
Chapter 607: Drought Demon (VII)

Black hair danced wildly, forming a dark ocean. Cocoons wrapped by black snakes were pulled into the air. Hanba's mouth was full of blood. The wanton laughter resounded throughout the space.

And her breath... has become stronger and stronger! In a short time, she has climbed from the early stage of Jindan to the middle stage.

"There are three people left." Andre's eyes were like knives, and he pursed his lips gently: "Please go faster."

The screams were endless. This place has become a hell of death. Hanba's head is like the pistil in a black rose, harvesting lives with a smile. Andre looked at his watch expressionlessly: "Charge."

"It's two kilometers away, and she is blocking us. After the three people die, we will have a three-minute vacuum period. If we can't reach the door of the coffin within 30 seconds after the three people die, it will be a dead end."

As soon as the words fell, three spiritual energies burst out from Xu Yangyi's hands, tightly wrapped around the waists of the three people, and then rushed towards the coffin with all his strength.

"Boom!" The Ten Directions Purgatory gushed out, and wherever it passed, a piece of charcoal was formed, and every inch of black hair turned into black ash. The sky was split with cold light, and all the hair that tried to get close was cut into pieces.

"Any magic condensed by the limbs of a cultivator must be driven by the core of the cultivator's body. Once it is cut off, it becomes a mortal object." Andre's expression was cold, shining with a cold luster under the background of fire and knife: "Now, I pray that my previous inference is correct. The next transmission can be opened on time."

The aura that surged into the sky instantly attracted the attention of Hanba. The black hair covering the ground seemed to be alive, forming a piece of violent sea tide, rolling towards them crazily.

"Interesting little guy." She narrowed her beautiful eyes and didn't care too much. The dessert was on the table. Could she run away from this table?

However, just when she was about to retract her gaze, she was suddenly stunned.


This direction...

"Youngster!!!" She turned her head suddenly and roared: "How dare you!!"

"Swish!" The huge head was so agile and terrifying, and its calm face suddenly became ferocious. The skull bit its teeth and rushed towards Xu Yangyi and his party with a mouth full of fishy wind!

No time to say hello!

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath. The oncoming Jindan spiritual pressure made him breathless even if he had just revived. The spiritual energy burst out, and his figure jumped more than a hundred meters, and flew up with the three people below.

However, the bloody mouth of Hanba was facing the three people!

"The dragon stepped on the mountain!!"

Xu Yangyi, who had flown to the top, suddenly sank, with a thousand-pound momentum, accompanied by the blue dragon and the mist, and turned into a huge blue spiral and rushed towards the huge head of Hanba.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the top of the spiral directly stepped on the nose of Hanba. With a scream, a circle of shock waves visible to the naked eye swung in the air, and the huge head was kicked away dozens of meters, and with a "dang" sound, it bit nothing.

"Heh..." Zhao Ziqi and Angel pursed their lips and pressed their chests. At that moment, the shadow of death enveloped them, and the smell of blood and flesh filled Hanba's mouth. Just when they were about to be swallowed, the head was kicked away.

"Stupid..." Andre's eyes flickered slightly, and after a long time, he said in a voice that only he could hear: "Stupid who likes to carry burdens..."

"Nine Stars Fall!!!" The head left a dragging mark of dozens of meters on the ground, and immediately rushed up the next second, staring at Xu Yangyi with blood-red eyes: "You want to go to the top of the tower?! Are you the destined person of this generation?!"

"You are the light keeper!!"

She roared madly, and Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes.

Light keeper...

I don't know how many times I've heard this name...

Why do these people seem to dislike the light keeper? Why did Xiaoqing say: Some people are destined to endure something. Why did she say: A hundred years later, she will remember that a young light keeper came here?

How many secrets are hidden in these three words?

Before he finished thinking, this time, the whole ground trembled.

Hanba's face was completely solemn, and strands of hair formed a black-haired army. At this moment, Andre whispered: "Here it comes..."

Without his reminder, everyone felt that an indescribable spatial force appeared in this floor of the tower, and the place...

It happened to be inside the empty coffin!

Six dark exits opened with a buzzing tremor.

"She only has a head, and can't make seals. In addition, she has just returned to the Grand Duke, and has been imprisoned for who knows how long, so she must not be able to use her arms and legs as well." Andre switched to fluent Chinese and whispered, "This is our only chance. As time goes by, she will become stronger and stronger. We rush over... only this time."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and his long-unused wings suddenly spread out. Now, being faster is a matter of life and death.

"How dare you!!" His figure turned into a stream of light, and behind him, countless black soldiers rushed like a tide. However, the speed could not keep up with Xu Yangyi at all. Hanba stared at the front with his eyes, and suddenly, his cheeks bulged.

"The light keeper... you must not go up to the last floor!"

