
Chapter 617: The Beginning (VII)

Right now!

The huge tree cocoon had endless cracks on it, and in each crack, an eye grew out. Then...

"Swipe!" Countless canes were swung wildly, each one like a knife or an axe! It actually pulled out horrific marks on the entire wall!

"It..." Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "It's destroying this wall!?"


What's on this wall?

There are only two words Taichu!

Is it intelligent?

There should be, otherwise why would he be tit for tat with Wolfsbane's flash of consciousness just now? knows about the beginning?


After thinking hard, a bright light finally burst out here, and he immediately shouted: "Stop it!! Don't touch it!"

However, there is no need for them to take action.

Just when the cane started to wave wildly, the entire tree cocoon was shaken, and all the eyes closed together. Then, the green light belonging to wolfsbane emerged from the gap.

"Could it be that Wolfsbane is competing with it for 'body ownership?' The opponent was distracted just now, allowing Wolfsbane to gain the upper hand?" Xu Yangyi pondered, but now is not the time to think about this. He turned to Zhao Ziqi and said, "Ziqi, your way of thinking is wrong."

"Now, you will never be able to figure out the meaning of Taichu by doing this. But, have you discovered a major doubt here?"

He looked around and took a deep breath: "Let me ask you, whose room is this?"

"Asmodeus?" Angel asked confused.

Xu Yangyi nodded and pointed to the words above: "What words are these?"

"Hua Xia Wen, why..." Zhao Ziqi said, but before he finished speaking, he jumped up suddenly: "Is there Hua Xia Wen in the European and American Devil's Room?!"

Yes...this is not normal!

European and American devils probably can’t even write Chinese characters. Therefore, the Chinese characters on this are all twisted and twisted, with only one explanation.

"Imitating a cat and imitating a tiger." Xu Yangyi said with emotion: "We can make a hypothesis. Hypothesis 1. If we speculated before, how did Asmodeus feel when he found that he woke up and had been devoured?"

"Angry? Puzzled? Frustrated?" Angel frowned: "What does this have to do with the puzzle in front of me?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "Don't worry, I think if it is an immortal demon, then it will definitely not swallow this breath. It will definitely find an opportunity to take revenge, because it is afraid of forgetting this matter..."

"He will engrave key words!" An Qier and Zhao Ziqi understood instantly, but what followed was shock.

Is the beginning of the Five Innate Taipas related to the mysterious death of Asmodeus's clone?

"Maybe... Taichu is not a noun, maybe it is an action, maybe it is an organization, or maybe..." Xu Yangyi paused and said with certainty: "It is its enemy! Someone who can kill the demon god's clone! And completely wipe it out Destroy this ray of demon soul!"

"Isn't this impossible?" Zhao Ziqi exclaimed: "Even if it's a ray of soul, this is a demon! In the end of the Dharma era, is there anyone who can destroy it?!"

Xu Yangyi sneered and raised his chin towards the tree cocoon. Angel's eyes flickered: "It is eager to destroy these words...could it be Taichu?"

The body of the Demon God is as difficult to destroy as the soul. Although the specific realm of the Demon God is not known, it is definitely far superior to the Golden Pill. Their physical bodies are already harder than the hardest treasures of heaven and earth. Forever.


After a long time, Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head: "Where is Cerberus?"

Only then did everyone realize that the three-headed hell dog was missing.

"Brush!" Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness surged, and he searched inch by inch. After half an hour, he was shocked to find... Cerberus disappeared out of thin air!

"Is it out?"

"Impossible." Angel said solemnly: "I kept staring at the door, and nothing came in or out. Thinking about it carefully, it disappeared not long after it was behind the flower column."

Xu Yangyi stared at this room for a long time. He was sure there was a problem here, but he couldn't tell where the problem was.

"I just wanted to ask about the specific realm of the demon god before I remembered it." He sighed: "Don't worry, we don't have a clue."

"I just mentioned the first hypothesis, and now there is the second hypothesis. That is why this ancient blood ban was imposed?"

"First of all, I'm not sure about Taichu's identity, but secondly, I'm sure that Taichu is definitely not a dead thing. It's a living thing. When Asmodeus's clone died, it was here!"

Angel frowned: "Why are you so sure?"

"It's very simple. What kind of identity is Asmodeus? His clone can also be described as a giant. This is a legendary creature. What is its purpose of engraving the ancient blood ban? I guess that he wants to leave it to others to see. This person is Who. Maybe it's a later demon, such as Cerberus. But this layer of cover-up shows that he doesn't want to let something be seen."

