
Chapter 633: Egg (III)

The fog was so thick that everyone felt a little uneasy. Even Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy could only be seen slightly.

However, at this moment, he saw in an extremely subtle way that the thick fog in front of him was a little distorted. At the same time, a familiar spinning feeling suddenly appeared in front of him.

"This is..." He was stunned. The next second, Andre's voice sounded almost at the same time as his, "Space teleportation!" "Don't leave me five meters away! This is space teleportation!"

The white mist covered everything, and the things inside were slightly distorted. As soon as he finished speaking, there was an echo around him. Then, his feet were empty and he immediately stepped firmly.

Space has changed...

He stood up with solemn eyes. Just now, he was on the huge steps, and there was no chance of an echo. Now there is, which only means that he has changed from "outdoor" to "indoor."

Naturally, I wouldn't be stupid enough to shout "Is anyone there?" or something like that. He rolled on the ground vigilantly and moved more than ten meters away, lying on the ground in a half-crouched position.

"The spiritual sense is sealed. Even the five senses cannot see far." He frowned. In the thick fog, this disadvantage was even comparable to that of having the spiritual sense sealed.

Right now!

Behind him, a sound of breaking wind sounded, and a spiritual energy full of murderous intent grabbed his heart.

"Huh?" An exclamation sounded from behind. Before he could catch it, the spiritual energy disappeared immediately. Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, really alert.

On the ground around him, red flames were burning slowly. If he wanted to hit him, he would be burned by the karma of the ten directions.

"Since you are hiding in the fog... I will force you to come out!" He raised his hand gently, and after a few spells, there was a "boom" around him! Infinite green flames ignited, completely illuminating the surrounding area.

The nine-obsidian star falls, the star of the apocalypse.

Strangely, as the Hell Fire burned, the surrounding fog actually melted away one by one. He finally saw everything around him clearly.

Here, he is the only one left.

No, he is the only "one of our own" left, and the others have gone to who knows where. Not far from him, an old man with a withered face was looking at him with a pair of eyes like an eagle's hook.

He is very old, short in stature, and has an extremely thin face, resembling someone who has been malnourished for a long time. Most of his head is bald, and his white hair is shawl. However, there is a purple and gold crown on the head, which is extremely well tied with gold ribbons. It is particularly conspicuous when placed on the bare head, as if it is noble that can never be let go.

This is an ancient man.

The purple robe is embroidered with yellow dragons, and the luxury of workmanship can be seen in every part of the clothes.

"Who are you?" The two asked almost in unison, and then unanimously did not answer.

The old man had his hands behind his back, and his golden elixir level spiritual power was looming, in the early stage of the golden elixir. His spiritual power revealed a slow feeling of hunger, as if he had not been exposed to spiritual power for a long time. His eyes fell deeply on the whirlpool behind Xu Yangyi, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

"Golden elixir vision..."

"Those who can have visions in the golden elixir stage... choose one out of a thousand... Although the vision is of no use, it tells everyone that he is a genius like no other! This kid... has monster qualifications!"

Xu Yangyi glanced at him for a while, then began to look at the room.

The room was about more than a thousand meters in size, but when he looked up, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Overhead, a human face filled the room. Moreover, this face is extremely familiar to him!

God's way!

Moreover, this Heavenly Way was different from all the Heavenly Ways he had ever seen.

Heaven's brain is too complicated to tell the gender, but this one can be clearly seen to be a woman. Moreover, her material was far superior to anything he had ever seen. Even after so many years, I can still feel the thin aura above.

The precision of the workmanship and the complexity of the talismans are something I have never seen before! "

Right in the center of Tiandao's brain, there is a hole the size of a fist. The exactly the same as the stone sculpture in his hand.

He smiled.

The smile was very cold.

Turning his head, he looked at the old man with murderous intent in his smile: "The main control room of the Void?"

"You are..." He said word by word: "The one who invaded the earth back then...Shang, Guan, Hong!"

The old man suddenly raised his head, a surging murderous intent emerging from his silent eyes.

No nonsense, the spiritual power of both parties surged out. Although it was the first time we met, we didn't leave any room at all.

Those who are not from my ethnic group must have different minds!

"Boom..." Two golden elixir-level auras were facing each other in the room. Shangguan Hong stared at him, and after a long time he sneered: "I can't believe it."

"Almost two thousand years have passed...the person who came in was a low-class person who did not return to the world. So, the non-return world was lucky enough to win?"

"Yes, it's just a great victory. Your fourth prince, Sima Tuo, is currently working as a proton on Earth. Do you want to see him?" Xu Yangyi sneered without hesitation: "How dare you speak to a defeated general? Brave? You are really brave."

Shangguan Hong took a step forward, his eyes filled with blood, and his robes squeaked as the aura stirred him up: "Oh? Do you know that a monk like you can kill as many as you want these years?"

Xu Yangyi also took a step forward: "Unfortunately, times have changed, and you are just a dog imprisoned in a prison."

