
Chapter 630: Gate of All Worlds (Part 3)

As it finished speaking, seven figures had arrived a thousand meters away from Xu Yangyi!


Before he finished speaking, he waved his left hand, and a huge wave of undead souls rose up and crashed towards him with a scream.

"Hahaha, Mr. Sprayed towards Xu Yangyi.

"Nine-ring magic...Phoenix feathers." On the other side, the tattered cloak of the Archduke of the Black Witch family fluttered, opened like an eagle, and endless firebirds flew out from inside!

good chance!

The eyes of Savidian VI who rushed towards him flashed extremely. This kid... is so lucky, but who here will allow others to monopolize it? Especially monopolizing possible rare treasures?

He felt that the supernatural powers of other archdukes were obstacles. However, with so many obstacles to magical powers, couldn't a sharp knife be hidden?

"Killing Technique..." Its whole body swelled up, and when the other archdukes shouted to stop it, it remained silent, and a white stream of light merged into the overwhelming magical power in an instant.

"Zero...Abel's last farewell!"

The scarlet tongue licked the sharp teeth. After using this move, his spirit was obviously weakened. This is his most powerful killing move. He came and went without a trace. When he became famous, countless marquis died at the hands of this move.

"Go and die in peace...bastard..." His eyes were filled with bloodthirsty color: "You can die under this move of mine, you are worthy of showing off in hell...Child, I will send that bastard over right away. Accompany you."

In an instant, Xu Yangyi was surrounded by a sea of ​​supernatural powers. Ice and flames take off, and the dead souls share the color of dragon breath!

"Boom!!!" Just when all the magical powers hit Xu Yangyi, they all exploded!

Savidian VI's pupils suddenly became sharp. He had even guessed the ugly death look of this damn trash.

That must be an expression of death and death...

The magical light gradually dissipated.

Savidian VI stared fixedly at the place where the light dissipated. However, a second later, its huge body took a step back and looked at the place where the light dissipated in horror.

"This, how is this possible!!!"

He almost roared, of course the joy in his heart was gone, only coldness and disbelief!


That bastard is okay!

The interceptions of several grand dukes were mixed with his killing move... The other party actually blocked it completely?

"No...that's not right!" His pupils sharpened, and around Xu Yangyi, a golden halo flashed with countless Sanskrit words, protecting Xu Yangyi within it. All magical powers hit this halo of light and all disappeared.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Every grand duke stopped, and no one looked good-looking.

The opponent obviously had something to gain here, probably quite a lot. They spent dozens of minutes flying over to rush over, but they couldn't even break the opponent's shell!


Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, sat cross-legged in the void and looked over slowly: "What's the grudge between us?"

"Your impoliteness is due to past grudges." Scoris's eyes were cold, his hands roared like black holes, and endless white undead ghosts emerged from the wreckage of the Void on both sides, and flew over leisurely: "Here, I just It's the master! Do you know that if you anger a necromancer, you are not even qualified to be my zombie?"

"I tell you how you will die. My soul will be tortured by me in the soul box...I will scrape off your flesh piece by piece...and let you die in endless pain. Now, be obedient, new Grand Duke, be good Remove your defenses and I can spare your life... This Grand Duke..." His eyes turned cold: "It's not like I haven't killed the Grand Duke before!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes seemed dull, and he looked at the endless undead souls around him: "These are the ancestors of the earth."

"So what?" Scoris laughed loudly: "The past is already dust. Only under the hands of this Grand Duke can you be reborn! It is their luck that the old and young of the old era can be used by me! Hahaha!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he looked at everyone with a smile: "I advise you to leave."


"Are you threatening me?" Anatailon sneered: "I'll give you face, call you Grand Duke, but if I don't give you face, who are you? You haven't crossed the most critical hurdle, and you really think you are Grand Duke?"

Xu Yangyi raised his thick eyebrows and looked at the others: "You too?"

"There is an old Chinese saying that treasures can only be obtained by those who can. I think you should have heard of it." The Scarlet Duke sneered: "Tell me what you found. Maybe we can not embarrass you."

"You think I'm incompetent?"

As if he had heard some big joke, the Scarlet Duke looked up to the sky and laughed. Then he suddenly lowered his head and looked at Xu Yangyi with blood-red pupils: "The new Grand Duke! It's still the early days! X, I can tolerate you enough! I can give you enough face!"

"Do you really think it's just you? You, a little fish who has not yet fully ascended to the throne of the Grand Duke, can keep this secret?!"

"Don't be shameless. The fighting power of a Grand Duke is not equal to that of a Grand Duke. Tell us what you have discovered, otherwise..." His voice turned cold: "Don't blame us for losing a quasi-Grand Duke on Earth!"

"X, you should think it over carefully." Savidian VI also sneered: "You eat what you want. If you are a beggar, don't even think about eating Christmas turkey."

