
Chapter 614: The Beginning (IV)

"Hula!" Zhu Hongxue and Bloody Moon suddenly jumped into the air and looked at Angel in shock.

"Swish..." An invisible gust of wind blew, and Angel's white hair fluttered. Two antelope-like horns grew from her head. Although she knew she was a vampire, she didn't feel evil at all. Instead, she felt beautiful and generous. Against the white hair, she actually had a sense of atavism.

The two giant bat wings behind her were 20 to 30 meters long and were also snow-white. Except that her eyes were purple now, everything else was the same as before.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..." The gust of wind blew across the venue, and Angel's nails had grown to half a meter long and floated in the air. Bloody Moon and Zhu Hongxue looked at each other in astonishment. This script was wrong!

Before, Xu Yangyi was only one step away from the virtual dan in his promotion, and they were not worried because there were two virtual dan here, and more because they held each other's lifeblood.

Loyalty and righteousness?


For them, only the self is the most real. Everything else is false.

They wantonly laughed at the upstart for still retaining his passionate feelings, acting recklessly here as if they were discussing something on their own, because there was nothing here that could make them feel threatened. Until now...

"Pure blood..." Zhu Hongxue was trembling all over, and suddenly two blood-red bat wings spread out from behind, and the pressure of the virtual pill broke out in full force. The bat wings and nine fox tails danced in the air, and she grabbed the bloody moon beside her. Her eyes were red, and her voice was filled with strong double tones. She gritted her teeth and asked, "How can there be pure blood?!"

"Hasn't there been a pure blood in the Taguler family for more than two hundred years? How can there be pure blood flowing out!"

"How do I know?!" The bloody moon was also furious and shocked, and opened her hand, and the same blood-red wings spread out, roaring, "Do you think I'm the patriarch?! How could I guess that there is a pure blood here?!"

A strong pressure filled the whole place, and Xu Yangyi couldn't feel it, only the two of them could feel it. As Angel's wings grew longer and wider, they looked more like white butterflies than bats.

"Leave that bitch to me and my little brother. Although I can't beat her, I can make her immobile." Angel's purple eyes flickered: "Leave that sissy to you."

"Pure blood, can suppress all vampires other than pure blood. Even if I can't kill her, I can definitely make her immobile."

"Okay." Xu Yangyi laughed up to the sky, leaped into the field, and waved at Bloody Moon with murderous intent: "Come."

"Get down."


Bloody Moon was stunned for a moment, then his face suddenly turned red, veins jumping, gnashing his teeth as he looked at Xu Yangyi, and words came out from his teeth: "Who... gave! You! The! Dog! Guts!"

A person who could have been killed at will a few years ago survived because of the intervention of Master Yue. Now you dare to act wildly against me? !

"Swish!" He spread his wings and rushed down like a sharp arrow. He couldn't stand this insult!

"Do you think that last time was all I could do? Naive... Naive! Ridiculously naive!" Endless black bats spread out like a tide, forming a black tornado around them, and the squeaking screams disturbed people's hearts: "Now I'll show you... the real difference between the virtual positions!"

"You are a piece of trash, you can only kneel at my feet and kiss my leather shoes! Black tide!!"

"Swish, la la" bats twisted and merged, and finally turned into a black bat-handled Western sword. When the sword was raised, it brought up a surging black light and rushed towards Xu Yangyi.

What greeted him was the golden fish intestines.

The first sound was crisp and melodious, followed by the sound of rain hitting the pipa for more than ten minutes. The black tide pulled up countless afterimages, as if dozens of bloody moons were in action. The fish intestines danced into thousands of golden lights, surrounding Xu Yangyi into a golden ball of light. It seemed that the sword shadows had never collided, but the sound of fine sword strikes could be heard resounding through the eardrums.

Auras overflowed, cutting off three feet of the surrounding ground. No one used magical powers, and everyone wanted to tear the other party apart with their own hands.

However, after more than ten minutes, the bloody moon had become more and more dignified.

This kid...

How is it possible!

He rushed into the virtual position a few years ago. According to reason, the power of the virtual position could never be so proficient. It's like a child suddenly got the body of an adult. The spiritual power circulation is either one point more or one point less, but it can't be perfect. But now... there is no sign of this at all!

"It's starting..." Zhu Hongxue looked at Angel, who was all white, and said, "Should we start too?"

"In order to prevent people from saying that I'm not working hard, I..." She raised her hand gently, and a seemingly ordinary palm slapped softly, and a monster that looked like a bat but not a bat, and a fox but not a fox appeared in the space: "I'll play with you reluctantly."

Having said that, she also cheered up. Pure-blooded vampires are not as simple as vampires.

Angel's expression did not move, and when the claw mark fell in front of her, it was suddenly sucked into something like a funnel. Zhu Hongxue was stunned, and after a few seconds, she saw a tattered cloth bag floating next to Angel. The golden light was shining, which made her a little scared at a glance.

