
Chapter 628: Gate of All Worlds (I)

Xu Yangyi had no idea what they were thinking. In fact, he didn't care at all if he knew. He did not intend to let go of any gains from the Tower of Babel. What's better than grabbing it directly?

After the Tower of Babel, he will immediately return to China. Do you have the ability to chase me to China?

The National Defense Formation will kill you in seconds.

This is the confidence of a great nation in cultivation.

"There are all good things in here, please clean them up." An Qier reminded her and took Xu Yangyi's hand, acting like Mrs. Jindan. Before she finished speaking, she heard the other party's merciless voice: " go back."

Angel almost thought she heard wrong.

"You." She pointed at Xu Yangyi, then pointed at herself: "Want me to go back?"

"I followed you here, and you just told me to go back?"

"Are you going to die?"

Xu Yangyi frowned, why is this woman so incomprehensible? For her own good, you don’t understand, right?

"You don't have to follow me."

"So, you dismissed me with just one sentence?" Angel also became angry. She really treated herself like a plaster, right? Stick it when you want it and throw it away when you don’t want it. Am I being a bitch? Why are you so angry?

"The surname is Xu. I followed you out of Asmodeus's room, but you were gone. I was anxious, and I searched for you all over the place. Will you give me a word now?"

All the marquis' ears twitched.

The Grand Duke’s gossip? This can be done.

"Listen to what you are listening to!!" Angel's thunderous anger immediately found a place to vent his anger, and pointed at the whole audience: "Whoever dares to listen, I will cut off your ears when you get back!"

All the marquis immediately closed their five senses.

She turned her head, her pure white face turned a little crimson from a touch of anger, gritted her teeth, and looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "Let me ask you, I took such a big risk to follow you here, are you really going to do it?" Haven't you ever been interested in me?"


After a few seconds, Xu Yangyi said calmly: "No."

"I originally thought that the magic weapon you brought with you should be of some use. But it's a pity."

"Pah!" Before he could finish his words, Angel slapped him in the face. Crystal tears welled up in his green eyes, and his plump chest rose and fell visibly. There were traces of blood on his lips.

Zhao Ziqi wanted to persuade him, but found that he was immobilized by Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy, unable to walk or open his mouth at all.

"That's so false." Tears fell silently. Angel pursed her lips and looked at the man who turned his head. There was an unspeakable helplessness in his voice: "However, you succeeded in making me hate you. I My surname is Yue, and my surname is not Jian.”


"I guess I saw the wrong person."

As soon as she finished speaking, a spiritual energy surged under her feet, turned into a spiritual energy flower, and floated away with her.

In the air, something flew by.

Those were the fragile tears that the other party didn't want him to see.

"A wise choice." Andre's voice rang in his spiritual consciousness: "This woman is not strong enough and will only hold us back. With all due respect, the place we are going to is probably the real core of the Tower of Babel. No further crisis is too much. She will only become a victim."

Xu Yangyi said nothing and watched An Qier's figure getting further and further away.

My heart... why is it a little sour? I feel like I've never felt before...

"To continue to explore, in addition to superior strength, it is also extraordinary wisdom. Our cooperation is the strongest. Since the weapon spirit dare not show up, it will definitely not surpass the Grand Duke. The things it controls will never be able to. We’re relatively safe, and with her, I’m not optimistic.”

Angel's figure truly disappeared.

So far away that I can no longer see it.

Xu Yangyi turned around and smiled at Andre.

It's like a wolf showing its fangs.

Next, "Boom!" There was a loud noise, and a giant hand with green spiritual energy suddenly pressed him to the ground.

"Carrara!" His wheelchair was shattered into pieces, and even his glasses were turned into powder. There were obvious sounds of breaking in several places throughout the body's bones.

"Remember, my woman, I can take care of it. But it's not your turn yet." His murderous voice came to mind in Andre's mind.

Andre patted the dust on his body and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, but he didn't show any pain. He adjusted his broken gold-rimmed glasses and said in his spiritual consciousness without a trace of expression: "Perhaps I forgot to tell Your Majesty that in addition to apathy, I also suffer from a 'heterosexual vegetative' disease. In other words, I'm a living vegetative person. I don't feel anything. I'm not sure whether the slap you just made will cause fatal damage to me."

"Bang!!" Before he could finish his words, he was sent flying to the wall, his back was full of cracks, and a spider web cracked.

"Don't worry." Xu Yangyi finally spoke this time, when all the marquises were frightened and knelt on the ground. He said coldly: "I know a lot about you."

"Now, do you regret it?"

"I admire your decisiveness and killing intent." Andre gasped, took out a bottle and poured it into his mouth: "I am more satisfied now."

Seeing his face getting more and more rosy, Xu Yangyi sneered, pulled Zhao Ziqi, turned into a blue aura, and disappeared from the field.

The room was extremely quiet, except for Andre's gentle breathing.

