
Chapter 624: Void Puppet (Part 2)

"Shua La La..." The light gradually disappeared. When Xu Yangyi opened his eyes, he found that there was a huge space crack in front of him.

Round. Very regular.

Without hesitation, he stepped into the crack with the two people. Suddenly, a huge suction force sucked all the people into the crack.

They flew to a certain place involuntarily. Xu Yangyi tried it and shook his head at the two people around him.

"I can't control my body. This pulling force is much stronger than me. And the aura and spiritual consciousness are completely sealed."

At the same time, countless auras condensed under their feet, and in an instant, a flower of aura with slender petals condensed. Everyone stood on a flower.

"What is this?" Zhao Ziqi asked curiously. He touched it with his hand and immediately passed through it.

"It should be the magic circle left by the Tower of Babel. It seems that all the remaining people will be taken away by it. Not only us, but others should be too." Xu Yangyi looked around with emotion. Thousands of years later, the magic circle can still work. This giant tower... It can really be said to be the greatest masterpiece since the development of the history of cultivation.

The flower held the three of them and flew straight forward. The light behind them was getting dimmer and dimmer. I don't know how long they flew, but suddenly, the three of them saw a clear view.

It was still a bottomless void, dark without sunlight, revealing a dead silence and a hazy deep darkness. However, at this moment, in front of them was a sea of ​​fireflies, thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions! Converging into a silver-white river!

"Swish..." In the endless darkness, this silver-white Milky Way gathered from all directions, as if the night suddenly broke a hole, and then countless fireflies flew out.

Those were aura flowers.

However, 99.99% of these flowers were empty. The ethereal pure white flowers, spewing holy aura, gently rotated, and converged towards the center of the vast darkness.

"Heh..." Angel gently covered her mouth and took a breath. The scenery in front of her was too beautiful and spectacular. Flowers like raindrops from all directions walked in this dark river, streaking across like a meteor shower, opening the brilliant galaxy light curtain.

Xu Yangyi seemed calm, but there was a burning flame hidden in his eyes. After a long time, he gave an unstandard military salute.

"What are you doing?" Angel's voice was very calm, because the extreme beauty in front of her made her heart empty. She saw his movements from the corner of her eyes and said softly.

Xu Yangyi did not answer.

He knew what this was.

After the war, rewards were given according to merit. These... were all monks who dared to come to the Tower of Babel from the Earth and the small worlds belonging to the Earth in the earth-shaking decisive battle between the two great worlds.

Millions of monks condensed into the Milky Way. The stars are far away, and at this moment, their souls on the flowers are still the obsession of the year.

Year after year, the flowers are similar, but the people are different.

"Thank you." He said silently.

Thank you... in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, you have laid down half of the earth today.

The rest, leave it to us younger generations.

At this moment, he suddenly made up his mind.

If the Zhenwu Realm comes again, he will never retreat.

Maybe it was because of this scenery, or because his head suddenly became hot. However, he never felt any regret, nor did he feel impulsive.

The silvery-white sea current illuminated everyone's face into a holy white, and their spiritual flowers flew along the Milky Way to the center of the darkness.

Half an hour passed, an hour passed, and two hours later, Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly flashed, and at the same time, Zhao Ziqi and Angel gasped in unison.

After the infinite spiritual light approached, everyone saw that there was something in the center of the darkness.

It seemed to be in the shape of a beast, like the only planet in the lonely universe, floating there quietly.

"What is this?" Zhao Ziqi took two steps back: "Alive or dead?"

"It shouldn't be a living thing, there is no movement, and... can a living thing survive for thousands of years in an environment without spiritual energy?" Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "Have you noticed that from just now, our spiritual energy and spiritual consciousness have been completely cut off."

"Indeed." Angel felt it and nodded.

"Wait patiently." Xu Yangyi looked deeply at the figure in the dark: "We will know the result soon."

The spiritual flower still floated over slowly, but time is infinite and the distance is limited no matter how far it is. As time slowly passed, everyone's eyes became solemn.

