
Chapter 608: Only Xuanyuan is missing

In the dark passage, three figures were flying rapidly.

No one spoke, everyone was immersed in the critical moment just now.

At the last moment, Xu Yangyi drew his sword with his backhand, not simply to frighten Han Bao's head, but to use the backlash of the thorn to use himself as a backing, and the group rushed into the passage.

A seemingly small gesture made An Qier and Zhao Ziqi indescribably moved.

Zhao Ziqi was flying in front, while An Qier Qingqing and Xu Yangyifei were flying behind. He didn't speak, but kept secretly looking at the man next to him with his eyes.

It's still the same face, but it feels like there's something more at the moment.

Is it because the other party saved him?

She felt that she was not the kind of woman to make love to someone like this, but she still felt something stirring in her heart.

"Are you okay?" After flying for half an hour, she finally couldn't bear the loneliness and spoke first: "You... bled a lot."

Xu Yangyi said calmly: "There will always be blood."

There was silence again. Ten minutes later, Angel pursed her lips and said, "Um...Andre, just let him go like that?"

At the last moment, Andre took out a ring, and with terrifying power, cut off Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy chain.

Xu Yangyi felt the strong power of the prince from above.

"Goodbye, idiot." He still remembered the other person's flat expression at the end: "Although you are not too smart. But, I don't hate you."

"Angel." He still didn't look at her: "I can't talk much now, I just took the pill."

"Just recover. I have something to say."

Sometimes the atmosphere gets to a point where it's weird and has no source. Perhaps the brief embarrassment would make the two of them silent.

Such as now.

No one could see anyone's expression clearly in the darkness, and no one wanted to mobilize their spiritual energy to see. I don’t know how long it took, but Angel’s voice was extremely soft: “I’m sorry.”

"I'm willful."

She is not a woman who likes to apologize, or in other words, her identity does not allow her to apologize. She hardly ever said this to any man. Not to mention apologizing for what I did wrong. But today, she did not do anything wrong, but apologized.

Xu Yangyi had no extra energy to speak and shook his head.

"You don't have to deny it." Angel seemed to understand what he meant and said softly: "I thought there would be no danger here. After all, my father said that this was a tomb thousands of years ago. I thought..."

Xu Yangyi was sulking about this.

Do you think?

You are really the white swan locked in the room... you always hold your head high and look down upon anyone. Yes, your father has reached the late stage of Jindan in Europe and America, where one person is inferior to ten thousand people. Of course you can think so.

But have you thought twice before stepping out? You just casually launch a hot attack on others, and then self-righteously enter some places you shouldn't go. Do you really think I won't worry?

His eyes flickered and he said nothing. He didn't even think about why he was worried. This is what Yue Zhenren promised. The other party knows very well that in this kind of place, life and death are determined by fate and wealth, so he can take no responsibility.

"However, if you think that I am a powerless burden, that's wrong."

"Why are you frowning?" In the darkness, no one used their spiritual power, but Angel seemed to see Xu Yangyi's expression and reached out to smooth the wrinkles between his eyebrows. Xu Yangyi's lips moved, but in the end he didn't say anything or move.

"I am very strong." Angel chuckled: "My strength comes from my bloodline, not my experience. Since my father allows me to come, of course he will not let me die here."

"I don't want to be a burden either."

Honey and juice are confident.

Xu Yangyi thought of this word inexplicably and shook his head with a wry smile.

Yes, he didn't believe in this kind of self-confidence, but with Angel's identity, no one among the monks in the room would take her seriously. What would happen to a daughter of the golden elixir who poses no threat?

Of course, he would be captured and served well, and then thrown out of the tower and handed over to people outside to use as a bargaining chip in future negotiations with Master Yue. Anyone who wants to kill Angel must kill everyone here to ensure that no one can tell anyone.

So he wasn't worried about Angel's life. This was what he had thought clearly when he brought her in. At a critical moment, he can abandon the other party at any time and walk away.

However, I always felt a vague reluctance.

"It's best." Feeling that the medicine in his body was almost gone, he smiled helplessly.

"Aren't you angry?" Angel smiled and said, "I knew you were not a man with small intestines and a small belly."

"no next time."

"I won't come next time if you ask me to come. If I had known it was so dangerous..." Angel snorted twice and pouted. Finally, he pursed his lips and said, "I'm sorry, please forgive me for my willfulness. If you are in any dangerous situation and leave me behind because of my willfulness, I don't blame you."

Zhao Ziqi seemed calm in front, his ears straightened up, but he didn't hear anything and was so angry that he stamped his feet.

"By the way, brother." Unable to bear the loneliness, Zhao Ziqi intervened forcefully: "What has happened to your sword? What is a weapon spirit? I have never seen what a weapon spirit is!"

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, this was also what was strange about him. After the fish intestines swallowed up Long Yuan, it sank into his sea of ​​energy without saying a word.

