
Chapter 601: Drought Demon (I)

"Spirit of the weapon?" Zhao Ziqi and Angel obviously didn't understand, and looked at Xu Yangyi inexplicably: "Where?"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, and now he was completely puzzled.

Yuchang is actually a spiritual treasure... Then, the Tower of Babel has existed for thousands of years, what is this thing in front of him?

"What about it?" He still asked.

Silence, for a long time, a hoarse voice answered: "Longyuan..."

The hoarse voice trembled because of excessive excitement: "Longyuan, one of the ten holy swords, the sword of integrity and nobility... It is guarding something here... But, that's because it hasn't met me..."

"When the holy swords meet, devouring is the first consciousness. If not... I can't awaken the spirit of the weapon now..."

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, this sentence contains too much information.

He once doubted whether Yuchang was the Yuchang in history. According to reason, if it was, it couldn't be so weak. Up to now, he can't be of much use.

But that's not the case. Yuchang's spirit of the weapon has always existed. It just hasn't "awakened." This time, if it hadn't met Longyuan, it would not have been possible to awaken!

"Go..." Yuchang's voice urged again: "Don't hinder me..."

A dragon and a sword, staring at each other. The strong desire to devour each other was so hot that it almost turned into substance. Xu Yangyi tried to summon several times, and Yuchang Sword rejected his summons for the first time and turned a deaf ear. It was like a python and a lion, each looking for the weakest point of the other, ready to launch a fatal attack at any time.

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, and at this moment, a dark space channel suddenly appeared on the right side of the coffin.

"Space crack? No, this is teleportation!" His eyes flashed, and before he spoke, Angel immediately took out three talismans and stuck them on them. Suddenly, their figures and auras all disappeared.

At the moment they disappeared, a man's figure appeared immediately under the protection of four people. He sat in a wheelchair with a blank expression. Just as he landed, he suddenly swung his palm, and a violent aura instantly hit a person behind him into the passage.

"No!!!!" The person who was hit was stunned for a second before he let out a heart-wrenching scream. In the blink of an eye, a chewing sound that made people's teeth ache was heard in the passage.

"Crack...Crack...Boom!!" Then, a violent explosion sounded, and the entire black space crack trembled visibly. Then it shrank rapidly. The next second, ten figures screamed and fled.

Behind them, there was a head.

A skeleton head.

Covered with black hair, with torn human flesh in the teeth, it chased out madly. At this moment, the passage trembled violently, and the skeleton skull screamed and was sealed in.

"Hu...Hu..." At the scene, there was a heart-shaking gasp, and everyone was in shock. No one had a trace of human color on their face. Everyone covered their chests. The feeling of surviving a disaster made them unable to stand. Except for the man in the wheelchair.

"The Tira Song family, the Siren family. The Half-Dragon family, and..." Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly burst into murderous intent: "People from the Undead Ice Palace?"

Silence, less than three seconds, the first five people who came out - now only four are left, one of the tall white men let out a heart-wrenching roar: "Brother!!"

His eyes were red, and he let out a roar that was not like a human voice towards the place where the crack disappeared, until the crack turned into a small black dot.

He was shaking all over, like crazy, his body "kaka" turned around like a machine, looking at the man in the wheelchair, his voice shaking: "Why..."

"Answer me!! Why!!"

"Andre! He is my brother! We escaped! Why did you push him back!!"

"Swish!" He put his hand knife on Andre's throat, but he seemed to remember something and didn't cut it down. The wheelchair man Andre's expression did not change, but said in a calm and cold voice: "Distinguish the superiors and the inferiors, Liszt."

"There are ten people chasing us behind, and that monster. If the passage can be collapsed, we won't meet them in a short time."

Liszt's eyes were red, and words floated out from his teeth: "Did it collapse...Did it collapse!! That's my brother! A life! Because of a possibility, you let him die!?"

"Our mission is to protect you! But it does not include meaningless death!"

The huge sadness has made him crazy. However, he didn't know what he was afraid of, so he didn't cut it down.

"Andre?" The three people who completely concealed everything were just a thousand meters away. Angel's voice suddenly fluctuated: "Could it be...that Andre?"


"Andre. Elmand. Tira Song..." Angel pursed her lips, with a solemn look in her eyes: "If it's him...we'd better kill him here..."

"Why?" Zhao Ziqi was also puzzled. As for the complicated relationship between Europe and the United States, they are definitely not as good as the Yue family who have been operating in Europe and the United States for decades or even hundreds of years.

