
Chapter 616: The Beginning (VI)

In the tower, it was terribly quiet.

The headless corpse was gushing blood, and it seemed that there was no way to spray it all out. In a moment, a small pool of blood was formed.

Xu Yangyi jumped off the headless corpse of Bloody Moon and kicked the huge bat head next to him dozens of meters away. He disdained to hold such a dirty thing in his hands.

"I'm very strong." He clenched his fists, and at this moment he deeply felt his own strength. In front of a powerful person like Bai Samu, he was still very naive, but now in the same realm, he once seemed as strong as Bloody Moon, but he was just so so.

He took a deep breath, put down his fist, and looked at Zhu Hongxue, who was already fully alert.

The other party's face was extremely solemn, and there was a deep disbelief.

Bloody Moon is dead?

A virtual position... was chased like a dog and fled, played with in the palm of his hand, and finally beheaded for public display?

This maggot that he looked down on back then... actually grew to this point without knowing it?

"You killed him?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes." Xu Yangyi smiled and said, "Don't worry."

"Next, it's your turn."

"You taught me such a valuable lesson back then. I... miss you too."

Zhu Hongxue felt a chill on her body.

The same sentence, but different people made her feel such a deep murderous intent.

Her feet took a step back unconsciously. She really didn't want to fight this monster now.

"Brother..." At this moment, Zhao Ziqi's voice sounded, and he asked in confusion, "Is it a little... wrong?"

This sentence immediately made everyone look over. But everyone frowned.

"Nothing." Angel said in confusion. Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi said solemnly, "No..."

"It's indeed a little wrong. You are all looking at the tree cocoon, right?" He suppressed his excitement and stood up: "Look around..."

At this moment, Zhu Hongxue took a step back silently, and her whole body suddenly turned into bats, rushing out frantically.

The inexperienced Angel was stunned for a moment, but she didn't have time to stop the other party.

"Boom!!" Just as she rushed out of the black hole outside, ten fire dragons roared and bit her from behind. Hundreds of bats turned into ashes in an instant, but hundreds of others flew out.

"Squeak!!!" Blood-red light appeared on all the bats, and they rushed out several kilometers away in an instant. After re-condensing into Zhu Hongxue's human form, she suppressed the pain and roared to the sky.

"Bloody Moon..." Zhu Hongxue pressed her chest. Her chest and back were all burnt. Her eyes were full of hatred: "You useless person!"

"You can't even handle a Void Pill that has only advanced for a few years. You still have the nerve to show off in front of me all day long!"

"Not worthy of any pitiful trash." She panted, took a deep look at the dark red room behind her, gritted her teeth and said: "Xu Yangyi..."


"The Tower of Babel is when we pay the bill, and no one can escape!"

After saying this, she took out a bottle of holy medicine and swallowed it, licked her lips, and turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the darkness.

In the dark red room, Xu Yangyi sighed slightly.

"I'm sorry." Angel walked to his side: "I didn't expect her to be so decisive."

"Puff!" Before the voice fell, Xu Yangyi spurted out a mouthful of blood. Angel was startled and immediately patted his back and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head silently, wiped the blood from his mouth, and smiled, "It's a virtual pill after all. How can it be so easy to kill."

"If I hadn't suppressed the injury, I wouldn't have shocked him for long."

Zhao Ziqi suddenly realized that he just felt too relaxed just now. Maybe Zhu Hongxue and Bloody Moon didn't see it, or they were shocked by Xu Yangyi's momentum. However, at the level of Grand Duke, it would take several days or even more than ten days to kill the opponent. The virtual pill that was only one step away couldn't be so fast.

It turned out that Xu Yangyi was suppressing his injuries in one go.

"Is it serious?" Angel asked with concern.

Xu Yangyi took out a bottle of pills, the color was like jade, swallowed two pills, and shook his head: "It's okay."

There was no time to care about this now.

He ran straight to the wall and observed it carefully.

Yes, the tree cocoon did not change.

The surroundings of this layer of the tower, sprayed by the blood of the Bloody Moon just now, actually faded in color!

And... there are some traces that are about to appear.

Now some of them have appeared vaguely, very distorted, like a child's strokes.

Angel looked at his back and snorted: "Like a piece of wood."

"You don't understand other people's care at all. I'm really blind." After saying that, she found that Zhao Ziqi beside her was looking at her with bated breath. Suddenly, her eyebrows were raised and she twisted the other's ears and turned around: "What are you looking at! You are a child, and you are learning to fall in love early?"

"It hurts..." After Zhao Ziqi finally broke free from the clutches, he rubbed his ears and tentatively shouted: "Sister-in-law?"

"Hey~~" Angel's face was full of joy, and she grabbed Zhao Ziqi's face: "Which child is so sweet. What did you just say?"

"Sister-in-law?" Zhao Ziqi was a little uncertain.

Sister-in-law has a very fickle personality...

"Be good, call me twice more?"

"Come here." At this time, Xu Yangyi's voice came.

Seeing the two of them touching each other made me feel a little uncomfortable. As for why I felt uncomfortable, now was obviously not the time to think about it.

Or, he instinctively avoided thinking about these things.

"What... just say you want it when you want it, and throw it aside if you don't want it." Angel was very dissatisfied, very dissatisfied, and walked over to take a look, but she said "eh" softly.

