
Chapter 629: Gate of All Worlds (Part 2)

After saying that, he coughed awkwardly: "I'm just guessing..."

Xu Yangyi smiled and flicked his brain: "Try?"

"Okay!" He also wanted to help, but he didn't play any role so far, which made him feel very sorry.

"The fish lantern leads the soul to the underworld, and the crystal light shines into the dark door every night."

"Sha..." An indescribable atmosphere surged from Zhao Ziqi, like spiritual energy but not spiritual energy, forming a pale color of death, shrouding him. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were already pale.

However, when he took a look, he was stunned: "This is..."


Zhao Ziqi did not answer, but suddenly bit his finger and wiped it on his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out, and he fell to the ground with a scream.

Xu Yangyi was shocked and took out the pill without hesitation. After a long time, Zhao Ziqi woke up spitting blood.

"What's the matter?" Xu Yangyi asked with concern.

Zhao Ziqi panted, his face full of fear, and trembled: "This place... is so scary..."

"There is a problem here... a big problem... It's so scary... Who set up this formation?"

"What happened?"

Zhao Ziqi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and without saying a word, he grabbed Xu Yangyi's hand and wiped the blood on his hand. Suddenly, Xu Yangyi's eyes blurred, and all the colors turned black and white.

However, just when he looked up, all the black and white worlds in front of him, in the huge Illusion, finally appeared different!

"Is it really possible?" He looked at everything in front of him in astonishment, the dark outline of the Illusion, and the two halves of the huge body that were cut off, with endless lines irregularly linked together!

It was the hanging bell that they had once glimpsed!

There were countless... These lines that turned white in the eyes pulled out a huge hexagram in the center, and the left and right ends of the lines were all connected to the broken bodies on both sides.

It was as if... these lines were stitching this huge puppet!

In the center, all the threads converged into a hexagram, and the border was slightly empty. It was not a hexagram, but... a void crack of several thousand meters!

Endless fragments and corpses floated around, sinking and floating with the edge of the crack. A stream of pitch-black spiritual energy emanated from it, forming a huge mouth of hell. And in this mouth of hell. There was actually something sitting upright!

"This is..." Xu Yangyi almost didn't believe his eyes, and took a deep breath: "Wukong?!"

He pulled Zhao Ziqi's hand away, and looked around, there was nothing.

He held the other party's hand again, and the strange image appeared in front of him again!

Golden Buddha bone.

In the bottomless black hexagram crack, Wukong Fashen sat on the twelve-grade lotus platform, all golden. It was two hundred meters high, with a hundred hands behind him, three heads on his shoulders, one pointing to the sky, and one pointing to the ground.

Behind the other party, countless white spiritual lines all sank into the black hole. On both sides are the huge wreckage of the Void, and the golden Buddha in the center. All of this, in the quiet void, seems to be the Dharma Wheel Buddha light sprayed out by the silk thread. It actually sets off a different kind of magnificence.

This... is the body of Wukong that disappeared in St. John's Cathedral in New York, but it has been magnified hundreds of times.

"This is... Mandala..." Zhao Ziqi looked extremely solemn: "And... it is a reversed mandala... the person who set up this mandala... is quite powerful!"


Zhao Ziqi said word by word: "Mandala is a term used in Tibetan Buddhism. It is also called Manda, Manza, Manda. It refers to the gathering place of all saints and all merits. Simply put, this is an altar that gathers all powerful and holy forces."

"But it depends on how it is built. Ordinary mandalas will use dozens of Buddhist holy objects. But... this mandala has attracted countless dead air. It is not gathering, but sealing. Seal the most evil and evil things!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered, and he looked up at the thousand-meter magic array that only they could see.

Using the corpses of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of cultivators on the False Number as a guide. This invisible array was set up to seal something... Is this really the work of the weapon spirit?

Such a huge momentum, this ability to isolate the spiritual consciousness and five senses of the Jindan cultivators, can the weapon spirit do it?

If it wasn't him, then who was it?

At this moment, thousands of rays of light suddenly burst out from his storage ring. In the light, the round stone shot up into the sky.

"Swoosh!" The stone turned into a meteor, and they didn't have a chance to react at all, and rushed into the eyebrows of Wukong's corpse.

"What is he doing?" In the distance, the white wolf squinted his eyes and watched all this. Just now, Xu Yangyi made many strange movements.

"What did he find?"

He suppressed his spiritual energy and didn't move lightly.

In the void, there was silence.

"Kakakaka..." After ten minutes, the eyes on Wukong's corpse actually lifted slightly, revealing the golden eyeballs inside.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." Just as it opened its eyes, cracks began to appear in Zhao Ziqi's world, almost on the verge of breaking.

"Alive alive alive alive!!!" Zhao Ziqi was so scared that he almost screamed out. The huge corpse of more than 200 meters, after thousands of years, was not dead?

