
Chapter 610: Devil's Eye (Part 2)

A lush and flourishing plant, with flowers blooming all over the ground, and the head of Asmodeus hanging on the top.

The pure black head dyed the surrounding flower sea of ​​100 meters black. The thick dead silence, who knows how long it has been dead, still makes all objects on this layer breathless.

Xu Yangyi looked carefully, and just after ten seconds, it seemed that a sky-high flame suddenly ignited in his mind. He vaguely heard a cry that made his heart and lungs burst, as if he was in hell. Boundless terror, despair, bloodthirstiness, twisted negative situations, pressed towards him like a tide.

"Heh..." He immediately bit his tongue hard, but found that he was already covered in cold sweat.

"What's wrong with you?" Angel said softly.

"It's okay." Xu Yangyi shook his head and took a deep look at the skull: "Don't stare at that thing. Even if it is not the host of Asmodeus, it is definitely a higher-level demon king. The remains of the Jie faction didn't give me this feeling."

Cerberus was stunned.

Standing there like a fool.

Yes, the black and red outside was extinguished, but if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe that the souls left by the demon god would perish.

Obviously... sleeping is more likely!

"Who..." After a long time, it came back to its soul and spoke in a trembling voice: "Who... Who killed the soul of His Majesty Asmodeus!?"

"How is this possible... How could the soul of the demon god be killed?! Even if it is not the original body, it is extremely powerful!"

Everyone stood up silently.

Only Cerberus, at this moment, it didn't look like a gatekeeper of hell at all. Instead, it was like a defeated dog, lying on the ground, repeating the words "Who... Impossible... His Majesty Asmodeus..." like crazy.

It was too much of a blow.

It thought it could see a living demon god. Although the red outside had been extinguished, who could be sure that a trace of the demon god's soul would die?

It was more likely to be sleeping.

However... not only did the soul disappear, but even the body where the soul resided was destroyed! Only a single skull remained, indicating that a demon once lived here.

"There are so many hidden secrets here..." Zhao Ziqi looked at the six-horned sheep head supported by the plant in astonishment, as if showing off the achievements of an unknown person, his lips dry: "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes... I wouldn't have believed it..."

Xu Yangyi also pondered in silence. After entering only two rooms of the Tower of Babel, all the information seen is enough to overturn all mortal thinking.

"Impossible... Impossible!! This is impossible!" Cerberus' screams resounded throughout the hall, with desperate cries: "Impossible!! This is a demon god! An immortal being! The highest level creature in hell! How could his soul be destroyed! Yes! Even a wisp of soul is impossible! This must be someone else pretending to be His Majesty!"

"Don't be naive, even I have seen the portrait of Asmodeus's demon. The six-horned sheep, such a clear symbol. Also, only the purest demons can have black bones. What are you still denying?" Angel looked at her red nails and smiled: "So, your mission is over?"

Cerberus wailed in pain.

Not for its master, but for its own benefit.

Yeah... Is my mission over? Although I was not keen on the master's resurrection, the master promised me that once it came here, a big man would give him a big gift. It seems that this big man is the soul of His Majesty Asmodeus.

"Damn garbage..." Its mentality changed drastically. Under great disappointment, it put away all its grief and turned into a face full of anger, its teeth clattering: "Just die... There is no benefit in dying! I tried my best to fulfill your last wish, but in the end, I got nothing! I also made an enemy with this inexplicable human monster... How can you not die!"

Demons are like this. When the benefits disappear, its loyalty disappears.

In the blink of an eye, love turns to hate. It spat coldly at the remains, but still looked around for the few possibilities.

Xu Yangyi did not stay on the corpse of Asmodeus' host for too long, but looked around the room calmly.

It was as big as the previous floor of the tower, but this room was full of flowers and beautiful like a valley in spring. If they didn't know that this was the burial place of a demon god, they might have thought that this skull was an ornament of a tribe in the valley.

In the center, plants tens of meters high were entwined, forming a large tree with a radius of 100 meters, with a black sheep skull hanging on the top. Under the tree canopy, countless epiphytes are entwined, forming a lush pistil.

Everyone has a hint of disappointment. Xu Yangyi originally planned that even if Asmodeus is not dead, there is no spiritual energy here. If he does not absorb spiritual energy for thousands of years, his realm will definitely not be high. Moreover, this is just the host of its soul parasitism. It is not that he has no chance.

However, Asmodeus is dead, and the treasure of the Jie faction is gone. This trip is in vain.