Is this... the Grand Duke's treasure?

She bit her lip and moved a step without leaving a trace. But Angel's smiling voice came from the side: "You can't leave."

A strong murderous intent aimed at Zhu Hongxue, and Angel chuckled: "I know I'm not as good as you."

"If it's about strength, I'm no match for you. But..." She patted her body lightly, and a burst of light shone out. Six magic weapons, bells, mirrors, ropes, bags, magic awls, and flags all appeared. Qi pointed at Zhu Hongxue: "Compared with the background, you are far worse than me."

Zhu Hongxue was stunned.

She never expected that a female cultivator would carry so many golden elixir treasures!

And everything is extraordinary!

"You take one step and I will activate one. I don't have much spiritual energy. Do you want to try how many I can activate? Maybe one? Maybe two?"

This bitch...

Zhu Hongxue took a deep breath and stood there with a cold face, not moving a step.

In the field, sword energy crisscrossed, invisible sword energy passed by, and cracks several meters deep erupted on the ground. Even if a monk in the middle stage of the Marquis was among them, he would be crushed to pieces in an instant.

"Dang!" The entities of the two swords met in the invisible and illusory sword light. The cold light flashed, reflecting eyes filled with murderous intent. Then gold and black burst out at the same time, splitting the space into fragmented spider webs.

"Weng..." Bloody Moon spread its wings, and hundreds of sword lights erupted from the black tide, crushing the tide-like golden light. The two of them separated from each other, but the moment they turned their heads, Bloody Moon's expression was extremely solemn.

His hands were trembling slightly.

It was unbelievable... Every sword struck by the opponent was as heavy as a mountain. He could not imagine that a cultivator who was a late Marquis a few years ago could condense his spiritual energy to such an extent!

"How many times of life and death have we gone through to get to this point!?"

"Brush!" At this moment, purple light emitted from behind him, and the ten directions of purgatory carried on the sword exploded. Ten fire dragons roared in the sky, and the intense high temperature seemed to burn everything. The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and the stones on the ground around him turned into ashes in an instant.

In the purple light, his figure was like a flying moth, and his hair and cloak were blown upwards by the shock wave as if it had escaped gravity. In the eyeball, ten fire dragons gathered into a purple flame dragon, roaring and biting!

"God said..."

"Greba's croon!"

A blood-red line spread along the edge of the Black Tide sword. When the sword thrust out, a huge bat shadow exploded from behind the Bloody Moon. A tidal wave of black spiritual energy spread crazily from behind him. With a loud bang, the black flames and the purple dragon were annihilated.

have equal shares……

His face seemed calm, but there was already a huge wave in his heart.

A trace of warmth spreads on the arm.

With just one blow, the opponent actually cracked his tiger's mouth. Now my whole arm is sore and numb. And... what chilled him the most was more than that.

Just now, he himself had not fully exploded with spiritual energy, and his body had already exploded without obeying his command.

What's this?

He knew it too well... This was the physical instinct of years of fighting, the instinct to explode when he sensed a hugely threatening blow. However...this instinct can only be unleashed in high-pressure situations. He has never felt this in practitioners other than the Grand Duke!

"It turns out...that's all." At this moment, a contemptuous voice came from behind the black and purple sea of ​​fire. A man's figure came out of the air, cracked his neck and sneered: "Your tone is so loud, I thought you could make me return the favor like you did back then."

"It turned out to be just a trace of the power of the Grand Duke... When I am in the same realm as you, my true colors will be revealed immediately."

Bloody Moon solemnly stroked the long and narrow sword blade, squinting her eyes and staring at Xu Yangyi: "It's so shameless... A bastard is indeed a bastard, and he will never be able to enter the hall of elegance..."

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but asked with a hint of playfulness, "Are you ready?"

"This is what I want to ask you, bastard..." Bloody Moon was extremely angry, but she did not dare to take the initiative to attack. She pointed her Western sword at the opponent: "Are you ready to die?"


Before he finished speaking, his sneer suddenly turned into disbelief, and then immediately turned into shock!

The three expressions merged strangely on his face. Because, right in front of him... Xu Yangyi's position, an extremely strong spiritual energy burst out! It soared into the sky, even causing the entire tower dozens of kilometers away to vibrate slightly!

"You..." He trembled slightly and looked at the man's figure in disbelief. A blue light beam reaching the sky announced that the other party's spiritual power had fully exploded. Countless demon patterns are entangled among them, and a vague plant is looming.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The cyan light pillar was like sunlight, splitting a cyan channel in the sea of ​​black and purple fire, and... getting bigger and bigger! More and more powerful! More and more violent!

"This is his true strength?!" Bloody Moon couldn't believe his eyes. There was also a difference in realm. He didn't expect the difference to be so big!

On the other side, Zhu Hongxue also looked at this place in astonishment, unable to say a word.

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