
Chapter 635: Chimera (I)

The beeping sound resounded through his eardrums, and Xu Yangyi was stunned. Looking at the broken egg in shock.

This thing that's one or two meters actually "higher realm destruction level?"

Although I don’t know what level this is, it sounds pretty cool, right?

"What on earth is this?" He looked at the egg that was taller than him, frowned and touched it.

Wherever you start, it's hard. The spiritual power in his palm suddenly spurted out, but the spiritual power of the golden elixir's combat power could not shake it at all.

Just as he was touching it bit by bit, his eyes suddenly lit up.

There is something at the bottom of the shell.

A pool of dried gray-white liquid.

"This color..." He squatted down and began to ponder. The unforgettable elixir in his mind was running rapidly. The next second, his pupils shrank and he suddenly took several steps back.

Asmodeus' room!

That gray-white object that eats nothing!

"That gray-white patch is what hatched from this egg?"

"What kind of monster is it?"

At this moment, he froze.

Because, just inside the two shells, there are countless ravines, like walnuts. The ravines on both sides crowded back and forth, forming two vaguely large characters.


The characters naturally formed by the lines on both sides turned out to be Taichu!

" this the beginning of time?" Even though he had encountered countless unexpected scenes, he was still shocked by these two words.

Innate Qi, the death of Asmodeus's clone, the death of Cerberus, even the Tower of Babel, the Zhenwu Realm, and the ruins of Kunlun are all related to it.

Now, it actually appeared in front of him!

Taichu... is not some innate Qi.

But a monster, a real monster!

A monster that eats everything!

The room was eerily quiet. He took several deep breaths and suddenly rushed in all directions.

His body was like lightning, and every corner was searched carefully.

Half an hour later, he stood next to a door with a cold face.

Before him, the door had disappeared.

There are countless fine tooth marks on the edges.

He closed his eyes and tried his best to review what happened here.

Shangguan Hong found Taichu, but he was still careless. It is conceivable that the things here are the things Taichu "least wants to eat", so they are well preserved. No……

"Perhaps Taichu did not hatch at that time. What he found was originally an egg. He didn't even expect that Taichu would hatch. As a result... Taichu hatched silently and began to devour it without him noticing at all. way out.”

"It was probably at this time that Shangguan Hong discovered it. However, he did not dare to stop him at all. Instead, he hid aside and watched quietly as Taichu carved a way out..."

"Beep..." At this moment, the Tianjiehai made a soft sound, "The data statistics are completed, do you want to review it?"


As his words fell, a dark blue light curtain shone. But this time, there was endless chaos.

"Immortal Ruins Dynasty, Minglong Clan, watch..."

Just when this word was spoken, all the sounds around Xu Yangyi suddenly started to rotate slightly. Forming an indescribable force.

He didn't hear a word.

After a second, the voice continued: "...recorded 150,000 years ago."

Xu Yangyi's eyes paused slightly.

One hundred and fifty thousand years?

No, that's not the point. The point is...what to watch?

"The pause of one second in the middle is obviously a very short word. A person can speak three to five words per second, and the faster one can reach about seven words. According to Tianjie's tone, it should be gentle, then No more than five words.”

"Here, it's obviously not a word. It's probably..." He narrowed his eyes: "It's a name."

"Official? Guan?"

"The person whose name begins with "official" recorded this incident? And someone deliberately erased the existence of this person's name?"

If you can’t figure it out for the time being, don’t think about it. He continued to listen.

"The seven worlds have never been at peace, because they are facing the most terrifying creatures in the plane. Beyond the permanently frozen galaxy on the edge of the seven worlds, there is a huge front that stretches for ten light years."

Xu Yangyi gasped as the light screen changed. On the screen, Star Destroyer Motherships, far more terrifying and larger than the Void, floating in the sky like planets.

On top of the Star Destroyer Mothership, countless lights flickered. Around them, countless large and small warships, all giant airships of ancient Chinese style, escorted them left and right, forming an endless fleet group.

However, this is a battlefield with no end in sight.

There are wreckage of battleships everywhere, and there is not just one broken flag in the void, but four or five kinds.

"There may be more than one dynasty in Kunlun." He thought secretly.

"This front is called the 'Chain of the Seven Realms.' Once those extremely terrifying monsters are allowed to rush through here, the entire Nanzhan Continent governed by the Seven Realms, whether it is the upper realm, the Great Thousand World, or the Small Thousand World, will all Received a devastating blow.”

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, his mind was spinning rapidly. Such a powerful Xukunlun actually has enemies?

And... not only Xu Kunlun, but also an enemy that can only be resisted by the combined efforts of all seven upper realms?

