
Chapter 596: The gap between reality and illusion - Eye of the Sahara

"Not good!!!" Lawrence exclaimed first, covering his eyes with one hand, and his voice became sharp and urgent: "The ban is broken...the ban is broken!! Everyone will see this scene!!"

"What can I do?!" Li Sen, whose clothes were flying around him, roared hoarsely: "Who would have thought that spiritual energy is so abundant?!"

The ban was broken... At this moment, the true face of the spiritual world was unveiled in New York.

In New York, a driver was listening to music and drinking Coke in a taxi. Suddenly, all the pedestrians in his ear exclaimed or even screamed. The crowd turned to one place like a tide. Several pedestrians even screamed and bumped into the car.

"Hey!" The black driver leaned out dissatisfied: "Can you pay more attention..."

Before he finished speaking, the Coke cup in his hand spread all over his body, and he stared in one direction dumbfounded.

"What's going on with your finances this quarter? It's down by more than ten hundred compared to last year..." On Wall Street, in a skyscraper, a CEO was training the minister who came to report. The minister who was sweating coldly and nodding his head suddenly raised his head and looked behind him in stunned silence, and the report in his hand was spilled on the floor.

"You don't want to do it anymore?!" The CEO stood up angrily, but the other person just trembled and pointed his finger behind him.

Behind you?

There are more than a hundred floors here!

Still, the CEO turned around and looked.

At this glance, he immediately stood up and looked in a certain direction with his eyes wide open. He didn't know how long it took before he said in a trembling voice: "MYGOD..."

"Is this... aliens coming..."

I don't know how many men and women drinking coffee, and I don't know how many pedestrians, at this moment, all stopped what they were doing and stared blankly in one direction.

A pitch-black chain rose into the sky, carrying a white beam of light directly into the clouds.

"Crash..." The huge New York City was silent at this moment.

People seemed to have lost the ability to speak, and could only watch the chain soar into the sky. Ten minutes later, an extremely thin black line appeared between the sky and the earth.


You can hear a pin drop.

No one could say, this was too sci-fi, and as mortals, they had no idea what lay beneath the veil of the world.

"FUCK... FUCK!!" In an electrical appliance store, the boss had already rushed out of the door. Like all the people gathered around him, he looked at the thin wire, opened his mouth, covered his heart and shook his head. : "Mom...I, I saw something..."

Countless high-rise buildings can be clearly seen by white people. Almost all offices in the offices have stopped working. Everyone is pointing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, shaking their heads and sighing.

The tourists around St. John's Cathedral were even more open-mouthed and unable to speak a word. The legend of Jack and the Beanstalk was being played out in front of them.

The spiritual practice world, after hundreds of years, finally stretched out its fangs in New York.

Just when no one could react, the clouds in the sky suddenly moved visibly to the naked eye. They recombine, change, and finally form an endless sea of ​​clouds! Densely covered in the sky over New York!

At the same time, an extremely clear "kaka" sound rang in everyone's ears. The chain is rotating, and as it rotates, the entire sea of ​​clouds, which is hundreds of thousands or millions of meters long, rotates at the same time!

This scene is so spectacular!

"Oh my God..." An American woman who was shopping for groceries looked at the sky blankly, and the bag in her hand fell to the ground with a "clink".

"Are aliens about to invade..." Students from countless schools, regardless of university or high school, all ran out. If the chain was lifted into the sky just now and they haven't noticed it yet, the current strange phenomenon in the sky and earth makes it impossible for everyone to ignore it. .

"Quick! Quick! See what's going on!" In the Meteorological Bureau, anxious and sweating staff were quickly debugging the instruments. The director had arrived in person a few minutes ago and shouted at the top of his lungs: "What on earth happened! How big is this suddenly formed sea of ​​clouds! Have you calculated it yet?"

"Click, click, click" sounded like flying fingers. A few seconds later, a staff member screamed: "We've figured it out! Mr. Doug! Total, total..."

His voice suddenly stopped.

"How much is the total! Tell me!!" Doug wanted to pull his tongue out.

"A total of..." the staff swallowed: "about... eight, eight hundred and fifty million... square meters..."

The whole place was dead silent.

This scope has exceeded the entire New York City!

"Aura locked! Locked!" While the mortals were deeply shocked by this scene of heaven and earth phenomena, all the archdukes in St. John's Cathedral could no longer care about it, and everyone was trying their best to track the chains.

"Unable to lock!" Sky Roar suddenly raised his head, a fierce light flashed in his eyes. Before he could do anything, Lawrence beside him immediately grabbed him: "What are you going to do?"

"What to do?" Sky Roar took a deep breath, a look of madness appeared on his face: "Such a huge vision of heaven and earth, the government can't handle it! Don't forget, we are not China. The country is not a single party!"

