
Chapter 604: Drought Demon (IV)

"I hate variables..." He finally gently opened his pale lips and said lightly: "Get ready to join the battle."

"There are four hours left. No matter what, we have to hold on."

In the field, there were bursts of howling, and ten fire dragons burned around, burning Garlon into a pillar of fire that reached the sky!

"Let me go!!" Garlon screamed madly: "Let me go! Please!!"

"I am one of the three most proud disciples of His Majesty Scoris! Let me go! Your Excellency! As long as you let me go, Garlon is willing to offer his life box to serve you!"

The arrogant Garlon just now was now groveling in the pillar of flames. The change was so fast that people could not accept it at all.

"Is this really the Garlon just now..." The white dragon man looked at the screaming and crying Garlon with doubts, and he couldn't believe his eyes. At the same time, he was full of fear for the person who had not appeared yet.

"How strong must one be to kill a genius like Garlon instantly?"

The two harpies of the Siren family also took a breath and took a step back at the same time.

The changes were too fast, giving them nothing but fear.

"Surpassed the half-step Grand Duke..." "There is such a monster hidden here?" "Who... who is it?!"

Countless thoughts were surging in everyone's mind. Of course, what they were more afraid of was... Garlon was killed so easily, then... what about them?

Will the other party crush them to death with a flip of their hands?

They still have a chance to fight against Garlon, after all, it is equivalent to the Great Perfection, but they dare not even think about the half-step with a trace of the Grand Duke's power, the empty position!

"He's finished." Andre sneered: "So, it proves that he is carrying the life box with him. Are they also afraid that someone will sneak attack the Undead Ice Palace... These rubbish, it seems that they usually anger a lot of monks."

As if to confirm his conversation, a burst of undisguised sneer came from the sea of ​​fire.

"If you don't mention Scoris's name, I can still let you die more quickly."

"Now, you have no chance."

"Boom!!" The ground bulged rapidly, and huge vines appeared. They devoured Garlon bite by bite.

"Crack, crack" the sound of chewing bones resounded throughout the venue, making everyone tremble and take a step back.

A shining gem-like thing fell out of the huge mouth of the hell flytrap, but was caught by a branch and sent to Xu Yangyi.

At the same time, the ground once again rolled up a crazy wave of undead, and this time, the range was larger. This was definitely not the absorption that just broke the head, this was the body turned into ashes, reincarnated.

"Hua La La..." The undead were like a sea, rolling into a dead white tide, and actually broke through the range of one thousand meters! Reaching a range of tens of thousands of meters!

No one saw that the four coffins within a radius of ten thousand miles had been affected. As the power of the dead spirits became increasingly scarce, a corner of a huge talisman about ten meters high on the top of one of the hundred-meter-high coffins flew up with a "swish".

Xu Yangyi held the shining gem in his hand. It was actually a white crystal, but it seemed to have opened a crack in the underworld. The ominous aura that made people feel cold all over was wrapped around a soul-like object.

It was wailing, crying, and begging Xu Yangyi to spare his life. Xu Yangyi sneered and was about to pinch it. Zhao Ziqi's voice suddenly sounded: "Brother, don't."

"Give him to me, I... seem to be of some use."

Xu Yangyi smiled and was about to throw him back. Suddenly, a calm voice sounded in his ears: "This is China's territory."


This sentence was too sinister. It was telling Xu Yangyi that he was reborn with the heroic spirit of your ancestors. Any cultivator who was slightly impulsive would immediately crush the life box in his hand.

However, he would not be impulsive under such provocation.

Throwing the life box to Zhao Ziqi, he pressed it lightly, and all the green lines shrank into the ground like obedient children.

He looked at the battle scene of the weapon spirits calmly. Although he was anxious, he could not intervene at all.

Over there, the battle was almost white-hot. The battle of the weapon spirits was only within a radius of 500 meters. Outside 500 meters, everything was closed by an incomprehensible rule. Now you can only see the roars within 500 meters, the roars are shocking, and the murderous aura is radiating like substance, hitting countless white spiritual brilliance around.

The green lines were buried in the ground, and everyone could see the person in the middle clearly.

For the first time, Andre's hand tightened the handrail.


This is one of the few people he least wants to see!

At his position, he would have his own little notebook for certain people he paid special attention to, and his little notebook was in his mind. After Xu Yangyi defeated Savidian VII, he gave him all S ratings!

Definitely not someone to be trifled with!

"X?" Odel and everyone else were stunned.

"You..." The two harpies in the sky of the Siren family looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief: "Noble... No, just one step away?!"

"This is impossible!" A harpy gritted its teeth: "Three years ago, you were only in the late stage of the Marquis! Three years later, you are only one step away from the noble Grand Duke?!"

No one could believe it.