Xu Yangyi was about to speak, Angel raised a finger and shook it, this time, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

As she took this breath, a faint red spiritual mist rose from the wall and flew into her seven orifices. After a long time, she opened her eyes: "Ancient blood ban."

"Pure-blood vampires, as long as they are related to blood, can smell it no matter how long it takes." She turned around and looked at the entire wall solemnly: "This room with a diameter of 44 kilometers and a height of 2,000 meters... is all covered with blood. And under the blood, there is a huge ban."

"This ban is not an attack or counterattack, but a hiding." She proudly straightened her chest and smiled at Xu Yangyi: "Is it powerful?"

Xu Yangyi, who was about to listen, was sweating and coughed dryly: "Powerful."

"To know what happened next, wait for the next analysis." Angel obviously didn't buy the other party's perfunctory look. She rolled her eyes at him and took out a bottle of drink from the storage ring and drank it.

Zhao Ziqi gave Xu Yangyi a few looks: Have you seen a female cultivator who brought drinks into the secret realm? Sister-in-law is hard to serve.

Nosy! What sister-in-law? Don't shout! This is the look Xu Yangyi glared back.

"Oh... my arm is a little sore." Angel sighed and raised her jade arm: "What should I do?"


The jade hand waved in front of Xu Yangyi's eyes. She was obviously very dissatisfied with the other party's twitching mouth. She put it directly on his shoulder and said seriously: "My arm is sore."


I owe you.

Xu Yangyi resisted the twitching of his mouth and gently massaged the other party's hand.

"The strength is not bad." Angel enjoyed it comfortably, and then said leisurely: "As long as it is related to blood, pure-blooded vampires can analyze all the information in it, and almost nothing can be hidden from me. Therefore, in any blood inheritance, there is a lock specifically for this kind of talent of plundering blood... I'm talking too much. What I mean is that the ban below, for some reason, will only react when it encounters blood. And it's just hidden and disguised."

"What to disguise?" Xu Yangyi pondered, and his hand slowed down by half a second.

"Hurry up." Angel stretched out her finger and poked his forehead: "Are you so careless about your future lover?"


I owe you!

Continuing the massage, Angel said openly: "I don't know."

"Then..." Xu Yangyi looked up immediately, but was blocked by Angel's words: "Then can't you rub it for me?"


Xu Yangyi was holding his breath. You are so decisive, why can't you be ruthless to this woman who launched an offensive?

Or does every man dream of having three wives and four concubines?

After the battle, Xu Yangyi rubbed for ten minutes, put down his arms, and felt a little itchy and fragrant in his palms.

Ignoring Angel's relentlessness, he walked to the wall and waved his hand. Suddenly, the bloody moon rushed up the wall as if there was endless blood. Angel rolled her eyes and said to Zhao Ziqi: "Read it with my sister-in-law. MU-TOU."


Xu Yangyi pretended not to hear it-although Angel did not hide his thoughts at all. He carefully watched the blood stain the wall, and finally, a word was revealed.

"This is..." He looked at the two words solemnly: "Tai?"

"This word is so ugly." Zhao Ziqi disdainfully said: "It's like a three-year-old child who can't write Chinese at all."

"There are words next to it." Angel also came over, pointed to the side and waved vigorously. Suddenly, the blood mist turned into pieces of flying red butterflies, flying away piece by piece.

And the three people finally saw what was on it.


Taichu? What does it mean?

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, and with a wave of his hand, a blood dragon immediately dyed the entire wall. Under the stars, it seemed like something extremely corrosive. In less than ten minutes, the entire 44-kilometer room was completely changed!

"Heh..." Zhao Ziqi took a breath and took a step back. Angel also had no intention of joking at all. She covered her mouth lightly and looked at the room in disbelief. Even Xu Yangyi himself was stunned.

The whole room... was full of words.

Taichu... Taichu... Taichu!

Endless! They are all the two Chinese characters "Taichu"!

These words are all dark, and the color of the hidden room is even darker than the words. It makes this place look like a murder scene, and with the tree cocoon that keeps squirming in the middle, it is indescribably weird!

"Taichu?" Zhao Ziqi shook his head, frowning: "It is invisible and intangible, with only the innate qi, a more primitive state of the universe than chaos. This is Taichu. Together with Taiyi, Taishi, Taisu and Taiji, it is one of the five innate Tai, and is one of the five stages before the transition from Wuji to the birth of heaven and earth. The "Taishang Laojun Kaitian Jing" believes that Taichu is the second era in the Taoist Genesis. Pangu opened the sky, Nuwa created humans, and the universe and life appeared in the primeval world. Why does Taichu appear here?"


It's annoying but I have to write it and I also want to write it. I hesitated for a long time and finally wrote the end of the chapter. PS

Well~~ I'm here again~~

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow... I guess I will stop at an irregular time one day. My father is in the hospital for a physical examination and I have to accompany him~~

The monthly ticket is sliding towards 80~ Yamedie! Yamedie!

Finally, let me say something off topic

The old fat man is in poor health, and has been sleeping upside down for more than one or two days. I have two friends who help me review manuscripts every day. Many chat records are sent at 4 or 5 o'clock. Now I go to bed at 6 or 7 in the morning and get up in the afternoon. There is no other reason, just because I can't write good things during the day. I can only write when I feel it at night.

Writing a book is not easy, really, so I hope everyone can contribute a subscription for this 9 cents

Thank you

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