It is indeed a dead thing. a huge puppet beast.

Like a sheep, it is green all over. Three eyes, four horns, six hooves. The tail is a coiled venomous snake. The whole body is covered with a kind of blood-colored rune. The rune is completely different from any kind they have seen. There were numerous large holes on the broken body, but the most fatal one was a horrible scar that split the entire puppet beast in two.

A little bit of light shone in the broken part, as if the inside was inlaid with countless broken diamonds.

However, what shocked them was not the shape of the puppet beast, but its size.

Now, they were only more than a thousand meters away from the puppet, but they felt as if they saw the huge spherical Rubik's Cube!

100,000 meters!

The closer Linghua got, the more she felt that she was facing a towering mountain. She couldn't see the beginning or the end. At a glance, it was all dark armor. Covered with scars.

It was quiet, it was dead silent, but no matter who it was, they could feel the solemnity of death on the other person. The vicissitudes of a thousand years merged with this solemnity, condensing into a shock that was almost visible to the naked eye. Quietly suspended in the pitch-dark void, telling the vicissitudes of time.

"My God..." Zhao Ziqi took a breath: "Compared with this thing... the so-called war puppets nowadays are simply weak..."

"Any war puppet is a culmination of refining equipment, talismans, and mechanical techniques. I only heard that there were such mobile war fortresses in ancient times, but I didn't expect that there really were! But, but such a big one, how much natural materials and treasures would it take? Even ancient cultivators can't be so extravagant! This, this country and this continent can't make it! Maybe half of the earth can!"

Spiritual flowers flew above it, quite like a science fiction movie where a human plane flew onto a space carrier.

"It's too big..." Angel couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's hard to imagine how it was made."

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, he noticed something else.

Every scar on the puppet beast was like a battlefield. Knives, guns, chains, spears, axes... familiar or unfamiliar weapons were everywhere, making this place look like a huge cemetery. The traces of magical powers were still clearly visible thousands of years later. Under the shining of the Spirit Flower Galaxy, it was like a belated Qingming Festival sprinkled a bunch of white chrysanthemums here.

"What happened here?" Zhao Ziqi looked at everything in front of him in astonishment and asked in ignorance.

Xu Yangyi's brows also frowned.

What's going on?

Inside the Tower of Babel, there is an extremely huge puppet mechanism covered with traces of battle. Whose is it?

In this place, it should be the creation of the earth, so who cut it open?

Back then... it had been beaten to this point? The bridgehead of the largest war front on the earth, the puppet beast in the center was cut in half by the other side?

There is no answer.

Only the galaxy-like spirit flower slowly flew into the broken wound of the puppet beast, like a wanderer returning home, finally returning to the arms of his mother.

At this moment, the eyes of all the people on the spirit flower flashed.

Spiritual consciousness and spiritual energy are slowly being unsealed.

The galaxy of spirit flowers sank into every corner of the giant beast, but the spirit flower carrying people flew to the position of the sheep's head. Ten minutes later, it finally stopped.

Here is a large room, about 300 meters in size, but the decoration style is different from any they have seen. They use everyday things, but it just highlights an unspeakable violation.

In the center, there is a bone table about 100 meters long. It is also unknown what kind of animal bone it is. It is somewhat similar to a kappa. There is a flat pelvis on the top of the head, filled with clear liquid. The bottom is full of eye holes. The teeth on the upper jaw are square, but they surround the entire head.

This kind of ancient beast is not recorded in any book.

Figures appeared one by one, looking at this place in doubt. In front of these people, there were seven figures, like mountains.

Eleven grand dukes, only seven left.

"Interesting." Lawrence glanced around and smiled: "It seems that this is the core of the Tower of Babel."

Beside the animal bone table, there were twenty chairs. He swayed slightly and was about to appear in front of the chairs, but as his spiritual consciousness recovered, almost everyone turned back suddenly and looked at one place.


With a light sound, the back of the chair was pulled out.

Then quietly, a figure sat on it.

