
Chapter 606: Drought Demon (VI)

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I hope I won’t fall out of the 30th place at the end of the month~~ Fantasy, starting from 2 million~~


"I fought with Long Yuan... and opened her seal... go... leave immediately... the door to space will open soon... if you don't leave... it will be too late!"

"Who is she?" Xu Yangyi was anxious. Everyone in the audience felt that a god-like aura was awakening in the coffin. They are not a unified general at all!

Far superior to the golden elixir! Not even Nascent Soul!

"Have you seen the four coffins here..." Yuchang's voice was solemn: "Have you heard of... the Four Great Corpse Ancestors..."

Xu Yangyi understood instantly.

Hou Qing, Ying Gou, Han Bao, and Jiang Chen are the ancestors of the four great zombies.

This thought made his back instantly wet with cold sweat.

"These...are the four great corpse ancestors? Is there another one?"

"One of the four great corpse ancestors... actually escaped?"

He didn't see that Andre behind him glanced at his watch calmly.

"There's still half an hour..." Andre took a deep breath: "This kind of monster has awakened..."

However, it didn't wait for everyone to be shocked. Twelve rays of golden light suddenly fell from the sky, covering them all.

"The calculation of merit begins."

The inexplicable sound made everyone stunned. Then, there was a rustling sound in everyone's ears, and finally, it turned into a gentle "ding" sound.

"Kill one of your opponents. In the foundation building stage, your strength will be perfect. The reward will be worth ten merit points."

"Awakening: A Hanbao. If sealed, the reward merit point is worth 100,000 points."

"The battlefield is over, prepare to move. The merit rating of this battlefield is: Ding. If sealed, the rating is: A."

Xu Yangyi's eyes immediately collided with Andre's.


There is definitely someone!

Someone is controlling the entire Tower of Babel and opening a bloody mouth to them. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the rewards of meritorious service thousands of years ago to still exist without any spiritual energy. this moment, there was a huge "rumbling" sound. Infinite runes shone in the three closed coffins, and the coffin lids suddenly fell to the ground.

"Shashasha..." Endless black hair spread out from it, and there... it was like the Nine Nether Hells. Randomly, a huge woman's head, which was more than a hundred meters long, slowly poked out of the coffin.

It was as if there was only one head in the coffin.

"fresh air……"

"Fresh flesh and blood..."

"very nice……"

At the same time, in every corner of the Tower of Babel, pairs of eyes were raised.

"At the end of the battlefield, kill one of the opponents at the golden elixir stage. The strength is at the middle stage of the golden elixir. The reward merit point is 500 points."

"At the end of the battlefield, kill three opponents in the foundation stage. Thirty merit points will be rewarded."

"The battlefield is over and the seal is activated, Nine-Headed Insect. If it is sealed, the reward merit point is worth 80,000 points."

Different people in different spaces raised their heads one after another and looked at the sky thoughtfully.

"Merit value?" In a space, Scoris sneered and stood in a pool of blood on the ground. Next to him, a dwarf wearing a crown refused to rest in peace. And he himself has turned into a black skeleton with a crown and a scepter in hand. Two masses of blood-red light danced in his eyes.


"Merit value?" In another space, there was a tall and handsome young man, wearing ancient European armor and carrying a huge spear and axe. Around him, everyone was kneeling on the ground. There were three corpses lying on the ground, all of them were covered by a gun. Cut into two pieces.


"Meritor? Haha..." In the next space, a harpy more than three hundred meters long was crawling in the sea of ​​blood. In this space, the entire army was wiped out, and no one survived.

All the elites who survived the first round were thoughtful. But in Xu Yangyi's room, it was completely silent.

"If my guess is correct, there are still seven minutes to open the portal." Andre was sitting in a wheelchair. Although his face was expressionless, the clothes in his vest were already soaked.

No one was like this. That terrifying aura spread throughout the entire place, and a huge head without a neck just floated out of the 100-meter coffin.

She was beautiful, with almost no flaws to be found, her eyes seemed to open and close, and she breathed in confusion.

"Golden elixir..." Xu Yangyi had already asked An Qier and Zhao Ziqi to come to his side, and said solemnly: "Sealed for nearly two thousand years, no spiritual energy has been absorbed...she still maintains the golden elixir realm. When she was not sealed, How terrible.”

No one dared to speak.

It's like humans encountering a giant bear. If they don't pretend to be dead, they won't survive.

"Tick tock..." I don't know whose sweat dripped to the ground, but it was so clear in this tower that was as silent as a morgue.

"Ha..." Hanbao smiled slightly, and there was a "rustling" sound like a sea wave from all directions. A black tide like mist, with the sound of death, quietly rose like dancing snakes.

"I... haven't tasted desserts for thousands of years..." She licked her chapped lips. This action was very charming, but appearing on top of a head hanging hundreds of meters away only made people feel chilled. vertical.

