
Chapter 637: Perfect Life Form

The room was full of spurting pieces of flesh. Three consecutive moves, each stronger than the last. It was visible to the naked eye that the speed of all the primordial gathering was much slower. Even the fragments were trembling.

"Facing someone who has evolved from you, I will not fight you without confidence. But now..." He smiled grimly, put his hands together, and on each finger, a red flame dragon that was countless times smaller than before, but with countless times more refined spiritual energy, rose and gathered. In his hands, ten dragons merged into one, forming a rolling fireball.

The surrounding space was shattered inch by inch under the terrifying high temperature compression.

This is the spiritual power control of the Grand Duke level!

Divine power is not as big as it can be. It can be big or small, and it is called a golden elixir!

"Now... I will try it. Will you not die, or will I not be able to destroy even a pile of meat."


The red fireball shook slightly, and then it was about to rush over like lightning. However, at this moment, a sea tide with a radius of one kilometer crashed from the angle behind him!

"Hua La La!" At the critical moment, he flew to avoid it. The condensed tide hit the surrounding walls, turning into pieces of spiritual light and falling silently. The extremely solid wall was actually dented by this blow.

"This is..." He was stunned, and suddenly turned back to look at the place where Shangguan Hong's body was.

This is... Shangguan Hong's drowning curse!

There is no Shangguan Hong there.

I don't know when, it has been submerged by Taichu, and Shangguan Hong's outline can still be vaguely seen.

"Miscalculated." He gritted his teeth in annoyance: "There is only one living person in the room. This is true, but Taichu is not only able to devour living people. There is also DNA in the body of the dead. This seat... did not think of this."

In just two minutes, endless Taichu swarmed in, submerging Shangguan Hong like a tide, and the pile was getting higher and higher. Three minutes later, a huge meat cocoon appeared in the room, translucent, and a looming figure was floating in it.


The speed is so fast that it is unimaginable.

"The disadvantages of inertial thinking." Xu Yangyi sneered, and a stream of spiritual energy swam around. He raised his left hand, and a wisp of green spiritual energy in the air began to swarm into his palm.

He finally understood the horror of Taichu. The nearly immortal body eats more and more, and the more it eats, the bigger it gets, and the stronger it gets! As long as it swallows the first thing, the next thing will be a terrifying cycle!

He suddenly remembered the planets he saw in the light curtain. Those planets have completely become a kind of infected life form. The real Chimera.

"Perhaps, this is the most complete form of Taichu."

The infinite green light condensed into a fist-sized, madly rotating green light ball in his hand.

"Dan Ding Ben I Heart Jue."

In his mind, it suddenly became clear, and the sea of ​​consciousness expanded wildly. The green ball in his hand rotated more terrifyingly, and even brought a touch of thunder and lightning. He suddenly pressed the ground.

"Gods and spirits are destroyed!"

"Boom!!!" A circle of green ripples rose from where he was like a tsunami, and gradually turned into nothingness. At the same time, he rushed towards the exit at full speed, and behind him, a heart-wrenching scream suddenly came.


With endless pain and fury.

The meat cocoon shook rapidly, and tiny cracks on it opened up, and it was covered with golden eyes. However, at this moment, those eyes were wide open to the extreme, and it was obviously in extreme pain!

"Bang!" The thing in the meat cocoon suddenly hit the meat cocoon and made a bulge. A painful roar broke out from the meat cocoon.

"Pah!!" A crack appeared on the meat cocoon, and then... a pale hand stretched out from it. Then, a face twisted with pain tried to crawl out of the narrow opening.

Xu Yangyi was stunned and couldn't help but turn his head to look.

Weird... too weird!

The one who came out from inside... was Shangguan Hong.

Exactly the same as the real person!

Except for his pale face, there was no difference between his aura and voice. Even the aura realm was the same!

It was only ten minutes.

Incredible assimilation speed! 100% assimilation synchronization rate!

Xu Yangyi took a deep look at the other party, and did not bother with this monster at all, and rushed towards the exit at full speed.

"Get out!!" As soon as he stepped into the exit, there was a gray-white flesh wall in front of him, and tentacles were coiled in it. When they saw Xu Yangyi, they all screamed and came over. However, they turned into ashes in a red lotus.

His figure was like lightning, and he passed through thousands of meters in an instant, but there was a heavy feeling in his heart that could not be shaken off.

There was such a monster in the Tower of Babel...

Sooner or later, it would spread on the earth like a plague.

And there are so many remains of demon kings... As long as he eats one, how big will it grow?

For example, Asmodeus?

"No!" Suddenly, he stopped and a light flashed in his mind.

"It didn't come out from Asmodeus!"

"No... No! The ancient cultivators on Earth know how to seal the beginning!"

In his mind, a light suddenly appeared.

He thought of it. It's not just Asmodeus' room that it can't get out of. Right under the room, Taichu is even forced to hibernate in that pool!

