
Chapter 632: Egg (I)

Sichuan, Qingcheng Mountain. Tianshi Cave.

In front of Tianshi Cave, a peach tree suddenly trembled slightly, and a green leaf flew into the air, emitting infinite light, which stunned the mountaineering tourists.

When the Taoists of Qingcheng Mountain saw this scene, they all knelt on the ground. In the back mountain, several pairs of extremely old eyes slowly opened.

"Another 1,400 years..."

At the bottom of Danxia Palace, Xiaoqing opened her arms, feeling the fluctuations, and her black hair fluttered.

"Here it comes... Here it comes..."

"I can already smell the smell of those bastards... There are still two hundred years? Or three hundred years? Haha... I have waited long enough..."

"Boy... You finally embarked on your destiny... Lightkeeper... Lightkeeper... You... Have you seen the road to heaven that was cut off that year?"

"I... Will remember you..."

The distance is unknown hundreds of millions of light years away. Or billions, tens of billions.

A continent, it is not spherical, but a real continent. At the same time as the road to the Tower of Babel appeared, in the center of the continent, in a magnificent and majestic palace, there was a huge stone pillar in the center, a hundred meters thick and thousands of meters high. At the top, a light suddenly flashed.

"What is this?" Under the tower, an old man suddenly opened his eyes, stared at the stone pillar for three seconds, and then took a breath of cold air. He ran quickly towards the palace, screaming as he ran.

"The world-linking lamp!"

"The world-linking lamp is about to light up!! The world-linking lamp is about to light up!!!"

"Boom!" At the same time, an unspeakable majesty rose in the palace, surpassing the golden elixir, and even... approaching the peak of the Nascent Soul. It broke out like a tide.

Three seconds later, a dragon-like voice resounded throughout the country.

"The Great Jin Dynasty, the entire army is ready for war."

"Call, General Sima Youxiang of the Pengri Army. General Sima Fengru of the Shehu Army. The left and right prime ministers, come to see you immediately."

All this, no one in the Tower of Babel knew.

They looked at the road that led to the sky, and everyone was stunned.

"Jay, Jack and Douman?" Zhao Ziqi was dumbfounded.

"No..." Xu Yangyi quietly released a thread of spiritual energy: "This... I'm afraid it's the real inner tower."

"All the secrets are hidden in it."

"What should we do now?"

"Of course, go up!" His eyes moved slightly, and he saw that although Wukong's body disappeared, those threads did not disappear!

They... were densely packed, all gathered in the sky above the void, at the top of the suspended road.

The spirit of the weapon is there.

What I want to know is probably there.

"Interesting." Sky Roar looked at the road in front of him, and a raging fighting spirit ignited in his eyes: "Are you asking us to go up?"

"You're not going?" Lawrence looked at the steps and asked in a deep voice.

No one spoke.

Everyone could foresee that there should be a huge fortune or a huge secret at the top of this place. But...

That would probably be the time when everyone would tear their faces apart.

Their eyes intertwined, and everyone unconsciously moved two steps away. Then, more eyes turned to Xu Yangyi.

The incomplete Grand Duke, who was not taken seriously at first, has become their rival at this moment?

How absurd!

"This kid... still has that fairy method on him... With his lowly character, how can he possess such a powerful magical power. It... can only belong to this Grand Duke!" Scoris' eyes were bloodshot, and he murmured: "But I can't make a move first, that move is too strong. It can even kill a Grand Duke in the middle stage. If he doesn't make a move, I don't know how much he can use."

Silence, twenty minutes later, the woman from the Black Witch Family sneered: "I think that practitioners should face danger directly. Great danger brings great opportunities. Everyone who has cultivated to the Grand Duke is already a lifetime of honor. Don't you know this?"

"This Grand Duke has taken the lead."

Before she finished speaking, she turned into a piece of fire crow and flew upwards.

However, just when she flew into the sky, she suddenly fell down.

Forbidden air restriction?

Everyone's eyes flickered slightly.

Moreover, she had already walked up more than a dozen stairs, and the staircase that was cut by the guardrail began to slowly disappear.

"Interesting." Scoris laughed, "I want to see what's on it."

"Sigh" a headless horse appeared, he turned over and rode on it, the horse ran, and there was a piece of nether fire under his feet. He rushed straight to the stairs.

The stairs of more than a thousand meters were divided into twelve parts, each of which was a hundred meters in size. It was too inconspicuous for one person to run on it.

Then, one by one, the Grand Dukes soared into the air. No more hesitation.

Great opportunity, great danger, this principle, how can those who have cultivated to this level not understand?

In a moment, Xu Yangyi was the only one left in front of the Tongtian Stairs.

"Brother, aren't you going?" Zhao Ziqi asked.

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly.

There is something strange...

