
Chapter 599: Murderous Intentions from Thousands of Years Ago

"The prince of the Tira Song family, Phoenix of Fire. He sits in the Strait of Gibraltar. He kills all non-European and American monks who dare to get involved in the Tower of Babel." Lawrence's voice rang out in the room: "Please be at ease and maintain the most sincere respect."

The speed of the spacecraft slowed down significantly, and it slowly flew over the old man who was tasting wine in the void. After passing through, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The invisible but substantial majesty almost made people's hearts stop just now.

This is the power of the prince.

Even if he sits here and says nothing, no one dares to be presumptuous.

The airship continued to move forward, and after half an hour, there was a slight pause. Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, looked at Zhao Ziqi, and nodded vigorously. Then they disappeared from the room together.

Three seconds later, they appeared outside the airship, and all the grand dukes and the teams they led stopped two kilometers away.

Just when he got off the airship, his spiritual consciousness seemed to be pricked by a needle, and he subconsciously looked back at a place.

Savidian VI!

The leader of the Corvinus family turned out to be Savidian VI!

He actually came back alive from Jerusalem!

The other party did not speak, but there was a humiliating scar on his old face, from the left corner of the forehead to the right cheek, making his face look extremely terrible. At this moment, he just looked deeply at Xu Yangyi, licked his scarlet tongue, and wiped his neck with his hand.

"Cherish your remaining time, kid..." His cold voice broke into Xu Yangyi's consciousness rudely: "Now, you don't even have the chance to kneel down and beg for mercy and be the watchdog of this archduke..."

Xu Yangyi sneered and turned his eyes to the front. Except for Savidian VI, no one was still in the mood for him at this moment. Lawrence nodded at him, and before he could speak, a hoarse voice came from the front: "Interesting."

"After nearly two thousand years, it is worthy of being the Tower of Babel. It still has this kind of power... Interesting, very interesting." Scoris was the first to land on the ground and raised his eyebrows: "Everyone, don't you come down and take a look?"

"Brother? What's wrong?" Zhao Ziqi asked in confusion.

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but squinted at the ground.

The wind blew quietly, and suddenly, his eyes jumped. A stone bounced up, but shattered quietly in mid-air.

All around, it was still quiet, but there was something invisible that shattered the fragment in a place that people could not see.

"Don't go down." Xu Yangyi grabbed the railing, turned over and jumped down: "There is something strange down here."

"Boom!" He fell to the ground like a meteor. Just as his feet stepped on the ground, countless sounds rang in his ears. Then, everything in front of him began to blur.

In an instant, light years changed, Huangzhong Dalu rang in his ears, and the golden swords and iron horses were in front of him.

"I, Jiang Shang, Taigong Wang, swear here that I will settle the first catastrophe after the Conferred God!"

"I, Zhang Daoling of Qingcheng Mountain, swear here that I will never ascend to heaven unless I defeat the enemy!"

"I, Hercules, the first warrior of Greece, swear here with my life. I will defend the dignity of this world."

"I swear in the name of the Holy Father that the first Pope, Saint Lawrence, will purify them with holy light."

"I, Abel Corvinus." "My name is Cain Tagul." "Saint Peter." "Saint Andrew." "I... Nuhai of the Twenty-Five Saints." "Ibrahim, the father of all saints." "Prophet Moses." "The Confucius family in Qufu is here." "Saint Xun." "Saint Meng." "Amaterasu." "Tsukuyomi."

He seemed to see one figure after another, all half-kneeling on the ground, and each of their backs, even through the mist of history, felt suffocating. That kind of powerfulness that stood tall and proud announced the lost glory of the earth.

His eyes were hazy, and he also saw... Behind these famous saints in history, there was a group of people who were also unforgettable. If it was normal, he would have a heart pounding at a glance, but now, behind those extremely terrifying figures in the front, the figures of about thousands of people behind were no longer so scary.

Further back, there were several large square formations of troops!

He saw Taoist priests, all wearing green robes and long swords, with Taoist buns on their heads. There were also monks, Vatican paladins, Jerusalem Inquisition, and heavy cavalry of the Roman Empire... Countless monks formed a colorful trend. Perhaps their ranks were not high, but the integrity of the other party who was willing to die generously could be felt thousands of years later.

Continuous for thousands of miles, majestic and overwhelming.

His eyes were slightly red.

It was these people who fought one after another and used their lives to repel the attack of the Zhenwu Realm. The two realms fought, and the Earth won miserably, and in the end, only the mess was left.

If, three hundred years later, Zhenwu came again, would anyone be able to resist them?

Three hundred years later, will there still be such a brave monk?

He asked himself, can he do it?

The answer in his heart is that he can without hesitation.

The picture is gradually fading. This is an obsession that spans nearly two thousand years. Perhaps, this is something that the predecessors deliberately left for future generations to see. Tell them that there is such an enemy hidden in the plane, who has been watching here. There was such a group of people who shed their blood thousands of years ago and fought for the beautiful rivers and mountains of the earth.