The picture changed again. This time, planets or continents appeared. He saw a giant tortoise flying in the air, tens of millions, even hundreds of millions, tens of billions of kilometers long, carrying a continent on its back. I also saw an ancient tree that reached the sky, with roots that spread across thousands of planets and continents, and from it grew dozens of vast, inhabited lands surrounded by auspicious clouds.

"Is this...another plane?"

There were all kinds of things, and he even saw a huge bird as gorgeous as a phoenix, majestic, with seven-colored auspicious clouds above his head, and a suspended mountain floating in the clouds. There is also a weird planet that is completely a ball of water with no trace of land.

These planets, land, and stars that cannot even be considered land have advanced cultivation civilizations on them that are no less advanced than the current Earth.

But, next, he also saw a kind of plane.

There was dead silence.

Between the empty planes, there are planets, all of which are gray-white, with tentacles rising from them. Some are covered with countless small tentacles, some have an eye slit on them, and some have a huge mouth that devours itself. There are also some that only have one tentacle, but it is the size of a planet.

Even when he looked at the projection, he could feel the sadness of the extinction of civilization.

"Monsters have endless appetites. Their lower-level creatures have almost no intelligence but possess complete loyalty. However, as they reach higher levels, their wisdom becomes deeper and deeper. And their appetite is never-ending. They devour day and night, becoming stronger day and night. So powerful that ... Three hundred thousand years ago, all the top monks in Nanzhan Buzhou mobilized and fought an earth-shattering decisive battle in the eternally frozen galaxy with the legion led by the opponent's strongest advanced life form."

"Before the decisive battle, there was only one realm. After the decisive battle, the monsters were severely damaged. The price was the death of billions of monks. One upper realm was torn apart and became Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xiniu Hezhou, Beiju Luzhou and Nanzhanbu Continent. The four major divine states, a total of twenty upper realms.”

"Of course, in this unprecedented decisive battle, the great monk from the upper world discovered a terrible news from the corpse of a very high-ranking monster."

"Just opposite the eternally frozen Milky Way, in the territory of monsters, there is a place called the 'original place'. That is the source of all monsters. As long as there is no destruction there, monsters will never disappear."

Xu Yangyi listened with rapt attention. All actions of a person depend on his or her own vision. Once upon a time when he was practicing Qi, he thought that building a foundation was already a heavenly thing. At that time, he saw Xiaoqing.

He once thought Xiaoqing was a monster, but now he knew about Kunlun.

This is a goal and a motivation. If people don't have enough vision, they can only sit in a well and look at the sky.

But now, his horizons have been opened little by little.

"For the next 30,000 years, the Seven Realms spent all their power and finally opened a passage to the origin. However, no one could have guessed what would happen next."

"After clarifying the realm and star anchor of the origin, a team composed of the top monks from the seven realms set out, bypassing the permanently frozen galaxy blocked by the monsters, and passing through the abyss of demon refining at the core of the monsters. The Devouring Interface finally reached its origin three hundred light years away from the Seven Realms."

At this moment, the light curtain suddenly glowed with a distorted light, and all the sounds were blurred again, as if they were forcibly separated.

"Zi...Zi..." The picture flashed rapidly, and countless messy pictures were densely packed on the light screen, as if the mastermind suddenly lost control. He saw a magnificent nebula, saw a huge ark sailing endlessly in the sky, saw spiritual energy penetrating the sky, and the entire galaxy was dyed into a bright interface battle.

All the pictures were just glimpses, mixed with countless snowflake patterns, and it was impossible to see what it looked like originally. The fragmented movie lasted for half an hour before it completely subsided.

The next scene made Xu Yangyi's pupils shrink suddenly.

He... saw the huge nebula that flashed past just now. At this moment, the nebula had been split into two. All the nebulae rotated rapidly and turned into streaks of snow-white spiritual energy. They all rushed towards the center of the nebula, causing the formation of A huge black hole, madly devouring everything outside.

"Rumble..." The room trembled because of the vibration of the Milky Way. It was a miracle of cosmic creation and a model of the birth of the stars hundreds of thousands of years ago. The stars are twinkling, and in the quiet and deep Milky Way, white waves are like tides. This scene is more than majestic.

"...This half is because of its evil thoughts and it turned into a monster."

"It eats nothing, with its madness, devouring anything visible to nourish the plane, except the plane itself. Tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, it... actually has its own intelligence, more and more Its devouring makes it become more and more complete. It is too powerful, and too many planes disappear under its devouring. It... has too much inheritance of life, so... it calls itself... …”

The black hole's collapse has reached the final stage, and the nebula is swallowed up by something in the center, and there seems to be something about to slowly emerge.

"Emperor Senluo."

"It is the most powerful enemy in all planes. Its enemies, that is, us, call it..."

"The beginning."

"Unspeakable evil born from primal chaos."



"A super monster that condenses the blood heritage of all planes."

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