
Chapter 625: Merit List (I)

In the room, there was a dead silence.

Not only was the Grand Duke surprised, but the Marquis monks also saw that this early Grand Duke... was not ordinary.

In the public eye, all eyes were focused on the Scarlet Grand Duke. A blush rose on his pale face. With so many people watching, he couldn't even show off his power as an early Grand Duke!

"Very good." He finally stood up, and the hem of his robe fluttered, as if a huge bat had spread its wings: "It's been a long time since I met an early Grand Duke who dared to challenge me... You are worthy of praise."

"Next, let me give you a little hint. What is the difference between a real Grand Duke and a newly promoted Grand Duke like you?"

"Swish..." A white jade-like but extremely dry hand stretched out, and the green meridians were visible. A twisting drop of blood jumped in his palm.

Xu Yangyi's face finally changed to a solemn look.

This drop of flaming blood, he actually felt a chilling killing intent.

"A gift from Tsepesh." The Scarlet Duke raised an elegant smile on his face, and the murderous intent in his eyes was bottomless: "Oh... Don't be nervous, little guy, this is just to let you know the huge gap between the early and middle stages."

"Even if your spiritual power is almost the same as this Grand Duke, you are missing a crucial thing."

The blood drop rose to the fingertips, and the Scarlet Duke smiled slightly and flicked his finger: "Magic weapon."

"Just to remind you, this little guy... is crazy."

"Bang!" The moment the blood drop popped out, it immediately turned into a blood mist, and strangely, each strand of these blood mists linked together to form a huge blood net, and it became bigger and bigger. In an instant, it covered a radius of 500 meters! It was like the devil's huge mouth rising in the air.

"Boom!" A blood-colored flame ignited around Xu Yangyi at the same time. It was aimed at the blood net without any hesitation.

It's a pity... Yuchang didn't wake up, otherwise, he would let the other party see what a spiritual treasure is.

"Alarm, alarm..." At this moment, a very clear voice came into everyone's ears: "Golden elixir level energy fluctuations exceed the level limit of the Merit Hall. Reiterate, Golden elixir level energy fluctuations exceed the level limit of the Merit Hall..."

Before the voice fell, there was a roar of "kakaka" above his head, and then, with a "whoosh", the blood net was suddenly swallowed up!

"This!" Lawrence's eyes suddenly flashed, he took a breath, and looked up suddenly.

Not only him, but everyone at the scene was stunned. The Grand Duke's magic weapon disappeared in an instant. What happened?

"Baby?" The Scarlet Grand Duke called out softly in disbelief, and he kept pinching the magic formula in his heart. However, his face suddenly became gloomy.

No trace.

His magic weapon just disappeared like this?

"You just made trouble in front of this Grand Duke. Are you tired of living?" His smile finally brought real murderous intent, and he suddenly looked up at the top of his head.

There, a circular black hole with a radius of 50 meters had cracked at some point. And inside, a weak spiritual energy was slowly leaking out.

Xu Yangyi's face changed slightly. This spiritual energy... he was very familiar with it.

Where have I seen it before... It seems that I have seen it several times, but it was before I got the Danling who had a photographic memory. I can't remember it at all for a while.

"Ka Ka Ka..." A shocking buzzing sound came from the black hole. All the cultivators unconsciously stood behind their forces. The spiritual energy became clearer and clearer. With a "hum", an object of more than 20 meters appeared.

That was a huge mechanical face.

Closed his eyes tightly, and the whole body exuded a metallic luster. The shape was almost exactly the same as the split brain he had seen several times! It's just that the style is very weird, with a strong ancient style, and with a magical style that they have never seen before. It doesn't look like a product of the earth.

On both sides of the face, there are five crystals as big as human heads, and the crystals are covered with cracks. Countless sophisticated machines surround the face in the center, which is almost the same as the artificial intelligence in the movie.

"Alchemical creature?" Lawrence looked at the thing above his head in astonishment. He could even feel a trace of life left in it.

How fierce was the battle here? Such a powerful alchemical creature fell?

"This is it!" Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and could hardly believe what he saw!

In the whole audience, he was probably the only one who knew what this was.

Heavenly Dao!

Heavenly Dao Brain!

"No... not very similar... but it doesn't feel like it." He pursed his lips and stared at the huge human face. It was too similar, almost exactly the same as Heavenly Dao, but the completely different style almost clearly separated the two.

And... he could feel that although the workmanship of this thing was not as fine as Heavenly Dao Brain, his intuition told him that it was much more high-end.

What on earth is this?

Why did something similar to Heavenly Dao appear in the Tower of Babel?

Are they related?

If so... then... who passed it down? Obviously, the timeline of the Tower of Babel is earlier. Could it be that someone brought the technology of Heavenly Dao out of the Tower of Babel?

"Buzz...Buzz..." Buzzing, crystals next to the face lit up. As they flashed, five different symbols appeared in the crystals.