He didn't absorb spiritual energy and didn't speak, but he could feel something vibrant beating in the fish's intestines.

"I don't know." He waved his hand, and Yuchang suddenly appeared. After looking for a while, he shouted: "Cerberus."

"Hmph... boy... you'd better explain what happened just now." Cerberus's extremely weak voice came, with unspeakable resentment: "You promised me something, but you regretted it halfway? How dare you deceive the devil?!"

"Aren't demons used to deceive?" Zhao Ziqi said doubtfully.


"Okay." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "Can you smell the smell of the devil?"

"No." Cerberus suppressed the anger in his heart. It has vowed to tear this fickle human into pieces. As long as it finds the things hidden here by the Jie faction master, how can a mere mortal be the opponent of its mythical creation!

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly: "Then, what's the use of you?"

Before the voice fell, Cerberus's true body, a three-headed black dog, suddenly appeared, and Xu Yangyi had swept across with a sword, chasing three throats.

"You're looking for death!" Cerberus' eyes turned red instantly, and the flames of hell loomed in the three dog heads, just when they were about to be spit out. The sword suddenly stopped.

Cerberus did not relax. It could feel that the man just now really wanted to kill it. It stared at the other party vigilantly, not moving away.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head and looked at Yuchang solemnly.

Yuchang... was sealed.

The vibrant thing was in Yuchang's body, but it could not feel a trace of spiritual energy throughout its body, and it really became ordinary iron. And with the hardness of Yuchang, it is impossible for the things inside to come out without thousands of years.

"Fuck..." He cursed fiercely. At such a critical moment, the stab just now was definitely not worse than the holy sword. The holy sword only had one shot left, and now Yuchang was sealed.

The excitement just now fell to the bottom in an instant.

Angel suddenly asked: "Does it need a blood sacrifice?"

"No, Yuchang was transformed from a living emperor's weapon, and I don't know how much of my blood has been stained. Now I can't even feel a response. This is not just a matter of sleeping. It is completely sealed." Xu Yangyi's fingers brushed across the sword, gritting his teeth and said: "Just at this time... Damn..."

Unable to resist, he still dripped a drop of blood on it.

At the moment when the blood stained Yuchang, a bright light shone. Ten thousand sacred golden lights rushed out from Yuchang. Then, there was a "boom" in his mind, and the Eternal Pill Scripture King actually started without any warning.

The golden page that connected the sky and the earth rose and fell like a tide, and a line of golden characters flashed on a piece of bamboo slips.

The Nine Stars fell, the ninth star, Xuanyuan!

Xu Yangyi was stunned, and did not look at it immediately, but immediately looked at the Yuchang in his hand.

However, there was no reaction at all.

It was as if the golden light just now was not flashed by it.

"Don't you want to be related to these two?" Concentrating his thoughts, he looked carefully at the Eternal Pill Scripture King.

The last time it was activated, it was still in Kaiyun Realm. This time, it directly skipped the middle stars and spanned to the ninth star.

The more he looked, the more shocked he was.

Xuanyuan is not a magical power, but a sword formation!

The full name is: Xuanyuan Wuji Sword Formation.

And this sword formation has only nine swords, but the name of these nine swords makes every Chinese breathe fast!

Chengying, the sword of elegance!

Chunjun, the sword of nobility!

Yuchang, the sword of courage!

Ganjiang Moye, the sword of true love!

Longyuan, the sword of integrity!

Tai'a, the sword of majesty!

Chixiao, Liu Bang's snake-slaying sword, the sword of the emperor!

Zhanlu, the sword of benevolence!

These nine legendary holy swords, together form a sword formation corresponding to the Nine Stars. It can be said that every star of the Nine Stars was born for it!

Xu Yangyi was not excited, but smiled bitterly.

How is it possible!

This kind of sword formation is impossible to form unless the master of Xuanyuan Sword is reborn!

Yuchang is in his hand, and Longyuan only has the spirit of the weapon. Xuanyuan Sword... is most likely a secondary boundary anchor, and the Snake-Slaying Sword is in the Golden Palace of the Forbidden City in Beijing. The other swords are impossible to find.

Seeing this sword formation, he basically lost confidence. Just as he was about to continue reading, he suddenly raised his eyebrows.


"Where is the Xuanyuan Sword?"

"These are the ten holy swords, why are there nine swords gathered together, but only Xuanyuan is missing?"

"Nine is the extreme number of China... Is it because of this reason that the strongest imperial weapon Xuanyuan Sword is not among the Nine Stars?"

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and he decided not to dwell on this issue. Anyway, it is a unique skill that cannot be practiced, so what's the point of dwelling on it?

Any one of them has a long history. The Yuchang in his hand killed the emperor and fought with Xuanyuan Sword once. The other half is still in Danxia Palace... If he wants to find the other swords... I'm afraid he won't have the life to find them even if he knows where they are.

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