
Chapter 612: The Beginning (Part 2)

"Furthermore, after the death of the demon god, the body will not decay for ten thousand years, even the clone where the soul is entrusted! Where is the flesh under the crown of Asmodeus?" The more Cerberus thought about it, the more he was right: "Where did its flesh and blood go? Are there any bones left?”

Zhao Ziqi pursed his lips, raised his hands, and a paper kite flew out. At the same time, a screen of light appeared in front of everyone.

The paper kites were flying, and every detail appeared on the light screen. Immediately afterwards, everyone took a deep breath.

Just below the bone, there are countless bite marks!

Moreover, the lower jaw has been chewed to the point where there is not much left, and it is almost invisible!

"Really eating..." Angel exclaimed: "The skull is hanging on the sea of ​​flowers... It's not a decoration... but they are eating it from bottom to top in this way!"

"And the Demon God's bones are too hard. After thousands of years, there is still one skull left?" Zhao Ziqi didn't want to believe it, but what they saw in front of them made them dare not believe it.

What the hell kind of monster is this?

The devil's bones can even be chewed!

"How could there be such a monster on earth..." Cerberus scratched the ground with his claws, not daring to take a step forward. Three meters in front of them was the edge of the sea of ​​flowers.

Xu Yangyi took a deep look at the other party, and these words gave him some insights.

"Maybe there really isn't one on Earth." He said lightly.

"You mean... other planes?" Cerberus immediately reacted: "Is this a dangerous thing from other planes?"

Only in this way can we explain why there are no records in ancient books.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi's body was throbbing with force, as if something... was about to burst out of his body.

"Swipe!" For a moment, an infinite green light flashed on his forehead, as if a gap opened, and a green seed, the size of a fist, covered with countless runes, flew out.

Wolfsbane itself!

Although it was extremely incomplete, it could even be said to be a kind of consciousness, but at this moment, he couldn't hold back his desire and rushed out.

A desolate, long-standing, terrifying aura like a mountain or a sea. Even though it’s just the tip of the iceberg, it’s all over the place at this moment. Eyeing the sea of ​​flowers with eager eyes.

As if sensing something, in the sea of ​​flowers, the grass, vines, and flowers all raised their heads, facing the direction of the seeds.

"Buzz..." The next second, the seed turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the flower column. At the same time, the style suddenly cracked open a five- to six-meter-sized mouth, and all the small flowers and vines rushed up almost at the same time, with the same desire. With a winding sound of "swiping and pulling", the branches and leaves flew, and the branches and leaves flew up. That area was wrapped into a huge ball. Fully ten meters in size.

Everyone was stunned.

Devour and be devoured.

And... not only that, with the formation of this huge branch ball, green auras and extremely rich wood aura emerged from the cracks. Then, the sea of ​​flowers in the entire room, like a carpet, shrank and condensed towards the center. In less than ten minutes, the layers were piled up, and a tree cocoon with a radius of a thousand meters was suspended in the air.

"Monster..." Zhao Ziqi shook his head with emotion and looked at the ball. This simply overturns people's understanding of the biology of spiritual practice.

Xu Yangyi also looked at the ball, but suddenly his eyes froze.

Just behind the style, there are two pairs of feet!

"Who!" He shouted without hesitation: "Get out, otherwise I will not show mercy!"

Cerberus immediately came to his senses, all seven eyes filled with disbelief. This is Lord Jie's territory, how could anyone else come in!

no response.

"Not coming out?" Xu Yangyi watched as the feet became more and more obvious, the purple light in his hands flourished, and ten fire dragons rushed out in a circle, bypassing the tree cocoon and heading straight to the rear.

There was no explosion, no aura, there was a "crunching" sound when it was held in the hand, and then, nine snow-white tails rose up like a tidal wave.

"It's so heartless." A soft female voice walked out from behind the flower column, with a faint smile on her beautiful face: "I haven't seen you for so long, and you actually learned how to destroy flowers with ruthless hands?"

The black cloak is a typical decoration of the Tagule family. The hem of the cloak and the nine snow-white tails are coiled like a throne. When she gently lifted her cloak, Xu Yangyi's heart boiled with murderous intent.

Zhu Hongxue!

Someone actually came in earlier than them! And he completely concealed his aura and listened to what they said!

She sneered and glanced at Cerberus: "I am still wondering how you came here. It turns out that you are in alliance with a cheap dog. You are really willing to be humble."

As soon as she finished speaking, the spiritual energy all over her body exploded like a sea wave. Zhao Ziqi and An Qier rushed back several steps in succession.

"It's so pleasant." Her nails had turned into a decimeter-long black, she gently touched her red lips, flew up into the air, and looked down at Xu Yangyi: "Do you know? I have always wanted to you."

"Miss you very...very much."

"For you, I first hid from Japan, and then the United States. I took shelter under the wings of the Tagul family. Back then... I was so happy with my grudges. You were able to push me to this point by just practicing Qi. At this level, how could you not ask me to think about how you died?"

