
Chapter 622: Minor Success of the Immortal Body

He didn't even expect that the green liquid was comparable to hundreds of golden elixir-level wood spirits' heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

"No... it should be more than..." He looked inwards with a heavy gaze, and there were countless green light spots contained within his body.

It's not that he has absorbed it to the limit, he can feel that he can still absorb it. But there seemed to be some invisible rules that prevented him from continuing.

"Brother..." Zhao Ziqi stood up, with a somewhat reserved look on his face: "Can you put away... what's behind you?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "No."

A total of eight vortexes are rotating in all the connecting parts of his body, including his head, chest, abdomen, limbs, Dantian, etc., with eight times the spiritual power... He is now confident that even if he encounters the golden elixir, he will not be at a disadvantage.

At that time, when the Kaiyun Realm ended, he knew clearly that once the Void Spirit Immortal Body was completed, a fifty-meter Void Spirit Vortex would appear behind him. From now on, magical powers and physical attacks from those whose realms were below him would be almost completely invulnerable to him. invalid. The power of the ten immortal bodies has only now begun to show its prowess.

It is conceivable... If on the battlefield, tens of thousands of people are practicing Qi, or hundreds of foundations are being built, and they are equipped with corresponding formations, they can run away even if they consume golden elixirs. However, he didn't need to be afraid at all. The sword cultivator had to call daddy when he saw him.

"I really want to try this feeling..." He lightly clenched his fists, licked his lips, and looked outside the Tower of Babel with burning eyes.

Savidian VI...

The Great Duke of Terror...

Long time no see, how are you?

"There are very few people who have seen the golden elixir phenomenon, such as Master Gusong, and even Master Tianzai." Angel walked over and looked at the whirlpool behind him with emotion: "It's good to return, but it's just too ostentatious. . My father knows a lot, and I have heard a few words by chance. If the golden elixir is one in a hundred thousand, the golden elixir is one in a thousand. But..."

She paused and said, "I once heard my father say that the golden elixir has a strange phenomenon and is jealous of heaven. When the golden elixir is truly condensed, something unexpected may happen."

Xu Yangyi nodded.

But I don't care.

This is not the vision of his golden elixir, but the vision of Xiaocheng's Void Spirit Immortal Body, which has nothing to do with him, is Tianjealous? It's not his turn either.

"What to do now?" Zhao Ziqi asked.

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, and An Qier also laughed. Their eyes met, and they actually had a clear understanding.


Angel pursed her lips and smiled: "IP, IC, IQ card, tell me their passwords."

"Hit, rob?" Zhao Ziqi didn't react at all, but it became clear in an instant, and his face immediately turned red: "Yes... that's right! Now I am also a person with quasi-golden combat power! What a fright!" !”

Xu Yangyi nodded: "I just entered two rooms, one got the spiritual treasure weapon spirit, and the other made me comparable to the golden elixir. If I am like this, other people will definitely gain a lot. In this case..."

"Then why do we want to make them happy?" Angel chuckled: "If they are not happy, of course I will be happy. These things are best only if they are safe."

Zhao Ziqi hesitated: "What meet Jin Dan Zhenren?"

"That's just right." Xu Yangyi looked at the terrifying blood-red fire pillar of the Ten Directions Karma Burner in his hand: "I also want to try it. Now, who is stronger or weaker between me and the real golden elixirs in the tower?"

Zhao Ziqi coughed dryly, feeling that this pairing was a bit like the two bronze and iron corpses in Legend of the Condor Heroes...

Did you feel wrong? It must be...


In a room, there were broken tiles everywhere, and in the center, a broken page of a book, emitting a heart-trembling light.

"Who are you waiting for?" Surrounding this ancient book, two groups of people, four on each side, looked at each other with greedy eyes with strong murderous intent. The leader of one party was a white man wearing a blue robe, with a long and thin face and white beard and hair. He looked at the person opposite as if he were looking at a dead body.

"Do you think someone will come to rescue you?" The man said calmly: "We have been in the Vatican for more than three weeks and are close to four weeks. Who doesn't know that only two parties are allowed to enter any room? What a coincidence... Everyone..."

"The Voldemort family...'Living Magic Book' Von ranked second..." The opponent was all wearing clerical robes, but they were in tatters, some places were burned, and some places were still Pieces of ice are frozen. The leader was a middle-aged priest, holding a gold cross inlaid with diamonds tightly, gritting his teeth and saying: "Aren't you afraid of the wrath of the Holy Scourge?"

Von Essinger seemed to have heard the most ridiculous thing and looked at them with a sneer: "If you all die here, who will know?"

"How dare you challenge the Vatican for a book of ecumenical exercises?!"

"Boom!" Before he finished speaking, countless flames turned into birds and flew out, instantly surrounding the man. Fon Essinger sneered: "It's a provocation, so what?"

"The merit points are of little use right now. But I believe it will definitely be useful. You are the living merit points. If you don't die, who will die?"

