
Chapter 631: Gate of All Worlds (IV)

In the red moon, blood flashed, and then a huge mushroom cloud rose from the palm of Wukong's corpse.

"Rumble, rumble..." The space was shaking, and the five eclipses of Apocalypse were released at the same time, which actually attracted the red moon. It was a strange phenomenon before the explosion of Apocalypse!


It still couldn't be stopped!

That hand, an ordinary hand, without a trace of spiritual light, like a broken leather, just paused, and chopped again!

"Come on!" Xu Yangyi laughed loudly, with one move, just one move, he felt that his whole body cultivation, the side doors and miscellaneous doors in the past, were integrated under this huge pressure. The whole body under such terrible pressure, actually felt like a fish in water.

At the moment when the big explosion disappeared, a white light that seemed to cut through the sky shone.

Holy sword!

The opponent used his hand as a sword. This was a duel between holy swords!

"Ka la la la!" The white light made a fragmented sound, and Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth. With just these few moves, his whole body's spiritual power was reduced by 70%!

Still unable to block, but the speed of the hand has slowed down too much!

Block it again...

Block it again... This hand will not let himself be seriously injured! Otherwise, the wolves will surround him and he can't get out!

"Do you admit defeat?" The magnificent voice sounded like the sound of heaven and earth.

"No!!!" The answer to him was a roar, and another sword appeared in the holy sword!

Endless green light lingered, and countless vines appeared on Xu Yangyi's hand, and the eight times spiritual power of the virtual spirit body burst out! The vortex several meters behind him spun loudly, and a terrifying spiritual pressure burst out, pushing the sword out.

Fish intestines.

His last blow.

"Puff!" With a seemingly ordinary sword, the golden hand shattered!

"Wolf..." At the same time, the angry head suddenly screamed, but he didn't finish the next word.


With a crisp sound, the sword shone with a clear light on the sea moon.

The sky was full of golden light, and a thousand hands became nine hundred and ninety-nine. And Yuchang was still moving, and he stabbed the throat of Wukong's corpse with a "ding" sound.

Three-tenths of the flesh.

The void was silent.

All the dukes, with their eyes wide open, watched the battle of only a dozen seconds in disbelief.

The power of the immortal method. Wuxiang Guanyin is too extraordinary. It is not enough to describe its momentum as unstoppable. It even broke all the magical powers of Xu Yangyi. However, in the end, it was held under Yuchang's attack.

No... not just held...

Lawrence looked at the golden light on the throat of the huge corpse in shock. This is more than just holding?

"He..." After an unknown amount of time, he turned to look at Xu Yangyi and said in a trembling voice: "He... broke this move?"

"God..." The person from the Black Witch Family took a step back. At this moment, she only felt that the other party was extremely tall. Obviously... this was the best opportunity to attack, but she couldn't raise the heart to fight.

Is this the strength of this new Grand Duke?

Is this the trump card of this little guy?

Any previous attack was equivalent to the eighth ring of magic... The last attack even surpassed the ninth ring! It can even reach the second magic ring!

If such a person... becomes an enemy, is it really wise?

Scoris didn't speak. Just now, the two of them fought in a flash, and the victory or defeat was decided in an instant, but the result was not expected at all!

What he thought was that it was very difficult for the other party to block it. This move, he knew very well that it was the use of the Grand Duke's spiritual energy to the extreme. The hair. He... It was difficult for him to block it.

However, the other party not only blocked it. The golden light on the throat of the corpse was so dazzling.

No one spoke. It was human instinct to rely on and worship the strong. At this moment, they actually saw the shadow of a strong man in this Eastern monk who had practiced for less than a hundred years.

Even though he was panting, none of them took action.

Savidian VI's hands trembled, clenched, and relaxed, but he was screaming in his heart, don't take action... never take action! If he couldn't be killed, it would bring great trouble to the Covenas family.

And his intuition told him that the other grand dukes would never take action.

"Heh..." Xu Yangyi took out a pill and swallowed it. The deathly silence around him was so obvious, but he was not in a hurry, because the aura circle around him did not disappear.

His face turned from pale to ruddy. He waved his hand, and the fish intestines floated down. Then, he looked at all the grand dukes around him like a provocation.

Except for Antonio, who did not take action at the beginning, no one looked at the other grand dukes. They all took a step back and avoided their eyes.

This is an admission.

This person is very strong.

Intuition does not want to be an enemy.

Even in the lawless Tower of Babel.

"Buzz..." At this moment, the whole corpse emitted a dazzling golden light. Then, it twisted quickly, wailed, and turned into a golden ball, scattered in front of Xu Yangyi. At the same time, the round stone sculpture between its eyebrows flew back to Xu Yangyi's storage ring in an instant.

"This is..." Antonio's eyes suddenly became hot, and he took a breath of cold air: "True meaning inheritance!"

"This kind of thing... shouldn't it have been extinct for hundreds of years? It's actually the true meaning inheritance!"

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows. He felt good about Antonio who had not taken action: "What is the true meaning inheritance."

