
Chapter 619: Xianxu Dynasty (II)


See Taichu again!

Xu Yangyi stared at the two words for a long time before he said in deep thought: "Tower of Gods and Men..."

"Now, it appears in the Tower of Babel again... The Tower of Babel means the Tower of Gods and Men in the West. These two are probably the same thing."

"Xiahou..." He stroked the signature on it with his fingers: "I have never heard of this person... The automatic defense thousands of years later actually has such power. He must be a great cultivator who knows everything. He should not be unknown in history. Who is it? Could it be Dayu, the monarch of the Xia Dynasty, the first hereditary dynasty in Chinese history? No... Impossible, the cultivation world must be related to the technological progress of mortals..."

He looked at the man's body: "This kind of knitting method and smelting method are not so advanced even in the records. Instead, it is like... China, which has developed for tens of thousands of years... No, that's not right!"

He stood up suddenly and carefully stroked the man's body. Finally, he touched a jade plate on the side of the man's waist.

And the line of words on it surprised him completely.

"Xu Kunlun. Xianxu Dynasty. The Grand Elder of Yin Yang Daoguan under Xiahou, Yin Jiu."

Xu Kunlun!

Xu Yangyi took a breath. She had heard Xiaoqing say these three words once.

There are seven worlds above the Three Thousand Worlds. Xiaoqing did not say the types of these seven worlds. However, Dan Ling, who has a photographic memory, remembers very clearly that she said that the upper world opposite the earth is called Xu Kunlun.

Xiaoqing has never seen anyone from Xu Kunlun, but he actually saw it!

"That is to say... thousands of years ago, the earth and the upper world were still connected. One of the nobles of the Xianxu Dynasty named Xiahou, who is also a top monk, asked this elder Yin Jiu to bring Taichu here and place it here. Taichu... what exactly is it?"

He had a vague feeling that all the secrets of the Tower of Babel were built on Taichu.

"If our previous inference is true, Taichu is a living thing... then..." He looked around with a chill in his heart, and felt an unspeakable murderous aura: "The Tower of Babel... is not a front-line base at all..."

"It is a huge prison!"

"And it is a prison guarded by countless monks on Earth!"

"What on earth is this Taichu? Jiang Shang, Zhang Daoling, Laozi and other top monks can't keep it under control? The attack of Zhenwu Realm... Is it related to Taichu? No... It must be related!"

He didn't say anything else. Zhao Ziqi said something very right. When entering the secret realm, all clues are crucial. A few words may reveal the location of a treasure. It can even be inferred from the purpose of the establishment of the secret realm and the general environment whether it is a blessed place or a dangerous place.

Back then, if he hadn't noticed the shell in the hands of Mingshen Jiujie, he wouldn't have guessed Fahai hiding under Danxia Palace.

If he hadn't carefully looked at the murals on Huangquan Road, he would never have thought that there was Wei Zhongxian besides Xiaoqing.

This is a personal experience. However, there are too few clues now. The true face of the Tower of Babel seems to have revealed a hint, but when you look closely, it is completely foggy and unknown.

"Taichu... Tower of Babel... Zhenwu Realm, Xu Kunlun... There must be a connection between these four. To put it lightly, it is related to whether I can get the most benefit from the Tower of Babel. To put it seriously..." He took a deep breath: "It even affects the future of the earth."

"Is it the master of the earth, or the slave of others."

His mood became a little heavy...

He smiled bitterly and put away the imperial edict. He used his spiritual energy to test the texture of the jade card.

However, just as the spiritual energy was injected into the jade card, suddenly, a green light flashed, and then the face of the deceased appeared in the air.

It was looming, like a slide show. Maybe because it was too old, his voice was a little unclear.


"...Too...disappeared in...the world of no return to prepare for the war of all realms...outside the lighthouse...the world of no return...calls it...the tower of gods and men..."

"...I don't recommend...erasing it, it's about...Kunlun's careful..."

What's uncertain?

Why don't you recommend erasing it?

The war of all realms? The lighthouse?

What does it have to do with the lighthouse keeper? This the tower of gods and men? The Tower of Babel?

"Damn!" He slammed the table. There were too many puzzles. He had never thought of it before entering the Tower of Babel. The ancient secrets hidden inside were like a ball of thread. Or a ball of thread without a thread end!

I don't want to think about it anymore. He sighed. There were too few clues. It was useless to think about it.

He looked at the lotus in the pond.

A flower bud, but it was missing a petal, as if something had drilled out of it and gnawed off this flower bud.

He didn't reach out, but wrapped the lotus with his spiritual energy and pulled it hard.

It couldn't be pulled!

Moreover... the spiritual energy will dissipate immediately after it touches it!

"Flowers that isolate spiritual energy?" His eyes moved slightly, and when he was about to reach out to pick it, suddenly, the water surface splashed with waves, and a figure jumped out of the water. Just when Xu Yangyi was about to attack instinctively, a familiar voice came into his ears in great panic.

"Brother! Quick! Run!!"

Zhao Ziqi?

