
Chapter 605: Drought Demon (V)

"what about you?"

The others looked at each other, feeling extremely unwilling. At this moment, they took a deep, fiery look at the space where the weapon spirits were fighting, biting their lips and replied: "Understood."

"Very good." Xu Yangyi walked to Andre's side: "Now, get out."

Everyone sat at the edge with hatred, except for Xu Yangyi and Andre.

After asking Andre to write down the soul contract, before Xu Yangyi could speak, he took out a handkerchief, which was stained red with blood.

"There are one thousand, four hundred and forty drops of blood on it." Andre raised his finger, and there was a deep mark on it: "Do you understand what this number represents?"

Xu Yangyi looked at him coldly: "If you speak to me in this tone again, you will die."

Andre pursed his lips and said solemnly: "This is the number of minutes in a day."

"You must have gone through that long passage since entering the Tower of Babel. You may have thought that only a few hours had passed. Three hours to be exact. But that was definitely not the case."

"At that time, I cut my finger open and controlled the blood to fall one drop per minute. Foreign objects may be affected. But my body will definitely not. So..." He narrowed his eyes: "In An hour after entering the channel, the next minute, I found... there were only sixty drops of blood on it, but suddenly there were sixty-eight drops. "

"That is to say, in what seemed like a minute, the speed of the Tower of Babel was already accelerating and became eight times. I think this is a startup method. It detects that someone has entered, an outsider. It automatically activates the defense device. ." He looked around and said calmly: "And this place is obviously a battlefield. You can tell from the outside of the tower and the sword energy when the Terror Duke enters. "

"What kind of battlefield, I don't know. But I know that nothing in the world can escape the conservation of energy. There is no perpetual motion machine in the world, and even the best spiritual stones can't do it. In particular, no matter what formation, it requires human control, not human control. The formation doesn’t exist yet, so I made a bold guess.”

He raised his finger solemnly: "There is someone here."

"Besides us, the giant snake, there is someone who is controlling this place. The purpose is unknown and the strength is unknown. It controls the center of the entire Tower of Babel and guides us in bit by bit."

"This is definitely not a safe tomb. You should have seen us when we escaped. I admit that the opportunities here are terrifying, but the dangers are also extremely huge. The monster we just encountered was enough to kill us in an instant Crush it. Someone accidentally woke it up in the dark passage."

Xu Yangyi was silent.

As expected of the monster with the highest IQ, he never thought of using blood to check the changes in time, let alone that there would be anyone here.

"This is just speculation on your part."

"This speculation may very well become reality. This is my second point, why I think there is someone here."

"If it was my guess just now, then when the passage opened, I must have thought there was someone here." He opened the storage ring, and the bird flew up and landed on his hand: "This thing is a The communicator also has a detection function. It can completely block one's spiritual energy and can also change color. Simply put, it is a drone given to me by His Majesty Phoenix."

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, and then pinched his chin.

"Don't use the name of the prince to pressure me."

"Whether you survive or not depends entirely on whether your information is worth it."

Presumptuous... presumptuous!

Andre's lips turned pale white, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "I didn't mean that..."

"You'd better not." Xu Yangyi looked at him deeply: "Continue."

Andre cleared his throat: "Through it, I asked about the whereabouts of the other five tribesmen. Just like us here, all they met were marquises. None of them met the Grand Duke. This is impossible. Probability It doesn’t make sense. Because...there were a total of 128 people who entered the tower this time, and except for the twelve Grand Dukes, they all met."

"This shows that there is a huge formation or magic weapon here. The same realm can only encounter the same realm - we will not discuss the unknown. Under the known conditions, only these two things can achieve this effect. I assume This magnet rule exists, and a problem arises.”

He licked his lips and continued: "I don't think a tower that is beaten like this is capable of completing such a detailed deduction. It is not only necessary to distinguish whether the entrant is an enemy or a friend in the passage, but also to distinguish their realm. We also need to teleport these people to different places. We don’t have many people now, so how many people are we going to fight in such a big tower?”

"The formation is the continuation of the monks. Even I can't describe such a terrifying formation. It's more terrifying than a supercomputer. I can guarantee this. When the ancient cultivators' arithmetic is not yet developed, even if Even at a high level, it is impossible to complete this transformation instantly and carve out a formation that exceeds the calculation capabilities of any ancient cultivator, let alone when this formation is activated by oneself."

"The formation masters don't have this ability, how can they imprint the corresponding formation?"

Xu Yangyi fell silent.

Andre's words caused strong uneasiness in his heart.

I'm afraid he is the only one here who knows that the Tower of Babel was the frontline of the Earth back then. This kind of magic circle has only one meaning.