She glanced at Xu Yangyi indifferently. Although her eyes were indifferent, the killing intent in them was self-evident.

"How did you get in?" Xu Yangyi asked with a frown.

"Shouldn't you ask me how I regained my strength and even reached a higher level?" Zhu Hongxue smiled sweetly, and her nine fox tails coiled into a throne, allowing her to sit upright in the air. The slender breasts stretched out, making a heart-warming arc: "You don't care? But I really want to say it. Do you still remember the holy coffin you saw?"

"You entered the holy coffin?!" Before Xu Yangyi could speak, Cerberus had already taken a step back, looking at her as if he were looking at a madman: "According to legend, the holy coffin of the Tagule family must be drained of all blood. , has been lost for a long time, and is found again? Once it is immortal, it will become a living corpse!"

"I understand... You are a living corpse now, with no blood, heartbeat, or body temperature, so the tower determines that you are dead? Are you not 'named' by it? So, you can only see here after all the passages have ended?"

"So that's it..." Zhu Hongxue seemed to suddenly realize it, and sighed with emotion: "My life has always been very good."

"When you are in the Iron Maiden with thousands of needles piercing your body, listening to your own blood being released bit by bit, and your strength being injected bit by bit, do you know how much I miss you?" She giggled: " Thinking of... to the point of eating your flesh and sleeping with your skin. Some people say that excessive hatred is love. Look, I love you so much."

Angel sneered and said: "Who is this woman? She looks so familiar. You are very familiar with her?"

Xu Yangyi also smiled: "It's just a defeated general."

"So that's it." Zhu Hongxue twisted her waist like a water snake, held her chin, and looked at Angel with interest: "It turns out that it was Yue Zhenren who knelt down and licked the late Grand Duke. What do you think? His smelly feet are delicious. Was it because you licked them one by one that he saved your life that day? Then you used your beauty to seduce the real woman as a stepping stone to your advancement? ...Kui back then, why are you so mean today? How can you be more ugly if you eat soft food and lick stinky feet?”

Before he finished speaking, a loud slap flew through the air. Zhu Hongxue didn't hide at all. The slap hit her ten meters outside her body and could no longer enter.

"I respect you as a real only daughter and give you face. In the early days, you were so obsessed that you were so crazy? How dare you come here?"

She looked at the two of them with a sneer: "A pretty boy who feeds on soft food, and a wild bee and butterfly who is willing to degenerate. What a perfect match."

"Come out." She turned around and hooked her fingers: "You also entered the holy coffin, wasn't it because of him who you miss so much? Why are you so shy?"

A black figure came out and gently lifted the hijab. Xu Yangyi's eyes became completely solemn.

Bloody Moon!

He is also an empty grand duke!

"Dear." A sick smile appeared on his pale face: "Long time no see, do you miss me?"

An Qier glanced at him with disgust, turned to Xu Yangyi and said, "Don't say that I can't accept it because he rejected me."

"How about giving me the man and giving you the woman and child?" Zhu Hongxue said with a smile as if she hadn't heard anything.

"No." Bloody Moon's smile was as perfect as ever: "There is a saying in China that we never meet again in life. I have been waiting for this day for too long."

"Brush!!" He raised his two bat wings, his eyes had begun to turn blood red, word by word floated out from between his teeth, with a bloodthirsty smile: "I can't wait... to cut the doll into pieces The pieces were torn into pieces.”

"Okay." Zhu Hongxue raised her eyebrows: "Give me some time to breathe."

"1y. What are you going to do?"

"Ha..." Zhu Hongxue smiled: "Of course I revived him and then chopped him up one by one."


Didn't take anyone seriously at all.

The two Xu Dans are the strongest forces under the Grand Duke. In their opinion, killing a few Xu Yangyi is more than enough!

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Hongxue turned into a white whirlwind, screaming towards Angel and Zhao Ziqi.

Xu Yangyi didn't think about it at all and rushed over like lightning. But at that moment, a black figure with a cloak flying like devil's wings blocked him in front of him.

"It's not a gentleman's etiquette to say goodbye without saying goodbye." Bloody Moon smiled and bowed: "Last time..."

Before he finished speaking, a snow-white claw mark had penetrated his body! Bloody Moon's expression froze, and then turned into countless bats and flew away.

Circles of bats turned into layers of black clouds, suddenly burned, and then turned into fire arrows that rushed towards Xu Yangyi!

madly slaughter. Bloody Moon's heart exploded instantly.

The longing that has been hidden for so long is about to be realized at this moment. How can he not explode?

"Go to hell! Maggots!!" The endless bats all opened their mouths and roared in the sky: "Just you?"

"A maggot like you can actually let me be beaten like a big male dog!"

"You have no reason to live. This time, even if you kneel on the ground and kiss my leather shoes, you won't be able to survive! No, you won't even have a chance to kneel down!"


"Swish, swish, swish!" Bats turned into fireballs and rushed towards Xu Yangyi. In the sky, six magic patterns spread out.

Six-ring magic, stars fall!

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