
Chapter 626: Merit List (II)

Everyone was looking at the sky just now, and then they lowered their heads and took a look.

"MY...GOD..." Antonio shrank his eyes and looked around in disbelief. Given his state of mind, he doubted everything in front of him.

The ground was actually covered with green grass and flowers.

A true creation!

Just a projection!

"Oh my god..." Angel covered her mouth slightly and shook her head in shock: "It's just a projection... Is this, is this really the legendary Ark of the Covenant?"

"According to the rules, if you ask about the four realms, you can browse the Tianban for half an hour." The voice with a mechanical face sounded: "The redemption time is eight hours, and you have to... finish..."

At this moment, its voice became slightly blurred. At the same time, there was a gentle cracking sound all around. Several cracks suddenly appeared on the five top-quality spiritual stones, and even the rotating circles in the eyes of the human face paused for a moment.

"Everyone." Sky Roar said solemnly: "It seems that this alchemy creature can't support it for long. The spiritual stone is broken and cannot provide the huge spiritual power for its operation."

"What should we do?" Lawrence's eyes were red. The golden ark was so close, but he was powerless and would never allow it!

Xu Yangyi pondered and said, "It's not difficult. What this thing lacks is a top-quality spiritual stone. There are five top-quality spiritual stones here, representing the five elements. If there is a chance, I can gather five top-quality spiritual stones. I think it can still be opened."

"That's right." Antonio also said: "I have no reason not to believe that this is the biggest treasure of the Tower of Babel. There is no need to rush now. Although the best spiritual stones are difficult to get, five pieces, with so many families, is not difficult. "

Xu Yangyi nodded: "However, this is not the point. Everyone, have you seen the heavenly skill behind it?"

Like a basin of cold water, it poured down from everyone's head.

"Look here." Xu Yangyi pointed to a line of inconspicuous small characters next to it and said: "One hundred personal-level merits are combined into one prefecture-level merit, and one hundred prefecture-level merits are combined into one heaven-level merit."

"If I remember correctly, killing an opponent in the Xudan realm will cost you ten points of human-level merit." At this point, he suddenly smiled at Lawrence: "Mr. Holy Whip, your 900 million merit points... haha."

Lawrence's face instantly turned pale.

"Now, use as much as you can. I suggest not to give it an order for the time being. We are likely to be on the prefecture-level merit list. In ten minutes, we will browse the items on the sky list, and ten minutes later, we will issue the next order."

Although they were quite unhappy to have the right to speak in the early stage, everyone has remained silent now. This time is not the time to argue about such trivial details. Facing the largest treasure trove in the Tower of Babel, no one has time to care about anything else. If you can give them 900 million meritorious deeds, you can even let Xu Yangyi be the master.

Everyone looked at it eagerly.

Hot eyes intertwined on the huge water curtain, and everyone's eyes were as red as real. Because, if the above things could be summed up in one sentence, it would be...

Mythical creation!

Every item has been used by the legendary gods!

And... these things are divided into sections.

The 100-meter water curtain is divided into several major sections: China, Greece, Northern Europe, Egypt, and miscellaneous. Everyone found a section they were interested in and read it intently.

Of course Xu Yangyi was looking at the Chinese plate. The first thing made him speechless.

"The first killing formation of Heavenly Dao since the founding of Hongmeng, the Immortal Killing Sword Formation. One billion meritorious deeds."

"The Immortal Killing Sword, the Immortal Killing Sword, the Immortal Trapping Sword, and the Immortal Absolute Sword. They are combined with the Immortal Killing Formation. Once the formation is launched, gods and ghosts cannot escape. Exchange them separately, one sword has 100 million merits, and the Immortal Killing Formation has 600 million merits."

"Isn't this the real Immortal Killing Sword Formation?" Zhao Ziqi shook his head, completely unable to believe what he saw in front of him.

"Childish." Angel smiled bitterly and said: "The Golden Covenant Ark has appeared. The specifications of the Zhuxian Sword Formation are similar to the Golden Covenant Ark. Why can't it be real? Don't try to test whether it is true or false. This alchemy creature may not be able to bear it. This kind of attempt.”

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, suppressed the hot throbbing in his heart, and continued reading.

The second piece is the Sky-Mending Stone.

He knew that this was definitely not the same thing as the Sky-Mending Stone he had obtained.

This... is probably the real Sky-Mending Stone!

Six hundred million heavenly power!

The jade purification bottle, the Buddha's headlamp, the ninety-nine lotus pedestal, the chapter of the Celestial Master's Talisman... One after another treasures that had only been heard in myths appeared in front of them. The more they looked at them, the deeper Xu Yangyi's brows furrowed.

"The jade pure bottle has a mouth covered with willow leaves. Once opened, it can contain hundreds of thousands of small worlds. Eight hundred million heavenly powers."

"The Celestial Master's Sword, one sword radiates light to the fourteen states. It can destroy everything, whether it has quality or not. Six hundred million Heavenly Powers." Zhao Ziqi almost suppressed his excitement and exclaimed in a low voice: "This, this is incredible! Brother, what do you"

"What’s wrong with you?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head, and as he looked down, a doubt finally arose.