That is to divide the enemies of the Zhenwu Realm who rushed into the Tower of Babel.

Has it become so tragic...

Even the Tower of Babel is facing the crisis of destruction...

But, it still won.

The Tower of Babel still stands on the earth. This is the pride of the earth, an indelible emblem.

At the same time, he also knew that Andre was right. This kind of spontaneous formation with super terrifying power does not exist. The mountain protection formation he knew was to wear something to automatically distinguish whether it was from one's own sect. The national protection formation was almost the same, relying on blood to distinguish.

However, now all the people entering are earth monks, and this formation should not be activated. Otherwise, how could they judge whether it was the enemy of the Zhenwu Realm or the earth monks who rushed into the Tower of Babel? However, it was still activated. There may be other possible explanations, but... someone activated this formation in the Tower of Babel, which seems to be the most reasonable explanation!


Who is hiding in this giant tower that has been there for thousands of years? And is still alive?

He thought of the blue figure that no one could see at the beginning.

"Is it him?" He frowned. Who is this person who can sit on the head of Quetzalcoatl?

This tower... Why was it abandoned in the end? This kind of secret should be kept forever. Why have I never seen any records?

"Anything else?"

"No more." Andre shook his head and said, "I only entered the first room, and there was too little to see. In addition, I remember clearly that I heard a strange bell. But no one else heard it."

Did he hear it too?

"I think this is the sound of the magic circle being activated. And the true appearance of the Tower of Babel... I have a rough guess, but it is not certain now."

Xu Yangyi was about to ask what guess he had, but suddenly, there was a crisp "kaka" sound, and he immediately focused his eyes and turned his head to look.

The battlefield between the weapon spirits collapsed!

The silver dragon disappeared at some point, and the silver color attached to the fish intestines, and the pieces of debris on the fish intestines collapsed!

The shape of the entire fish intestines has changed, and the hilt has become a golden dragon head, which is completely inconsistent with the black body. The dragon head swallowed and spit out the sword body, and on the sword body, golden runes flickered.

He could feel that it was still the Yuchang Sword, but there was an inexplicable sense of mystery. It was magnificent and majestic.

"Swish..." Golden ripples swept across the surrounding 3,000 meters with each flicker of the runes. Wherever they passed, all the stones jumped up and then fell.

"Spiritual treasure..." Even Andre looked at Xu Yangyi with great envy at this moment.

He didn't know what changes would happen in the Grand Duke period, but the magic weapon was the foundation of the Grand Duke period, there was no doubt about that. And the spiritual treasure... there were so many in the world!

"Spiritual treasure..." Odell looked at Yuchang with blood in his eyes: "This kid... is so lucky!"

"It turned out that it was his magic weapon that devoured the spirit of the weapon..." The white half-dragon also gritted his teeth: "Such a good thing, such good luck, how could it not fall on me!"

"I will inform the family of this matter. There is a saying in China, holding a treasure is a crime... I think the Siren family, the great 'Deep Blue Touch' His Majesty, will be very happy to talk to him." An harpy gritted his teeth and laughed: "Perhaps, His Majesty the Deep Blue Touch does not need to do anything. The noble 'Merciful Defoe' will get this thing for us, what do you think? Joanna?"

She turned around and looked at Joanna at the back of the crowd, but she screamed immediately after seeing it.


Behind her, Joanna's head... has disappeared!

Only the corpse is left sitting there!

"Who is it!! Who is it?!" She immediately screamed and flew up. Even if it was a nominal Grand Duke, it would not be possible to let a genius in the middle stage of the Marquis die silently.

However, the moment she flew up, she immediately fell to the ground like a stone, as if something was dragging her underground.

"Heh..." "This is..." "My God..." "FUCK! What kind of monster is this!!"

The people around all jumped away as if they were pricked by needles, trembling as they watched the harpy falling to the ground. No one dared to go beyond the line.

Something was indeed dragging her.

That was... strands of bloody hair!

These hairs, at some point, bypassed behind them and strangled another harpy at an unimaginable speed. At this moment, all these hairs crawled into the wound on the neck, drinking the blood in the other's body like a venomous snake!

"Buzz!!" At this moment, the Yuchang Sword turned into a golden light, buzzed, and immediately rushed into Xu Yangyi's hands.

"Go!!" The old voice sounded like a bell: "She woke up... If you don't leave... Everyone will die!"

"She?" Xu Yangyi also saw this weird scene, and looking along the hair, he immediately saw what it was!

All the hair... came out of a huge coffin... Along the collapsed pillars of this floor of the tower, shadows, like a devil, have covered the edges!

And under the coffin, there is an old talisman paper.

It is the talisman that seals the coffin!

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