
Chapter 597: March! Tower of Babel! (I)

Ten minutes later, all thirteen people entered a large room with countless computers and screens, all staff nervously operating them.

In front of them, there was an extremely clear picture. The head of the chain had begun to cross the Pacific Ocean!

"Estimated landing location?" The Scarlet Duke put his hands behind his back, his voice hoarse.

"Click, click, click..." There was a sound of keyboard, and before he could figure it out, the door was opened, and a lieutenant general walked in with a smile: "Everyone..."

"I don't have time to reminisce with you. If you don't want to die, stay away." Sapphiron said solemnly. Everyone's eyes are focused on the screen in front of them.

Five seconds, which seemed like five years, a map appeared on another screen. The arrow above is pointing somewhere.

"Africa!" the staff member said, wiping cold sweat: "Southwestern Sahara! Mauritania!"

"Why in Africa?" Li Sen turned his head. At this critical moment, he could no longer care about his grace and said with his chest rising and falling.

"The crack is between reality and reality, how do I know where it is!" Xu Yangyi also had no scruples at the moment. The secrets from thousands of years ago were about to surface. He couldn't imagine that when the Tower of Babel appeared, the government would give the people a What an explanation.

He also couldn't figure out why he was in Mauritania? According to the Jerusalem Star, shouldn’t it be in Jerusalem?

Could it be that the position in the crack is also drifting? Across the Pacific to Africa?

"Didi..." At this moment, all the instruments screamed. Sky Roar roared angrily: "Quiet! What happened?"

"First, sir!" A staff member looked at the screen blankly, his voice trembling: "Luo, the landing point is anchored..."

"Mauritania...Eye of the Sahara..."

Eyes of the Sahara!

Everyone let out a long sigh of relief.

It's here...the line between virtuality and reality. The mysterious area known as the "Eye of the Earth" can be seen from the spacecraft. For thousands of years, no one knows its function and why it was formed. Why is there a place in the vast Sahara Desert that will not be flooded by yellow sand?

Now, it's finally clear. the base of the Tower of Babel!

The 48-kilometer Eye of the Sahara is enough to serve as the base of the Tower of Babel!

And there is the boundary between virtuality and reality!

Xu Yangyi finally understood what eyes Cerberus was talking about. Not a noun, but geography!

"No, it's more than that, gentlemen..." The staff looked at the screen in disbelief: "There are huge signs of life in the desert..."

"How big is it?" the lieutenant general asked immediately.

"None, undetectable... Thick, rough estimate... It's a snake-like object... The diameter cannot be measured... Long, the length..."

He swallowed: "Enough to circle the equator..."

All the princes had extremely serious faces. There are too many screens here, and on the third screen on the right, everyone saw the huge red shadow.

A very obvious red line is looming on the "waistline" of the entire earth. All the ordinary people stood up, some covering their mouths, some trembling, all looking at that incredibly exaggerated thing.

"My God..." Even though the lieutenant general had seen a lot of wind and rain, at this moment, his hands were shaking as if he were having a stroke. Inadvertently, he swept the coffee cup on the workbench next to him on the floor. A crisp snapping sound echoed in the room, but no one looked back. Everyone was watching the monitor with their racing hearts suppressed.

"Can it still be stopped..." Lawrence was stunned, no one expected that such a monster would appear. His hand trembled and he made the sign of the cross on his chest: "My lord...what did we open..."

Not only the mortals, but all the princes had earth-colored faces. No one expected that such a monster would appear when the Tower of Babel was opened.

This has gone beyond the limits of human beings. The snake-like monsters that circle the earth... they have no intention of fighting at all.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, his expression was extremely solemn. He knew exactly what it was.


Six thousand years of ancient cultivation! Sure enough, he's not dead!

And... as expected, it's with the Tower of Babel!

"Everyone, your Excellencies..." At this moment, an old man with white hair in the room spoke: "Maybe... maybe the situation is not the worst. The signal is very strange, intermittent..."

Before he could finish speaking, everyone looked at him. Sure enough, that huge red line, like a scar on the earth, sometimes disappears and sometimes appears.

"It should be in the crack between virtuality and reality, together with the Tower of Babel. Otherwise, the world would not be able to accommodate such a huge creature." Antonio pondered: "Now, this crack is not big enough, and it cannot come out. ?”

"It's not that I can't come out, it's that I'm waiting for something." Lord Tynas Androns of the Voldemort family said with a sneer on his face, "It looks like we have really opened Pandora's box..."

No one spoke again. On the map, the arrow rushed toward the Eye of Sahara at a speed that exceeded all imagination. Thirty minutes later, with a "Boom!", the head of the chain suddenly rushed into the vast yellow sand.

At this moment, everyone on the earth felt a slight earthquake.

"Crash..." The monitor picture was very clear, and the chain didn't stop at all, desperately moving downwards.

I don’t know how long it took, twenty minutes, or thirty minutes, the chain finally stopped moving. Then, a tooth-grinding "kakaka" mechanical sound resounded throughout the room.

