
Chapter 598: March! Tower of Babel! (Part 2)

"That is to say..." The Scarlet Duke pursed his lips: "We... are going to enter the body of this monster?"

Xu Yangyi didn't pay attention to these, his heart beat harder than anyone else, because, just now, Zhao Ziqi said something to him.

"Are you sure?" He asked, suppressing his hot breath.

"It should be possible." Zhao Ziqi also felt unbelievable: "But, but how is this possible! Isn't this Quetzalcoatl? Opening eyes is day, closing eyes is night, breathing is winter and summer, and most importantly... holding a lamp..."

"This is the Candle Dragon God!!!"

Xu Yangyi clenched his fists fiercely, he couldn't believe this fact.

Quetzalcoatl Candle Dragon God? Candle Jiuyin?

But, apart from this, how to explain that Quetzalcoatl and Candle Jiuyin are exactly the same, especially holding a lamp in their mouths?

"So, the eyes you are talking about are the Eye of the Sahara." He temporarily stopped thinking about this huge puzzle and said to Cerberus in the storage ring. However, the other party did not react at all.

After several seconds, Cerberus seemed to come back to his senses. He was stunned by the shocking scene in front of him and said in a daze: "I don't know either..."

It doesn't know either, and it doesn't know how such a monster could exist in the world!

"Everyone." Li Senge finally came back to his senses and looked at everyone with a serious look: "I think now is not the time to sit here anymore."

No one objected.

The Tower of Babel has appeared, accompanied by Quetzalcoatl, and they must deploy the force to enter immediately.

He retracted his gaze and glanced at Xu Yangyi calmly.

It's different, completely different from what he guessed. The Tower of Babel is definitely not a good place. Perhaps, the key will be used in the future. Now is not the time to turn against him.

"Making a deal with the devil." He snorted coldly: "You'd better pray that your key in the tower is still useful, otherwise..."

"What about them?" Scoris glanced around the whole audience without any emotion: "What about these mortals?"

The lieutenant general was stunned, and then immediately shouted: "No, no. Your Excellencies! These people are important scientific research forces in the United States! You..."

"America?" Lawrence smiled slightly, lovingly: "What does it have to do with this Grand Duke?"

The hands behind his back were already shining with holy light.

"No need." Antonio frowned: "Such a big thing, the world can't cover it up. The cultivation world must be exposed to the world. You can kill them, and you can kill everyone?"

Lawrence pondered for a moment, the holy light disappeared, and he smiled: "You are lucky."

"Everyone." Li Senge turned his head and looked at everyone: "Starting today, within a week, I suggest that no one should leave New York. The whole New York is under martial law, red alert level. I wonder if there are any opinions?"

"No. I agree. Who dares to leak the news, hehe..."

"As for you." Lawrence looked at the mortals at the scene: "Tell the president that he can't cover this matter, prepare to lift the ban completely."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone turned into a stream of light and left the scene. Everyone was anxious, even Scores didn't even look at Xu Yangyi. At this time, every minute is precious.

"You, what else do you want?" Everyone left impatiently, leaving only Xu Yangyi. Although he looked the youngest, the lieutenant general did not neglect it at all, but asked as if he was looking at a tiger.

"Play the previous video again."


The video was replayed, and Xu Yangyi stared at the screen. He didn't know if he had seen it wrong just now, and he needed to prove it again.

"All of you go out." He waved his hand, and everyone looked at each other. They all thought that this person was a follower or something. Judging from his age, his status was not unique to one country.

"Didn't you understand?" Xu Yangyi's voice became colder, and the lieutenant general immediately woke up and immediately asked everyone to leave, leaving only the operator.

The video was played, and Xu Yangyi stared at the screen and suddenly shouted: "Stop."

The picture froze, he stared for a few seconds, and then said to Zhao Ziqi: "Ziqi, did you see it?"

"What?" Zhao Ziqi was a little confused, and looked carefully several times: "What did you see?"

Xu Yangyi pondered in doubt: "Is there something on the lamp?"


Xu Yangyi frowned deeply.

He saw... There was a ball of blue mist on the lamp, and it seemed that there were stars flashing in it, converging into a vague figure sitting cross-legged.

He couldn't see his face clearly. He had zoomed in to the maximum. He could only see a group of stars, rising repeatedly under the gathering of blue mist.

"Am I seeing it wrong?" He looked at it several times and confirmed that the thing did exist, but why couldn't Zhao Ziqi see it?

According to the proportion, this is the size of a person.

"Sir, I'm sure there is nothing here." The operator was sweating profusely. He repeatedly operated several times and said with certainty: "There is no sign of life or objects. This is the most sophisticated instrument and system in the world. There will be no mistakes."

Xu Yangyi suppressed his doubts and nodded. Just as he was about to look away, he suddenly took a few steps back, his chest rose and fell sharply, and he looked at the monitor in disbelief.

Just now... the figure moved...

He opened his eyes and looked at Xu Yangyi deeply. At this glance, that long-standing breath, that feeling of vicissitudes, seemed to swarm out through the screen! He was like being pricked by a needle, and the spiritual energy in his body burst out!