Twelve Grand Dukes came in, and there are exactly twelve parts here. This is too coincidental.

And... didn't Wukong's corpse say that only those who are destined to enter can enter? Why did he open this passage, so that others can enter too?

Are they also the so-called destined ones?

"Forget it." Now is not the time to think about these things. He even put Shangguan Hong and the control room of the main unit of the Xuwang aside. The secret of the Tower of Babel is right in front of him. Under this premise, everything is temporarily put aside.

He has waited too long for the mystery of his life experience and the murderer who will never be found.

He hooked his fingers, and a spiritual line had already spread to a very far place. Now, it is slowly shrinking.

An hour later, Andre appeared in front of him and bowed slightly: "So, do I have the opportunity to take the next step with His Majesty now?"

"Of course, but I still need a little protection." Xu Yangyi flicked his finger, and a spiritual energy shot into his sea of ​​qi.

"If you want to have any crooked thoughts, as long as I think about it, you will be a useless person."

Andre sighed: "You should believe me. I just don't want to be abandoned by the Grand Dukes. This kind of prosperous age, monks may only encounter it once in their lifetime."

Xu Yangyi nodded, and then snapped his fingers: "Go!"


Just at this time, a female voice came: "You can leave if you want to, and stay if you want to. What do you think of me?"

Xu Yangyi was stunned, and then looked behind him in disbelief.

He almost ran over. But he suppressed it.

Angel walked over gracefully, her face frosty: "You're good."

"I was waiting for you to come over to explain. You didn't say a word. You had to make me come in person?"

Xu Yangyi stared at her blankly: "Why... did you come back again?"

"I'm afraid of the dark." Angel said insincerely: "I'm also afraid of perverts."

"Such a long dark passage, what should I do if someone molests me?"

"Ahem..." Zhao Ziqi couldn't hold back his mouth and almost laughed.

Andre moved his lips, but wisely didn't say anything this time.

"No..." Xu Yangyi felt that he was a little incoherent now. How could this happen? How could she come back? He admitted that when he saw her come back, a warm feeling spread in his heart. He could obviously drive her away, but he felt it was difficult to speak.

"Look? What are you looking at?" Angel walked up to him and poked his thick chest muscles with her fingers with a bad face: "Listen, you have to admit your mistakes in this matter."


"The starting point is good, but the practice is wrong. It violates the firm position of our party to unite women comrades. Do you think this girl is an idiot? Can't you hear it?"


"From now on, what I say is an imperial decree. You must listen to it to avenge you for abandoning your wife!"

"Well...wait, what do you mean by abandoning your wife?"

"Not now, but in the future." Angel lifted her wavy hair and raised a smile on her snow-white face: "Your attitude makes me very satisfied. I decided not to bother with you for the time being. And seeing your mood, you don't have time to talk to me about this."

Xu Yangyi gathered his thoughts. Yes, now is not the time to talk about this. He hesitated, coughed lightly, and whispered to the indomitable, beautiful woman in front of him: "Then...are you willing to go through this with me?"

"Of course." Angel elegantly held up the non-existent skirt: "I'm happy to."

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, took Angel's hand and walked up immediately.

A flash of surprise flashed across Angel's snow-white face, and then a blush appeared. She pursed her lips, raised the corners of her mouth, and followed like a fox who stole honey.

She glanced at the tall man beside her cunningly. She laughed secretly in her heart, forget it?

How can it be so simple!

If you don't kneel on the washboard for me a hundred times in the future, do you think I will count!

Andre watched the two silently from behind, as indifferent as before: "Stupid human beings."

"This is emotion, you don't understand." Zhao Ziqi shook his head and said: "People are wonderful because of emotion. Without emotion, what's the difference between them and wood."

"Emotion?" Andre pushed his glasses indifferently: "It will only make people hesitant and full of weaknesses."

"So I can't make sense to you." Zhao Ziqi shrugged.

Andre didn't speak again.

"Dingling..." Just when they stepped onto the 100th step of the stairs, a bell suddenly floated in the sky.

Xu Yangyi's eyes became cautious. Only he could hear this sound, and only he could see the countless silk threads and bells hanging in the air.

Is this... Is the order from above?

However, no matter what kind of monster you are, this seat will never miss this opportunity!

For this time, he has waited too long.

The bells rang one after another, one more than the other. Every time they took one more step, the bells became more frequent. Now, they have walked 200 steps, and the bells above their heads sound like a violent storm.

The moment they stepped onto the 200th step, fog rose.

A tide rushed in from above like a wave. Landslides and tsunamis, rivers backflowing. Almost in an instant, everyone was submerged.

The moment the thick fog descended, Xu Yangyi immediately enveloped everyone with spiritual energy.

"Stay where you are, don't move."

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