
Chapter 623: Void Puppet (I)

A day later, another room.

"Dang Dang Dang..." The six storage rings were thrown to the ground. No one dared to be angry or speak.

"Grand Duke... Grand Duke!!" In front of Xu Yangyi and the others, a young man was almost beaten to pieces. Shouting like crazy. Everyone around them said nothing, lowered their heads in fear, and did not even dare to look at the three of them.

Next to the young man, there was a spear and axe, more than two meters long, which had been broken into three sections. And all this is just a slap of the hand.

Just when Xu Yangyi asked them to hand over the storage ring, the young man didn't believe that the other party had advanced to the level of Grand Duke, thinking that the other party had obtained the secret treasure and wanted to defraud them. Then……

Then no.

Until now, he couldn't believe it. He was also present at the auction, and he would never have imagined that the other party would become a Grand Duke three years later.

"For the sake of Sky Roar, I won't kill you." Xu Yangyi took away the storage ring lightly: "But there will be no next time. You should know how heavy the crime of questioning the Grand Duke is. Do you understand?"

The young man gritted his teeth, but had to say respectfully: "I understand..."

Another day later, in an ice-blue room, next to a row of broken armors, everyone was kneeling on the ground, not daring to raise their heads.

Come gently, go gently, until Xu Yangyi left for more than ten minutes, no one dared to get up.

The majesty of the Grand Duke, one word can make the world law!

Everyone looked at the woman in the middle.

Siren Family, Touch of Deep Blue.

However, she didn't even dare to manifest her true form, and now she buried her head lower than anyone else.

From the moment the other party appeared, she smelled the smell of extreme danger, and gave up this seemingly valuable armor without hesitation.

"Really the Grand Duke?" Half an hour later, she still didn't dare to get up. A man next to her trembled: "It's too scary..."

Deep Blue Touch gritted his teeth: "Even if it's not...then it definitely has the combat power of the Archduke..."

"This person... is unfathomable..."

In just five days, Xu Yangyi robbed all the rooms he could enter.

Those who have made it this far are all the real elites of each race, except for the Grand Duke. The Deep Blue Touch, the benevolent Defoe, the "Pale Eyes" by Gaius, the Bone Lady Angelina, Ice Maw Salonas, the Living Magic Book Von Essinger... all the family members have met , except for the elves, he spared no one.

These people were followed by clan members, and they had swept all the way until now, and gained a lot, but in the end they all took advantage of Xu Yangyi.

"According to the rules of the Tower of Babel, it is impossible for us to meet them. But, who would have thought that you now have the power of an archduke and are not an archduke?" Angel chuckled: "This time you will make a lot of money!"

Zhao Ziqi counted dozens of storage rings behind him and collected them all together: "Twenty bottles of ancient holy medicine, five armors that can completely resist elemental magic. A long sword with a flame blade... Utensils , holy medicine can only be used after being appraised by an appraiser. However, according to the specifications of the Tower of Babel, I believe it is definitely not bad..."

His face was slightly red with excitement. This rhythm of following me with his thighs and pretending to be flying was so nourishing. If a monk is like this, what else can I ask for?

He walked around without moving his hands. He believed that any of these things would be worth a sky-high price. Now it's all in your hands?

No one dared to resist.

The list is so long that it’s impossible to count. Xu Yangyi was happy to let him count. He turned his head and whispered to Angel: "Have you noticed? The splicing of this giant ball is much slower."

Now that there is no evil eye, they can only wait quietly for the room splicing every day.

"Yes." Angel said thoughtfully: " is a Rubik's Cube, it has been one month and five days now. I feel that it has become complete."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered: "Perhaps in a week, or even three or four days, it can be completely spliced."

"what happens?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "I don't know."

"I'm sure that the Tower of Babel will never be that simple." He recalled all the rooms he saw along the way: "There is no doubt that this is an ancient battlefield. Let's not say who we are fighting against, but such a big A bridgehead must have attack mechanisms and defense mechanisms.”

"We saw that every room along the way was incomplete. It means that the other party has penetrated the interior of the Tower of Babel..." he continued.

"That also means that the attack mechanism of the tower has been broken by the opponent." He didn't know that in another place, Andre and another tribesman gathered together, pushing up his gold-rimmed glasses and musing: "Such a big bridgehead, Its internal structure must be extremely complex. What we are encountering now is the first stage of "division". This proves two things.

The tribesmen around him solemnly asked: "Which two pieces?"