"Haha...Andre, you are just as reckless as before." Finally, a vampire from the Tagul family laughed and said, "Now, is it comfortable to be slapped by the Grand Duke? Are you a masochist?"

Andre snapped his fingers, levitated, and reassembled the wheelchair. He sat on it, and then looked at the vampire like a scumbag: "It's a pity, I have always lived well."

"He can attack me because he is the Grand Duke and he has the qualifications. And who do you think you are?"


"If I wanted to, I would have a hundred ways to eliminate your corpse. Do you want to try it?" Andre took out a white handkerchief and wiped his glasses, which were as clean as new. With one sentence, the other person will shut up immediately.

Andre smiled: "Very good, at least I still have the self-knowledge to survive."

"Well, everyone, see you later."

After saying this, a spiritual light rose under his feet and floated away.

Xu Yangyi and Zhao Ziqi kept traveling back and forth inside the body of Xuhuanhao. There seems to be no purpose.

"Brother..." Zhao Ziqi said weakly: "You...shouldn't treat my sister-in-law like this..."

Xu Yangyi was originally full of unknown will-o'-the-wisps, but after hearing these words, his anger subsided a little.

"Who is the sister-in-law? Children, don't talk nonsense." He gave the other party a hard blow, and then sighed: "This is for her own good."

"I understand, but... I think you should tell her clearly. Don't drive her away just because of her good reputation. I can see that my sister-in-law is really treating you well. You said you are so You are boring, you don’t know how to joke, and you don’t know how to make girls happy. If your sister-in-law really likes you, you should be grateful.”

"...Zi Qi, don't go online anymore."

"I'm telling the truth!" Zhao Ziqi said proudly: "It's said in the books: It's the disease of attacking others in the face. You have to accept opinions. To be honest, you can't do this kind of thing just because of your reputation. "You think," I don't ask for the other person's opinion. I feel like my sister-in-law has been mentally shocked!"

Xu Yangyi glanced at him: "Warcraft was a game decades ago."

"Ahem... I just said that casually... Anyway, I think you did something wrong just now..."

"Okay!" Xu Yangyi frowned: "Let's not bring up the topic just now. I am doing it for her own good, and she will understand."

Zhao Ziqi pouted: "Boring chauvinism."

This won't work.

Don't put roof tiles on your house for three days.

This kid, I doted on him so much that now he actually has the attribute of tsundere.

They didn't see that somewhere, a pure white wolf that was fifty meters long, with an ugly scar on its face, suppressed all its aura, and stared at this place like a demon in the darkness. Cyan light.

"Sand..." The blood-red tongue licked Bai Sensen's teeth. It was very patient and kept a distance of tens of thousands of meters from Xu Yangyi without using a trace of spiritual consciousness. It only relied on its own eyes to lock onto the other party's location.

"Child..." It said quietly step by step, "Don't worry..."

"I'll have him down with you soon."

Not long after, Xu Yangyi flew out of the head with Zhao Ziqi, landed on half of the body, and went straight to the center.

But, just when he landed, suddenly, a slight sound rushed into his eardrums.


He suddenly stopped.

"Brother?" Zhao Ziqi asked in confusion.

"Did you hear anything?" Xu Yangyi looked around solemnly: "For example... a ringtone?"

Just now, the bell that I heard when I entered the tower appeared again.

He tentatively took steps, and in an instant, a pleasant ringing sound appeared again.

Surrounded by debris, the behemoth in the void was huge. Everywhere you looked, it was broken into pieces. The ground is littered with weapons, scorched black by flames, cracked by ice, and can be seen everywhere in this overturned giant wheel-like floating puppet. The few withered bones that have not turned into ashes after two thousand years tell the story of the tragic past here.

There was not a single figure, only shadows floating like ghosts, accompanied by a long and vague ringing sound.


"Brother, what's wrong?"

"Do you still remember the threads that pulled the entire circular Rubik's Cube under the light of the Devil's Eye?" Xu Yangyi shook his head, squatted down, and searched for the spiritual energy inch by inch.

"You can't see it, you can't touch it, but you can be triggered. Have you ever seen a spider?"

Zhao Ziqi was stunned for a moment, then understood immediately: "You mean... you suspect that someone used these lines to determine our location?"

Xu Yangyi's lips curled up slightly, yes... someone should have done this. And who this person is is simply self-evident!

Instrument spirit.

Except for the broken weapon spirit, it is incomplete and cannot cover the entire Tower of Babel with spiritual consciousness. It can only be used in this way. Who else could it be?

Zhao Ziqi pondered for a few seconds, then suddenly said: "Maybe I can do it."

"You?" Xu Yangyi obviously didn't believe it.

"Of course! Of course!" Invisible provocation is the most deadly. Zhao Ziqi jumped up immediately and said with a blushing face: "Don't forget, there is one thing that is most suitable for things in the world that cannot be felt or touched, but that do exist!"

"Ghost cultivator!"

"As long as it belongs to the Netherworld, I will definitely be able to see it!"

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