
Chapter 600: Entering the Tower

Every time the army of the dead charged, a layer of brilliance would appear. With one sword, and another, the figures of the heroes wandered and disappeared. Instead, his footsteps actually advanced several meters with each disappearance of the figures.

"Swish..." When he finally stood at the gate of the Tower of Babel, he was already panting like a cow, but with a strange excitement, he looked up at the sky and laughed wildly.



"Hahaha! That's it? That's all?!"

"Ghosts from two thousand years ago are now just maggots in the underworld!"

As he walked to the door, twelve gates suddenly appeared at the bottom of the tower, carrying the dust of history, and opened with a bang.

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces...

After nearly two thousand years, the gate of the Tower of Babel finally bloomed again under the moonlight.

"Everyone, this Grand Duke will go first! Hahaha!" With a crazy laugh, Scores' figure turned into a white light and immediately rushed into the gate of Leo that he owned.

His charge made everyone's eyes red.

"Go!" Sky Roar roared, and a group of five people rushed over without hesitation.

"Swish, swish, swish!" The figure was like lightning, and everyone shot past in an instant. The twelve gates were all closed as they entered. The runes of the twelve zodiac signs extinguished and closed silently.

Only the Pisces Palace was left.

Xu Yangyi did not go in.


"Nothing." Xu Yangyi came back to his senses, shook his head, and smiled bitterly: "It's just... a little lonely."

No one, facing an unknown high-risk place, does not want to have relatives and friends around him, even if it's just a cheer.

Especially, any organization in front of him is a group of people going in together to support each other. Only he was alone.

"If Brother Chu were here, he would accompany me in..." Zhao Ziqi coughed and said, walking to Xu Yangyi: "Besides, don't you have me now?"

Xu Yangyi looked at the elf without little JJ in front of him, and suddenly smiled: "That's right, I'll go back and find you a body of a boy. I'm not used to this body."

"What about me?" Suddenly, a crisp and energetic voice came: "Are you used to seeing me?"

Xu Yangyi was stunned, and then turned his head in disbelief.

A slender figure stood not far behind him, with a circle of golden light outside the body, blocking the pressure of the Tower of Babel. The golden hair looked like angel wings, and he was smiling and looking at him with his head tilted.

"Angel..." He almost thought he had seen wrongly: "Why are you here?"

"I can't come?"

Xu Yangyi couldn't deny the inexplicable joy in his heart just now, but then he immediately said: "Nonsense, this is not the place you should come."

"Dad has agreed." Angel shook the storage ring proudly: "See, Dad has advanced to the Void Dan realm in a few months. Except for the things needed for advancement, he gave me everything. Now I have more magic weapons than you, why don't you hold on to your sister's thighs?"

Xu Yangyi looked at her seriously: "Did Master Yue really agree?"

Angel was also serious: "Of course."

Without saying anything else, the two looked at each other quietly, and Xu Yangyi saw the determination in each other's eyes. And now, it is obviously not the time to persuade the other party to turn back.

"Are you sure you want to go in?" Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment and sighed: "You have to know that it looks safe inside, but no one knows what's actually inside. I..."

"You are annoying." Angel looked at him quietly: "Do you think I don't have the ability to protect myself? Do you think I haven't considered it?"

"I don't like this self-righteous idea. Besides, I am much stronger than you think."

Xu Yangyi looked at her deeply for a long time: "I won't protect you."

Angel bit her lip, and looked at him as if she wanted to bite him hard: "I don't need your protection!"

"Okay." Xu Yangyi was not in the mood to talk to her, and turned into a stream of light, rushing straight to the Pisces Palace.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Angel was stunned. She didn't expect the other party to leave as soon as he said he would, so she immediately chased after him.

"Boom boom boom..." Two rays of light, like a flying swallow flying into the forest. The door behind him slowly closed, and in an instant, there was darkness in front of him.

The three people were like arrows, and they couldn't see their hands in front of their faces. I don't know how long they flew, but suddenly, Xu Yangyi stopped abruptly.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Ziqi and Angel looked at him in confusion.

"Did you hear anything?" Xu Yangyi frowned and looked at the boundless darkness vigilantly. This is pure black, extreme black, as if infinite demons are hiding in the dark abyss, and they will fly out to plunder people's hearts as long as they are not careful.

Didn't hear it?

Xu Yangyi thought he had heard it wrong, but the sound in his ears was so clear that he couldn't question himself at all.

That was the sound of the bell.

The extremely slight bell sound, accompanied by the "kaka" sound of the mechanism, although the Tower of Babel has been gone for thousands of years, the sound carries obvious rust, rubbing, and dust sounds, however, this kind of sound that only you can hear, resounding in the darkness and filling your ears, makes people feel even more hairy.

"Dingling... Dingling..." The lonely and heart-shaking bell sound is getting louder and louder. He has made the other two stop completely and look solemnly at the bottomless sky.