"So that's how it is..." Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded: "Then, don't leave."

At this moment!

A golden light shone between heaven and earth.

A huge pool of light, more than a thousand meters long, appeared out of thin air in the void. It was like a golden lotus blooming. Then, right in front of everyone, less than ten meters away, a pure golden Buddha in the pool of light slowly raised its head from the endless abyss.

It appeared too suddenly, and the hugeness so close at hand made all the Grand Dukes lose their voices. Everyone was shocked to see this thing that was obviously a corpse puppet, and the shock was beyond words!

"Sha..." The huge figure, looking up to the mountains, cast a shadow over everything in front of it. Thousands of hands spread out behind him, and gold became the only color between heaven and earth.

Buddha nature is inherent, but ignorance covers it.

"My God..." Lawrence's face was pale. There was no wind in the void, but when Wukong's corpse stood up, it brought infinite wind pressure out of thin air, blowing their clothes flying and rustling.

"What kind of monster is this..." Anatalon took a step back, sweating all over his forehead. The scene turned too fast. He thought Xu Yangyi had found a great fortune, but he didn't expect... it was such a big crisis!

All the grand dukes, who seemed to be dogs smelling bones just now, now all fled as if avoiding the plague, leaving only Xu Yangyi in the center.

"Everyone, don't you think it's too ugly?" Xu Yangyi stood up and sneered.

No one spoke.

There was only a burning pain on his face.

Who would have thought that this guy would do this! And he didn't even say a word!

What are they rushing over so anxiously? Evil dog gun shit?


"Satisfied?" A hint of murderous intent flashed in Scoris's eyes: "Playing with us? You bitch... Look carefully, you are in front of it now!"

"You will become the first lowly sacrifice."

"The time has come." A magnificent voice came from the three heads. Suddenly, the indifferent head in front turned around and replaced it with a red, angry face.

The time has come, the time has come, the time has come... The sound is like a bell, floating thousands of miles away.

"Swish... Thousands of hands slowly spread out, like a peacock spreading its tail, shining a golden sun in the dead silence.

"Zero of the Hundred Solutions."

One hand was raised high, Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed suddenly, and he looked at Qianshou Wukong in disbelief, then calmed his mind and moved all his spiritual energy away.

Hundred Solutions... It turned out to be Hundred Solutions!

First it was suspected of splitting the brain, and then it was Hundred Solutions?

"Immortal Technique. Formless Guanyin."

"Boom!!!" With this sound, the giant hand suddenly fell!

"Shua la la la!" In the void, a space crack suddenly appeared! It rushed out tens of thousands of meters like a sword! And that hand rushed down like a holy sword!

"Hula!!" A huge circle of wind pressure blew through everyone madly, and everyone was stunned. The next second, "Jerk! Doofus!!" All the grand dukes cursed in unison and moved away a thousand meters at a rapid speed.

Too terrible, too sharp!

That's not a hand...

It's a holy sword!

"This idiot! He actually triggered such a terrible thing! Fortunately, fortunately, it's him in front of him! He has to pay the price for his stupidity! Die! Stupid pig!" Scoris was furious in his heart, cursing while flying.

"FUCK!" Sky Roar gritted his teeth and looked at Xu Yangyi as if he was looking at a dead man. This move was very difficult for him to take, and he would definitely be injured. As for that person...

Don't give face to all the grand dukes?

Then, hell is your best destination!

At this moment, a thunderous roar sounded behind them.

"Ten-sided Karma Flame! Void Spirit Immortal Body! Holy Sword! Total Eclipse of Apocalypse!"

Without hesitation.

Xu Yangyi used all the strongest moves he could use at this moment!

Too strong... He could feel that this move was still at the initial stage of the Golden Core, but the spiritual energy had been used to the extreme! It was simply beyond all his magical powers!

The first thing to greet this holy sword was a sea of ​​red flames.

Nothing was not burned, nothing was not devoured.

However, before the hand arrived, the pressure arrived first. All the Karma Flames trembled together under the wind pressure, and then all were annihilated!

Xu Yangyi could almost see the palm prints on the other party's hand.

But then, a red moon suddenly appeared in the sky!

"Heaven and earth strange phenomenon!" All the dukes took a breath of cold air, and the next second they all retreated another thousand meters!

"How is it possible! How is it possible!!" Savidian VI's face was crazy. The strange phenomena of heaven and earth require not only extraordinary spiritual power, but also top-notch magical powers to learn, and top-notch qualifications to summon the strange phenomena of heaven and earth! It can be said that among their group, only Antonio can do it.

However, this new Grand Duke did it.

"But even so! You are still going to die! I dare not take this palm! What's more, you are an incomplete golden elixir!"

"Die! Die! My child is waiting for you in hell!"

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