"Since ancient times, everyone has to die, and leave a loyal heart to shine in history." He murmured.

Even if he was prepared, each voice made his blood flow backwards.

Perhaps, it was not a reverse flow, but a boiling blood.

With red eyes and gritted teeth, he immediately took out the Xuan Yi Dan and swallowed it. A cold spiritual energy shot straight into the sky, and I felt a little better.

And around...every grand duke looked solemn, and their spiritual energy exploded, suppressing the monks under them.

This is the Tower of Babel.

Even after thousands of years, this place is still a solemn and holy place.

Everyone fell to the ground. Except for Scoris, everyone stood there blankly like a lightning strike. There was even a look of reverence from the heart on everyone's face.

Scoris sneered and turned his head.

A bunch of trash...

The dead are just corpses, what else is left? Ashes? For a tomb, which is his paradise, needs to be venerated by the living?

Respecting these dusts from two thousand years ago is not as good as worshiping yourself, the king of the dead.

"Go down." Scoris said coldly to the six people behind him.

"Yes..." Despite countless reluctances in their hearts, his six disciples still landed on the sand.

"Go over." Scoris said without any emotion, "I will kill anyone who dares to retreat."

"Brush..." The strong wind brought up a piece of yellow sand, and the six people shook their heads. However, they still gritted their teeth and walked over.

Five hundred thousand meters...just when they entered one thousand and one meters, the six people, without any expectation, all their heads flew up together, bright red blood stained the yellow sand, and sprayed up to a height of one meter. ! He didn't even scream, he fell to the ground at the same time!

"Bang bang bang..." The heads fell evenly behind them, all pointed at their positions, still retaining the expressions they had before death. It's like a demonstration, like a deterrent.

There was dead silence.

All the princes, including Xu Yangyi, recovered from the shock in an instant and took a step back.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Zhao Ziqi also came down, not daring to land in mid-air, and said in shock: "What just happened? There is no spiritual energy fluctuation at all!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes were solemn: "Murderous."


"Around this tower, there is endless murderous intent. It is as strong as a weapon. The Terror Duke just used his disciples to step on landmines. These murderous intents have almost formed a barrier with a range of one thousand meters."

Scoris walked up slowly step by step.

Six disciples died tragically in front of his eyes, and he seemed to have no feeling at all. He just took off his robe as he walked over.

"Death order." He suddenly pressed down with his palm. A pale rune spread crazily from his palm, spinning crazily and spreading thousands of meters in an instant. There was a sound of "kakaka", and countless bones stood tall under the desert, surrounding nearly a kilometer, just behind the six monks who had just been blood sacrificed.

"Like killing?" Scoris smiled grimly on his dead face: "I want you to kill as many as you can!!"

"Sen Luo Hell!!"

"Kakaka!" Countless skeletons, with two balls of dark fire in their eyes, thousands of them, all connected to the hands of Scoris, who is surrounded by endless black aura at this moment, like a demon, he is like a puppet on strings The master, the tide of skeletons made a clicking sound and rushed towards the Tower of Babel crazily!

"Swipe!" This time, not only Xu Yangyi and the Grand Duke, but also Zhao Ziqi saw it. Just as countless skeletons rushed to a kilometer range, a white brilliance swept across everything! At a speed that is simply incomprehensible, invincible and majestic, the bones within a radius of a kilometer stopped in an instant.

Immediately afterwards... they all turned into powder and shattered to the ground!

"This is it!" Lawrence's eyes flashed, and his heart almost stopped beating.

At that moment, a vague figure, wearing an ancient Chinese robe, with his back on his back, pulled out the long sword on his back at a speed that was simply incomprehensible, and raised it with ease.

Immediately afterwards... there was that exaggerated halo of light, a sword that spanned two thousand years. Two thousand years later, when the person was gone, the remaining sword power broke through Scoris' magic in an instant!

" you...know who he is?" Lawrence said in shock. He couldn't imagine what kind of sword intent could travel through thousands of years? Even the Grand Duke could not resist.

Xu Yangyi shook his head. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have been equally unbelievable.

"Very good..." A flash of crazy red appeared on Scolis's pale face: "Is this the first one... Let's see how many more you can have!"

"A dead soul dares to show off in front of the lord of death? I don't care who you are. If you die, you will die. It is your duty to dedicate yourself to the living!"

"Boom boom boom!!" The yellow sand surged up behind him like a huge wave, and skeleton war horses, headless knights, skeleton shield soldiers, and this time, an entire legion appeared!


Scolis waved his hand, and the undead screamed and pounced on him. A sea of ​​bones.

As the aura continued to shine, everyone could see the complete Tower of Babel clearly. It was filled with countless weapons. Some have strange shapes, and some have swords, spears, swords and halberds. There were dead bones hanging on many of the weapons. There are cracks and dark bloodstains that have persisted for thousands of years.

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