"Well, this kind of Rubik's Cube-shaped house, who knows who will meet next, maybe we will meet the Grand Duke. Just because we have a "bye" this round, it is not a loss." He frowned for a while, and then laughed again: "Besides, this is a room that will not be drawn. It should be that the owner here is too noble, and the Tower of Babel cannot name their residence. As long as we stay here, when this Rubik's Cube is assembled, we can avoid danger and see the truth directly."

Zhao Ziqi also nodded with a wry smile. The truth is this. However... he escaped the danger and also escaped the opportunity.

"Rest." Xu Yangyi took out several jade boxes and threw them to everyone: "Inside are elixirs for restoring spiritual energy, which are much more effective than the holy elixirs in Europe and the United States."

At this moment, there was a sudden throbbing in his heart.

"What is this?" The hand that took out the elixir paused, and Zhao Ziqi asked doubtfully: "What?"

Xu Yangyi waved his hand and felt it carefully. He thought it was an illusion, but the next second, his heart suddenly started beating wildly!

"Dong dong dong..." Like the beating of a drum, a hot desire suddenly spread in my heart.

"This is..." He pursed his lips and his eyes flickered: "Green line? No, it's wolfsbane!"

He felt it carefully, and it was not murderous intent, but desire.

An extremely deep desire.

"It's craving? Why?"

"Is there anything here that makes it desirable?"

"Asmodeus's skull? No, it shouldn't be. If so, such a conspicuous thing should be found when Wolfsbane comes in. Although its body remains in Nanzhou, I am it. The consciousness is not 100% Separate. Its consciousness is obviously not so sharp that it only knows that it exists and never appears."

"So... maybe it wasn't sure at first, but only prompted me after it was sure? There is obviously something else here besides the skull!"

His eyes immediately sharpened, and he looked at the surrounding area inch by inch: "Except for the skull, it is the sea of ​​flowers. There is nothing else in the aura... No! Flowers... sea of ​​flowers?"

"Brush!" The green line in his hand immediately spread out, with strong aggression, and the fly-catching mouth opened one after another. However, for the first time, he did not fully follow his instructions.


In front of this sea of ​​flowers, the violent green line actually bowed its head!

All the vines crawled down, and although they still moved forward, their speed was extremely slow, as if the ministers saw the king and did not dare to cross.

"This is it!" Zhao Ziqi and An Qier gasped at the same time and looked over immediately. Even Cerberus was stunned and looked at the garden with burning eyes.

"Brush..." In the garden, a gentle rattan rose leisurely, as if caressing a lover, and gently put it on the head of the green thread. Immediately afterwards...

"Kakaka!" There was a slight chewing sound, and those little flowers ate up the green thread quickly!

Moreover, countless vines rose from the sea of ​​flowers and climbed towards Xu Yangyi's hand along the green line!

Xu Yangyi immediately cut off the green thread, and the torn vine was immediately pulled into the entire sea of ​​flowers, making a hair-raising chewing sound.

"Flowers...are they alive?" Angel covered her lips lightly and looked at the sea of ​​flowers in astonishment. An incredible speculation suddenly appeared in her mind. She looked at the skull of Hos Asmodeus in shock: "This... this can't be..."

Flower ate Asmodeus? This demon of lust and lust? !

"What on earth is this?!" Cerberus' eyes flashed sharply, and he jumped over: "There is absolutely no such thing in hell, the devil... that is a creature that stands at the top of the world! Just a plant? How can it be possible to devour the devil?"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak. It's not that there are no plants that can kill gods...his body has done this before.

And right in front of me... there seems to be a second strain?

The second god-killing monster?

"Zi Qi, what mythology has a god-killing plant?"

Zhao Ziqi stared at the sea of ​​flowers with his mouth open: "I don't know...except Wolfsbane...this, is this impossible? There is absolutely no similar myth in foreign countries! This..."

"Then where are the remains of Asmodeus' crown?!" Cerberus licked his lips, as if he saw the treasure: "There are only skulls here. First, someone killed him and brought the skull here. Second, someone killed him and took away the body. The motive is incomprehensible! There is no way on earth that can kill the devil! Or it is impossible to just destroy the skull!"

"You mean, this devil is just sitting here... being eaten by a bunch of flowers?" Angel obviously couldn't accept it.

Xu Yangyi spoke in a deep voice: "Maybe it's not that he has to sit here. But that he can't walk when he finds out?"

No one spoke a word. Monks often stay in seclusion for several years or ten years. It is not impossible for the other party's state to stay in seclusion for hundreds of years.

While he was in seclusion...something turned this place into a sea of ​​devouring flowers? And unknowingly made this demon unable to move?

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