They thought of countless people's names. Yes, there were too many people here who could kill Garlon as easily as just now, but they didn't think of X.

"Did I see it wrong..." The man behind Andre swallowed his saliva: "God... It's only been three years... It's only been three years! In these three years, what happened to him?!"

"Half a step or more, to feel the power of the Grand Duke... How many people can't cross this step for decades or hundreds of years... What a shocking adventure that can allow him to advance to the virtual position in three years?!"

If they can fight for the great perfection, they are almost desperate for half a step. The virtual position... That is the bottomless abyss of despair.

Xu Yangyi walked straight over.

Wherever he passed, all the marquises - no matter how famous they were in their own families. They were regarded as idols by many peers and juniors. At this moment, all of them bowed their heads and walked aside with great respect.

The ten people made way, like a king inspecting the country. The last one was Andre sitting in a wheelchair.

Xu Yangyi's pace quickened.

In his hand, a ball of purple spiritual light flashed. The surrounding marquises gasped, trembled and separated further.

A few seconds later, Xu Yangyi had turned into a black lightning and rushed straight to Andre. Andre's face was expressionless, but his hand that pushed the gold-rimmed glasses was covered with sweat.

The situation was too unfavorable...

I discovered the other party, and the other party also understood that he was using a knife to kill someone. Just now, he used a knife to kill Garlon for the second time, which completely provoked the tiger's beard.

No strong man would be willing to act according to the wishes of others.

The two people who had been fighting secretly from the beginning have now become a frontal strength crushing, which is the state he least wants to see.

"Swish!" The next second, the flame in Xu Yangyi's hand ignited a crazy dragon shape. More than 400 intelligence? So what about the comparison with his own 9999 strength?

"Pah!" Andre gritted his teeth, and a needle suddenly pierced the female guard behind him. He threw it casually, and in the unbelievable eyes of the male guard, it was thrown out with spiritual silk.

Time seemed to slow down.

The expression of astonishment on the face of the female guard, the male guard opened his mouth and shouted a heart-wrenching roar.


This is his lover.

At this moment, he felt that the world had collapsed.

Who was he guarding?

Was it the devil?

He let go of the hand that was holding Andre. And, with a blank mind, he kicked the wheelchair hard!

"You!!!" Andre turned back suddenly, with a calm face, and a hint of real anger in his eyes.

"Snap!" Xu Yangyi pushed the female guard away with one hand, he didn't want to kill innocent people.

The male guard came back to life instantly, trembling and screaming and ran over. In front of Xu Yangyi, the wheelchair rushed over with Andre's face as usual.

Andre really felt the surging killing intent. He was not nervous, but in previous accidents, his facial nerves had been out of balance. After decades of training, he barely recovered a little bit of expression, a slight frown, a smile, etc. If he could make a real expression now, it would be extremely solemn.

"You, stepped on my bottom line." Xu Yangyi said lightly, and the Ten Directions Purgatory in his hand roared out.

What is this!

Andre was furious!

Your bottom line?

So many people in the world have stepped on your bottom line, and you want to kill me just because of a disagreement? !

At the same time, there was another feeling of powerlessness.

This is the price of a wise man's mistakes, and this mistake is his own life.

"I almost guessed the true face of the Tower of Babel." At the moment when ten fire dragons approached him, he spoke calmly.

The next second, the fire dragon stopped in front of him.

He swore that he smelled the smell of death.

Sweat soaked his heavy clothes.

Xu Yangyi looked at him deeply, and after a long time he said: "If you lie to me..."

"It's up to you, I can write a soul contract, and I will never lie to anyone in my next words. But if you want me to write a soul contract to be loyal to you, you might as well kill me." Andre breathed a sigh of relief silently and spoke softly.

"Okay." Xu Yangyi nodded and looked at the others: "That sword is my spiritual treasure, understand?"

No one answered.

The spiritual treasure was too tempting, and no one was willing to let it go.

"Sir X." After a long time, Odel took a step forward and said boldly: "On this tower, we are only the last echelon. Above us, the strongest people of the major families of the time, such as Salanlos Flame Roar of the Half-Dragon Family and the White Bone Lady of the Undead Ice Palace, are all virtual strongmen. If..."

"Pah!" Before he finished speaking, he was slapped and flew away with a scream. He crawled up from the ground with blood spurting out, looking at Xu Yangyi like a cannibal.

"I'm asking you if you understand, not asking which strong people you have." Xu Yangyi sneered: "Do you understand, or not?"

Odel gritted his teeth and suppressed the crazy killing intent in his heart. The final action was to lower his head, touch his forehead to the ground, and said through his teeth: "I understand..."

"Very good." Xu Yangyi waved his hand: "You can live."

This is strength.

Life and death are all between a thought.

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