
Chapter 602: Drought Demon (Part 2)

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"Because of his stupidity, we lost the most precious opportunity for self-cultivation, and I am still responsible for dealing with the aftermath of this idiot." Andre frowned, and the action of frowning had a unique charm on him.

At this moment, two long roars sounded from the crowd. Andre looked at the two people who stood up coldly: "Odell and Charlotte of the half-dragon family, are you sure that this state can threaten me?"

"Word attacks are useless!" O'Dell was the black man. As he laughed ferociously, bone spurs sprouted out all over his body, and white light shot out from his pores! The muscles and bones all over the body were rattling, and the two half-dragons, who were more than ten meters tall, appeared in their original form. They stretched out their wings, which were more than thirty meters long, and sprayed hot flames from their nostrils with a thundering roar. It crashed down onto the field.

"Get out of the way." The two half-dragons laughed jeeringly, their heavy steps leaving traces of cracks on the ground. The golden eyes stared at Andre: "Andre, you know, we don't want to kill you. As long as you promise to advance and retreat with us on the next journey, not only will we not kill you, but we will also entrust you to As the leader, everything is at your command.”

Andre still had no expression: "Just leave a mark on my spiritual consciousness?"

"Of course. This is the basis of our cooperation, isn't it?" One black and one white, two giant dragons measuring dozens of meters, looked at Andre as if they were babies. Wu's dragon breath seemed to be looming: "Follow us and hand over what you got. This is your only chance to survive."

Two giant dragons paced around Andre in a threatening manner, forming a threatening posture of attacking from the front and back. The entire ground trembled rhythmically due to their frequent rise and fall. Surrounded by two giant beasts, Andre's expression did not change at all.

"Stop pretending to be calm. Strategies are useless in the face of strength." The white dragon roared: "Be loyal or die!"

There was no expression on Andre's face. At this moment, a canary chirped and landed on his finger.

The birds chirped happily for a while, and a strange smile appeared on Andre's face, pointing in one direction: "Have you... paid attention to that place?"

At this moment, Xu Yangyi felt something was wrong in his heart.

"Have you... seen that bird before?"

"No." Zhao Ziqi and An Qier looked at each other and answered in unison.

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes.

What's wrong...

Everyone in the field glanced at Andre's finger. At this glance, they immediately saw the silver dragon and four huge coffins under the canopy! And... the fish intestines confronting the silver dragon.

"This is..." The pale-faced monk from the Ice Palace of the Dead walked forward tremblingly, looked at the half-withered and half-prosperous tree in astonishment, and said in a trembling voice: "A miracle..."

Everyone can feel the overwhelming murderous aura in the confrontation between Yuchang and Silver Dragon!

"What is this?!" The two giant dragons also saw it. Odell said in disbelief: "A big tree growing out of... a coffin? This silver dragon... is a fruit?"

For a moment, everyone was silent, with only burning desire in their eyes. Even a fool can see that these are two treasures!

"That's a weapon spirit, a weapon spirit that can upgrade any magic weapon into a spiritual treasure. I'm afraid it's the only one in the world. Except here, there is no weapon spirit that can't be carried by a magic weapon and is separated from the carrier anywhere in the outside world. As long as you put it If you put this piece of magic weapon into it, you can get the magic weapon immediately." Andre lowered his head, as if pushing up his glasses, but behind them there was a chilling light.

"Weapon Spirit...Lingbao?" The white dragon narrowed his eyes, and something called desire was burning in his eyes.

Isn’t the heat enough?…

Andre looked at his slender fingers, which were as long as playing the piano, with an expressionless face, but what he said was unspeakably bewitching: "The only spiritual treasure known in Europe and the United States is the motto of hope in the hand of His Majesty the Pope. Even we Tiela The Song family doesn’t have one. In China, there are only three announced spiritual treasures, and there are probably no more than twenty in the world.”

He smiled: "But two of them suddenly appeared. Their aura was so intoxicating. I was wondering if they were preparing to devour each other, and the remaining one would either be promoted to a spiritual treasure immediately, or... become A higher-level weapon spirit than Lingbao?"

The whole place was dead silent.

There was only burning desire in everyone's eyes. Although there is not much need for external possessions during the Marquis period, but...who doesn't have the heart to become a Grand Duke? I heard that the Grand Duke's fighting method is different from that of the Marquis. It is the complete use of spiritual energy. The magic weapon is the Grand Duke's signature. Even if he cannot advance, he can still hand it over to the family and become the core of the core!

Xu Yangyi looked at the audience calmly. Only he caught Andre's fleeting gaze behind his glasses, which seemed calm but was actually murderous at every step.

"We were taken advantage of." He said solemnly.