"Let me be the one to see you off to the end!"

"Even if I have no body, even if I cannot cast a seal, even if I am sealed for a thousand years, you... must not go up!"

"Puff!" With a muffled sound, the space in front of her, "Ka Ka Ka!" cracked inch by inch, and a tooth of a skull was actually bitten off by her and spit out.

The momentum was like the wind, and a black crack appeared in the space. Without any reservation, the spiritual energy of the middle stage of the golden elixir exploded, causing a sharp hissing in the air.

Xu Yangyi's eyes were bloodshot, and the open passage was right in front of him!

One thousand meters... five hundred meters! At most ten seconds, he could rush in. However, behind him, a huge force as majestic as the sea, already carrying the breath of death, like a meteor chasing the moon!

As long as the collision... he might not die, but some of these people would definitely die.

"Then... please die." He gritted his teeth and wiped the storage ring without hesitation. The next second, a fist-sized three-headed dog was thrown out by him, and with a terrified scream, it collided with the skeleton.

"Fuck! ! Fuck!!!" Cerberus howled earth-shakingly. He never expected that Xu Yangyi would choose to sacrifice it in the end!

It had already greatly reduced its sense of existence, and didn't even say a word.

"Shedding skin!" With the ghost in great fear, he didn't care to think too much. With a scream, a smaller three-headed dog, the one Xu Yangyi had seen outside Jerusalem, flew out with a heart-wrenching scream and spitting blood. Just in front of it, the entire 100-meter space shook violently.

"Boom..." With a muffled sound, like a giant's fist falling, Cerberus's shed body paused, and then turned into ashes!

However, in the flying flesh and blood, a silver light, without slowing down, shot directly at the three people!

"Damn it!" Xu Yangyi turned back suddenly, murderous: "Do you really think I'm afraid of you!"

"Don't fight her!" Andre said without thinking: "Her background is unfathomable, the Grand Duke is just her appearance. She is getting stronger every second! Even if you are not afraid of the Grand Duke, are you not afraid of the next Prince? Or even the monarch!?"

Xu Yangyi did not speak, he couldn't escape... The Grand Duke and the Marquis are qualitatively different. He calculated that with his speed, he would be caught up just at the moment of entering the passage.

Who will die?

Zhao Ziqi?


No one will allow it!

"Jindan dares to chase me all over the ground, I don't believe this evil!" His chest rose and fell sharply, and his eyes were red. As the light flashed in his right hand, the Yuchang Sword had already whistled out.


A move that has not been used for a long time, however, when it appeared this time, it was completely different from before.

Before, it was a person who looked like an ancient general. This time, endless black fog filled the sky, and the deep darkness even overwhelmed the sea of ​​black hair on the ground. In the black aura, a man in shorts, black clothes, and a bamboo hat turned his back to everyone.

His attire was not even as good as the previous general. But... that kind of invisible momentum. As soon as he appeared, all the hair could not move forward half a step.

As high as a mountain, as wide as the sea. The murderous intent, courage, and fighting spirit that rose up instantly filled the entire space like mercury pouring down.

"This is..." Hanba was stunned for a moment, and then took a breath of cold air: "Zhuan Zhu?!"

Zhuan Zhu stabbed Wang Liao. The sword of courage.

At this moment, without seeing how the man moved, a cold light flashed in the darkness.

"Clang! Clang!"

The sword was drawn and put away, almost at the same time.

An ordinary sword light, however, brought Hanba a scream. A stream of blood rushed to the sky like a spring!

"Junior!!!" She turned her head suddenly and stared at the passage with bloodshot eyes while screaming.

Her other eye was already blind.

Just in the extremely ordinary sword just now.

However, what she saw was a group of people rushing into the passage.

"Buzz!" A buzzing sound, the passage disappeared immediately.

Silence, as quiet as death.

A few seconds later, an extremely angry roar resounded through this floor.

"You... are looking for death!!!"

"Boom!!" The ground cracked inch by inch, and the bright red blood flowed down her dark eye sockets, covering half of her face, making this huge head look extremely terrifying.

Skulls rubbed in her mouth, and she almost wanted to bite the bastard to death.

A boat capsized in the gutter... and it actually brought fish intestines! A great demon like herself in the recent ancient times, just came out, and was blinded by a younger generation thousands of years later!

It will recover soon... However, this is a shame, a shame stamp that will always exist on her face!

"Boy..." She looked at the top of the tower with red eyes: "You'd better pray that you don't meet me again... Otherwise... I will cut you into pieces! Blasphemy, you must die!"

Heavy breathing, with a humiliating mood, it took a full ten minutes before she quieted down.

"But I'm afraid you won't be able to wait until that day..." Suddenly, she sighed a little bored: "Once the lightkeeper enters this tower, there is no possibility of coming out alive..."

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