Pure conditioned reflex.

"Swish!" At this moment, Yuchang in his Qi Sea suddenly made a buzzing sound, automatically rushed out of his Qi Sea, and hovered in the air.

However, unlike before, cracks appeared all over Yuchang's body, and endless golden light sprayed out. Runes that he had never seen before appeared and disappeared with the spray of golden light.

"Is this... a seal?" Xu Yangyi pondered and wanted to catch Yuchang, but Yuchang, who used to be able to do it with ease, trembled slightly at this moment and broke free from his hand for the first time!


He deeply felt Yuchang's desire for the blue figure.

Not devouring, but... as if he felt his parents and longed to return to each other.

"Ku..." The operator next to him made a strange sound in his throat, then his eyes rolled over and he fainted.

It took half an hour for Yuchang to return to his body.

"Brother, brother?" Zhao Ziqi's voice brought him back to his senses, and Xu Yangyi took several deep breaths. Looking over again, the monitor had returned to its original state.

"What on earth is this?"

"Why can only I see it?"

"What was it just now?" Zhao Ziqi said in doubt: "Brother's magic weapon... resonates with the Tower of Babel?"

Xu Yangyi nodded, why? Why?

Why is Ming Guangzong's imperial weapon connected to the Tower of Babel? A thousand years apart, what is going on?

"No... Ming Guangzong was killed by Xuanyuan Sword at that time because he found the way to become an immortal? And the Tower of Babel is the place where the most immortals gather..." His eyes flickered, and after another ten minutes, his figure disappeared in the room.

You will know what it is when you go there.

A week passed in a flash.

This week, all European and American families were mobilized, and countless airships and transport teams came to New York from all over Europe and America every day. And Xu Yangyi just quietly adjusted his body to the peak.

Without power, alone, only himself is the biggest reliance.

A week later, at night, infinite light poured down from the sky above New York. Xu Yangyi opened his eyes, took a deep breath, and immediately disappeared into the room with Zhao Ziqi's spirit body.

In the black night sky, a floating ship inlaid with gold and jade flew in the air.

It looked like a ship of Poseidon, with a gold-inlaid hull, no sails, and the hull was engraved with runes. It was more than a thousand meters long and more than two hundred meters wide. A series of holy white lights shone on the hull, like the sacred Noah's Ark.

As if sensing, a white light shot down from the ship. He did not resist. After a slight dizziness, he had entered the cabin.

There was nothing in the cabin, but a training room engraved with runes. But if you look closely, you will find that this is a high-level spirit gathering array that is hard to find anywhere!

Zhao Ziqi walked forward, stroking the golden spiritual stone in the center with his fingers, and took a breath: "It looks ordinary... This, this is a high-level spiritual stone! This ship is more than a thousand meters in total, with at least hundreds of rooms. How much does it cost?"

Xu Yangyi also deeply stroked the talismans around him: "These talismans are not ordinary either, they should be made of SSS-level materials. This room probably costs about five million medium-grade spiritual stones. Don't look at Li Senge and Lawrence's poor clothes, they are truly rich enough to rival a country. The things that the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages plundered for a whole thousand years, even if they do nothing now, they are still top rich people."

"Buzz..." The airship made a low hum, and then drove towards Africa like lightning.

"Swish" The walls in the room suddenly flashed, like a holographic theater, and a dark sky appeared in front of Xu Yangyi, and the wind was howling. The black clouds retreated in front of him like lightning. Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly: "These talismans also have the function of communication and projection, and the cost should be more than 6 million spiritual stones. Compared with them, we are poor."

The airship barely vibrated, but the speed was extremely fast. The endless sea below announced that they were crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

No words were spoken along the way. An hour later, Xu Yangyi and Zhao Ziqi both took a deep breath. They looked at the end of the sky with burning eyes.

There...a towering tower, standing upright like a golden hoop. Even if you can't feel anything, it makes people feel chills.

The Tower of Babel...a thousand-year-old secret is right in front of you.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi suddenly narrowed his eyes. Not only him, but everyone in the airship looked at the sea with a serious look.

Just in front of them, the flames reflected half of the sky red.

That was a vortex of flames.

However, these flames were not pure flames, but mixed with the sea water below, rotating like the beginning of the universe. The area is as large as 10,000 to 20,000 meters. As the flames and seawater evaporate, white mists keep rising with the evaporation of seawater, making this place look like a fairyland.

However, the endless seawater can't put out the flames at all. Because, there is a person sitting in the flames.

An old man in a suit, leisurely tasting wine.

With white hair and wearing British single-frame glasses, he sits on a soft sofa like sunbathing after lunch, with several bottles of fine wine on the small table next to him. However, he is sitting in a sea of ​​fire. Everything loses gravity but floats steadily.



March 1st...

It won't be more than 40 this month...

The term "asking for votes" makes me very sad. I lose confidence... I can't feel the true love of readers... Heartbrokeng

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