"Don't be afraid." Xu Yangyi grabbed him and said, "This thing has no vitality, it's not alive!"

"Then, then, then, what is that!"

Xu Yangyi pondered for two seconds: "Puppet."


"Look, look at what door?"

"If your guess is correct, it should be the sealed door." Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly. "Interesting... What the Jie faction wants to get is probably this round stone. And it actually opened the door built with Wukong's corpse. . The Jie faction wants to take away the sealed thing? I want to see what it is worth risking being killed by the Quetzalcoatl!"

They didn't know that at this moment, in a space full of stars, a pair of eyes suddenly opened.

"This is..." The voice was extremely old, but it carried an unspeakable majesty, which was the trace of time.

In his hand, every finger is pulling endless white spiritual threads. At this moment, in the infinite white, a golden spiritual thread is beating suddenly.

"Is the Gate of All Realms opened?" His eyes shot out two blue rays of light and fell directly below.

Here, it seems like space, with countless stars, and transparent talismans engraved under your feet. And these two gazes seemed to penetrate everything, looking down layer by layer.

"The lampkeeper has arrived? Has he come to light the lighthouse? Has No Return Realm decided to participate in this war of all realms? Only the son of destiny cannot open the gate of all realms. This is the iron rule of the seven major realms."

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes disappeared suddenly, and a golden thunderbolt rumbled down from the room and penetrated the sky!

After the false call, two emotionless spiritual energy fell on Xu Yangyi, and then, a majestic voice sounded in the entire void.

"Did you wake me up?"

As the voice spoke, Zhao Ziqi's meager world exploded! He spat out a mouthful of blood. And all the Grand Dukes within a radius of hundreds of thousands of meters raised their heads.

"This is this?" Lawrence's sleeves fluttered and he rushed out of the wreckage. He looked at the sky in confusion: "Someone triggered something?"

However, there was nothing in their eyes.

Xu Yangyi did not answer. But then, the huge corpse turned around and said with a thunderous voice: "Confirm the lampkeeper, a descendant of the Xu family."

Before Xu Yangyi could reply, two rays of golden light suddenly shot over and enveloped him.

"You want to enter the Lighthouse of All Realms?"

Xu Yangyi's heart suddenly accelerated.

Lighthouse of All Realms...Lightkeeper...

After entering the Tower of Babel for more than a month, he finally heard the news about himself!

Just...behind this monster?

Two beams of golden light, like two searchlights, illuminated Xu Yangyi in the middle of the void as if he were the protagonist. All the princes were stunned. In their eyes, two huge beams of light suddenly appeared in the void, shrouding Xu Yangyi.

"Is it you?" Scoris sneered at the corner of his mouth, flashed his body, and rushed over with the screams of the undead in the sky.

In the far distance, the Scarlet Duke narrowed his eyes, and then with a swipe sound, he turned into blood-red bats that filled the sky, swooping over like wind and lingering clouds.

On the other side, there was a roar, and the Roar of the Sky spread its wings on its back, grew two horns on its head, and sprouted countless talismans all over its body. It shot out with lightning at a speed that was simply unimaginable.

Every archduke is approaching crazily at this moment. No one will let go of the sudden vision!

Xu Yangyi's eyes faintly scanned the seven figures approaching quickly. The Grand Duke was extremely fast, but the distance of several hundred thousand meters was enough for them to run for more than an hour.

He hasn't spoken yet. In the void, a second voice came: "However, I saw only the descendant, but no token. I should have refused to enter. I thought you were the descendant of the lampkeeper and came in person, so I can give you a chance."

"Take a move from this sage."

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth: "If you are below the Golden Core realm, I will take your blow!"

My own life experience...

My own secret...

The mysterious death of his parents, the unseen murderer, the God-Sealing Knot, Xiaoqing's clueless words... Once he gets the chance, he will never let it go!

If you don't even know what you are in this world, your life in this world will be in vain.

"Natural." The voice of the corpse was as indifferent as usual: "This place is called the Pavilion of Rebirth. It is the last stop outside the Tower of Gods. Mortals stop. The mediocre stop. The undestined stop. After the Pavilion of Rebirth, it is called the Hanging Lamp of the Ten Thousand Realms. It is mysterious. Absolutely. No one can enter unless he is destined."

"If you can't take one of my moves, you can leave on your own. Entering the Ten Thousand Realms Hanging Lantern is just asking for death."

"Okay!" Xu Yangyi answered immediately without any hesitation.

The corpse looked at him coldly: "After one stick of incense, the trial begins."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, sat cross-legged, took out the elixir and swallowed it. Gather your spiritual power to its peak state.

At the same time, all the princes rushed over.

Ten minutes...twenty minutes...half an hour...forty minutes later, a voice like a yellow bell rose in the air. However, this time only Xu Yangyi could hear: "Time's up."

"The hanging lantern of all realms, the trial begins."

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