
Chapter 615: The Beginning (V)

Impossible... How is this possible! ?

This power... is above both of them! No one can be his opponent in a one-on-one fight!

"Buzz buzz buzz..." It didn't stop, and it continued to explode, one time... two times... three times...

It hasn't stopped yet!

The spiritual power is more than three times that of the virtual position of the same level, and it is still rising!

The demon pattern behind him has come alive and is dancing wildly. In the eyes of the prince level such as Bai Samu, this is simply child's play, but in the eyes of Bloody Moon...

Bloody Moon was stunned, then took a breath, turned around and ran!

Right behind him, a murderous intent that solidified into substance burst out. All the dust on the ground was hushed.

"Buzz..." This place almost became a blue ocean. With the last tremor, four times the spiritual power burst out!

Bloody Moon didn't dare to stop at all, and fled outside like a meteor. I don't know where to escape to, but I only know to stay away from this monster!

Four times the spiritual power...

No wonder he was so shocked that he could hardly hold the sword!

"Lin." Just behind him, a steady male voice sounded, but in the entire tower, it was like a bell. In an instant, he felt his heart tremble, and something instantly enveloped him?

"Boundary?" He took a deep breath, and then he felt the ground tremble as if a giant beast was trampling, as if a prehistoric giant beast was rushing behind him.


Escape from here!

Bloody Moon only had this thought in his mind. The realm was about the same, but the condensation of spiritual energy and the majestic power were far above his own!

The other party... was stronger than him!

And much stronger!

This was ridiculous!

He just wanted to roar, this was impossible! Ridiculous! Ridiculous! It's only been a few years! How could the monk who played whatever he wanted with him back then be so strong now?

Could it be... that he really only relied on a trace of the prestige of the Grand Duke to suppress the other party? The other party's reaction, consideration, and intuition about fighting, everything was above his own. After reaching the Void Realm, he was so full of energy that he couldn't even think of fighting?

"Want to run?" Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered, and the Lin character technique was fully activated. Only he could see that a circle of white light with dazzling patterns covered a hundred meters in radius, and Bloody Moon was in it.

"Scum!!" Bloody Moon screamed, and his body instantly turned into countless bats. The formation was too amazing... He didn't dare to take it head-on.

"Griba's low hum... Twelve Chapters of the Night!"

A backhanded sword, advancing to retreat.

"Buzz..." The sword shadow swung out an extreme darkness. In the darkness, all the thin swords formed a giant mouth of a sword. The giant mouth opened, and several naked women circled out with a sweet smile, and another sword grew out of their hands! Section by section, sesame blossomed, and in the end, a long sword with a touch of blood red in the black pierced the figure chasing behind him.

A sword came from the west, and the black and red thin sword set off a wave of evil spirits. The surrounding air seemed to solidify. At the same time, a black fog filled the air, blocking everything in front.

In the black fog, a voice sounded: "Apocalypse..."

Swish... Yuchang swung out a golden line, as if dividing the black world into two.

"Three Eclipses!"

Ghost fires were swaying, snow was flying in June, and the ghost car bird stopped at the astrological platform. Wherever the sword light went, it was invincible. The short sword that looked extremely evil collapsed and turned into a blood-red aura. Before it could fall, it was swept back by Xu Yangyi's body!

"This bastard!!" The bloody moon's eyes were cracking, the barrier... It was indeed a barrier! It didn't weaken his combat effectiveness, but weakened his courage! He didn't have much intention to fight against the opponent now. Especially the opponent's strength was still above him!

"Kill!!" He roared angrily to give himself courage. As he flipped his hand, a bronze ring, full of blood, protected him. A black eye on the ring shone, and in an instant the blood condensed into a shell emitting blood light, protecting him firmly inside.

"Aren't you shouting to kill?" Xu Yangyi's sneering voice came from behind: "How did you protect yourself?"

"I'm here, why don't you attack me?"

Bloody Moon gritted his teeth, didn't answer a word, and fled forward desperately. Before, he was worried that the other party would die too quickly, but now... when Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy fully exploded, he knew that the one who died too quickly would definitely not be the other party, but himself!

"Buzz!!" Just as his mind was mixed, his whole body suddenly paused.

"What's going on?" He didn't want to look back at this moment, but he had to look back. He only saw a green dragon behind him, breaking through the layers of black fog, and the green dragon stretched out its claws, breaking through his black cloud and grabbing his back.

"Dang!" With a loud tremor, five white claw marks appeared on his ring.

"This kid... this bastard!!" He flapped his wings desperately. This barrier was too weird. Only by escaping the barrier could he really escape.

However, there was no such opportunity. After the attack, the Azure Dragon retracted into the black aura again. Five seconds later, the entire black aura trembled.

"The black curtain was completely torn apart, and a giant blue dragon fell from the sky, spinning, forming a huge blue spiral, covering hundreds of meters in radius, shaking the ground and gravel.

"Damn it! ! " Bloody Moon turned around suddenly, his eyes red.

There was no way to avoid it...

He crossed his arms and closed his two huge bat wings. In the green light on the opposite side, a giant claw covered Xu Yangyi's figure and hit the defensive Bloody Moon head-on.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and at the moment of impact, a strange rune, which only he could see, was branded on Bloody Moon's body.

