
Chapter 603: Drought Demon (Part 3)

"Strengthened the necromantic magic?" Xu Yangyi looked at everything in front of him calmly, watching Garen go from silence, to ecstasy, to laughing to the sky, and then moved forward without retreating, shooting towards the half-dragon man. .

Circles of magic exploded around him, and five magic rings immediately formed outside his body. Garen laughed loudly: "Five-ring magic... you can actually use five-ring magic! Hahaha! Here, the Necromancer is the monarch! Mr. Scoris is the king here!!"

"This weapon spirit... is mine!! Anyone who blocks it will die!!"

"Death King's order!"

"Boom!!" As he laughed wildly, a huge skeleton suddenly appeared behind him. This one was even bigger than the skeleton just now. Not only was he wearing a crown, he was also covered in gorgeous armor. The slender Western sword in his hand turned into a bloody lightning the moment it appeared, piercing the half-dragon's throat.

"Brush!" A line of blood appeared between heaven and earth. With a cry of pain, a huge flesh wing flew up with blood.

"Great Perfection!!" The black half-dragon screamed, with blood overflowing from the left half of his body. He stared at Garen with hatred and retreated quickly: "Kill him! Everyone together! Whoever takes a step back, everyone will They all have to die here!”

Here, the last fig leaf of spiritual civilization has been torn off.

Garen's eyes turned cold, a rune on his right hand lit up, and a bone whip flew toward the silver dragon like a poisonous snake.

be mine……

It's all mine!

He was extremely excited at the moment. No one expected that the Tower of Babel would bring about such changes! one was his opponent!

"Andre?" The man and woman behind Andre also saw the seriousness of the situation and said in a deep voice.

"Hold on." Andre's eyes were as calm as a lake: "Garen was stunned by the sudden strength... Everyone who wakes up will definitely attack him with all their strength. In this case, whoever comes forward first will die. Garen is real His realm is only the middle stage of Marquis, and he cannot control the power of Great Perfection. As long as we unite, it is not impossible to kill him."

And... in this way, no one will have any ideas about me anymore...

His eyes coldly swept across the audience. Stupid mortals, while you were still fighting life and death, who among you noticed the true face of the Tower of Babel?

This is not a tomb... This giant tower from thousands of years ago is opening its bloody mouth towards us... little by little... but there is no way to escape...

Stupid naive...

"Stop!!" With a scream, two colorful harpies from the Siren family circled over. The two of them flew like Pisces, but were trapped by a chain. A sound of ocean waves followed their flying. The sound echoed throughout the room, and immediately after, a giant wave more than a hundred meters high exploded into the sky!

"Dance of the Water Dragon!!"

"Boom!" The violent tide formed a blue eagle claw, which was forty to fifty meters long. With a deafening roar, it slammed down from the highest place.

At this moment, the silver dragon and the fish intestines seemed to have finally found an opportunity, and their murderous intent swept across the audience, biting each other crazily!

"Wow!" The Tianhe River poured in, and the azure spiritual energy spread across the entire place. The falling water made it seem like a heavy rain, and then the shock wave of the sea wave rippled on the ground. However, at this moment, in the center of the explosion, infinite bone spurs shot out. out!

The harpy gasped and flew like a ghost. However, the bone spurs were faster, and in an instant, she was pinned to the ground.

"Crash..." The tide spread down, and within it, a terrifying spiritual energy was gathering. Andre squinted his eyes, pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses, and sat up straight for the first time.

The a bit bad...

"Siren family?" A cold laughter sounded from them. When the tide fell, a headless horseman, riding a skeleton horse, suddenly pulled the reins and let out a heart-stopping neigh.

"Xilulu!!!" The ripples of the undead vibrated in the air, and the leaves rustled slightly. The others all covered their ears and gritted their teeth to hold on. The power of Marquis Dzogchen is too powerful for the mid-term. If it is the Dzogchen of ordinary monks, the people here are geniuses from major families, of course they are not afraid.

However... Garen is the third in line for the Necronomicon Ice Palace.

"Phylactery." Andre still had no expression on his face: "He used his phylactery to fuse the Death Knight, which is almost equivalent to an immortal existence. It's really enviable..."

"Here..." The headless knight drew a spark of death on the ground with the spear in his hand, dragged out a semicircle, and looked at everyone arrogantly: "Who dares to fight me now?"

No one answered.


Everyone was extremely angry. If the Tower of Babel hadn't strengthened the power of the Necromancer, how could they have failed to defeat the Necromancer who had low ability to fight alone? So that now someone is stepping on your face and asking questions?

"Garbage...garbage! It's all garbage!" Garon spurred his horse and ran arrogantly within ten meters. In the gaps in the armor, countless resentful spirits rose up: "The things here belong to me! Anyone who dares to touch them will be killed. amnesty!"

