
Chapter 620: Wood Spirit Liquid

In the three people's field of vision, the gray-white material below was spread out like a carpet. Xu Yangyi said solemnly: "If they rush up, be ready to retreat."

"Then, what about this?" Zhao Ziqi looked at the tree cocoon, unwilling to give in. This is a spiritual treasure. Although it is not very useful in the foundation-building stage, Xu Yangyi is very, very close to the golden elixir.

"My life is about to end, what treasure is there to talk about." Xu Yangyi hardened his heart. Although he was very unwilling in his heart, he still said firmly: "Wait a little longer, you go first, I will cover the rear."

However, at this moment, the carpet of countless eyes below stopped at the place where it spread to the mouth.

Noisy and boiling, these creatures obviously have simple intelligence, and are extremely dissatisfied with this invisible barrier that blocks them. In an instant, the entrance turned into a gray-white ocean. But no matter how crowded they were, they could not break through the exit at all.

The three stared for more than ten minutes, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

"What kind of monster is this?" Zhao Ziqi wiped the cold sweat from his head. This time, he was probably the most daring thing he had ever done. He was still scared.

Xu Yangyi didn't speak. There were too many puzzles here, one after another.

Who killed Yin Jiu?

What exactly is Taichu?

Now, he even began to doubt the original intention of the Tower of Babel.

"Ka Ka Ka..." Suddenly, the whole room made a soft hum, and then, a series of lights began to shine from outside the tower.

Countless runes emerged from outside the tower, and the entire tower began to tremble.

"The next splicing begins..." Angel looked at Xu Yangyi.

Xu Yangyi shook his head. Since the monster couldn't come out, he would definitely wait until the things in the tree cocoon were fully nurtured before leaving.

The roar outside the tower was endless, but strangely, there was no movement in the tower. Half an hour later, the vibration finally stopped.

Sure enough, the three people were in this room, and no one came in, and there was no crack for space transmission.

Time passed very quickly. About four hours later, the tree cocoon trembled suddenly.

"Karakara..." A sound of vines being stretched open by something was heard, and the huge tree cocoon slowly expanded like a balloon, and the branches loosened one by one, and then... infinite green light flashed out from the gaps in the tree cocoon!

The three people's eyes suddenly opened, and they all looked at the tree cocoon solemnly.

Wolf poison VS unknown life form, this life form also devoured Asmodeus, who came out?

Xu Yangyi stood up, with his spiritual energy contained but not released. Zhao Ziqi and Angel beside him were also waiting solemnly.

"Shua Lala..." The green light became more and more shining, and the whole tree cocoon was like the sun that had broken free from the chains, slowly flying into the sky, dyeing this layer into a piece of emerald green. Finally, a trace of spiritual energy spread all over the scene like a green tide.

Wolf poison.

Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his eyes, this feeling of blood connection could not be faked.

"Won?" Zhao Ziqi asked, sensing that his spiritual defense suddenly relaxed.

"Yes." Xu Yangyi nodded, then frowned and said, "But... it's a bit strange."

"The things inside carry the breath of wolf poison, but it is definitely not the consciousness of wolf poison..." He felt it carefully, and his brows frowned deeper and deeper: "It is another object. After the two beasts devoured each other, what was left was not the consciousness of either party."


At this moment, all the branches outside the cocoon turned black in an instant, and then... bloomed like a lotus.

Layers of vines were untied one after another, and with each untied layer, the breath of wolf poison became stronger. When the huge cocoon was only ten meters long, the infinite green light illuminated the surroundings into a sea of ​​emeralds, "Boom boom..." Like the beating of a heart, between each beat, a piece of spiritual energy that was extremely refined was suddenly pressed out!

This piece of spiritual energy is no longer called spiritual energy.

It is spiritual mist.

In the misty air, like raindrops and flying smoke, it condenses but does not disperse. As the mist drifts out, there is a slight crackling sound on the ground, and countless greens spread.

"What is this feeling?" Zhao Ziqi stared blankly at the green sun in the air, muttering: "Such a refined aura... but it does not belong to any kind... What is this?"

Angel's brows also frowned deeply. She felt that the aura of the green sun in front of her was purer than she had ever felt before, as if it was only a small ball, but it was more than any natural treasure she had absorbed. More importantly, she had never felt this kind of aura before.

It was as if... all the impurities of the aura were taken away, leaving only the purest origin.

The green light brushed over the three people little by little. Every time it flashed, everyone felt refreshed, and some hidden injuries hidden in the bones were healed little by little.

"Wood aura." Xu Yangyi suddenly said, suppressing his excitement in his chest.

That's right... he finally knew what this was. It was neither wolf poison nor a sea of ​​flowers. After the two devoured each other, they actually produced the lost wood spirit energy, the five elements spirit energy that had long been annihilated on the earth.

And this spirit energy only appeared once.

That was when the Kaiyun Realm ended and the foundation of the Void Spirit Immortal Body was laid!

At that time, the King of the Eternal Pill Sutra revealed the method of practicing the Void Spirit Immortal Body. The most important one was: one hundred magic weapons of the Golden Pill level or above with space attributes. Or...

One hundred of the most refined wood spirit root plants.