"First, the strength of the troops at the Tower of Babel was about the same as the opponent. Otherwise, why would they have the confidence to divide the battlefield? There is a huge disparity in strength. We should prepare more various magic formations and magic weapons. However, there is no. There is only one possibility, which is to stick to Babel. The cultivators of Other Towers are very confident that even if the opponent rushes in, they will still have the strength to fight. They do not arrange magic weapons because the troops here are also worried that the indiscriminate killing of magic weapons will kill their own people. "

He raised his second finger: "Second, the defense mechanism must not only be divided, it is a huge meat grinder. When divided, it will enter the second stage, which is killing."

He breathed a sigh of relief: "Such a large war machine, there must be countless war puppets, alchemical puppets, gargoyles and the like hidden inside. None of these things are easy to deal with."

The people around him nodded repeatedly, and everyone knew that Andre had a high status in Europe and the United States. He had no room for rebuttal.

"Sir... that is to say... next, there will be terrifying alchemical puppets?"

"Not necessarily." At the same time, in Xu Yangyi's room, Angel asked the same question. Xu Yangyi answered carefully: "This possibility is very small."

This sentence came out of Xu Yangyi and Andre's mouth almost at the same time.

"Do you still remember another thing." Xu Yangyi analyzed the next possibility bit by bit: "That is the merit value."

"Merit value, this thing cannot be used for the enemy. It must be used by yourself, that is to say..." He narrowed his eyes: "The tower distinguishes us as our own people. Therefore, these terrifying formations hidden in the tower, and even alchemical puppets, are very likely not to be activated."

"Then where are we going?" Angel asked.

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "I haven't thought about it yet."

"The merit points are destined not to kill us. Then, those who are left are our own people, where will they go?" Andre smiled very comfortably, tapping the armrest with his slender fingers: "I can make an assumption, will the tower determine that the war is over?"

"After the war, what is left?"

The man next to him was stunned and shook his head blankly. Andre sighed faintly and smiled: "Sometimes, it's really lonely."

He said: "Of course it's a reckoning."

"There are four words in China that are very appropriate to settle the merit points obtained in this battle. Reward according to merit."

"In other words, next... the real core will be opened. The appearance of this tower is just a cover that we can't see through. I will call the place below the 'Honor Hall' for the time being. This kind of place must be a place where important officials are qualified to count and award merit points. It's not an exaggeration to say that it is the core..." He smiled and touched the tribesmen who were stunned by what he heard next like a child.


"This door thousands of years old, the real secret is just about to begin."

He retracted his gaze. There were only two of them in this room, and everyone else had died.

No one saw the worry in his eyes.

"Since there is a merit value... then the higher the merit value, the greater the reward. I can't kill the enemy, and I don't get much merit. So... how many of the first sequence of the major families, and even the grand dukes, have they killed?"

He frowned and murmured: "Here is where the first gap is widened."

No one spoke anymore.

In all the rooms of the Tower of Babel, the survivors, a few extremely smart people, have quieted down.

The unintelligent ones are still running around in each room, looking for a chance that may exist.

One month and eight days after entering the Tower of Babel.

No space channel has been opened for several days, and everyone feels abnormal.

Just like...the tsunami has finally calmed down.

However, no one knows whether it will be a calm sea or a huge underwater whirlpool after the tsunami.

One month, nine days.

Xu Yangyi and the other two were meditating quietly. At this moment, a dull "dong" sounded in everyone's eardrums.

At the same time, outside the tower, endless white light sprayed, making this place look like heaven.

"It's started..." The three people suddenly opened their eyes and looked around like stars.

"Boom..." In all the rooms, huge rocks fell off, and the ground shook like an earthquake. Without understanding all this, 99% of the monks looked at everything in front of them in shock.

"Is the tower going to collapse?" "What happened?" "What's going on?"

As cracks appeared, the stones of the entire tower began to fall off, revealing the extremely complex and mysterious runes underneath. Then...

With a "hum", all the runes shone together, and a pillar of light appeared in the entire tower.

"Buzz..." At the bottom of the first floor, a rune several tens of meters in size shone in the center. It was an incomprehensible pattern. The surrounding area was drawn into a huge circle in all the languages ​​on earth, emitting a dazzling luster. Then, it was the second floor... the third floor... layer by layer, like a lighthouse, it lit up!

These lights, like the most dazzling sun, make it impossible for people to open their eyes.

Just as everyone covered their eyes, a series of magnificent voices rang in everyone's ears.

"Merit value, 500 points." "Merit value, 1,300 points." "Merit value, 3,100 points." "Merit value, 300 points."

Only each person can hear it.

Ten seconds later, a voice like a Huangzhong Dalu resounded throughout the Tower of Babel.

"The settlement is complete."

"The Hall of Illusion is open."

"Please go to the Hall of Illusion, all monks. The great lord Xuanyuan clan and the clan leader will provide the exchange list for all warriors."

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