Familiar face, unfamiliar... It was the strength of the other party's spiritual power, and the several-meter-long vortex behind him!

"What?" Xu Yangyi calmly greeted the gazes of all the grand dukes, without a trace of comfort: "Are you not welcome?"

A moment of silence.

Everyone looked at Zhu He Li with unbelievable eyes.

"Grand duke?" Lawrence's voice trembled a little, and he took a step forward, looking at Xu Yangyi with old eyes.

The Grand Duke's spiritual consciousness immediately coiled around, Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, and his own spiritual consciousness rolled back in an instant. Lawrence's eyes flashed, and he took a step forward and immediately retreated.

Such a strong spiritual consciousness...

Just advanced to the Grand Duke, it seems to be stronger than himself!


"Grand Duke Vision?!" He took a deep breath, and his dry lips opened several times, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it at all.

He couldn't say it anymore.

The person who could be crushed to death by one finger back then could actually be on par with him three years later!

Only after attacking the Grand Duke, you know how difficult it is to reach the Grand Duke realm, and this kid... quietly rushed through? And there are Grand Duke Visions that can be counted on fingers?

Where can he put his face after practicing for more than 300 years!

The most important thing is the variable.

Now, the forces are united, and there are only seven Grand Dukes left. They have absolute say. Who would have thought that X would break through the Grand Duke at this time?

Chapter 625: The Treatment of the Grand Duke

A terrible thought came to his mind. X was definitely not a quiet person. However, before he could speak, another cold voice sounded: "You... have advanced to the Grand Duke?"

Savidean VI did not sit down, but stood across the table. His slightly narrowed eyes carried a hidden but surging murderous intent, scraping across Xu Yangyi's body like a knife.

This was the first time Xu Yangyi saw Savidean VI's non-original body.

The faces of all the Grand Dukes disappeared in front of him at this moment. It was definitely not because he didn't want to see them, but because they were extremely clear.

The other party was a bald old man with a black wolf head tattoo on his head.

"Your gaze makes me uncomfortable." Xu Yangyi's slender fingers gently slid across the table: "Do you think you have no chance to kill me?"

"Boom!!" As soon as the voice fell, Savidian VI's spiritual power surged like a tide, and the spiritual pressure of the early Grand Duke made all the marquises behind him kneel down. Rushed towards Xu Yangyi like a tide. However, in the next second, a roar sounded almost at the same time!

"Boom boom!!" Two spiritual powers of almost the same strength suddenly collided in mid-air. The spiritual energy on the left condensed into a white wolf, facing the huge plant with stretched branches and leaves on the right, it couldn't suppress it!

It's really a Grand Duke...

Savidian VI was shocked and angry.

How could this be possible!

It's only been a short time? This kid has actually advanced to a Grand Duke! ?

When he came here, his first wish was to kill this bastard. He killed his only son and exchanged himself in front of a prince. The shameful scar on his face was left in Jerusalem... He has no right to live in the world!

However... reality slapped him hard.

"Not only the advancement to Grand Duke... but also the Grand Duke Vision..." Savidian VI's eyes flickered, and a murderous intent rose in his heart: "I can't kill you here, how can my dear child have a chance to take revenge?"

"You... must die!"

Xu Yangyi ignored the other party. He swept his eyes coldly across the whole scene and fell on an old man from the Taguler family. The other party had a pale face, skinny like a dry bone, wrapped in a black robe, and the red lining on the side of his neck turned up. A pair of blood-red eyes, black pupils, passed deeply from Xu Yangyi.

Grand Duke of the Taguler family, Scarlet Grand Duke. Calmulos G. Taguler.

"I guess this is the Scarlet Grand Duke who is famous in Europe and the United States." Xu Yangyi smiled.

"Mr. X." The Scarlet Duke's voice was hoarse, and he smiled grimly: "Maybe you can't feel it in the early stage of the sixth generation, but... I, who am in the middle stage, can say with certainty that you are still one step away from the Grand Duke."