As he spoke, the entire ground trembled.

The Silver Dragon and Yuchang didn't take action. Once they did, the area hundreds of meters around them had collapsed. There were sword auras and claw marks, and the roar of battle made traces of black appear in the space. The surrounding vision is blurry.

"Are you so eager?" Garen sneered and held out a brass oil lamp: "Then, let me help you..."

"Don't be too arrogant! Garlon!" A half-dragon gnashed his teeth and stepped forward: "All those who entered the Tower of Babel are the most elite children of the major families! Who is not a genius? As long as you don't reach the Grand Duke, we are not without a chance of winning!"

It opened its mouth, and its chest gradually swelled up, followed by its neck. The next second, a half-meter-long golden ring with smelly saliva was sprayed out, suspended in the air, emitting a breathtaking light.

"The Grand Duke's magic weapon... The Crown of Stopping Flame!" The ring is in the shape of a crown, inlaid with countless fiery red gems. At the moment the crown appeared, the temperature rose suddenly within nearly a thousand meters, and red flames appeared on the ground.

"Stop, Garlon! Otherwise..." The half-dragon stretched out his huge palm, and the Crown of Stopping Flame kept jumping above it, and thousands of red lights burst out: "Let's fight to the death!"

The two harpies said nothing, but leaped at a strange speed. The silver chain hovering between their feet, this time it was not the sound of the sea tide, but the sound of music, as if the two of them were plucking the strings of a harp.

The song of the sirens. Their trump card.

"Sir?" the man behind Andre asked again.

"No." Andre looked calm, lowered his head, and looked at his slender fingers: "Don't make a move, there are more than just a few of us here."

"Are there others?" A man and a woman both took a breath.

"There is a slightly smarter idiot waiting to fish in troubled waters." He sneered: "But, if he wants to do this in front of me, I'm afraid he is not qualified."

The confrontation, the battle of the weapon spirits began, but a strange confrontation appeared on this side.

"Weaklings..." Garlon held the armored head in his hand, and two red lights shot out from the mask: "Since you are so eager to die, I will fulfill your wish!"


Just before he finished speaking, he suddenly jumped up like a needle, and the whole warhorse rushed forward dozens of meters!


Someone behind him!

There are others here!

Just now, a strong wind came from behind him, and he could feel that this force was enough to defeat him!

Who is it? Is there an opponent stronger than the Great Perfection here?

However, as soon as the skeleton warhorse stopped, he was scared to death.

"Boom!" Right where he was, a huge gully appeared, and the force was not thrown away, but rushed over at a faster speed than him!

Like a shadow!

"FUCK!!" He screamed in fear, and the arrogant arrogance just now disappeared. He raised his head and a complicated spell immediately poured out.

"Dead King..."

"Kara!" Before he finished speaking, his head had been split in two!

How could it be possible! !

This was his last thought before his head fell to the ground.

Such a terrifying power already has the power of the Grand Duke! How could there be an opponent approaching the Grand Duke here? !

Bloody Moon? Pale Dragon? Or the kind Defoe? Or the quiet Alice?

"Bang..." His head was split in two and fell to the ground. He could vaguely see a camouflaged figure. He gritted his teeth and roared: "Dream on! Bastard! I am invincible! I am immortal! As long as my life box is still there, I will never die..."

"Ka!" Before he finished speaking, he stepped on his head and turned it into powder. At the same time, the headless knight condensed infinite white light in his hands again, and the surrounding undead power gathered towards his hands crazily!

"Ka la la la!" The absorption power of the great perfection was so powerful that in an instant, this layer of more than 40 kilometers suddenly formed a terrifying undead storm of more than 1,000 meters.

Crying, wailing, and endless dead spirits circling. But, at the same time, ten dazzling purple lights roared out!

"Ten Directions Purgatory."

Everyone was stunned.

Garlon, who was so arrogant just now and overwhelmed the heroes, was actually suppressed by the opponent! And the spiritual power on the opponent...

It was so strong that their legs and feet were weak!

"Above the Great Perfection?! Half a step? Or... Void?!" Odell's heart was cold. He didn't expect that there was a marquis who was more than half a step away hidden here!

The Great Perfection requires them to unite, and more than half a step...

Can this weapon spirit really belong to them?

Andre's face was still normal.

However, the action of stroking the wheelchair was somewhat unnaturally distorted.


Too misguided!

It turned out that the hidden one was a Void Grand Duke!

But... this is not right! According to his intelligence, there are only a few Void Grand Dukes here! After entering here for so long, he has analyzed that they can't encounter monsters above half a step. That is the real top combat power! Grand Duke Seed! Maybe they won't come here at all!

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