
Chapter 621: One Step Away

"Kala La!" Countless vines spread over the platform. Soon, the entire platform was wrapped in a sea of ​​trees.

And he felt that the spiritual energy in his body had reached a peak at this moment.

Condensing the pill? Or not?

No need to think too much, he gritted his teeth suddenly, and in the sea of ​​trees on the platform, thousands of green lights and auspicious air rose!

"Boom!!" In the outside world, Xu Yangyi's whole body burst out with infinite green light, spraying out from every pore. Forming a materialized spiritual energy ripple.

"Shua La La" Angel, Zhao Ziqi was pushed away hundreds of meters involuntarily. He wanted to move forward, but a great pressure made them dare not move at all.

"This, this is..." Zhao Ziqi trembled all over, his voice was hoarse: "Golden Pill... The power of the Golden Pill!"

"Brother is forming the pill!"

The infinite green light, as clear as blue, not only carries the essence of spiritual power, but also has an indescribable majesty, and this majesty is very familiar to everyone present.

The power of the Grand Duke!

The power of the golden elixir!

No one spoke, all of them looked at the man sitting in the middle with red eyes. The supreme golden elixir, a realm that many people dream of. Now, someone has formed a golden elixir in front of them. Even if it is their own family, it would be a lie to say that they are not jealous.

"How old is he..." Angel's lips trembled slightly and said: "He has actually reached this step..."

"Buzz buzz buzz..." Green lights hummed and arranged in a weird way. Not long after, they all began to spread upwards, and a huge fuzzy flower formed beside Xu Yangyi.


Forming the golden elixir, Bianhua appears, the golden elixir falls, and Bianhua blooms.

The green outlines a heart-shaking pattern, from blurry to clear, and then... a piece of branches and leaves wrap it up, nurturing the extremely terrifying aura in it.

Here, it was quiet again in an instant, a trace of green light, and no aura at all.

"Is this... forming a elixir?" Zhao Ziqi looked at the huge aura Bianhua and asked uncertainly.

Golden elixir, these two words represent the greatest desire of the cultivators in the Dharma Ending Age. There is almost no word of it circulating in the world. There are even rumors that the time for each real person to form a golden elixir is different, some take several years, some take several months, and some take several hours.

Is that so?

It should be... the symbol of the red spider lily and the golden elixir has appeared. But how could it be so simple?

"Maybe..." Even Angel was not sure this time.

She was very confused.

Quiet, too quiet, although she did not know the specific situation of each cultivator. But she knew that any cultivator's formation of a golden elixir would be a strange phenomenon visible in the world for hundreds of miles. How could it be so silent to form a golden elixir?

The green light gradually dimmed, and a hundred-meter-long spiritual red spider lily spread across the tower layer. Apart from that, everything was the same as before.

They could not see that Xu Yangyi's body in the green light had gradually dimmed, and the spiritual power that had just gushed out was now absorbed into his body by all his pores. There was no breathing, no heartbeat, as if he was an immovable stone Buddha.

One day passed... Two days passed... A full week passed, and the flower still hadn't bloomed.

The two were already anxious and restless, and Zhao Ziqi kept turning around: "Sister-in-law, have you really heard that it takes several years to form a golden elixir?"

"Of course." Angel frowned and said, "My father formed a golden elixir in seven months, but it is impossible to observe the formation of any cultivator. No hurry."

The second week, the third week... They have changed from anxiety to calmness.

Since there is no response, they will just wait, anyway, it is absolutely safe here.

The fourth day of the third week, just when they were not mentally prepared at all, suddenly, the whole flower of the other shore burst into a shocking light.

"Shua La La..." The flower bud trembled and opened, and a strong golden elixir pressure emerged from the flower bud. Pieces of green spiritual energy condensed into mist, and nothing could be seen.

All that could be heard was a soft "Huh..." sound.

With this sound, the gravel within a radius of one kilometer suddenly shook together.

"A thousand-meter range... breaking through the two hundred-meter limit of foundation building..." Zhao Ziqi swallowed his saliva, looked at the hazy figure in the mist, felt the terrifying spiritual pressure that permeated the whole place, and shouted excitedly: "Brother..."

But out of habit for many years, he immediately half-knelt on the ground, bowed his head with great respect: "Greetings to the real person!"

Is it really a golden elixir?

Angel beside him was also stunned, but she did not kneel. Instead, she looked at the green mist in confusion.

It seems to be true...but...why does it feel a little wrong?

She has been with the golden elixir for many years. Yes, there is pressure, and the range of magical powers seems to be there, but...I always feel that something is missing...

Imperfect, I don't know why, it's that kind of imperfect feeling. For a real golden elixir, the pressure should not be just strong. For those below the golden elixir, it is a kind of absolute submission. Except for the real genius, ordinary cultivators can't even raise a trace of resistance.

Xu Yangyi didn't.

She took two steps forward in confusion. At this moment, her eyes suddenly flashed, and a strong suction force suddenly erupted from the green mist.

"Boom boom..." Not only her, but all the ground within a thousand meters around seemed to be torn by invisible giant hands, all converging towards the figure in the center!

"Hua la la!" A layer of the ground was lost in an instant, revealing the inner core engraved with talismans underneath. Angel used all her spiritual energy to resist, but found that she had no way to resist!

In an instant, she was shocked to find that she was pulled in for more than ten meters!

