
Chapter 636: Chimera (II)

"Swish!" In the light curtain, the creation was completed, and a water-blue planet floated in the universe, intact as new, exuding a moving charm.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and his hands trembled slightly.

This is... Earth!

What appeared here turned out to be Earth!

What happened in the middle thirty minutes? Dan Ling, who had a photographic memory, remembered all the broken pictures, but couldn't see them clearly. Why... the last one to appear was Earth?

Half of something turned into evil thoughts?

How was that terrifying black hole formed?

"What happened in these thirty minutes... and why did you want to erase it?"

Tianjie's voice was emotionless, and he spoke slowly: "And this newborn, or inherited plane, has too many names."

"The monsters call it the 'Origin Land,' the realm of no return in the top-secret files of the seven realms. Because no one can come back alive from here. And the local cultivators call it..."


At this point, the picture began to distort again.

The third erasure... Xu Yangyi's eyes were deep. He could feel that there was definitely a huge secret hidden in it. Taichu... Earth, Xu Kunlun... Taichu was actually related to the Earth. If these erased puzzles could be completely matched, this should be the real secret of the Tower of Babel!

This time, the snowflake pattern lasted longer, forty minutes later. The voice of the heavenly tribulation finally sounded again.

"... Taichu, the life span is endless, and the most difficult is the first evolution. The speed of evolution and the vitality are unimaginable. And it is impossible to find the body at all. Any Taichu must be completely wiped out."

"It is composed of aura cells, but it is strangely oviparous. Before the first metamorphosis, it will never leave its eggs too far. This is its limited hunting area. Taichu's hunting area has very obvious signs. The periphery is all dead gray. Once discovered, it must be annihilated."

The hidden mystery of the Tower of Babel finally opened a page.

A brand new page, an unimaginable page, a page that made him... a complete transformation of his thinking!

Although there are too many incomplete pages on this page. But vaguely, he seemed to feel something, but when he thought about it carefully, there was nothing.

"What Taichu invested in our seven realms is just a drop in the bucket. We believe that in a corner of the plane, there must be a plane that is more powerful than our seven upper realms. Even... it can be comparable to or exceed the plane of the fairy world."

"They should be fighting against Chimera like us, otherwise we would not be able to support it until now..."

"Zizi... Zizi..." At this moment, countless blue currents passed on the surface of the heavenly tribulation. Obviously, it has been running for so long that it is completely overloaded for a main brain nearly two thousand years ago.

However, Xu Yangyi did not let it stop at all.

He would never be willing to listen to everything. And it is not certain whether it can be started again next time.

"The only lucky news is that the passage we spent 30,000 years to open has not disappeared on this plane now called Earth, which is defined as the realm of no return in the Xu Kunlun archives. Earth... has always kept a road leading directly to Xu Kunlun. This is the last secret of the seven realms that even Chimera cannot know..."

"Perhaps, we can keep it. Perhaps, we can't keep it. Or perhaps... this secret can eventually turn the tide..."

"Zi... Guan... 14,000 years ago... the last words..."

"Swish..." The light curtain finally went completely black.


Xu Yangyi stood there in silence, and it took a long time for him to regain consciousness.

Everything he heard just now was too important.

This is the greatest wealth of the Tower of Babel.

"Swish..." As the main brain went dark again, the whole room fell into a hazy depth.

"What a pity." He sighed, the true face of the Tower of Babel might only be revealed here. However, the most important words were all scratched out.

"The main brain is just like that." He smiled somewhat dissatisfiedly, and a stream of spiritual energy shot into the air, hitting the main brain's eyebrows with its eyes closed. Perhaps he was dissatisfied and used too much strength, and a small component was actually bounced out and flew obliquely into the shadow without a sound.

He stood there in silence, reorganizing everything he had just heard in his mind, trying to infer something. But just as his thoughts were about to immerse, he suddenly raised his head and looked behind him.

No! No!

Just now... that small component didn't make any sound?

