all the constellation runes were black, and then...

The entire sun disk began to vibrate violently!

"Buzz buzz buzz..." As it shook, St. John's Cathedral trembled like an earthquake, and everyone's eyes were filled with a fanatical look.

Finally... it started!

"Boom!!!" Three seconds later, a white light column shot straight into the sky!

"This is..." "What is this?!" "Such a powerful spiritual power... It's hard to believe that it has been sealed for a thousand years!"

All the grand dukes, with exclamations, turned around when they were illuminated by the dazzling white light. The huge wind pressure brought by the sudden burst of spiritual power shattered all the glass of St. John's Cathedral in an instant. However, the "crash" sound that followed made everyone stunned.

This is... the ban that blocks the sight of mortals has been broken...

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