"You only have the combat power of a Grand Duke now, right?"

The implication is that you are not a genuine Grand Duke yet, so don't make any suggestions that will embarrass everyone. It may not be obvious in the early stage, but your shortcomings are as dazzling as fireflies in the dark night in the eyes of the middle stage.

Xu Yangyi smiled, as expected... None of the Grand Dukes are easy to fool. Those who just spoke are all in the early stage. There are three middle stages and one late stage here, namely the Scarlet Duke, Sky Roar, Voldemort Anataron, and the late stage is the "Singer of the Underworld Sea" Surama Siren of the Siren family.

In addition, there is a virtual prince Antonio Black Crow.

"Of course not." Xu Yangyi calmed down and his eyes passed through the members of the Tagule family behind him like a knife: "I want to ask you for someone."

Grand Duke Scarlet said lightly: "Tamamonomae?"

In the crowd, Zhu Hongxue suddenly raised her head, her eyes full of fear.

Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded.

He couldn't get the person. If he spoke privately, Grand Duke Scarlet might release Zhu Hongxue. But now, all the surviving marquises and grand dukes are present. The monks seek shelter in the family, asking for protection, a backer, and a backer. If the Grand Duke Supreme can't protect the clan's about the family's honor, Grand Duke Scarlet will never hand over the person.

What he wants is to see how much these real princes, even the middle and late great monks, can tolerate a newly promoted grand duke.

Unexpectedly, Grand Duke Scarlet pondered and said nothing.

A series of doubtful eyes passed over Zhu Hongxue, and the marquis monks around her all moved two steps away without making a sound. In such a large venue, a blank area suddenly appeared beside her. The nine-tailed fox was left with a pale face and trembling lips.

"Impossible." After a few seconds, the Scarlet Duke sneered: "You are not even a grand duke, and I barely admit that you have the fighting power of a grand duke. Any child of the blood clan is the most precious treasure. There is no room for negotiation on this matter."

"She killed me in the past." Xu Yangyi tapped the table lightly, and said calmly: "She and I have a life-and-death feud. Is Taguer going to cover it up?"

"So that's it." The Scarlet Duke hooked his finger as if he had heard this for the first time: "Tamamonomae."

"Junior is here." The crowd automatically parted, Zhu Hongxue gritted her teeth, but did not dare to show it on her face, and bowed to the bottom with great respect: "Greetings to the real person."

The Scarlet Duke glanced at Xu Yangyi and said to Zhu Hongxue: "Kneel down."

Kneel down!

These two words made Zhu Hongxue's face turn red instantly.

The fly that she could slap to death with a slap in the past, now she can talk directly to the Grand Duke and ask him to hand over the person! He called her out in front of so many people and asked for her life! And her patron asked her to kneel down to this bastard? !

"Bastard..." She was furious: "I should have slapped you to death with one claw..."

Kneeling down to this former fly, she rationally told herself that she should kneel down, but she couldn't kneel down!

"Didn't you hear it?" She didn't move, and the Scarlet Grand Duke's eyes became colder: "Or... don't you understand?"

Zhu Hongxue's teeth were clattering, and her face remained expressionless. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, she knelt down to Xu Yangyi.

"I'll give you this face." The Scarlet Duke showed Xu Yangyi an expression that could barely be called a smile: "Tamamo-mae, admit your mistake."

There is no sound.

I... I was half a step ahead of the others, but now I am in vain. I actually need the protection of others to survive the defeat of my former subordinates!

What a humiliation!

"I indulge you too much." The Scarlet Duke sighed, and his pale fingers with luxurious rings gently slid over the edge of the table without any movement. However, Zhu Hongxue's whole body shook suddenly, and the ground around him was cracked inch by inch!

It was like... an invisible big hand slapped her hard!

"Pounce!" Blood spurted out from her mouth immediately. She felt like her bones were all broken, and she lay on the ground like a butterfly spreading its wings. The Scarlet Duke's emotionless voice sounded in his ears.

"I will say it again."

