
Chapter 613: The Beginning (Part 3)

"Get out!" Xu Yangyi was so anxious that he raised his hand and the purgatory from all directions burst out, roaring like a meteor shower that swept through the surrounding fire bats.

"Boom!" The purple light and red flames exploded immediately. The flames caused the surrounding temperature to rise suddenly. Purple and red intertwined into a gorgeous fire network, covering a radius of two to three hundred meters. After the violent explosion, a group of fire bats regrouped into the bloody moon. However, they were no longer leisurely, but looked at Xu Yangyi cautiously.

He didn't speak. The sudden strong wind blew his cloak, and there was a trace of uncertainty in his eyes.

"Go away..." Xu Yangyi didn't care about his expression at all, and said through his teeth: "Give you three seconds, otherwise, I will make your life worse than death!"

The moment Zhu Hongxue rushed forward, his heart tightened involuntarily.

He doesn't have many friends, but he will definitely go all out for any friend he considers. Now, two marquises are facing an empty grand duke in the early stage, how can he not be anxious?

In the past, he thought he could calmly analyze the battle situation at all times, but today, he suddenly felt that he couldn't do it at all.

"If you can." Bloody Moon smiled and bowed, her eyes became more alert, and she lightly snapped her fingers. The claw of Zhu Hongxue behind her carried the power of the virtual Grand Duke and turned into a white afterimage more than a hundred meters long in the sky, and the air seemed to be torn apart!

"How dare you!!" Xu Yangyi's eyes turned red for a moment, and he rushed forward again without hesitation. He even felt that he had never been so fast before!

"You can try walking!" Bloody Moon's vigilant eyes had a joking smile, as if he had seen the most ridiculous thing. Xu Yangyi's figure passed by like lightning, and he squatted slightly: "Hai Pull the heel.”


His figure actually struck first and took the lead! In the blink of an eye, he caught up with Xu Yangyi's figure, and with the strong blood shining in his hand, he patted Xu Yangyi's vest.

However, Xu Yangyi didn't care at all. This palm quickly broke through his protective aura and completely and truly hit his vest.

"Pounce!" A mouthful of blood spurted out immediately. Xu Yangyi was faster, almost becoming a meteor, surpassing the speed of Hela's Heel in an instant. His waist twisted slightly, and a black light had condensed in his hand.

Apocalypse eats flesh.

However, this move was not sent out. Just when he saw that he was only fifty meters away from Zhu Hongxue, a black shadow stood in front of him again. Zhu Hongxue's grasp was only 20 meters away from An Qier and Zhao Ziqi, who obviously had not yet reacted.

It is true that he knew that Angel had many protective magic weapons, but he could not tolerate himself not to save him because of this speculation. This was the Xu Dan. As someone who was infinitely close to the Xu Dan, he was very aware of the power of the Xu Dan. He could do this Said, if you encounter Thousand Blades now, the opponent will not even have time to make a move.

He simply doesn't know how to do it, and he doesn't dare to bet on this possibility.

"Get lost!!" Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and shouted angrily. Countless blue hellfires quickly gathered around him, all attached to his hands. They actually turned the pure white sky into a ghostly one, and pulled out five streaks in the air. Green claw marks.

"Sure enough..." Bloody Moon's eyes narrowed slightly, and then, her chest swelled sharply, and she let out a sharp roar!


Circles of sound waves swept through the entire place as he roared, and with the "rumbling" sound, a layer of ground was scraped off, and the debris flew, directly eliminating the cracked air. Xu Yangyi still didn't retreat, and his exposed skin was covered with bloodstains.

"So-called friendship?" Bloody Moon looked at him coldly: "It's such a boring thing."

"Boom!!" At this moment, Zhu Hongxue's palm fell, and the ground sank more than ten meters! At this moment, Xu Yangyi's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. He had not felt the tension for a long time, and he truly felt the feeling of his heart beating into his throat.

The smoke filled the air, and after the smoke and dust, Zhao Ziqi and An Qier were still standing where they were.

A huge paw print was half a meter away from them.

"Ha..." Xu Yangyi breathed a deep sigh of relief. Before he could finish breathing, he burst out laughing like a silver bell.

"Giggle..." Zhu Hongxue smiled charmingly and smiled at Bloody Moon: "Did you see that?"

"The panicked look of this puppy just now was really ridiculous."

"How dare you take the claws of Bloody Moon for a frivolous bitch and a stunted brat? Did you know that there is another title for the person who comes out of the holy coffin?"

The violent fluctuations of spiritual energy blew up her three thousand black hair. She leisurely lifted her long hair and said with a smile: "The lawbreaker."

"The Vampire Spell Breaker was the most elite legion under the Grand Duke. Now, you feel that the spiritual energy has begun to run slowly? Oops... It's really pitiful. With such a light palm from me, you actually seem to have seen it. You ran over like a shitty wild dog. Should I say you are ignorant or stupid?"

"Boring human emotions." Bloody Moon patted her cloak gracefully: "This is your biggest weakness. When you are concerned, you are vulnerable, and when you are fragile, you will... die."

He lowered his voice: "Tamamo-mae."

"He is in vain."

Zhu Hongxue's silver-bell-like laughter suddenly stopped, and she looked at Bloody Moon in confusion: "You say it again?"

"He is a virtual person." Bloody Moon said with certainty: "Not only you, I don't believe it. How many years has it been? He actually advanced from the last stage to a virtual person."