No one spoke.

Everyone knows the consequences of this scene.

The world of spiritual practice... after being hidden for hundreds of years, is finally about to be fully revealed.

"Brother..." Zhao Ziqi shouted in his mind: "What should I do?"

"Nothing to do." Xu Yangyi said calmly, he was calmer than anyone else.

Since... there will be that earth-shattering battle two or three hundred years later, then, there are still two or three hundred years before mortals must accept this problem that they cannot accept at all.

another world.

The second world hidden in the city.

Those are real monsters that are countless times greater than Superman and Batman. Those urban monsters sitting cross-legged on the Statue of Liberty and perched above Wall Street must accept the true face of the world.

Only in this way, when the real martial arts world comes again, can all the people unite and fight against the opponent!

He was very shocked at first, never expecting the Tower of Babel to appear in such a way, but then he quickly calmed down. This is the best opportunity to unveil the true veil.

"Everyone, what are you waiting for?" Sky Roar laughed, full of pride: "We have suppressed it for so many years, it is time for everyone to understand the truth of the world!"

"Crash!" Before he finished speaking, he rushed upwards. As he rose, his body turned into an incomplete dragon. With a violent roar, St. John's Cathedral, a century-old monument, was reduced to ashes.

"Oh!! God!!" "Look!! Dragon!" "Oh my God! It's a dragon! There really is a dragon?!" "I, did I see it wrong?!"

Just after the roar in the sky rose five hundred meters, the whole of New York was boiling!

However, the next second, their necks turned into screams as if they were being strangled.

A half-human, half-bird harpy, two to three hundred meters in size, flew up from the same place almost at the same time, its colorful feathers reflecting dazzling light in the sun.

"Crack..." In the university, those holding things in their hands fell to the ground.

Speechless, I wanted to say something, but found that the current scene was beyond words.

Shock, shock, and shock.

In these few seconds, they experienced more shock than in their entire lives.

Immediately afterwards, a huge fireball of six to seven hundred meters appeared in mid-air. No... it was a flame vortex. Then, from the flame vortex, a woman wearing a cloak appeared quietly.

A war horse shining with holy light appeared in the sky, and two old men wearing priestly robes seemed to be the descendants of the Lord. Appearing around the chain with the holy light filling the sky.

One person appears, twelve in total. Finally, there is a white man in a suit, using the void to control the wind, standing on the side of the chain with his feet in the void.

This is Xu Yangyi with a thousand illusions.

"Pa!" In Chinatown, Master Yue suddenly stood up, and then sat down again in surprise.

"They...really found the key to opening the door?"

"This thousand-year-old treasure has actually been found... No, I can't sit down here either!"

His figure disappeared in an instant.

Facing New York, which had turned into a dot of color below, everyone was completely indifferent. In the face of overwhelming interests, any treaty can be torn up.

Everyone looked at the chain with burning eyes.

"Then what?" Li Senge's expression remained as usual. Those who could cultivate to the level of Grand Duke were extremely courageous people. Now that he had done it, he had no regrets.

"I don't know." Xu Yangyi shook his head and suddenly frowned: "Seniors... did I... hear it wrong?"

"That's right..." Antonio had transformed into a three-hundred-meter-long black crow, circling and saying, "This Grand Duke also heard it..."

Everyone heard it... Just above their heads, above the thick clouds, there was a sound of chains being pulled.

It was so huge, so clear, as if... there was a giant pulling the earth.

"Rumble!!!!" With an earth-shattering noise, an iron chain hundreds of meters thick roared out of the clouds, shot directly through New York, and rushed to the other side of the sky.

The huge momentum brought fierce winds, and at this moment, New York was in a storm. Countless mortals screamed and squatted on the ground holding their heads.

This is not a superhero...

This is a disaster movie!

It's 2012!

"Crash..." The huge chain was so fast that the naked eye couldn't keep up with its speed! It seems more like there is no end. Antonio looked twice and immediately shouted with red eyes: "Let the US government mobilize satellites!! Immediately! Immediately!"

"This thing's spiritual energy cannot be traced! Its location must be the location of the Tower of Babel! We must not let it go!"

Sapphiron cursed secretly, took out his cell phone without hesitation, and quickly connected. Then, all thirteen people disappeared into the air.

The next second, they appeared in a heavily guarded building. As soon as they appeared, countless soldiers with guns and ammunition were immediately aimed at them.

"Get out!!!" Antonio shouted angrily, and the tidal spiritual energy was like ocean waves, causing all the soldiers to fly backwards. Before he could do anything else, a fat man came out with a bow and sweating profusely, and then his eyes widened.

Twelve Grand Xudan...

He rolled his eyes and was about to faint. The Scarlet Duke sneered: "Do you dare to faint and try?"

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