Some were a ball of fire, and some were leaves. Even when the surface of the spirit stone was full of cracks, it was still extremely clear.

"This is..." Scoris's eyes suddenly burned: "Top-grade spirit stone!"

"Top-grade spirit stone that is recorded in the world!"

Using top-grade spirit stones as a drive, the richness of ancient products can be seen.

"Sha..." The eyes of the mechanical face opened, indifferent and calm, with circles of circles inside, full of mysterious talismans. Everyone felt an indescribable wave passing through their bodies. Then an emotionless mechanical voice sounded: "All are earth monks, the test is completed."

"The list of merits begins."

A milky white light suddenly appeared above everyone's head, and rushed into the water surface in the animal pelvis with a whoosh.

"Swish..." A burst of light shone brightly, and then the originally wide water surface suddenly exploded! The water in the pelvis splashed into the air, pulling open a hundred-meter-wide water curtain.

"Heaven, earth, and man, three lists are opened."

"There are a total of 46 this time. Eight Jindan realm forwards, 38 foundation-building logistics. Yuanying realm, none."

"Please ask which merit list needs to be opened."

Everyone was stunned, and the Grand Duke was no exception.

What is this opening?

"Infinite flow?" Zhao Ziqi said in astonishment behind Xu Yangyi: "Main God Space?"

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, and then found that it was really similar.

All the monks looked at each other, and the grand dukes looked for useful information from each other's eyes, and finally found that everyone was confused.

"Excuse me, which merit list do you need to unfold?" The huge face asked again, and Xu Yangyi said lightly: "Heaven."

"Swish!" As soon as he finished speaking, countless golden words appeared on the water. Everyone put aside their doubts and looked over immediately.

As soon as he took a look, Lawrence screamed and knelt on the ground, drawing a cross devoutly.

"God stick, you acted well." Scoris sneered and looked over, but at a glance, he took a breath and stepped back several steps.

"Zi..." "This...isn't it true?" "Unbelievable, I can understand the feelings of the Holy Whip." "How is this possible..."

Even the grand dukes didn't dare to believe their eyes.

The first row.

The first row.

The Golden Ark!

There are many holy objects in Catholicism, but the most valuable ones that have never been found are three.

It is said that the Lord gave the prophet Moses a set of laws and a set of oracles. The laws were kept by Moses, and the oracles were placed in a wooden box inlaid with gold. This box is called the Golden Ark of the Covenant, which is the most sacred holy object of Catholicism! Not to mention Lawrence, even if the Pope himself is here, he must kneel down!

The following line of small characters: 900 million heavenly merits.

"This..." Angel and Zhao Ziqi were completely stunned: "How is this possible..."

If there is, this is a real miracle!

Who is Jehovah and whether he exists, as long as we get this Ark of the Covenant, we can answer it.

Once Catholics know the whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant, whether it is the Pope, cardinals, cardinals, or the most devout believers at the bottom, they will go crazy.

Just after they finished saying this, as if hearing their doubts, countless golden lights gathered in front of everyone, and a golden cabinet about one foot square, very ordinary, with two angel wings facing each other on the top of the head, without any patterns, appeared on the animal bones.

The reason why it is said vaguely is that golden holy light enveloped the entire cabinet, and the sacred majesty was beyond description, and no one could see the true appearance at all.

"Boom!!" With its appearance, the whole space suddenly shook. Then, all things grew around everyone, the breeze blew, and even a little raindrop fell on everyone's face.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi wiped his face and looked at the projection in shock: "Creation..."

"Creation out of thin air... God's function..." Angel felt the rain on her body and muttered to herself in a trance: "How is this possible..."

If you can exchange this thing... you can open up a new world!

"Lord... Lord Jesus Christ, when you were alive, you told those who followed you to love one another. When you were hanging on the cross, you cleansed and sanctified those who followed you with the blood and water that flowed from your side..." All the Vatican monks prayed devoutly with tears in their eyes.

Creation, this is a realm that humans cannot reach at all. Once you reach this realm, you are the legendary true God!

However, now a creation of more than ten meters in radius is slowly unfolding in front of them.

Wind, air, water, plants... Lawrence's excited voice was hoarse. As they prayed, the holy light finally became weaker and weaker, and finally turned into nothingness in their tearful eyes.

"It's just a projection." Everyone's eyes were still staring at the sky, unwilling to retract for a long time. Antonio said with great emotion: "The Holy Whip doesn't need to be too excited."

Lawrence was silent for a long time before he stood up and sighed: "This Archduke knows... But if I can know this in my lifetime, I can die with a smile... Wait... Everyone... Look around you..."


Well, today a friend told me that there are quite a lot of messages on the Zongheng APP... However...

The messages on the APP cannot be seen on the computer~~SO, I'm sorry~

Finally, I kneeled on the glass shards in the ice and snow and rotated 360 degrees to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets!

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