No one on earth can achieve these two conditions, let alone the Kaiyun world. The spiritual energy of the Five Elements has disappeared for too long. Even if you search all over the world, you can't find a hundred pure wood spirit roots.

He had put down this desire long ago, but unexpectedly, due to fate, due to his belief in divine fire, he increased his spiritual power from twice to four times. No further progress after that. But even four times the spiritual power can already allow him to escape from the prince's hands!

What if...eight times?

"Although this may not allow the Void Spirit Immortal Body to advance, however... it is the first 'Golden Core Level Heavenly Material and Earthly Treasure' I have found! This door has finally been opened a crack!"

"Shu Lala..." Layer by layer, the scattered vines were all dead. Like a mummy's shroud that has been peeled off, completely lifeless. What is striking is that these rattans make a "squeaking" scream and curl up like leeches that have been scalded by boiling water. Ten minutes later, a wave of emerald green light swept across the entire venue, and the tree cocoon was completely opened, revealing a fist-sized mass of emerald green liquid in the center that was gathering together and spinning continuously.

"Is this wood spirit energy?" Zhao Ziqi stared blankly at the mass of liquid: "Is the spirit energy transformed into liquid?"

"The surging vitality makes people feel like they can come back to life even if they die." Angel also spoke in a daze.

"Sand...sand..." The green light is like a tide, and the surroundings are covered with green. With each green tide, not only buds grow on the ground, but also small flowers that look like stars. Suddenly, the liquid wood spirit energy let out a desolate cry and turned into a liquid green dragon, heading straight for Xu Yangyi's eyebrows.

"Buzz!" Xu Yangyi didn't resist at all. After the green dragon rushed into his eyebrows, it followed the path and reached his heart in an instant. Then, it exploded!

"Pa!" The green dragon turned into a swath of emerald green raindrops, rushing into every part of his limbs and bones. An extremely powerful spiritual power immediately returned from the whole body.

Xu Yangyi only felt that his vision was blurred for a moment, and then he immediately started to meditate without any consciousness.

"Brother?" Zhao Ziqi was startled and was about to go over, but Angel stopped him.

She shook her head slightly: "Aura feedback."

"According to legend, during the ancient cultivation period, people had tree spiritual roots. Among them, the most suitable ones for cultivation are called heavenly spiritual roots. They are also called single spiritual roots."

"The speed of anyone with a single spiritual root is several times that of others. A monk with a single spiritual root can only absorb the spiritual energy that responds to the spiritual root. However, today, at the beginning of the Age of Ending Law, there is no such thing as the five elements of spiritual energy. . But it is not that the five elements disappear, but that the spiritual energy is mixed and the five elements converge in one place. In today's era, it is good news for the monks with multiple spiritual roots. Not only can they not be detected, but even if they can be detected, they can only be detected. Absorb ordinary spiritual energy, and then separate the corresponding spiritual energy from the ordinary spiritual energy for practice. "

Zhao Ziqi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xu Yangyi who was meditating with his eyes closed: " he a single spiritual root monk?"

"Single wood spiritual root. If I guessed correctly." Angel's expression also became serious: "In ancient times, that was the ultimate qualification for being one in a million. Now his body is like a dry sponge. Banzai spiritual energy Although the stripped wood spirit energy is good, how can it compare with the essence of wood spirit energy condensed on the thousand-year-old trees and ten-thousand-year-old flowers in the paradise of the cave?"

"If I'm not wrong, he has lost all five senses now. The majestic essence of wood spiritual energy is nourishing his body. He...should have advanced..."

Zhao Ziqi blinked his eyes, and then said in a trembling voice with great excitement: "Jin, the supreme golden elixir?!"

"Even if it's not, it's not far away... Look!" As soon as he finished speaking, Angel exclaimed: "It's started!"

Xu Yangyi's whole body became emerald green, with an unspeakable transparency, and green dragon-like spiritual energy traveled throughout his body.

He couldn't hear the words outside at all, he just felt... his whole body was now filled with infinite power, pushing him towards the supreme realm of the earth.

The golden elixir that he once thought was unattainable, with his spiritual energy rising steadily, he even felt that he had touched the edge of the golden elixir.

The change came too fast and too sudden. He was not mentally prepared at all, but he immediately calmed down, mobilized all his spiritual energy, and began to gather it bit by bit.

In the position of the sea of ​​​​qi, the base of the foundation slowly rotated, and with the sound of buzzing, all the spiritual power in his body rushed towards the base.

Looking inside, drops of spiritual power descended like sweet rain, falling on the base, and vines sprung up from the gaps in the base like bamboo shoots after rain. The base built by the original spiritual energy was extremely clear, just like the real thing. And as these vines emerged, the entire base became blurry again, as if it was about to turn into gas and rise.

An indescribable throbbing came to his heart. He had never experienced it before, but he could clearly feel it...

Among them, there was a call that was far more powerful than what he had now, gently calling him.

"Golden elixir..." He took a deep breath. The opportunity came too suddenly, but no one could let it go!

"Buzzing..." Under the full force, the spiritual energy from all directions rushed into the sea of ​​​​Qi like a tide.

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