Xu Yangyi was still pondering, and Zhao Ziqi had already pulled his clothes back, his face full of horror: "Quick! Go! It's too late if you don't go!"

"Under the water! There are monsters under the water! Oh my God!!"

At the same time, something floated up from the water.

It was the corpse of a three-headed dog.

Black hair, extremely frightened eyes, all seven eyes were filled with incredible fear, the black hair on the body was a mess, no wounds could be seen, and no blood came out of the water. Just like losing its soul, the body that was much larger than the pond blocked the mouth of the pond tightly, and it was obvious that there was another world below.


Xu Yangyi felt a little shocked. He could feel that Cerberus's soul had disappeared.

This death was a real death, not a rebirth in hell. Just like the Jie faction, it was annihilated and no longer existed.

A layer of gray-white fleshy object turned up from the bottom and wrapped around Cerberus' body bit by bit. It looked extremely disgusting, like a layer of wriggling meat. But after covering it, a dense biting sound was heard!


Xu Yangyi took a breath of cold air, this thing... was eating the body of the demon!

"Boom!" At the same time, a huge wave rose on the water surface, and layers of gray-white flesh membranes turned up from the bottom, one after another! There is no way to know how many of these terrifying monsters are hidden under this pool! It spreads out like a tide!

"Fuck!" Xu Yangyi's eyes were stern, and he turned around and ran without hesitation!

Too weird!

What on earth is this?


If it is, why is it completely different from the flower sea outside?

The only thing in common is endless devouring!

"Let's go!" His speed was much faster than Zhao Ziqi. When he passed by, he grabbed Zhao Ziqi with his long arms and shot towards the periphery like lightning.

"How did you meet this monster?" He looked back vigilantly and asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know..." Zhao Ziqi seemed to be still in shock, and answered breathlessly: "I wasn't, wasn't I swallowed by this land? Brother, do you remember my barrier? I hid in the crack of Yin and Yang after cutting it open, and followed the dog all the time. When I saw him jump into the pool, I followed him in."

Before he finished "bang", Xu Yangyi frowned and knocked on his head: "I don't know if it's dangerous?"

Zhao Ziqi covered his chest and said: "I didn't expect it! There is a space of more than ten meters below, and there is a two or three meter pool of water above, just like a big urn. Below..."

He trembled all over, and couldn't help but lean towards Xu Yangyi, and his voice was making "I, I didn't know at first...then, there...the ground below...are all these monsters..."

"It, it's like the inner wall of this big urn...the dog couldn't see me, so it put the Devil's Eye into the groove in the center, and at the same time...I saw...the bottom of the pool around...countless places, there were small cracks...the dog was only looking at the buried place and didn't notice it, I felt something was wrong at the time."

"Eyes...those are all eyes! I was almost scared to scream! This pool is alive! And the Devil's Eye seems to be the key to awakening it!"

"Then why don't you leave?" Xu Yangyi asked unhappily.

Zhao Ziqi swallowed his saliva, breathed a sigh of relief, and shook his hand, and a golden thing appeared in his hand.

It was a round object, but the pattern on it made Xu Yangyi's eyes stern.

It was the strange beast that I saw on the imperial edict just now.

This is also something from the Xianxu Dynasty!

"This is what the dog dug out. I didn't leave because I saw this."

The strange beast gave off a golden glow. Xu Yangyi took it and looked at it: "I'll put it away first. This thing may be useful. Besides, there will be no next time. At any time, life is the first priority. No matter how good the treasure is, you have to live to enjoy it."

"Isn't this Pikachu's Poké Ball?"


"Swish!" At this moment, a creepy sound suddenly sounded behind them.

The gray-white fleshy object had caught up with them at some point, and it was getting faster and faster!

Not only that, all the eyes on it were open, and countless black eyeballs were staring at the two people in front of them. One could even feel the huge appetite hidden in the disgusting squirming body.

"Want to eat us?" Xu Yangyi sneered: "Hold it."

"Swish" the fish intestines flashed, and ten fire dragons gushed out, burning the entire passage with a burnt meat smell.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!" The whole passage actually emitted the wail of a living creature. It was unknown whether it was emitted by the passage or the strange substance.

In the purple flames, the whole passage was wriggling rapidly. However, the flames did not burn the gray-white piece, but spread at a faster speed.

At the same time... the Ten Directions Purgatory actually gradually weakened in a sound of chewing that made teeth sour.

"Eat... it, it is eating the magical power?!" Zhao Ziqi's eyes were straight.

This is impossible!

"It doesn't matter, it's not fast, even very slow." Xu Yangyi pondered: "Did you see that it eats everything, but it didn't eat this passage."

"I'm going to speed up."

The figure was like a meteor chasing the moon. After a while, they had seen the boundary line like the water surface above.

"Sha" rushed hard, and the next second, the demon gods were already in sight.

"Potato?" The angry Angel smiled as soon as she saw the two people. Just as she was about to walk up, she found that the two people immediately squatted down vigilantly, staring at the bottom.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head, his eyes like an eagle: "Don't come over!"

"There is a terrible monster hiding under here..."

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