This is impossible! How hard is the material of this room? Even the previous battle between him and Shangguan Hong was not damaged at all, how could there be no sound now?

The cold sweat on his back suddenly appeared. Because he thought of a more terrifying possibility!

"Taichu is oviparous. Before the first metamorphosis, it will never leave its eggs too far. This is its limited hunting area."

Turning his head, he saw an extreme darkness.

That was not darkness, but... a huge mouth that was three or four meters long, silently condensing behind him.

No spiritual power... I couldn't feel a trace of spiritual power! No sound, shrouding Xu Yangyi in shadow, like a silent god of death.

The gray-white mouth swayed in the darkness, making people tremble. Xu Yangyi's whole body of spiritual power burst out instantly, and the ten-sided karma flame burst out!

"Roar!!!" The red fire dragon exploded without reservation, and a very high temperature flame raged throughout the venue. The body flew backwards with force. In an instant, a heart-wrenching scream came from the dimness: "Squeak... Squeak..."

Then, the giant mouth collapsed immediately.

"Pah, pah" It was as if a flesh rain fell, and countless pieces of meat were blown in all directions. As far as the eye could see, the ground was already a gray-white ocean.

"Fuck!" He did not land, and looked around with a solemn look. Behind each machine, where the pieces were spliced ​​together, was the nest of Taichu. The gray-white carpet like a tide slowly spread, and the Taichu like a wave rushed out from the gaps that were invisible to the naked eye.

The taste of meat.

The temptation of spiritual energy.

"Swish..." Two flames rose silently from Xu Yangyi's hands. He had to be cautious. This was a great enemy that all seven realms valued. Once touched by this thing, I'm afraid there is no escape.

He suddenly figured out a problem.

Why didn't Shangguan Hong leave when the door was opened?

Because this place had long been Taichu's lair. He would die wherever he went. Here, there might be other ways to avoid Taichu's pursuit. Once he stepped out, he would die without a complete body.

However, just as the two red flames rose, countless eyes suddenly lit up on the gray-white ground.

All the yellow thumb-sized eyes stared at Xu Yangyi, as if they had seen something extremely delicious. And... the entire gray-white ground was all squirming excitedly.

On the meat blanket, one bulge after another rose, as if something was about to appear, but in the end, it actually exploded with a "pop" and turned into a gray-white raindrop that fell on the ground.

Xu Yangyi blinked, and the ten-sided karma flame on his hand suddenly disappeared. Suddenly, Taichu's squirming slowed down immediately, and it squirmed in all directions in a daze, not just spreading towards him.

It lit up again, and the gray-white death god instantly boiled.

"Sure enough, it reacts the most to spiritual energy." He took a deep breath: "But..."

He squatted down, then rushed over like a leopard.

"Swish!" The ten-sided karmic flames burned up, wrapping him in the sky like a fire man, pulling out a gorgeous red flame trajectory. The vortex of the virtual spirit body behind him spun wildly, and a stream of majestic spiritual energy poured out. With a roar of "roar", claw shadows appeared all over the sky.

Facing Taichu, he actually took the lead!

"Squeaky!!" Taichu let out a scream that made people ache. The claw shadows that fell from the sky, with an unstoppable momentum, instantly split a piece of Taichu into countless small pieces.

"How many weaknesses do you have."


"Swish!" Xu Yangyi's claw shadows were like mountains, and the white tiger roared, constantly splitting Taichu into smaller and smaller pieces.

"Since the Seven Realms can resist you, it means you will definitely be killed. At worst, it will take a long time to heal."

His body floated in the air, his hands quickly formed seals, and in a moment, pieces of ice flowers condensed in the thousand-meter room.

"Apocalypse..." He aimed his hands at Taichu below and clenched them suddenly: "Erosion!"

"Ka La La La!" The temperature in the room dropped to an extremely low level in an instant, and pieces of visible frost condensed on the ground. With a squeak of screams, Taichu was frozen piece by piece.

However, it was not over. The frozen ground actually swallowed the ice bit by bit.