"Bah, bang, bang!" A sonic boom sounded in the air, and the bloody moon was like a cannonball. Shenlong stepped up the mountain and kicked hundreds of meters away, hitting the wall with a loud noise. Then he fell to the ground with a scream. Where he fell, cracks spread like a spider web.

"Damn...damn...damn!!!" Bloody Moon showed no elegance at all at this moment. Her blond hair was messy, her teeth were intertwined, and streams of blood were pouring out for free, and her whole body was damaged. Veins throbbed on his forehead.

What a humiliation!

He was trampled to the ground like a dog by a newly promoted person who had taken the empty position. It was still the battle that I thought I had a chance to win an hour ago!

"Pa!" He slammed the ground suddenly, and spider webs spread. His rage made him stand up immediately, and his whole body swelled rapidly: "A mere newcomer... A mere newcomer, actually forced me to this point!!!"

"You...die without regrets!!"

"Squeak!!!" He let out a miserable scream, his bones twisted, and his mouth immediately split open to his ears. His body suddenly expanded while spinning on the spot. Ten seconds later, a huge bat over 200 meters tall appeared, its teeth stained with blood. It was blood red and roared out of the scene.

"Step" At the same moment when the bat appeared, a figure had landed on top of his head. The white tiger's shadow was looming, and he grabbed it with one claw.

"Squeak!!" Amidst the heart-rending screams, the Bloody Moon roared upwards, and fountains of blood spurted out from above its head.

"The gap is indeed huge." Xu Yangyi's left hand, below the elbow, was blood red: "But it's you and me."

At this moment, he suddenly saw a subtle red light coming out of his hand.

Dan spirit, spring for a hundred generations.

"You are so presumptuous!!" The humiliation and severe pain made Bloody Moon's eyes red, and as he roared, endless flames shot out from the pores of his body. Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed and he left lightly. In just three minutes, the Bloody Moon on the opposite side had turned into a huge bat covered in flames.

"Shameless! I don't want to live or die with you, do you think I don't dare!?"

He screamed crazily, and a drop of blood sprayed out from every pore, like a bullet, shooting wildly in all directions. Suddenly, a harsh "sizzling" sound, accompanied by yellow corrosive smoke, suddenly emerged from the ground. gas.

"Bloody hell!"

Xu Yangyi had a look of mockery on his face, avoiding every drop of blood like a butterfly wearing flowers. However, at this moment, the bloody moon appeared in front of him at a speed that he could not see clearly.

This weird speed made even him stunned. However, he didn't think much about it at all, there was only one thought in his mind.

kill him……

Kill this audacious beast!

"Brush!" The giant claw grabbed it, but when the claw fell, only a phantom remained. Bloody Moon's dynamic vision was terrifyingly strong at this moment. Its blood-red eyes brought out two streaks of blood. When she grabbed it with her backhand, the air was filled with traces of burnt stench. With a muffled sound, Xu Yangyi was pushed back dozens of meters without saying a word.

"Trying to challenge me?!"

Bloody Moon could only feel that her blood was boiling at this moment. What had been suppressed just now exploded out in an instant. She screamed and pounced on her. Her wings spread out like a demon gliding, and a picture of a river of fire was outlined in the sky.

"Dang!" The fish intestines pressed against the giant flaming claw above, Xu Yangyi's feet sank slightly, and countless spider webs cracked under his feet. Bloody Moon laughed loudly: "This is the price of your stupidity!"

Why did he suddenly become stronger? He didn't know, he only knew that his momentum had completely exploded, and the control he had just now, the patience he had just now, were all gone! How can you have the word "Happiness" in your heart?

"Boom!" With another claw, it raised its head to the sky and laughed sharply: "Do you still dare to speak rudely to me?"

"Boom!" With the third claw, the ground under Xu Yangyi's feet seemed to explode, and its screams became even crazier: "How dare you think that trash like you can challenge my position!"

"Kneel down!"

Countless blood poisonous snakes surrounded its body, and were evaporated into pieces of blood mist by the flames. The claw it took down was filled with red flames in the red blood mist, like a demon.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped.

The blood-red eyes suddenly opened wide, and a flash of disbelief flashed in the vertical pupils, and then... the huge body shook, and it just froze in mid-air, with its eyes open and motionless.

"Sand..." The flame was extinguished instantly, and the blood mist collapsed instantly. It turned into a blood-red light spot and scattered on the ground.

"What's going on?!" Zhu Hongxue gasped. Although the sudden outbreak of the bloody moon was too weird, the death was even weirder! She could feel that the vitality in the other party's body was cut off almost instantly, and he just stood and died!

Xu Yangyi showed a bloodthirsty smile, and in a flash, he was already standing above Bloody Moon's corpse. Yuchang aimed at the other party's dark throat and said with a smile: "Dan Ling, Bai Shichun."

"Instant kill state. A state that I never thought could happen."

"In half an hour, your strength has increased by one-third. If you can't kill me, you will die."

"It's a pity that even if your level has increased by one-third, you are still no match for me. In the past, you seemed to be terrifyingly strong, but that's all."

"Brush!!" The next second, a golden light appeared, and the fish intestines suddenly rotated in Bloody Moon's throat. Blood fountains sprayed all over the sky, and bat heads dozens of meters in size crashed down.

Bloody Moon, fallen!

The killer, the great spiritualist X!

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