Angel bit her lip: "I'll take another look, I hope it's's a monster...a real cold-blooded, it's impossible, how could the Tira Song family release such a monster, even if this is a gathering of young geniuses in Europe and the United States..."

In the field, everyone woke up. The first action was to take out a small bottle and swallow the liquid in it. Then they immediately recovered and looked at Andre and his party, all with unkind eyes.

"I advise you to rest immediately." Andre glanced at the hand on his throat calmly: "Do you think these stupid humans are chasing us to fall in love with us?"

"Andre..." A black man in camouflage who was recovering on the ground raised his head, his eyes full of fierceness: "You'd better say more while you can still speak... Otherwise, I'll tell you later. It will make you regret being alive in this world..."

Andre glanced at him like an animal and sneered: "Stupid."

"Answer me!!" Liszt was still staring at him, and just when his next roar was about to appear, he suddenly looked behind him in disbelief.

A stream of blood flowed down, and a dagger was inserted accurately into his heart. On Andre's leather shoes, a spiritual thread flew back to his hand with the dagger. Liszt opened his mouth as if to say something, but in the end he only said one sentence.

"when will you……"

"When I pushed your brother out." Andre took out a snow-white silk scarf, wiped the dagger, and said calmly: "Not only do you not know how to control yourself, but you also exposed one of my trump cards. You are an extremely stupid idiot. . It is not a pity to die.”

"Heh..." Angel smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It's really that Andre..."

Xu Yangyi frowned: "Who is it? As the daughter of Jindan, you are so afraid of him?"

"You haven't heard of him?" Angel looked at Andre as if he were a monster: "He... is famous throughout Europe and the United States. His IQ is as high as an incredible 410, surpassing William, the person with the highest IQ in history. M. Alfred Quinnington's value of 350 is a full 60! However, he is considered to be the monk least likely to become an archduke..."

She glanced at the other person's legs calmly: "Because... his father was a sadist. When he was still in the mother's body, his mother was tortured to death. After she gave birth to him, his legs were disabled from the moment he was born... . You also know that any injury can be cured after practicing, but the damage caused before is impossible unless he is born as a monk."

"He has been in charge of all of Europe since he was 16 years old - the financial power of the Tirason family's home base, and no one talks about it. Until now, the Tirason family in Europe has become his voice, and even the prince of the Tirason family, His Excellency Phoenix the Fire , and he was very complimentary and had no intention of replacing him. But what is surprising is that his cultivation speed is not the fastest, but it is definitely not slow. He has been practicing for about ninety years, although it is not as good as a monster like you. In the middle of seventy years, he is definitely a middle-to-upper-class man. Dad said...if this man was not born with a disability, he would definitely be promoted to a grand duke within a hundred years!"

She paused and sighed in disgust: "I don't like him."

"I heard that he is not only physically disabled because of his childhood experience. But also... psychologically, he suffers from severe apathy. In other words, he is a wooden person without emotions. Without emotions, and with such a terrifying IQ, God knows how to let him go. What will come out of it.”

A genius with an IQ of 410?

Xu Yangyi took a deep look at Andre.

This is the monster...

Even if he had two bodhi seeds, he would never have imagined that he would be in this situation. If converted into an IQ, it would be at most two hundred.

"Do you think I did something wrong?" Andre wiped the dagger and asked the two people behind him without looking back.

The man and woman behind him had undisguised disgust in their eyes. But his voice was extremely respectful: "From the family's point of view, that's right."

"Then where is the mistake?" Andre seemed to need no rest at all, putting away the dagger in a graceful manner.

Before the man spoke, the woman sneered: "Emotionally speaking, it's wrong!"

"You don't regard us as companions at all! In your eyes, we are just pigs and dogs that can die at any time! We are worthless!"

"Then, I'm glad that you have correctly recognized your own value." Andre stroked the armrest gracefully: "At least you still have value that I can see."

The eyes of the two people behind him turned cold. Before they could speak, Andre said leisurely: "Remember, our goal is the top floor. When you come here, you should be determined to sacrifice. No matter what sacrifice it is, I will kill him." , just because he let me reveal one of my trump cards, and I didn’t follow orders and didn’t follow the formalities. There is nothing wrong with my actions. Your foolish kindness will make the family’s orders useless. Or..."

His voice turned cold: "Aren't you going to recognize the clan emblem of Tirasong?"

The man and woman were silent for a while, and the man finally spoke: "I understand, but I can't accept it."

Andre turned to look at him indifferently: "So, I can become a god."

"And it's enough for you to stand as a mortal and look up to me."

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