He was not discouraged and smiled slightly: "Second."

"Boom!" This time, the claw shadow was accompanied by red karma flames in the white light. A piece of karma flame was like a fire tornado, melting the ice layer. The extreme cold and the sudden extreme heat made Taichu scream even crazier!

"Shua La La La" The karma flames soared into the sky, forming a fire column with a radius of five or six hundred meters in the room, and faintly visible fire dragons coiled and rushed up. Xu Yangyi landed steadily.

He sneered at the charred Taichu in front of him, who couldn't even scream. He waved his hand and a gust of wind swept away the charred carpet in front of him: "Chimera... Although I don't know how far the cultivation civilization of Xu Kunlun has reached. However, the meaning of this name is that you carry the DNA of countless creatures in your body. This must be your final form of continuous devouring and growth!"

"Now, you have just hatched, whose DNA have you collected?"

"You are at your weakest now. I'm afraid that the seven upper realms will find it difficult to capture Taichu when it was just born."

"Kaz...Kaz..." The charred layers slowly fell off the flesh carpet, revealing a pink body. This time, all Taichu gathered together, and the speed was very slow. The double hell of extreme cold and extreme heat made it suffer a lot.

"Is it still alive?" Xu Yangyi was not surprised at all. If Taichu died so easily, it would not be worthy of being called a god's evil thoughts.

He took a deep breath, the green dragon coiled behind him, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent: "There is a third one."

"Boom!!" In mid-air, the green dragon was knocked down with a bang. Unlike the foundation-building stage, the golden elixir stage dragon stepped on it and kicked it down, and the wind pressure in the sky was obviously bent, forming a spiral of strong wind.

"The only magical power in the world that cannot be broken is speed."

"Hua La La!" The Taichu that had just condensed was torn into pieces by the crazy wind blades in an instant, and then it was rushed everywhere by the terrifying impact of the dragon stepping on the mountain.

Xu Yangyi landed softly: "As long as I don't touch you, with your speed as a newborn, it is impossible to devour this seat."

"And you... are too slow!"


Recently, I have been wanting to say something... I didn't want to bother you at the end of the chapter. The author's book is the first, but after thinking about it, I still bother you...

Some old things are mentioned again. I have always wanted to write a fantasy book after watching the popular book "Cultivating Immortals by Mortals". This book finally writes what I want to write

Do you not want to write urban novels anymore? No, the reason for writing urban novels is that I want to change my thinking and rest my brain after writing two books. After all, I am still better at urban novels

Then, can I not write fantasy novels well? Maybe, maybe not. I have poured a lot of enthusiasm into this book. Of course, it is the first time I write fantasy novels, and I have made many mistakes. After Danxia Palace, before returning to Earth, I thank the readers who can endure these chapters

Why thank you? Because you tolerated some mistakes of a newcomer in fantasy novels. There are hundreds of thousands of words in the middle. In hindsight, many places are not well written, but as a newcomer, I did not feel it at the time. It was only after I returned to Earth that I felt I had found the pulse of this book.

It is undeniable that many readers left because of these mistakes. Now the average subscription is less than one-third of the first subscription, which makes me very upset. However, fantasy novels start with 2 million. This is just the beginning. I am confident that I can achieve better results in the future.

After Danxia Palace, it has been hovering in the top 40. This month, it finally got out of the top 4 and entered the top 3. Thank you to all the readers who have been following this book and thank you for voting.

Subscriptions, votes, and other things. Many readers may think that it doesn’t matter if I vote a little more or a little less. I think I am not the only one who pirates books. However, if everyone thinks this way, a book will be ruined. The author has no motivation and no idea to continue writing.

How long this book will be written depends on future subscriptions.

Professional authors look at everything on subscriptions, so please subscribe to me if you don’t care about 1.8 cents a day. Thank you.

Finally, let me reiterate that how long it is depends entirely on subscriptions. If the subscription is too poor, I will be embarrassed to continue writing. I will only write this fantasy novel. The next one should still be an urban novel.

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