Even Antonio had an unspeakable heat on his face at the moment, and his voice was a little hoarse: "The inheritance of true meaning... means that you have learned its moves, but what you learned is not complete. When you meet its ancestor , founder, after the other party recognizes you, he will teach you the true meaning of this style. "

He took a deep breath: "The last true inheritance was said to be five hundred years ago. It was recorded in the murals of the elves. Unexpectedly... I can actually see the true inheritance today... There really is something in the world. This kind of thing!”

"It's unimaginable that something like this, which can be condensed into one form with all the magical power... can actually be passed down!"

As soon as these words came out, all the princes' eyes instantly became hot!

They...all guessed what this formula was.

Immortal method... Formless Guanyin!

It was the devastating move just now!

"This bastard...this bastard!!" Scoris's eyes were red and he moved several times, but he didn't go up.

Who wouldn’t want this style? However, no one is going to grab it now.

No one wants to be the first target of Xu Yangyi who is in the limelight. Everyone is waiting for others to make a move, and no one makes the first move.

Xu Yangyi glanced at them indifferently, stretched out his hand, and the ball of light flew over immediately. Without waiting for him to give the order, it immediately rushed into his spiritual consciousness.

"Boom!!" In the spiritual consciousness, it was as if the kaleidoscope exploded, and countless pictures came flooding in.

He saw a monk who practiced hard day and night from childhood to old age. Day and night.

He cultivated, he established the foundation, he obtained the golden elixir, he obtained the Nascent Soul... I don’t know that a few hundred years later, he sat in the void and pressed his palm into the distance.

"Boom!!" The sky collapsed and the clouds dispersed. There is only one palm print left in the sky.

This is the Immortal Technique. The Formless Guanyin.

And he actually found out that he knew this trick?

It's not that he knows it completely, but he can use it. The power is naturally very different from that of Wukong's corpse, but the feeling of having this palm integrated into his body through years of practice is absolutely right.

He can use it.

"Is this the zero of the Hundred Solutions..." Ten minutes later, he opened his eyes: "The Hundred Solutions, the first twenty moves, there is no record of Tiandao. I doubted whether it was too difficult, but now it seems..."

He looked at his hands, his eyes flashing with heat: "It's not too difficult."

"It's too strong."

"This can almost be called the magical power of ruling the country."

At this moment, his brows wrinkled.

In the true martial arts world... could he really defeat such a powerful monk?

Can the imageless Guanyin in memory be said to have destroyed a country? In the Zhenwu many countries can be destroyed?

At this moment, a vague voice interrupted his thoughts in the void: "Passed."

"The hanging lantern of all realms, the trial is over."

"You can enter the gate of all realms."

"Final warning. The gate to all realms has long been in dilapidated condition. It is not an exaggeration to say anything happens inside. Only those who are destined to enter can enter. Are you sure you want to enter?"

"I am sure."


Before the sound was heard, a golden light pool with a radius of thousands of miles in front of him suddenly appeared like a pillar of light reaching the sky!

Towering and boundless.

In the light pillar, rune arrays were sent into the air one by one. Each time they were sent to a floor, a hundred-meter staircase appeared in the golden light. As the light beam became more and more dazzling, an almost vertical road, several thousand meters in size, suddenly appeared!

Lines of white mist lingered above it, in a typical ancient Chinese style. On both sides of the steps were statues of ancient and modern beasts from all over the world. The center of the steps is divided by guardrails. Every guardrail is equally carved.

Meanwhile, outside, the Tower of Babel.

In everyone's eyes, it is still the same tower. Suddenly, a circle of white aura erupted as the tower approached the first level of the sky. At a speed that is simply unimaginable, it pervades the entire earth.

In the skies over Asia, Africa, Europe, America... all the anchors on several continents started to tremble together!

"Kara..." In the ancient Roman arena, hundreds of meters below, a hand covered with white hair poked out of a huge coffin.

Pure white, without a trace of impurities, as smooth as satin.

"sky Road……"

"The road to heaven that had been blocked for 1,400 finally open..."

"Has the lampkeeper passed...hehehehehe...hahahahaha! Ouch!!!"

"Come on... you bastards of the true martial arts world... we haven't seen each other for thousands of years... Back then, I was just a little wolf cub, and I was almost killed by you in Africa... Hehehe... this time, This king wants you to pay with blood!”

With an extremely excited scream, several old men in a villa around the arena suddenly opened their eyes.

"Corvinus...the ancestor of Corvinus wakes up!!"

"Quick! Inform the whole clan!!"

Three hundred meters underground in Romania, there is also a coffin, blood red, suspended in mid-air, with endless blood pouring into it from all directions.

More than a dozen people had gathered around, and each of them looked fearful but extremely excited as they tremblingly worshiped the blood coffin.

"Tagul... Ancestor Tagule wakes up! Hahaha!" "It's been thousands of years... Ancestor fell asleep more than 1,400 years ago, and now... he finally wakes up!"

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