"Kneel down, kowtow, admit your mistake."

Zhu Hongxue bit her lip and drew blood. After a few seconds, she kowtowed to Xu Yangyi and hissed: "Please... please forgive me, Master, for the death penalty of this junior..."

"Haha..." A flash of emotion flashed in Xu Yangyi's eyes. Zhu Hongxue was so domineering back then, but now she was like a bereaved dog, groveling in front of her.


This is proof of strength.

He gently stretched out his hand, a big green hand made of countless leaves, caressing the top of Zhu Hongxue's head.

In a life-and-death feud, if an apology is useful, how can it be worthy of the people who died back then?

Qingguang's big hand was unhappy, Zhu Hongxue was trembling all over, but she didn't dare to move. The ground in front of her was covered with water stains.

"Pa!" Just when the green light's big hand was about to touch Zhu Hongxue's head, a piece of bloody aura rushed up and slapped Xu Yangyi's big green hand away.


Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, and in the next second, a little blood-red flame flew out from his fingers and shot directly at the scarlet snow sky spirit cap.


There was finally a hint of anger in the Scarlet Grand Duke's eyes. A new Grand Duke, not yet a complete new Grand Duke, actually dared to kill someone in front of him.

What did you think of him?

Do you really think that the realm of the Grand Duke is the same? Do you really think that you can't suppress the early stage in the mid-term?

And you are not the real Grand Duke! This Grand Duke has given you a share of face, but you dare to slap your nose on your face!

"Boom!!!" An illusory huge bat spread all around in an instant, with a huge roar, its wings closed, surrounding Zhu Hongxue, and at the same time, a rotating black ball was ejected from the bat's mouth, completely caused by Made up of pitch-black spiritual power, the surrounding void was torn into pieces.

"It seems that I need to wake you up."

"Stupid..." Sky Roar frowned slightly, a typical example of shamelessness. You advanced to Grand Duke, and we gave you face, but you actually argued with the mid-level. This is unwise.

He was more than happy to let the Scarlet Duke kill the new Grand Duke's morale. The rest of the princes didn't know what they were thinking, and no one made any move.

Maybe, I want to wait and see the good show.

"Boom!!!" The next second, a little flame and the black ball collided together, and the space instantly shattered, as if the air was filled with glass, disintegrating piece by piece, and two majestic spiritual pressures burst out. A violent whirlwind sprayed in all directions. At the same time, two sharp and harsh dragging sounds of "Zi la la la" resounded throughout the room.

After the strong wind passed, Lawrence squinted his eyes, but his pupils suddenly became sharp!

"Ha..." Anatailon pursed his lips and looked at Xu Yangyi seriously for the first time.

All the princes raised their eyes and looked at the scene in front of them with some disbelief.

On both sides of the animal bone table, Xu Yangyi was sitting on a chair and was knocked ten meters away. The mark on the ground was half a foot deep. However, his expression did not change at all. He sat on the Diaoyutai leisurely and looked at the opposite side with a playful smile.

Because... just across the table, the Scarlet Duke was forcefully knocked back six meters! The traces of the chair are also half a foot deep!

In an instant, you can hear a pin drop.

The battle strength of the Grand Duke in the early stage is actually not much inferior to that of the genuine Grand Duke in the middle stage!

No one expected this situation. Everyone thought that Xu Yangyi would be blown dozens of meters away, and the Scarlet Duke would not move at all. After all, the other party has been famous for hundreds of years.

"In the early stage...the middle stage, the gap is not that big?" Scoris took a deep breath: "Is this kid too strong, or is the Scarlet Duke too weak?"

"No distinction between superior and inferior?" The female grand duke of the Black Witch family couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice: " is this possible! He is just the new grand duke!"

"You don't even have a magic weapon, but you can actually be on par with the Scarlet Duke?" Lawrence's eyes were burning, X... How deep is this person's background? So far? !

Even the Scarlet Duke himself looked at the chair under him in astonishment.

He couldn't believe it!

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