"The demon room... must go again. There... must be something there that I haven't noticed."

"And that... is the key to sealing Taichu!"

However, after he walked around for several times, he suddenly discovered...

He actually returned to the main control room again!'s different.

In the main control room, Shangguan Hong is still there! He looked haggard and nervous, huddled in a corner, trembling.

In the room that was as quiet as a morgue, after a long time, there was a slight "rustling" sound. Shangguan Hong immediately looked around nervously, his body trembling.

"This..." Xu Yangyi looked at everything in front of him in astonishment: "Why?"

Why is Shangguan Hong still alive?

And...he can't see himself? Wasn't he swallowed by Taichu? Is this Shangguan Hong or Taichu?

No one answered him.

At this moment, the surrounding fog surged again. After the thick fog, he actually found a tall man's body appearing in the room.

This... is himself!

"Rewind time? Convert time and space?." Xu Yangyi looked at everything in front of him in trance. This is what happened in the room a few hours ago! He even remembered what he was going to do next.

Exactly the same, a few hours later, the other one used his spirit annihilation and left here.

He didn't blink, and after a few minutes, everything in the room faded away like a tide. It was a very strange feeling, like a curtain had been pulled over the room and now it was being torn away.

And Shangguan Hong actually appeared at the same place again!

The thick fog rose again, and he saw his shadow appearing in the thick fog again!

Infinite loop!

"What's trapping me here?" He calmed down. Three hours had passed since he entered this place. He had already watched the battle between "him" and "Shangguan Hong" and "Tai Chu" twice. Every time he leaves here, a new cycle begins.

In the past few hours, he had tried many methods. Shangguan Hong couldn't hear what he said, and any of his attacks would pass through the opponent. It was as if he was a spirit, or the other person was just a memory. They couldn't touch each other at all. And everything he took out could not be seen by the other party at all.

"That is to of us is an entity. And is the other just an illusion?" He was standing next to "himself" who had just appeared. With a flash of his eyes, the karma from all directions shot toward him.

"Brush!" Just as Ye Yan was burning "himself", the thick fog surged for the third time. After the fog cleared, he returned to the scene where he had just entered the main control room.

"If you take the initiative to use spiritual energy and make physical contact, reincarnation will start again immediately." He retracted his hand calmly. Just a few dozen minutes ago, he performed the same test on Shangguan Hong, and the results were exactly the same.

An infinite cycle. Once the spiritual power or body attempts to contact anyone among them, it will immediately be forced to "restart."

This is simply a bottomless nightmare!

He said nothing, closed his eyes and pondered.

"Interesting." After a long time, he opened his eyes: "However, the architect of this illusion obviously missed one point."

"Although I don't know what has trapped me here... But you told me from the beginning that 'I' is real." He smiled and stepped on the ground: "If I It’s an illusion, how can it be trampled on the ground?”

Yes, from the beginning, he was on the ground.

This is the only hint and the only proof. But precisely because this proof is so ordinary, people subconsciously forget it.

Only real objects can collide with real objects.

He walked to the wall, held a piece of machinery in his hand, and with sudden force, pulled off a foot-long sharp object. Holding this object and walking up to the neurotic Shangguan Hong, the other party still made no move.

He calmly inserted the instrument into Shangguan Hong's chest, and then revealed it from behind. The other party was still looking around blankly, completely feeling nothing.

"In other words, everything that has been touched by my body has been isolated?" Xu Yangyi was not disappointed. This was a situation he had expected. Immediately, all the spiritual energy circulated in his right arm, and he stabbed down suddenly.

"Dang!" There was a loud noise, and Shangguan Hong was startled! He jumped up immediately and shouted in fear: "Who!!"

Of course there was no answer.

Xu Yangyi was very close to him, but it was a pity that the other party couldn't see him at all.

bumped into.

"As expected." Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows and licked his lips: "My shoes can touch the ground, which means..."

He shook the mechanical remains in his hand, used force again, and quickly carved on the ground!

"Indirect contact cannot be erased!"

Shangguan Hong sweated heavily on his forehead and looked at the ground nervously. His expression ranged from alert, to shocked, to backing up a few meters, screaming in all directions like crazy: "Who is it!"

"who are you!!"

"get out!"

Xu Yangyi sneered and wrote faster and faster.

"In a moment, an Earth monk will enter. You are no match for him."

"Your name is Shangguan Hong, Prime Minister of the Zhenwu Realm."

"The earth monks who enter will kill you, and open the top-secret information of the Tianjie mastermind, and see Taichu. There are countless Taichu hiding in this room. They will hunt down the surviving earth monks. And you will be killed by Taichu. Devour.”

"Who are you!" Shangguan Hong's eyes were a little red, and he screamed like crazy: "Come out! How do you know everything next!"

"I am..." Xu Yangyi paused the tip of his "pen", sneered at the corner of his mouth, and then said with flying speed: "Sima Tuo."

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