"It is your misfortune to meet Von Essinger, the second-ranked member of my Voldemort family, hahaha!!"

"Shu La La!" A vast coercion rushed out of him like a tide, sometimes hot, sometimes cold, making this place feel like an incongruous natural hell. Everyone on the opposite side was blown back dozens of meters. Their faces were ashen as they looked at Feng Essinger, who was slowly rising into the sky, eyes spraying thunder and lightning, and holding flaming ice in his hands.

"Pray, scum." The three members of the Voldemort family under him smiled sharper than a knife: "This is a seven-ring magic. Even the Grand Duke would be cautious about the 'Nature's Wail'. Your Excellency, who has been promoted to the position of a vacant position for 150 years, you are lucky to die in his hands."

A man beside him also said mockingly: "If you commit suicide, you won't have to suffer the pain of ice and flames. It can be regarded as our mercy...haha!"

Just as the violent aura swept through the room, a voice came faintly: "Oh? A trick that the Grand Duke would be cautious about?"

"Who!!" Von Eisinger's eyes flashed. He didn't even feel the arrival of the person. His arms suddenly pushed out. Under his feet, the magic ring composed of seven talismans wavered like ripples. Then, ice and flames intertwined into a spear, tearing through the void and shooting towards the place where the sound came from.

"Boom!!" There was a loud noise, and smoke filled the air. Von Eisinger squinted at the center of the explosion-it had become a deep pit with a radius of 200 meters. one?

"Is this the move that the Grand Duke would fear?" A calm voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Are you underestimating the Grand Duke?"

The whole place suddenly fell into silence.

"Tick..." A drop of cold sweat dripped from Feng Aisinger's forehead. He was looking in another direction at the moment, and the others were behind him, but he didn't dare to turn his head.

The person behind him had no spiritual energy, but for some reason, he just gave him a terrifying feeling.

It was as if...a beast was standing behind him, and he would see hell if he turned his head.

Moreover, the people around him suddenly fell silent, as if they had seen the ultimate horror, causing a sudden loss of voice.

Master...absolute master!

"Your Excellency is..."

"Insolent." A voice came indifferently: "I haven't finished speaking yet, who allowed you to speak."

"Yes..." Feng Aisinger swallowed hard, his burning eyes fixed on the Grand Duke's skills, but at this moment he didn't dare to look at it anymore.

Who is it!

The Deep Blue Touch? "Pale Eyes" by Gaius? Icethroat Salonas?

Impossible... Impossible!

Even they couldn't have dodged this move silently. Unless...

He trembled all over. Unless what, he didn't dare to think about it.

This was even more impossible. After more than three weeks, everyone had figured it out. The Grand Duke couldn't possibly meet them.

"Boom!" There was an explosion of air behind him. He knew too well that it was his "Natural Wail" magic core that was crushed by the other party. This kind of strength...

He didn't even think about it. His legs softened and he knelt on the ground, screaming at the top of his lungs: "Your Majesty, spare me!!!"

The person behind him didn't speak. After a few seconds, he smiled and said: "The move that really scares the Grand Duke should be like this..."

"Boom boom!!" A demon-like aura roared from behind them, "Boom boom..." Countless kneeling sounds, everyone knelt down together, and shouted in fear: "Welcome Your Majesty!! Please forgive me!!"

One minute.

Everyone at the scene felt like a year had passed.

The Grand Duke...

The real Grand Duke!

How could the damn Grand Duke break the rules and come here! !

"Turn around." The voice behind him laughed.

Fon Eisinger turned around, and when he saw the person in front of him clearly, he almost screamed: "You, how could you..."

Before he finished speaking, he immediately slapped himself, extremely loud: "It's my fault... I said it wrong! Sorry! Honorable His Majesty X!"

"How could I do anything?" Xu Yangyi smiled and stroked his head, and asked with a smile.

Fon Eisinger's teeth were trembling, he just felt a giant beast stroking his head.


Three years ago, in the late Marquis, what opportunity did the other party encounter in the Tower of Babel!

This is the Grand Duke! The power of the Grand Duke! This is too sci-fi! How could this be possible! It's only been more than three years!

"I said it wrong, His Majesty X, please spare my life!" He didn't care about anything now, questioning the Grand Duke, just with this sentence, the other party could kill him. He knocked his head against the ground with a loud thump, and blood flowed out. He didn't dare to use his spiritual energy to protect his body. He said hoarsely: "Please spare my life for the sake of His Majesty Anatalon, the 'Lair of Ten Thousand Demons'!"

The second person in the Voldemort family, except for the Grand Duke, surrendered.

"I am not a person who is easy to kill." Xu Yangyi looked at everyone: "Now, throw all your storage rings on the ground, and then retreat to the corner and wait for the next splicing."

The people in the Vatican were stunned.

This is... blatant robbery?

As a Grand Duke... do you still have shame? !

You can kill us, but... but what is this shameless robbery?

As a great spiritualist and Grand Duke, you still rob our Marquis' things... Hey! Do you have any shame!

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