If we talk about things like the Heavenly Master Sword and the Zhuxian Sword Formation, they can still exist. So... what about the jade purification bottle and the Buddha's headlamp?

The lamp in front of the Buddha is worth 900 million heavenly merits. Jade Purification Vase, eight hundred million heavenly power. These things have gone far beyond the category of "monk" and have reached the realm of gods!

There is a doubt here.

Doubts that only he knows about.

"It's okay," he said. Continue reading.

One line after another, after six lines, his eyes flickered slightly.

"There are mythical creations, historical emperors, and even things of great saints. There is no doubt about these things being put together. But when they are placed in the Tower of Babel, there is a big problem!"

He gently rubbed his chin and immersed himself in it: "The Jade Bottle... the Buddha's Lamp, let alone other things, these two things have reached the level of gods. Xiaoqing once said that even Xu Kunlun has no hope of becoming a fairy. Even if gods are similar to fairies, if there are these things... could the Zhenwu Realm really have broken in back then?"

"This... has gone beyond the scope of the universe!"

"No... there must be a deeper inside story in the battle back then! Either all the things on it are fake, or... the earth is much stronger than I thought! Back then... maybe it wasn't the Zhenwu Realm invading the earth, what if... it was the earth invading other universes? What if the Zhenwu Realm and they joined forces to resist?"

One by one, tiny threads rolled into a huge mystery here. He looked down, and suddenly, he stopped.

Red item!

He was stunned, and immediately looked up and down.

There was only this one red item on the entire Heavenly Ranking!

Even though the Ark of the Covenant was all gold, he looked at other sections calmly. Only Greece and India also had a red item.

And the red item in China was called... a ray of the original spirit of the founding spirit.

When he saw this thing, even though Xu Yangyi was so calm, he couldn't help but gasp. Zhao Ziqi opened his mouth wide and couldn't say a word. Angel's eyes were wide open, completely confused.

What is the founding spirit?

Hongjun was the first immortal, and his disciple Pangu opened the sky. Hongjun came first, then the sky, and Lu Ya Daojun came before.

Before Pangu, China had four supreme gods. Hongjun, Nuwa, Lu Ya Daojun, and Hun Kun Zushi. These four people can be called the supreme bosses of the Chinese god system.

However, before these four supreme bosses, there was another person.

Or it was not a person, but a thing, that is, this thing, which created these four supreme gods.

Its name is "Original Spirit."

There is no record, no legend, it is the original "nothing." Complete chaos, nothingness. There are only some speculations in history.

And here, something related to the Founding Spirit actually appeared!

Exchange price... 2 billion Tiangong!

The highest holy object of the Catholic Church, the complete Golden Ark of the Covenant, is only 1 billion Tiangong. A wisp of the original breath of the Founding Spirit is as high as 2 billion!

That's it...

He looked at the line of words with burning eyes.

This is the real creation. The perfect creator god!

If this breath is real, then it proves that the Founding Spirit does exist. With such a thing, can it tolerate other worlds invading its head?

If it is fake, then...why do you create this huge merit list? Just to inspire the monks?

His hand touched it unconsciously, but at the moment he touched it, his pupils trembled suddenly.


Something moved in his ring.

It was the thing that was taken from the demons of Asmodeus, that round carved stone under the pool where Elder Yin Jiu died.

"Brother!" "Sir."

At this moment, two spiritual consciousnesses sounded almost at the same time.

One of them was Zhao Ziqi, and the other was Andre.

He ignored Andre and looked at Zhao Ziqi, who rubbed his eyes and looked at the water curtain in disbelief.

"Did you see it just now?"


Zhao Ziqi said hesitantly: "Just when your hand touched the water curtain just now, I, I seemed to see that there was an extra line of words on it..."

"Where!" Xu Yangyi asked immediately.

"It's here." Zhao Ziqi pointed to a place and said doubtfully: "It's gone now... I saw it very clearly just now. What it says is: A story?"

"It's worth only one merit."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed and he touched it again.

Silently, a line of dark golden small words appeared with his fingertips, which could not be seen clearly without paying attention.

"A story." Xu Yangyi's eyes were like torches. At the same time, he felt the carved stone in the storage ring jumping violently again.

"Sure enough... a merit, and it is not limited to any merit of heaven, earth or people. But... it actually appeared on the Heavenly Ranking?"

"Exchange." He said in his heart without hesitation.

A slight fluctuation came from his spiritual consciousness. Then, a voice of extreme fear sounded in his mind.

"Save me..."

"Save me..."

"No matter which plane you belong to... No matter which era you are in... No matter which time and space you are in... Save me..."

"I will not die... nor will I age... Taichu... I saw Taichu! It is in the world of no return called the Earth! Save me... You must, you must pass this message back... Taichu... must not be released!"

"I'm here... You can see it, which means you have the key to the 'Star Destroyer - Illusion', and you are on the Illusion... I'm in the main control room... Save me... It's coming, I see it!"

"Zhenwu Realm... Southern Wei Dynasty, Prime Minister Shangguan Hong... No Return Realm 436 AD left..."

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