Just like in the green ocean, the human figure looks like a whale. And they are the fish and shrimps in the sea.

"No... there's something wrong with this golden elixir!" Angel said with certainty: "Such a huge magical power, it's impossible not to scare people and feel the power of God. I know the power of the golden elixir all too well! Little brother, come here!"

Zhao Ziqi immediately grabbed her hand. She made a move in the wind, and a purple gold bell floated out. During the jingling sound, a pressure that far exceeded the opponent's came out, forming a two or three around them. A ten-meter-long golden aura shield.

"Buzz..." The purple golden bell trembled, not only with overwhelming pressure, but also with a transcendent majesty that overcame all things, instantly resisting the suction force.

This time, even Zhao Ziqi felt something was wrong.

This is the power of Yue Zhenren's golden elixir, and it obviously feels like it is not the same object as Xu Yangyi.

It's not a matter of strength or weakness, but something is missing.

"There is no problem with the power. It is truly the early stage of the golden elixir... but it does not have that... how should I put it... does not have the brilliant power of my father." Angel considered.

At this moment, all the green mist around them was sucked into the human figures. Suddenly, the surrounding area became empty, revealing the figure in the center.

He is still wearing the same camouflage, but he seems to be a little taller, and his skin used to be sporty dark, but now it is a little whiter. There is no difference in temperament, but... Zhao Ziqi and An Qier both took a breath and couldn't help but take a step back.

"Golden elixir vision?!" An Qier covered her mouth in shock and looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief.

"Dao Ancestor, sir..." Zhao Ziqi was also completely confused, looking at Xu Yangyi with round eyes, unable to believe his eyes at all!

Just behind Xu Yangyi, a three-meter-large vortex was spinning crazily.

This vortex is either any magical power, or it is like the Dharma wheel behind Guanyin Tathagata in comics, animations, and movies, with circles of green energy around the edges, like a huge mouth!

"Golden elixir vision?" Xu Yangyi finally spoke. He looked at his hands and asked in a deep voice.

"That's right, I heard from my father that monks with outstanding talents will have a very small chance of producing golden elixir phenomena when forming elixirs. This phenomenon does not exist between heaven and earth, but is attached to the monks. Every vision has great power..." She patted her chest and hesitated: "Are you... really a golden elixir?"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak for a long time before he shook his head regretfully.

It's not a golden elixir.

Everything came together, and the essence of wood spiritual energy contained in the spiritual fluid was simply the best tonic he had ever encountered.

It contains infinite aura, far beyond what it is now. If I had to use a metaphor, it would be like an oasis suddenly discovered in the desert.

He looked at his Dantian, where there was a green golden elixir. However, if you look closely at this golden elixir, you can see that it has not been closed. It is divided into countless small pieces following a vein-like pattern.

Virtual Dan.

But it also surpasses Xu Dan.

He didn't know how to describe it. He clearly felt that he had reached the golden elixir, but he also felt that this time he had truly crossed the line of virtual elixir. There was always a deep sense of regret in his heart.

On top of that, he tried the fish intestines, which were still pretty obscure. It doesn't have the feeling of using the magic weapon like an arm and a finger like the golden elixir. It still feels like it can only mobilize a hint of power, but it can't really play a role. But that's fine, at least before Xu Dan, he thought this was the true power of the magic weapon. I also feel that it is not necessary for Jin Dan to desperately search for the magic weapon.

"Without the Wolfsbane body, there is no golden elixir after all. Xiaoqing didn't lie to me." He muttered, waved his hand gently, and "rumbling" all the ground burned with a bloody flame.

"Si..." Zhao Ziqi trembled. Even though Xu Yangyi's magical power was so far away, he could feel the terror of those flames.


The ground is melting.

The previous purgatory in all directions could only make the ground scorched black. But this time... the ground actually started to melt!

"The karma of the ten directions." Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief. This was also the second point that puzzled him.

The Wolfsbane inheritance has awakened again. Every time you advance, you can get the inheritance of the opponent's bloodline. However, last time he got countless things, but this time, he only had one move, Shifang Yeyan, and one move, the magical power of Divine Destruction evolved from Wanling Town.

What about other inheritances?

Last time, he not only had magical powers, but also countless pill recipes and bloodline talents. Just two moves this time?

"The main body..." His eyes looked at Hua Xia with burning eyes.

After the Tower of Babel, it was when he truly advanced to the golden elixir.

I am finally qualified to settle China's affairs.

"No need to be restrained." He smiled and waved to the two of them: "I don't dare to call myself a real person yet. I always feel that something is missing. Even if I become a golden elixir, I will still do what you should do."

Angel was silent, and then spoke solemnly: "Your current strength should be at the early stage of the Golden Core. I finally understand... What you lack is a kind of qualitative sublimation, the transformation of a higher creature that makes people surrender. You haven't matured yet. This is the crucial hurdle to pass. In other words, your lifespan is still two hundred years."

"But... there is no difference between your current strength and the early stage of Jindan. I simply can't imagine... that you have reached this point before you have gone through that hurdle... your early stage... is probably comparable to others. It’s midterm!”

Xu Yangyi smiled.

Strength comparable to the early stage?


Only he knows what the vortex behind him is.

One of the ten great immortal bodies, the minor success of the Void Spirit Immortal Body!


Happy (un)birthday to old reader Long Erdai

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