As if they had a telepathic connection, all the monks looked at each other.

Pull it out...

The crack between the virtual and the real is right under the Eye of the Sahara, and this chain is going to pull the behemoth out of this crack that does not belong to the world.

In silence, the chain tightened more and more. At this moment, all the people, tribes, and countries around the Sahara were all looking here. Rows of yellow sand emptied like waves. I don’t know how many camel caravans and tribal priests knelt on the ground trembling, watching this doomsday-like scene.

"Kakaka..." The sound of the chain went from slow to fast, and the surface of the Sahara Desert rose and fell. Ten minutes... twenty minutes... a full forty minutes later, with a loud "boom"! The entire Sahara Desert seemed to have an endless sand rain, and a huge metal object was pulled out of the desert!

That... seemed like a candlestick, hundreds of meters in size, with extremely complex patterns and patterns carved on it. And what was pulled out along the candlestick was an extremely huge head!

It... was dozens of kilometers in size! In other words... tens of thousands of meters! It was an old man with his eyes closed, his face full of vicissitudes, and his white hair flying like a waterfall. At the moment of being pulled out, the whole world fell into darkness in an instant.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly, and he almost took a step forward, but he clenched his fists and endured it.

At the bottom of Danxia Palace, Xiaoqing was sitting on the lotus in the lake boredly, and then suddenly opened his eyes. He looked in one direction with a burning gaze.

"It appeared..." Her voice trembled slightly: "The legendary monster... Quetzalcoatl..."

In the Death Valley of Kunlun Mountain, a group of scientists were exploring. Suddenly, countless butterflies flew out of the mountain, and a distant voice sounded: "Is it time again..."

"The day when the Tower of Babel appeared... The war between the two worlds... It has been less than three hundred years... The shackles we are waiting for should be untied..."

At the same time, in the Holy Light Dome of the Vatican, Jerusalem, the Holy City of Macbeth, Bodh Gaya in India, and the Chinese Practice Court, five pairs of eyes opened and looked over at the same time.

"What a powerful force..." In the Holy Light Dome, Saint Peter of Light could no longer sit down. He rushed to the edge in one step, holding the railing tightly with both hands, and looked in the direction of Africa: "It's simply... beyond cognition!"

In the Practice Court, Tianzai Zhenren looked at the sudden darkness of the world in amazement, and sighed for a long time: "Open your eyes for day, close your eyes for night... It turned out to be you..."

In Jerusalem, Bai Samu of the Sand appeared in person, his skinny figure sitting cross-legged above the holy city, looking at the dark night with bright eyes. I don't know how long it took, and I sighed.

Everything far away in the sky, everyone in New York doesn't know, they only know that everything in front of them... is too mysterious, too incredible.

The huge head has been pulled into the air by the chain, it still has its eyes closed, and there are two curved horns on its head that are not conspicuous compared to the head. However, behind the white hair, there is a huge snake body.

I don't know how long it is, I don't know how big it is, any language is pale. The black scales, each piece has complex runes growing on it. This is not carved by people, but has been naturally generated for a long time. This monster is being tightly pulled by the chain on its forehead and slowly rising into the air.

"Heh..." I don't know how many heads of state have stopped everything at hand at this moment, and all their eyes are focused on the Eye of the Sahara.

"Hua La La..." The human head and snake body are being pulled higher and higher, and at this moment, everyone in the world feels...

The air is changing!

The temperature is sometimes high and sometimes low, just like spring and winter are constantly rotating.

"The change of seasons between breaths..." Li Senge was completely stunned. They wanted to find the Tower of Babel, but they definitely didn't want to awaken this monster!

"Look!" Saphiron said in a deep voice. Everyone looked at the desert carefully and suddenly found...

Under the desert... it seemed like a bottomless pit! Endless stones and bones slowly rose from the ground. As Quetzalcoatl pulled higher and higher, the moment its body approached the sky, countless stones were suspended around it.

"Could it be..." Everyone looked at each other, and there was an incredible idea in their hearts!

Xu Yangyi was also stunned. He also found that at this moment, Quetzalcoatl's body was straight, forming a right angle with the ground. Could it be...

Before everyone could finish thinking, white light burst out from every stone, and then rushed towards Quetzalcoatl's body frantically!

"Hua La La!!" Ten minutes later, in full view of everyone, a huge stone tower appeared between heaven and earth!

As high as the sky, as long as the sky!

It, like the golden hoop that supports the world, has never collapsed.

The thousand-year mystery of the tower, built with the body of Quetzalcoatl!


Death-like silence.

The Tower of Babel finally appeared!

However, no one thought that Quetzalcoatl itself was the Tower of Babel! The Tower of Babel was built with its flesh as the skeleton!

At the moment the giant tower appeared, the whole world finally became daytime.

Everything was the same as before.

Only the tower towering on the Eye of the Sahara proved what had just happened. It stood like a god in East Africa with thousands of years of glory and traces of thousands of years.

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