The sound is crisp and continuous. After ringing for more than ten minutes, it gradually disappears in the darkness.

Who is ringing the bell in the darkness?

There is no answer. Xu Yangyi looked deeply into the deep darkness. After the ringing sound disappeared, he waved his hand and the three rushed to the deepest part.

After an unknown amount of time, a little light finally appeared in front of them. When they approached, they suddenly found that it was a door suspended in the void.

It was about ten meters high and three or four meters wide, in typical Chinese style. Without any decoration, Xu Yangyi put his hand on it cautiously. With a harsh sound of "Kara La", the light in front of him shone brightly.

There was a slight blur, and the next second, the three people saw a bright light.

The aura of the three people burst out without hesitation, forming an aura shield around their bodies. After two seconds of adaptation, they opened their eyes and were stunned.

This is inside the tower.

In a space of dozens of square kilometers and hundreds of meters high, there are no windows, and the walls are engraved with talismans all around. These talismans have been there for many years, and they are covered with dark bloodstains, one by one, and the red and white walls have long been completely inseparable. Covered with broken scars. All the carvings in the tower are in typical Chinese style. The most eye-catching thing is the thing in the center.

Four coffins are placed together vertically, leaning against each other to form a trapezoid. Each one is more than 100 meters high. It is not the hexagonal coffins of Europe and the United States. It is a typical Chinese-style rectangle. Each one is well preserved. And it is meticulously carved, with countless totems engraved on it, and there is no trace of decay.

Three coffins are all covered, but one is open, and there is nothing inside.

However, what shocked Xu Yangyi the most was not this.

Just above the three coffins... there is a tree.

A half-dead and half-thriving tree.

One side is completely dead, with black branches, and the other side is thriving, covered with green leaves, and its roots are deep into the three coffins. However, under the crown of the half-thriving tree, a silver light poured out.

Soft and graceful, as if the moonlight was sprinkled, dyeing this layer of the tower into a silver haze.

That was a dragon.

A silver dragon.

A living dragon.

It was only about half a meter in size, and it swam briskly in the tree canopy.

"Is this... a dragon?" Zhao Ziqi looked at everything in front of him in disbelief: "Real dragon? How is this possible?"

Before he finished speaking, the silver dragon in the tree canopy suddenly felt something, turned around, and first looked at Xu Yangyi in confusion. Then, two golden eyes lit up, and the more it looked, the more its body trembled. After a few seconds, it suddenly arched its whole body and roared wildly at Xu Yangyi!


With a roar, the blood in everyone's body almost collapsed, and the surrounding ground cracked inch by inch! Layers of stones were shaken up from the ground! A circle of invisible shock waves flew from the silver dragon.

In this voice, there was an incomparable desire and unspeakable bloodthirstiness, as if it wanted to swallow Xu Yangyi.

At this moment, there was a "swoosh!" sound, and a slight sound came from Xu Yangyi's body. Then, a roar that was no less than that of the silver dragon came from Xu Yangyi, shaking the surrounding space and making it buzzing and blurry.

"Boom!" Two huge shock waves visible to the naked eye collided in the entire tower body, equally matched, and disappeared at the same time.

"This is..." Zhao Ziqi and Angel took a step back at the same time, looking at Xu Yangyi's side in disbelief. Even Xu Yangyi himself looked at his side in surprise. The living emperor weapon flashing with infinite golden light.

It didn't drive itself!

It actually rushed out with its own consciousness!

"The roar of the silver dragon is not aimed at me. It is aimed at it." Xu Yangyi took a step back and looked solemnly at the flying fish intestines and the silver dragon. One sword and one dragon confronted each other in the air. Both sides exuded infinite killing intent, and... an unbearable desire.


He could feel that the living emperor weapon had a strong desire to devour, which he had never had before! This desire can even be compared to the combination of the two living emperors under Danxia Palace, no... even stronger!

After seeing the blue figure on the monitor, cracks appeared all over Yuchang's body, just like when it transformed from a box to Yuchang. At this moment, the fragments separated by the cracks stuck to Yuchang tightly and made a clattering sound, and golden light burst out from below, as if it would fall off in the next second. However, it never fell off, but the golden light below became stronger and stronger, like the sun in the dark night.

The golden and silver suns shone on this layer in an instant, one dragon and one sword, only each other in their eyes, and murderous intent filled the field.

Xu Yangyi tried several times, but Yuchang didn't listen to the advice at this moment, and stayed in the air with obsession.

"Let's go..." Just when he summoned for the third time, a hoarse voice came from Yuchang: "This... is my fateful battle... No one else can participate..."

Xu Yangyi was stunned, and then looked at Yuchang in disbelief: "You... weapon spirit?!"


In this case, it can't be anything else except the weapon spirit!

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