"Who saw it? I think it's this 'Absolute Beginning!' It won't allow anyone to leave information about it, so it desperately destroys it. Just like just now..." He stared at the cocoon: " Therefore, the clone must be covered up. I have always wondered whether these flowers grew after it died, or before, but if I follow this logic, I can even guess a picture. "

"After the clone woke up, it found that it was swallowed by a terrifying thing. It didn't know how it learned the true identity of this thing. In order to take revenge or leave a message for those who would come in the future, it desperately wrote down information about this thing. . And covered with blood..."

"Wait a minute." Angel asked in confusion: "Why use blood?"

Xu Yangyi said calmly: "If you are eaten alive by something, you will definitely bleed a lot. Secondly, blood is also the most commonly used medium to depict formations. As for the third... I just thought of it."

"Where is this?"

"This is the Tower of Babel. I think it may think that when this place opens one day in the future, there will be an influx of countless treasure-hunting monks. If there are too many people, there will be competition, and if there is competition, there will be blood. There will always be blood. Will be splashed on the wall - just like the bloody moon, then someone will definitely discover the so-called Taichu."

Angel thought deeply: "Use blood as the formation and blood as the guide. This is the best way to lift the ban. From this perspective, it is correct. Then, I will add one more thing."

She pursed her lips and said: "I think this Taichu must have a very important meaning. It has to be written in Chinese. Since he has written all the Chinese characters on all the walls and covered them up. That means that this thing It devoured it for a very long time, and during this time, it had enough time to carve out what it was. However, it did not, but simply left the word Taichu."

"It probably doesn't understand the meaning of Taichu. It can only say that there is an obvious sign of 'Taichu' on the opponent's body, which should be these two words. Therefore, it was forced to carve it."

"That's right." Xu Yangyi nodded: "Taichu... I'm afraid it's something that high-level monks will understand when they see it... No... it's probably a monster that will be killed when it sees it. So, he thought that writing These two words are enough. Writing anything else will confuse the audience."

No one spoke anymore.

The truth in this room was revealed bit by bit. Maybe it's not the truth, for example: if Taichu is talking about one of his treasures, or a crucial secret, etc. But no matter what, the only thing that can fit the current situation is this speculation.

"This sea of ​​ Taichu?" Zhao Ziqi murmured to himself, looking at the huge tree cocoon, he couldn't believe that this was the five innate qi.

This is simply not a divine creature, this is an extremely evil monster! Even the demon god's clone can be swallowed!

"Maybe not, but it's probably related to Taichu." Xu Yangyi pondered: "But now, I have to wait for the final result to come out. Maybe when it comes out, the wolfsbane that swallowed the opponent can give me some other information."

"Brother, are you going to find the secret of Taichu?"

"No." Xu Yangyi smiled: "I'm just curious."

"How am I qualified to come into contact with these things now? However, I am really looking forward to something that can rival Wolfsbane..."

Only then did Angel come back to her senses: "By the way...I heard that that thing in Nanzhou is related to you?"

"That's right. Strictly speaking, I'm not a human being." Xu Yangyi's eyes were a little dark. He didn't want to look into Angel's eyes at the moment. Maybe he was afraid of being disappointed? He didn't understand and didn't want to guess.

"Maybe, maybe, I am a demon. But I was raised by humans and grew up in a human environment. I don't know what I am. Sometimes when I think about it, it's quite funny." He paused and looked. The tree-cocooned eyes narrowed slightly: "Remember my other name."


Surprisingly, Angel didn't speak.

After a few seconds, she giggled: "What's the point? I'm not a human either, a pure-blood vampire mixed with humans and vampires. My father can't believe it. Are we a perfect match?"

Xu Yangyi's lips curled up in a rare move, and An Qier was dissatisfied: "Brother Xiao Qi, are you right?"

no answer.

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, then immediately turned his head. Angel was almost in sync with him.

However... Zhao Ziqi was nowhere to be found in the entire room!

"His aura disappeared almost instantly." Xu Yangyi and An Qier immediately stood back to back and looked around solemnly: "Just like Cerberus, he disappeared completely out of thin air!"

Angel's plump chest rose and fell slightly, and she pursed her lips and said, "Taichu?"

Xu Yangyi's spiritual power has completely exploded: "It is possible...the real Taichu."

Is there something...

Right here, in this room stained with the blood of the devil, next to Asmodeus's corpse, he stood motionless and watched them quietly.

It sees everything and everyone cannot see it. the bottomless darkness, it stretches out its hand and drags people into the bottomless abyss.

Here is the Tower of Babel.

The only place in the world where all demons and immortals gather.

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