"Really? Then, let you know that low-class people like you are not as good as a tiger that falls in peace."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two figures pounced on him like lightning!

There are no unnecessary words, this is a fight between different worlds and different races. Even if they have the same body structure.

"The karma of the ten directions!!"

"Boom!" Ten red fire dragons roared up beside Xu Yangyi and rushed towards Shangguan Hong. Shangguan Hong clapped his hands, and a totem he had never seen before emerged from his palms, like a dragon or an insect. With its appearance, the sound of the sea tide suddenly rang out in the void.

"Gu Yan, Drowning Immortal Curse!"

"Boom boom boom!" Layers of waves appeared from behind him. With a strike from Jindan Zhenren, a radius of a thousand meters was easily affected. The magical powers of the two crowded the room tightly. The red fire dragons and the fierce sea water collided with each other. In an instant, a "sizzling" white smoke rose up and spread for a hundred meters.

"You are a lowly person from the world of no return, is this how you deal with it?" Shangguan Hong laughed loudly, and put his hands together and then apart. This time, a totem that looked like a tiger but was not a tiger appeared: "You cultivators, the world of Zhenwu is billions of people! Any one of them can kill you! I am now trapped in a shallow shoal, and killing a lowly creature like you is like killing chickens and dogs!"


"Roar!" The strange tiger turned into two, two into four, and four into infinity. In an instant, countless phantoms of strange tigers rushed towards Xu Yangyi, each with a deadly color. Wherever they ran, the air withered.

Xu Yangyi just smiled coldly.

This person is not his opponent.

When masters fight, they can test it out in a few moves. Even if he used to dominate a region, he could not exert his original strength in the nearly two thousand years of difficulties. Even his Jindan strength was greatly reduced. However, he could not retreat. If the cultivators on Earth knew that the prime minister of a country was like this, what else in the Zhenwu world could be respected by them?

"The advantage of the tongue." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and his spiritual energy circulated through his muscles. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and his figure rushed over at a speed several times faster than before.

What he is best at is not the battle of magic.

It is a physical fight with fists and flesh!

"Physical skills?!" Shangguan Hong took a breath of cold air. He had fought several battles with the earth monks and knew the horror of the earth monks' physical skills. He screamed and retreated rapidly. However, Xu Yangyi practiced the decisive magical power, how could he give him a chance to retreat?

In an instant, the tall figure had approached in front of him and grabbed with a claw without any nonsense.

"Swish!" In the sky, dozens of white shadows flashed, as if dividing this place into pieces of white grids, and the heart-shaking white tiger sharp gold aura pressed down like a waterfall. Shangguan Hong's eyes were about to burst, and he screamed continuously. The totem in his hand changed in a thousand ways, and the magical powers were tit-for-tat.

"Pah!!" With a huge shock, the two sides came into close combat. Shangguan Hong's face changed, and a mouthful of blood was forced into his throat.

So... strong!

"Hua La La..." The ground under his feet spread out like a spider web, and his face became ferocious because of this claw. However, before he could finish, the claw burst into a sky-high flame, and Shangguan Hong retreated with a cry of surprise.

"So strong... so strong!" His eyes flashed quickly. Although his realm was not there, his eyesight was still there. He knew very well that this kind of spiritual power concentration and strength were rare in the golden elixir! Even rare!

"The inferiors of the world of no return have developed to this point in the past thousand years!?"

"I don't believe it!"

"The art of trapping immortals!" With his roar, countless golden lights burst out from his ten fingers, but at this moment, he suddenly paused.


An unspeakable fear rose from his heart, abruptly interrupting his magical power.

Lin word art, activated.

"Be careful." Xu Yangyi's claws fell down with great pleasure, and he laughed up to the sky: "If my claws touch it, I'm afraid it will be stained with some negative effects that you don't want to see."

"You are so presumptuous!!!"

"A mere Jindan dares to be rude to me! You... you are such an inferior! You didn't even have the qualifications to lick my shoes in the first place!!"

Xu Yangyi's indifferent attitude deeply hurt Shangguan Hong's self-esteem. The prime minister of a country is now defeated by a mere Jindan. How humiliating! Thinking back to the past, I talked and laughed with great scholars and had no ordinary people. How could I have been so angry at an early stage?

He was so angry that magical poisonous insects flew all over the sky. He finally got rid of this move. But then his pupils became sharp.

A shadow of a green dragon rushed in front of him at an incredibly fast speed. The waves of spiritual energy brought by it actually made his hair and beard fly.

"Xuanwu!!" In the face of danger, he spat a mouthful of blood on his hand, and a blood-red Gu insect phantom appeared. There was a thunderous roar in the air, and a huge turtle shell blocked him.

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, Shangguan Hong retreated a hundred meters in a roar, and two deep gullies were pulled out on the ground.

"Is that all?" Xu Yangyi laughed loudly. He never needed mercy for the real enemy. He exerted force again, and the giant turtle phantom in front of him burst, revealing Shangguan Hong's extremely shocked face behind him.

The next second, a footprint was accurately imprinted on his face.


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