
Chapter 638: Phantom

These three words blocked Shangguan Hong's screams in his throat. He opened his mouth wide, and his old face showed disbelief: "You... Fourth Prince... You are not..."

"Time is running out. I have a secret. My soul and you are locked here by an unknown thing. I don't know how to get out, and I can't contact you. So, we have to try it bit by bit."

"This is an infinite loop. To make it collapse, we will start the experiment by breaking the loop."

"Listen to me..."

In the room, there were bursts of rustling sounds. Shangguan Hong's expression changed from disbelief to uncertainty. At this moment, the thick fog surged for the third time.

"He's coming." With the last four words, Xu Yangyi threw away the machine and looked at the thick fog with a serious look.

All of them were lies. He wanted to prove one thing. If it didn't work this time, next time, would this thing that looked very much like Shangguan Hong still have any memory?

But there is a truth here, that is... infinite loop. Breaking this loop is likely to be the only way to crack this dream.

With a "clang", Shangguan Hong looked at the ground with flickering eyes. Then he looked up and saw a tall figure in the thick fog.

Xu Yangyi held his breath and looked at everything in front of him. This time... Shangguan Hong did not rush forward, but took a few steps back. A golden flower emerged from his palm, which suddenly made him lose all his spiritual energy. And his figure disappeared in the room.

He did not come out.

The cycle was broken!

At this moment, time seemed to stop around Xu Yangyi, and spider web patterns appeared in the invisible space with a "crackling" sound.

Then, it shattered like glass!

"It's over." Xu Yangyi smiled, but at this moment, all the broken pictures all emitted a blue light curtain.

And he was very familiar with this light curtain!

"This is..." He was stunned and looked at the front of him in surprise. Those light curtains began to decompose into transparent butterflies, all of which were made of pure spiritual light, flapping their wings and gathering together in front of him.

A minute later, a strange life form with light blue and spiritual light lines all over its body appeared in front of him.

"Dream eater?" He stretched out his hand in astonishment, and the newly born butterfly was excited and immediately flew around him.

"Dad... Dad!" The butterfly sent out a burst of intimate spiritual consciousness, without sound, directly into his mind. Xu Yangyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "So, you did it just now?"

It took him more than ten minutes to figure out everything from the dream eater's coquettish words.

Shangguan Hong was able to hide in the main control room for a long time, not only because Taichu hated eating metal objects the most, but also because... he had a treasure on him.

Virtual Dream Flower. It can bring everything around into the dream world, including oneself, that is, "take oneself away" from the world, which is similar to Zhao Ziqi's barrier, so that he can survive. Moreover, the virtual dream flower has a strong hypnotic effect on Taichu, but it can only be used for the newly born Taichu, which has not undergone any transformation.

"This should be something given to him by Xu Kunlun. In the Zhenwu Realm, even if they have it, they can't always carry it with them. They don't even know what Taichu is. Shangguan Hong directly contacted Xu Kunlun, so this is the most likely possibility."

There is no perfect object. The virtual dream flower... needs to be fed with flesh and blood. Shangguan Hong planted it in flesh and blood. For more than a thousand years, it has been exhausted by the other party.

In order not to be discovered by Taichu, he hid here for more than a thousand years in fear!

In the end, it became the material for the advancement of the dream eater.

The moment the dream eater returned to the earth, it was hit by the spiritual energy of the two realms and fell asleep in a cocoon. There were too many confusing things in Xu Yangyi's body, and he couldn't wake it up at all. Unexpectedly, by mistake, the dream eater actually relied on the virtual dream flower to advance!

Xu Yangyi let the excited dream eater fly around him, closed his eyes and felt the current state of the dream eater.

"Swish!" In his mind, the Eternal Pill Sutra King unfolded again, and on the tree diagram of the Nanhua Butterfly Mother, the two lines above the dream eater were all lit up!

Dream eater - phantom spirit -?

"Is it called Huanling?" Xu Yangyi smiled as he looked at the tree diagram. Huanling no longer needed to be raised by himself. It already had primary intelligence and would hunt dreams it could reach. On top of the Huanling...

He couldn't see the name.

However... the figure with the question mark on it was a human figure!


As long as it reaches the next level, the Huanling can transform!

However, the conditions were not met.

"At this stage, the larvae have already had their own evolutionary direction. Whether the path they will take in the future can advance to the highest level depends on chance, and the owner is a great help."

"This time is extremely long. The completed Huanling walks in the mist and gallops in the dream. Between the virtual and the real is its nest. It is the master who controls the dream, an almost god-like existence. However, among the billions of Huanlings, only one can reach that supreme realm. And: the final form of the Huanling can only exist in the world. One is born, and one dies."

Just now, the Huanling instantly advanced to the dream-eating stage, and it did not have the function of direct combat. The phantom form suddenly had the ability to fight, and it was impossible for it to control such a huge spiritual power. This is why the endless dream just now occurred.