"It's unbelievable!"

He looked at Xu Yangyi solemnly, then suddenly turned around and smiled, "Do you know what to do?"

Zhu Hongxue pursed her lips, then suddenly covered her mouth with her hand, and chuckled, "You are really not a good thing."

"This palace..." Before she finished speaking, her hand suddenly turned into a huge fox claw, which was more powerful than the last time, and it even left cracks. A fox claw grew in the wind, and in an instant it grew to more than 20 meters in size, and slapped the two of them!

"Of course I know."

As she moved, Xu Yangyi rushed forward like an arrow. He knew that there was a bloody moon behind him, but he didn't think about it at all. All the spiritual energy was gathered in front of him, like an invincible sword, shooting directly at Zhu Hongxue.

"Stupid, too stupid." Bloody Moon looked at his weakly defended back with emotion and sneered: "With fragile emotions, how can you embark on the path of a strong cultivator?"

"Swish!" Two black lights, forming a cross shape, burst out from his hands, turning into two half-moon arcs, with a tragic hiss, attacking Xu Yangyi's back. Wherever he said, deep gullies appeared on the ground in an instant, just like a sharp blade turning over the ground.

"I won't let you die so easily."

"Little by little... let you slowly despair, crush your bones piece by piece, this is the most suitable way to die for a fool like you."

"Bang!!" Two spiritual energies accurately hit Xu Yangyi's back. This was the straight-line distance for the other party to rush towards Zhu Hongxue. He had long expected that the other party would not hide.

A mouthful of blood surged from Xu Yangyi's throat, but he gritted his teeth and swallowed it hard.

There was a sharp pain in his internal organs. More importantly, the spiritual energy in his sea of ​​qi was indeed becoming less and less smooth. The opponent's attack carried a strange force, as if many plugs were added to the meridians, gradually imprisoning the meridians.

However, with the impact of this palm, he was faster. This time he had completely approached Zhu Hongxue within ten meters. He had no extra thoughts at all. The fish intestines lit up and approached half a meter. Ten fire dragon marks above were looming.

"A hasty move, the power is not fully condensed, how dare you talk about hurting me?" Zhu Hongxue looked at this move with contempt: "The heart of Tao is lost, and only seven of the ten stops can be made. You are now like a mad dog who does not care about the consequences. What a pity..."

"Boom!" The giant claw fell, and the ground was torn into pieces. However, this time it stopped on the other side of the two.

"Hahaha!" Zhu Hongxue was extremely happy, feeling the power of Xu Yangyi's instant relaxation, and laughed so hard that her waist couldn't straighten up: "Stupid... a real stupid!"

"For useless feelings, you actually hurt yourself?"

"You had a chance to get out." Zhu Hongxue had an extremely satisfied smile on her face. She shook her hand lightly, and a slender Western sword appeared in her hand, and then accurately pressed against Angel's throat: "But now, there is no more."

Xu Yangyi's claws stopped half a meter away from her throat.

"Come on?" Zhu Hongxue took a step forward and smiled sweetly: "Catch it."

"Why don't you dare?"

"How does it feel to be controlled by others? Even if you are also a virtual dan, this palace can put a chain on you, a wild dog. Hehehe..." She laughed very comfortably, pulled up her robe, revealing a cheongsam underneath. And she spread her slender legs.

"Good boy..."

"Be obedient, little dog, get through here. I can consider not killing them."

The snow-white jade legs split open in a herringbone shape, forming a flash of shameful door.

"Why don't you move?" Bloody Moon smiled behind him: "Are you finally going to let your desire to survive and insignificant dignity overwhelm meaningless feelings?"

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Is it okay?"

"Of course not." Bloody Moon was extremely happy in his heart. This bastard... This bastard who made him be punished by the Grand Duke and enter the Holy Coffin, but did not meet him in the Holy War, has also come to this day!

He suddenly changed his mind.

He would not kill him. Instead, he would raise him like a dog, put him on a chain, and make him a real human dog. No matter where he went, he had to take him with him, declaring that he was his trophy.

"How can a dog wear clothes?" He sat leisurely in the air and said jokingly: "Take it off."

"Take it off. Then lie down. Have you seen a black back? Learn to bark twice. Then..." He leaned down and patted his shoes: "Lick my shoes clean. Put on the chain yourself. I promise not to kill you or them."

"I'm not asking you." Xu Yangyi's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he looked at Angel: "Is it okay?"

"You let Zhao Ziqi tell me that it will take ten minutes. Is it okay?"

Zhu Hongxue and Bloody Moon were stunned at the same time. Bloody Moon screamed: "Kill them!!"

Zhu Hongxue stabbed without hesitation, but...

It couldn't be stabbed!

A huge force came from the tip of the sword. The force was so great that she, who was a virtual Dan, couldn't hold the sword.

"It's okay..." Angel's low voice was also full of murderous intent. She grabbed the sword with her slender hands, but she couldn't pierce it at all. The whole sword twisted little by little with her hand.

"Kill that sissy. Otherwise..." She took a deep breath, and her hair suddenly turned white! Two huge bat wings rose from her back: "I'll divorce you!!"

"This is..." Zhu Hongxue was stunned for a moment, then screamed, flew into the air, and looked at Angel in disbelief: "Pure blood!!"

"Pure-blood vampire!!"

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