"Ah?" Zhao Ziqi touched his head: "How could it be? We were discovered? We were also used?"

"That bird came here earlier than him. I'm afraid he released it before the space crack opened. He saw everything here through it. He may not be sure who I am, but he definitely knows there is someone here." Xu Yangyi sneered. He said: "There is one thing that everyone present has not noticed. If there have always been only two spiritual treasures here, and they have been separated from the magic treasures for so long, the silver dragon should have been swallowed long ago. Why are they still confronting Yuchang now?"

"That's right!" Zhao Ziqi suddenly realized: "The weapon spirit cannot be separated from the magic weapon for too long, it is still the soul. It is like the soul leaving the body, it cannot go back for too long. The Tower of Babel was built thousands of years ago , this weapon spirit can exist, but it is impossible for it to survive for such a long time without the threat of another spirit treasure! In other words, this is how he infers that these are not two weapon spirits from the same period."

Angel also came to his senses: "Then... he's not afraid that the soul is hidden in the coffin?"

"So, he is betting." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and said with a smile: "He bet that our group of people have just arrived, and this is my spiritual treasure. We are hiding in the dark, so he strongly encourages others to seize the spiritual treasure. , I have to take action. That way, no one will pay attention to him anymore, and the conflict will subtly change. Anyway, there is no worse situation than what he is now, right? "

The two of them were silent.

"There's no one else with this scheming attitude." Zhao Ziqi said with a wry smile after a few seconds: "Then, brother, are you going to take action?"

"Of course." Xu Yangyi flexed his muscles and smiled coldly: "These people are right about one thing."

"In the face of absolute strength, any strategy is useless."

"No matter how smart Andre is, he would never have thought that it was me here. And I, in the past three years, have made a breakthrough to the point where I am close to Xudan."

There was already heavy breathing in the field.

People who can remain calm in the face of absolute interests can almost be called gods. Everywhere, he is a hero.

"I won't fight with you." Andre turned his wheelchair and took a step back: "As the price for me leaving here."

"Hehehe... you still want to leave?" O'Dell glanced at him: "I will deal with you after I get the weapon spirit."

Before he finished speaking, he turned into a black lightning and rushed over!

here we go……

Andre took a deep breath. Idiot, a dozen or so people of equal strength will have to fight for at least half a day to win the spiritual treasure. And here...according to his calculations, there will be at most five hours. The next time The door will be open.

"Information is always the first element of victory. Even if I can't move, so what." He sneered, looking at the crowd that was boiling like a god looking down: "As for you hiding in the corner, you can't be the Grand Duke. Otherwise. How can you hide?"

"It's mine!!" The dragon was as fast as the wind and rushed to the silver dragon in an instant. However, at this moment, the giant dragon suddenly stopped moving.

Countless bone claws stretched out from the ground and grabbed his hind legs. The man from the Ice Palace of the Dead sneered: " really treat us like are all geniuses, what you say is yours is yours? Where do you put us?"


"Boom!!" All the skeletons that emerged from the ground collapsed, and the dragon man laughed loudly: "Don't be delusional, Garen, I know you are the third in line for this session of the Ice Palace of the Dead, but...compared to No. 1 Yugaius, you are too far behind! With your magic, it is impossible to hurt..."

Before he finished speaking, he stopped in shock. Those exploding skeletons did not explode in a ring like the usual undead nova, bringing with it a sky full of resentful spirits. Instead, it was twisted and combined to become a huge skeleton, covered with spider silk and wearing a crown. His eyes lit up with several meters of netherworld fire.

With a heart-shaking shock, the huge Skeleton King, a hundred meters tall, slowly stood up from the ground, let out an earth-shattering roar, and then exploded crazily!

"Boom!" It exploded without warning. It was still a circle of circular ripples, but its power was increased several times! The half-dragon roared and was rushed hundreds of meters away by the violent shock wave!

"This is impossible!!" The tough wings protected his body. But after the wings were spread out, they were already covered in blood. Skeletor's explosions are far greater than those of Skeletor Jr. Not only did he not believe it, everyone looked at Garen in disbelief. He also looked at his hands in shock.

In the audience, only Xu Yangyi and Andre's eyes narrowed suddenly.

Andre hated surprises.

Accidents represent variables, and variables represent uncertain outcomes. And here, the first variable appears.

Tower of Babel... Too many people have died in battle here, and their status is also extremely high. So... undead magic has been unimaginably strengthened here! Garen's attack just now was comparable to the Marquis's Great Perfection!

And he is only in the middle stage of Marquis! He thought that the Tower of Babel didn't have enough corpses for him to waste, but he didn't expect this kind of consequences.

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