"Be careful!" Xu Yangyi, An Qier, and Zhao Ziqi whispered almost simultaneously.

coming soon……

A head of a zombie ancestor that has been trapped for nearly two thousand years appeared and found a pile of fresh blood around. What would she do?

No need to think at all!

"Then, it is an honor for you, the younger generation, to be my meal."

As soon as the voice fell, Hanba's mouth suddenly opened wide! Let out a thunderous roar!

"Squeak!!!" Her lower jaw seemed to be detached from the skull, and it was directly pulled down for 20 to 30 meters! It looked extremely terrifying and creepy. And her teeth, not teeth, are all rows of skulls!

A shock wave visible to the naked eye, with her roar announcing her return, shook the entire floor. The bricks and stones on the ground "boomed" with this roar, forming a dust of stone and sand in the air. And all the black hair shot towards everyone in the audience like lightning!

"Zi!!" The wings of the two harpies had been injured by Garlon long ago, and there was no escape at all. In an instant, they were crossed by countless hairs. It was like a sling that hung the whole person up, and then with a "snap!", it broke into pieces, and blood spilled.

"It can't be wasted..." At the moment they were rolled up, they were placed on the huge mouth, and strands of blood flowed into the pale and cracked lips along with the wounds on their bodies. And those hairs actually twisted their broken bodies like rags, and with a tooth-grinding "rustling" sound, countless blood was twisted out along the stumps.

"The Crown of Stopping Flame!!" With a roar, a sea of ​​fire broke out on one side of the huge head. A roaring fire dragon rose from the sea of ​​fire, spread its wings, and burned countless hair around it to ashes.

Hanba turned his eyes away and closed his lips. The blood of the harpy dripped on her flawless and beautiful face, like roses falling.

"Naughty." She smiled slightly, and then countless hairs rolled into the flames like black tides!

Endless, continuous, balls of flames burst out, illuminating the hundreds of meters around. However, the black hair that continued to fall made the flames less and less, and dimmer and dimmer. In less than three minutes, it had been wrapped into a huge black cocoon.

The black cocoon was pulled into the air by the hair and hung above the head of Hanba. The black hair had covered the entire room like a carpet, and the black crow spread its wings. In the center, the beautiful huge head looked at the black cocoon just above the mouth, smiled and opened its mouth.

It got bigger and bigger... Finally, it suddenly jumped up, like a giant beast in the black sea, and bit the black cocoon in half with a ferocious face!

"Puff!" The blood rain fell in the air, clearly visible, and the other half of the black cocoon trembled slightly. It fell like a rag.

"It's really... a delicious delicacy..." Hanba licked his lips and looked to the other side: "This place seems to be interesting."

In the endless black ocean, a group of four people burst out with overwhelming spiritual power and rushed towards a place at full speed.

Xu Yangyi took the lead, his body was already covered with bloodstains. Those hairs seemed soft and boneless, but they were as sharp as knives when they hit his body. His spiritual power could not penetrate everywhere, so he could only try to avoid the vital parts. That's it. His back and arms were already covered with bloodstains deep enough to see the bones.

"You are really stupid." Andre said lightly behind him: "As long as you throw any of me, this useless child, or this burdensome woman out, you can get there faster."

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, a black tide came towards him, he didn't dare to use all his spiritual power, maintaining the spiritual energy that could barely cut off the black tide and not attract Hanba's attention, walking on the tightrope dangerously.

"Now there is plenty of blood and food, and everyone is trying their best to protect themselves. However, the more resistance you put on now, the more attention you will get. The faster you will die. You have to be just in time to avoid being entangled, and make sure you can rush through. However, those idiots don't understand, so they will die very quickly..." He looked at the watch leisurely: "In two minutes at most, everyone in the venue will be dead, and then she will see this place. And there are still ten minutes before the next door opens. And this is just my guess, not sure of ten minutes."

"Pah!" Before he finished speaking, Angel slapped him in the face. Andre gently stroked him and said lightly: "Only irrational people will stop others from telling the truth."

"I just don't like you." Angel retracted her hand and said coldly: "Watch your mouth."

"Are you sure?" Xu Yangyi raised his hand in the air, cut off the dozens of meters of hair that was screaming in front of him and twisted into a snake, and said in a deep voice.

Andre breathed a sigh of relief: "It would be easy for her to kill us. However, her hair spread all over the place, except for the three coffins. I have heard of the legend of China and have some guesses. There are four coffins, one is empty, and the other two should be of the same status as this monster. It will not easily desecrate. Only when we get there, we have a chance of survival."

"What if it dares to desecrate it?" Zhao Ziqi asked with pursed lips.

"Anyway, it can't be worse than this, right?" Andre smiled bitterly.

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