Xu Yangyi retracted his gaze.


A small butterfly, although he broke the phantom dream under the out-of-control spiritual power. But it was completely impossible to tell whether it was true or false. This kind of magical power made him a little moved.

Use it well... whether it is fighting or escaping, it is a great help.

"Because you will be so powerful in the future, I will reluctantly let you follow me." He was in a good mood, smiled and nodded the Phantom's head, and the Phantom immediately flew around his arm excitedly like a cat being stroked. .

"Stay in this sea of ​​​​Qi at ordinary times. Don't let others see you without orders."

Without the obstruction of the phantom, thick fog suddenly appeared around him, and a slight feeling of dizziness came over him. He gently closed his eyes, and when he opened them, he had returned to the position before entering the core of the Void.

In front of him, An Qier, Zhao Ziqi, and Andre were sleeping peacefully. The spiritual energy swept over them, and their bodies were intact as before, but they were just in a deep sleep.

"Are you being pulled into a certain space like me? Or are you simply sleeping?" He hesitated for a moment and did not wake them up. Instead, he sat on the ground, popped a cigarette out of the storage ring, and started smoking lightly.

He didn't smoke often, and when he did, it was usually when he was hesitant about something.

Now, he is hesitating, should he return to the devil or move on?

The secret of sealing Taichu may be hidden among the demons, but moving forward, it is the life experience he has been waiting for for decades.

His fingers were trembling slightly, and the red cigarette butts were shaking unsteadily on his fingertips. Confused, he thought of his parents whose faces were a little blurry in his memory, of the blood-stained night when he was eight years old, of the hard training day after day since he was eight years old, and then of his graduation, to Sidalianchi, to Dan. Kasumiya...

"So far, the purpose of my practice is not just revenge." He finally took a deep breath, squinted his eyes and looked at the sky in the blue smoke: "But, this is the only thing I can't let go of."

The eyes in the smoke were hazy, but firm.

He has made up his mind.

"Me." He gently threw away the cigarette butt and stamped it out: "I won't go back."

"We've come this can we turn back?"

Not to mention whether he can still go back now, he definitely can't solve Taichu alone. Even if it is for the sake of righteousness, it is not overestimating one's abilities. As for his practice, he practiced doing whatever he wanted. Now, his desire for his own life overcame everything else!

At this moment, Angel let out a soft "嘤咤嘤," and then opened her eyes blankly and stretched: "It feels so comfortable."

Zhao Ziqi and Andre also woke up one after another.

"Are you awake?" Xu Yangyi looked at everyone: "Let's go."

"What happened?" Zhao Ziqi rubbed his sleepy eyes: "I suddenly fell asleep just now..."

"I'm afraid I didn't fall asleep, but got hit by something, right?" Andre didn't look like he had just woken up. He tapped his armrest lightly: "Your Majesty, can you tell me what happened just now?"

Is he the only one who has entered the core of the Vanity?

Xu Yangyi rubbed his blue chin. He originally thought that everyone would have their own unique experience. But that's not the case. It's like...the Tower of Babel favors me.

"Nothing." He said calmly.

"It makes me very embarrassed that you don't trust me like this." Andre's expression remained unchanged: "However, time is the most effective way to test."

"Let's go." Xu Yangyi walked to Angel's side and took her hand. A flash of red flashed on Angel's beautiful face, but his fingers passed through the other's fingers and clasped tightly.

The group of people rushed upward quickly.

For half a day, for a day, the phantom spirit completely settled in the sea of ​​Xu Yang's energy and was regulating its spiritual energy. In the first twelve hours, some fragments of dreams occasionally appeared around Xu Yangyi. Then it disappeared completely.

The white clouds turned from thin to thick. Xu Yangyi counted in his mind that they had walked more than 100,000 meters at this moment. Normal humans can walk one step per second, one meter per step, without fatigue or rest, and can walk 86,400 meters in a day. Monks have better physical strength. They have exceeded the limit that humans can achieve.

And what is this concept?

The earth is about thirty kilometers, or thirty thousand meters, from the atmosphere. In one day, they had traveled three atmospheres from the ground.

As if corresponding from a distance, starting from 40,000 meters, endless white mist lingers. It was not dense, nor did it block the view. However, the further they walked, the more white mist became. Now, they seemed to be walking on the sky. Walking towards the top of the Tower of Babel, which is submerged into the sky.

It's like a banished immortal walking with clouds and rain. Really soaring into the sky.

And ahead...about a thousand meters away, they finally saw the difference.

A platform appeared on the monotonous steps. On the platform, there seemed to be figures of people. The dense fog severely blocked vision and spiritual awareness. They quickened their pace and finally arrived on the platform ten minutes later.

There are twelve sculptures on a platform about one thousand meters long, all of which are European and American sculptures. And it is very old, even before the Middle Ages.

In front of the sculpture, all the princes were standing out.

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